OF LOCAL INTEREST TRl'E MIL!- AG A INST ANNIE M'tJEE. The irr;im? jury ttit.s rr.ori-.ir.u is ;ori ir ( 'liiirt letn iieu a true iciiinst AiKiie MrGee. u r'ie-.- .liriMt for to musder f-f a nsa ff he- iiUT in an .iliey ru-r Nirth .t:et-t sf-.crnl wuck. ao. The v.orr.ar. s r-:ll is :.nt for lh- ine.nrit ferrn of the curt. Sl'SPIX'TEi) KOliBEUS. A lie Harficld and Jumfc Davis, ne jfrot'H, wore arreted in Southeast Kinstoii Wednesday afternoon, on the suspicion that they were connected with tho lone Btrini of rohberie here recently. The men claimed that they had only that day come from Clark's, near New Bern, and hud secured em ployment, and were to Rtart to work todtfy. They wero released. KINSTON ILLUSTRATED. The Chamber of Commerce is in receipt of a shipment of booklets de cripUve of Kinston, its industries and people. The pamphlets are handsomely printed, profusely illus trated with half-tones, and carry many brief write-ups. They will be sent out to people who apply to the Chamber for information of Kin uton, and copies will be supplied gra tis to all who ask for them. Number -of copies were taken by individual business men. MRS. LAVEHNA BELL DEAD. Relatives of Mrs. Lavernu D. Bell of Monrure, N. C, have returned from lUoncure, where they attended Mr.t. Sell's funeral. She died of acute ner Hous prostration while on a visit in 'Charlottesville, Va. Mrs. Bell wan a native of Greene county, and was very well known here. She was for- ty-two years of age. Three daugh ters and four Hons survive, all of them residing at Moncure. The fol lowing "re sisters and brothers of Mrs. Bell: Mrs. Clara Chestnut, Char lottesville; Mrs. Robert Standi, Rose- ville, O.; I). W Dixon. Snow Hill and F. W. Dixon, Snow Hill. SMALL BOY VISIT . TO RING BELL BY HAM). Until tho installation of the fire alarm system is completed in a few days from now, the automatic at tachment which ringh the ftie be!l in the tower at city hall will be dispens ed with. Mechanics, who are adjust ing the striking apparatus on tht bell removed the attachment of ne cessity. Until the alarm system i.--put into service the II1 will lie rung ty hand in case of an alarm. EXPORT COMPANY HAS NOT DEPOSITED YET. It was rumored this morning that the Export Leaf Tobacco Company had made its customary deposit in a tank before beginning business on the fall tolurro market here. It de veloped that the deposit bud not been made. Local business interests con sider that there is little doubt that the Export Company will buy, hv--ever, as well us the ImjHirial and the maller concerns which will do busi ness here. OF U)C INT ARMY OFFICER OFF FOR THE PHILIPPINES Lieut. l. S. Wilson of the Thir teenth United States Infantry, Mrs. Wilson and their little daughter have left after a visit with relatives in 'Greene and Pitt county, on a 14.0(H) milo Journey to the Philippines. The Wilsons will sail from San Francisco on September 5, Lieutenant Wilson was until recently an officer of the Seventeenth Infantry, stationed nt . , t.i ., , r on uici nerson, near .'iiunia. I lie Thirteenth is at Fort McKinley, in the outskirts f Manila, one of the biggest posts under the flag, where several thousand infantry, cavalry and artillery is quartered. His tour of duty in the islands will probably xtend through several years. InftcUon and Insect Bite Dangerous. Mosquitoes, fliog and other insects, which bred quickly in garbaja pails", pondj of ttrnant water, bams, musty places, etc, are carriers of disease. TEvary time thty bite you, they inject poison into your system from which .ora dread disease may result. Get bottle of Slan'a Liniment. It is la antiseptic and a few drops will neu Jtralise tho infection caused by insect ItlUa of rusty nails. Sloan's Liniment disinfects Cuts, Braises and Sores. You cannot afford to be without it in our home. Money hock If not satis Hod, Only tic at your Druggist S or 6 doees of 6C6 will break any tN of Frrer or ChiUa, Price, 25 I I II 0: DISORDERLY WOMEN j KEPT ON THE RUN Judfl" Daniils Will Not Dial Seven ly With Them. But Wants Them to Move. Fc I" I K-trfe-ie.-i r.'-w in jp.il a 'inr.K I'anie!' ! r the .-'g; tjfate !' its !;:.! ;tjes !ae WeJnes'lay at C:. utator. nve r:..t tun uait::i for a tram The v.mnr, e-c ipeil trom tr.e c.ij vht-i he learr.ei: that jhe wa t arrested, and wa driven in an auto mobile to Grainger. An effort was made to arrest the man who drove her to the station, hut he escaped through the woods. The officer was not positive as to hi.s identity, but (suspected him of being a married man who is alleged to have consorted with the woman. Louise Griggs was interned with Hattie John ion, Alma Hudson and Irene Barnes, jailed Monday and Tuesday. Judge Daniels, in Superior Court, stated that he would not be nevero in dealing with the women, hut his uctivity is regarded as sure to mean the elimination of the im moral element from South Kinston. is fornication and adultery. SMALL BOY WITH LIKING FOR RAKE The neighborhood at Gordon and Independent streets in this city claims to have produced the model small boy. The oddity's mother is genuine-! ly u tunned. He aroused suspicion by loitering about his ra-ent' backyard late Wed nesday with a rake. He showed evi dence of being in the throes of a deep mental conflict for some time. The youngster, who is twehe or thirteen years old, finally made up his mind with a jerk, strode to the front yard and commenced clearing it of the gtas which had grown there unhind ered all through the summer. He kept his counsel, looked serious, and sweated until dark. It is asserted that be never did anything of the kind voiuntarily before. He is an or dinary small boy, with a dislike of stiff collars, an expert at bending pins for fishing, and capable of accu mulating as many marbles, jewsharps and other juvenile treasure as any lad. This morning the new convert to the cause of civic beauty finished cleaning his own front yard, started on a neighbor's and enlisted the aid of a youngster who stopped to look and envy. The recruit declared he ju-t doted on hoeing, and ha was equipped for the task. The oddity told him, ' I intend to see that all the front yards on this block look pretty." Where the inspiration came 1 from i.s puzzling his relatives. SI MMER COUGHS ARE DANG- EROUS. J Summer colds are dangerous. They indicate low vitality and often lead to ' serious Threat and Lung Troubles, in- j chiibng Consumption. Dr. King's New J DiscoNery will relieve the cough or, cold promptly ami prevent complica tions. It is soothing and antiseptic and makes you feel better at once. I To deiay is dangerous, get a bottle of Or, King's New Discovery nt once. Money back is not satisfied. ,"(c and 1.01' bottles at your druggist. ff c I ( ti(tT mil luat ft to a!r pin v o: j arm ..r r j hoi, 4 t o . a Nt: II' vt'RI t l LL IRS - , aM rv,.n U';. i. t ?u i" it FR W I niLNFY r m rn t r"' ! u ay prxnc uj-j lit- or ivmfcif. i i.-i. H (' ' V Ul I l.t" ti..I .1H, I Tta ' I - r-. i o4rUfsl Kt 19 r Gets an average of 30 miles to a gallon of gasoline, 10,000 miles on a set of tires. For economy and pleasure drive the1 SAXON. .! Ask for a Demonstration iiSTQ.1 GARAGE, Inc. ' '' . PHONE 414 ixnxxsmmxaxmr All BANISTER Dail & Taylor The Men's Store BUSTER HOSIERY HAS NO EQUAL FOR MAN. WOMAN OR CHILD. .121-2 a 25c T The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 Full Line off Crepes and' "Satin De Lys" In all fhe leading shades, just the thing (or Kimonas. Bed Room Slippers In the Romeo, Juliet, Boudon and Pocahontas Moccosins. THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 ? Prop. AT SKINNERS We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream. Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Sod "We Strive to Please" r littleton College A wall-OTtaMuhxi. tnllquipowi and rrrr invww icmm rat in iu rounc FU Mm biiu SrpiTibr lb. 191. For catoloeu. kd -ir J.M. IHODtS, Lit letoa, K. C it t s f OXFORDS i the re-ul' ej ' 3 To Go At I s i 2 a I W 3 CHAS, A. T II II H Dr. O.L. WILSON Deatiat Office erer J. . Hood Co'a Store. " See Our Noith Window $5 to $10 Hats Now 98c. J. M. STEPHENSON THE LADIES STORE. Think of It! A full sized Iron Bed of the best quality A Dainty Birds Eye Maple Dresser, with a 36 inch mirror, a dress ingtable or wash stand to match Delivered in you home for- $35.00 This is a great value. I Oettinger's Furniture Store Florence Told All the Neighbors "You come in and see my Florence oil cook stove work jus! once and you won't be happy until you have one. " "You can have a slow, iimmering fire on one burner at the same time you have a quick, hot fire on another and the other one regulated exactly to any work you want done. Just set the levers as you want them ard you can go away for two hours and find all the burners at exactly the same heat when you come back. That's because the oil 'apply is automatic and there are no wicks. "It's so simple, so clean, so conveni er.:, so coo!, that t don't know w hit I should do without it. "My husband has tested the FLOR ENCE with other stoves and he says it produces a wonderful amount of heat fjr tta? oil consumed and that it costs only about two cents an hour to run four burners." "ft Tmralmt tlmt i Oil Stm HUttrj" FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves "Look for the Lewer" In the Florence you hsvt at last the sw. reliable oil stove. Safety and stm piieirjr ad economy. They r together. Come ta and see these wonderful cook i ney carry tne manufacturer s i to our H. L MOSELEY HDW. CO. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. .0. Physician and Surgeon Office next to LeqpLr Dnij Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m. Phone: I to 8 p. m. Office, 471 8 to p. av Res. Phone I 1 3 DR. R. A. WHITAKER Physician and Surgeon New Building corner Blount street and Locust Alley, opposite Hooker, Churchill & Co, Office: 303 Residence: 152 'Phones: DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins., & Realty C. Office Hours: .9-12. .2-6 Nights and Sundays by Appointment. Examination Free Phone 8C THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors. Stair Work, Grilles, Mouldings and Interior Finish; Mantels, Columns, Balusters, Porch Rail, Screen Doors and Win dows. Store Fronts and" Office Fixtures a Specialty DR. GEO. E. KORXEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and . Children. Office houra 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street . Phone 118. DR.DAN W.PARROTT . DENTIST, -Crowa and Bridfe Work a t.. i SpecUItf. , OfficeoverCt. MUIolSce f Mkuffiomjn wO Our Fall and Winter Samples For-- Men's Made-to- Measure Clothes Are Ready for Your Inspection. j& Barrett 6; Hartsfield N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, X. C. .Goldsboro, N.C. ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT'LAW Offices: Kinston, N. Cn Goldsboro, N. C, Edgerton Building. DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St Near Residence. July Clearance Sale Now On This week We Reduce The Following: fsiis In Crepe and Rice Cloth Long Tunic $1.50 QUALITY Special $1.19 . ".- fSSSBBS) aSSSSl. Mmiw aU. (Adv.) SUBSCRIBE TO THE TREE PRESS

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