THE DAILY FREE PRESS PWUiaUd Every Afternoon Except Sunday I31ST0N FREE PRESS CO, INC. H. Salt Braxton, Editor and Manager fa III at tie poatoftc. at Kiiutoa, North CuoiiM. M mn j-rUw muter under met of Contrtt. ot UNITED - PRESS - REPORTS Meohone All Departments 75 Subscription Rates: tiViblt fa' A4aac) W.k,fOe, 5 Month. Month 35c 12 Month. Monday Evening, Auft 31, 1914. Old Monday morning la with us train, but then you can never tell what day will bring forth. - - o - Thia it the season for KbiHton and other Eastern Carolina points to shed Jelr "expressions of f loom" for new fcope and aspirations com( with the wagon-ioaa or. tobacco. o ri jiaslon'g warehouses have enlarg ed,1 rnj ar Iff tetter shape to take car of tfeoeropi this year than ever before. Let the producers keep tni ia tnind and brine; their crops this way. ' Ktns&n"Tocks forwaroflo the open ing, of.. iU tobatto mariSt with the sunrise tomorrow. There has been mqt speculation as to..the juccess of .we sales this year, but the spirit of optimism prevails, anda good sea aoar)s looked for. " o Welcome to the farmers, who will visit i our city tomorrow and succeed inf days, and who come to bring the reiultt of their year's toil. They will ehtar the town folks by leaving a lib oral share of the proceeds from their laics' in the cash drawers of the local merchants. "0 The German cause will not gain any favorable public sentiment if the wartn destruction of cities and the perpetration of outrageous atrocities on.tvomrQ and the decrepit, who un fortunately fall victims to the bar barity of her soldiers, is allowed to go, on unchecked. There ought to be some limit even in war. o The Free Pre is endeavoring to glvo it readers first-hand informa tics) about the war, and when a flash comes from' the United Tress,, it dil Saturday, that it has exclusive nejs of importance, which cannot be seoft in the report subscribed for by Tht Free Tress, the answer goes lack to end it "special." This is why The Frito Press was able to give its-read era, Mr. Churchill's interview Satur day and, so far as has been noted to dajsl, is was the only pa pur in North Carolina giving-th interview. a righteous judge says to the officers that the existence of a "red light" district is in violation of the lawn of North Carolina, and that it must be cleaned out and the city ridded of the inmates of the houses of that dis trict. Unfortunately it appears that the force.', for good in this community have heen lying dormant vith res pect to this evil, and public sentiment ha-: become callous or indifferent, to ?ay the least, and there must be an awakening. Righteousness must hold sway in Kinston if this city is to re main a fit place for boys and gull tg ? reaped to . manhood and woman hood. The good people of this city must joip heart and hand in this mat ter and let the loose element know that law and order will prevail here. The mayor and his police officers must see to it that the spirit as well as the letter of the law is carried out and that Kinston is freed from this cancerous growth of immorality that has got ten a considerable hold here. Let the officers do their full duty, and let the citizens of Kinston stand square ly behind them and sea that they do. The law must prevail. QUEER ESCAPES LOOKED INTO AT SAN QUENTIN MR. CHURCHILL'S INTERVIEW. The interview of Mr. Winstpn Churchill, first lord of the British ad miralty, given exclusively to Mr. Sheppard, London 'correspondent of the United Press, and copyrighted by that news gathering agency, which was printed in Saturday's Free Press, gives the side of the Allies fully. Mr. Churchill gives the reasons, as he sees them, for tire terrible conflict and the probable retfOlt shwW victory perch upon the opposing colors. Af most Americans have come to the conclusion already, the war, is not one . of the people, but of the aristocracy. I Mr. Churchill points out the splendid progress that has been made by Ger nany and the prosperous condition her common people were in prior to the outset of this war. Press dispatches have told of the indifference of the German soldiers, who have fallen prisoners, and in some instances, where they professed not lo know anything about what the fighting was for. Mr. Churchill's remarks are very nteresting and worth careful consid emtion. o WHAT OTHERS SAY MAY HE NEVER COME BACK. Tarboro Standard: "Our disting- uithed citizen, General Depression, has departed for J21itndeilHuIp,bf Europe." '3 T. , 'A THE LAW MUST PREVAIL. The stand taken against the toler anct of prostitution in Kinston in opt vitiation of the law by Judge Diutiela in 'Superior Court last week, which has been thoroughly covered in thecolumns of The Free Press, de wlpcd quite an ugly situation. There seems to be a spirit of rebellion, fos tered in certain quarter, to the ope ration of the law, which prohibits the segregation of vice, in evidence, which does not augur for the best in terests and the welfare of this com munity. It developed, as Judge Dan iel very charitably said, when refcr rinf to the unfortunate women, who had continued to practice immorality in tho southern part of the city, that they were not as culpable as they might have been under different con dition for by a system, which hud grown up here and been inherited by the present municipal administration, they were practically licensed to car ry on their nefarious trade. . It had been shown that they were gammoned jico a month befor the mcyor,in accordance with the statute, and tkcU they, regularly, paid, a fine of S?.23, and were permitted tJ return to their places o? atc!, an. kuris their operations unmolested for another thirty days. They wer to a certain extent, under . tha impression that they were doing til that was expected of them. ' This l;een! system has 'prevailed enH it ajrearV that th ndc .epcn town" oletncnt feels that EVERYBODY'S DOING IT TO R. P. H. 'It's well for Hobson that the law docking congressmen for absence M not an export facJ,o one." BOUND FOR SKYLAND. (reennboro News: "The only hope that those Asheville boys who have joined the French army will not find themselves summarily transferred to the other Land of the Sky." KILLED OR SCARED. Richard Harding Davis writes from Brussels that it took the German ar my twenty-six hours to march in un broken line through that city, but Old Man Martin of the Winston-Salem Journal is of the opinion that it tfon't take half that long going hack." AN "HONOR" JOB. Wilmington Dittpatrh: "Belgium is being thanked, congratulated, and praised by the allies. Yet such will not turn back the battlefields into tfoiden prain. transform smoulderirfg ruins into magnificent temples, Hreathe life into the bodies that fill he pits, nor send sunhine into the Jo-o!ate homes cf widows and fath erless ones." if AYE ALREADY DONE OUR BEST Rock Hill Herald: "The newspa pers of other States have been saying complimentary things about South Carolina for years a::d publishing news from tho State which has given South Carolina a bad reputation abroad. They wii! plea.e observe that a rw' day has downed in this common w.ith. and give iha fa ,Tti:eh publicity as possible. a as ENCOv RAGING STATISTICS. ', .Viwton.Salem Journal: "DcvoI- c;jm-.-.TU :n the naaacfkl world are cf a reo. cheerful character. The fort nightly report of tU'-e freight cars-ie. a'd a, decrease of nearly- thirtv thousand, bringhir the nurator "cf -arrp'vsl cars down jo the await. aince - April X, jTho United Stat their rights are being trampled hen$tei Corpaiia m San Francisco, Aug. 31. A scan dal of good-sized proportions prom ises to develop from the recent extra ordinary tran.forn:a'.;on on the voy age across " the Pacific of Peter Grimes, a forger, pentencsd at Shang hai to a three-year term in San Que;, tin, into Alfred Johannsen, a presum ably perfectly inoffensive Norwegian, a horn the penitentiary authorities had to turn loose irsmedictely for the Lck oi anything to lock him up Jfof. Grimes had a bad record, and had alreadv served one term in orison. At its conclusion jie was . befriended by Robert JJoltar, the shippuig magnate who gave him a job on a liner run ning- to China. In the Orient, how ever, the ex-convict abandoned thi position, posed as Dollar's son, liveJ high for a" time, ' finally committed forgery, was arrested,' tried 'bytha United States authprities in Shang hai, convicted, sentenced, and put on board tho transport Sheridan to iy t&keu to San Quentin. How he happened to be allowed to go ashore at Nagasaki, one of "- the Sheridan's ports of call,' Is not clear, but it is certain that he did, for Jo- hannsen remembers seeing him there. He remembers also that' Grimes of fered, him a drink and that el took.' it. .Evidently it was .. "doctored since at that, point the Norwegian's memory fails him up to the time that he awakened to find himself in the Sheridan's, brig on his way to Quentin. Johannsen tried to explain hi pre dicament, but he knew no English, and no one on board 'hut himself spoke Norwegian. Not until he was within the prison walls dfct.h ffrid i-- '...u '.'j anyone wnu cuuiu unoesnq .fcninj, 1 nere, . nowever, ne stumDleq, :jliAp.on 4 wllow convict familiar with ; his. tongue, and his story, reached iWard ert Johnfon. ' Investigations ..foUowed and Johannsen 'was- released; Of course, the manner in which 'Grimes lhhdmia and ChfltJrea In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear the Signature of ! I escaped and Johannsen was 'substi tuted' for him had OS be lookedlntd. In connection with" this' inquiry a queer, piece oi Information . was brought about.. It i,about .ihi thaj, the promlsedt acaufel enter.. ; . 7 . When people heard of the Grimes Johannsen cane , they gentrally ? re marked: "What" h' 'extraordinary ini cidenr;" The information "'the in quiry brbugnf : out'Vas that it was not extraordinary at all that it was. quite common, in fact. ., A man is arrested for some offense, tried,, convicted and sentenced to pri son. But on his arrival there he suc ceeds in proving to be some one else. Of course, ho hasnt done anything wrong, and the prison officials have to release him. It happens with com parative frequency, the investigators learned at least, in California. New, this kind of thing possible, the in vestigators are asking one another without connivance on the authori. ties' part? Moreover, another, thing xaa learned: that escapes from pri son are far more numerous than the public knows about. They happen like this: A convict's term expires. He is sailed for to go to the warden's of fice and a man presents himself. There are lots of convicts, and the warden can't remember them all. The man is released. Shortly afterward the right convict clamors loudly to know why he was not released at the nd of his term. He proves conclus ively that he ought to have been re- eased and the authorities have to let him go. In the meantime No. 1 has put as much distance between him self and the penitentiary as fossible. Of course the prison authorities dont like to talk about these cases, so it is not often, as in the Grimes-Jo-hannsen instance, that one of them is ventilated. Just now, however, they seem likely to receive considerable publicity. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY j 'Sunday Excursion to Norfolk $2.50 I . Raleigh, Wendell, . Zebulon. Jliddle- sex, Wilson, Farmville, Goldsboro, Laj Grange, Kinston, .and Jntermadiate tationri $2.25v , Greenville, Washington, Plymouth, Vanceboro, and intermediate stations. $2.2 'Hi f fPiiB 1 .v . Tickets sold for trains leaving Ral eigh and Goldsboro Saturday nights due Norfolk 7:30 a. m. Sunday. Re turning train leaves Norfolk 9:00 p. m. .- Spend Sunday at the Seashore. i J. F. MITCHELL, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C E. D. KYLE, H. S. LEARD, Traffic Mgr. Gen. P. A. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. .Having qualified as executrix of the sttate of the late D. J. Nunn, late of Lenoir county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them, proven and itemized Jo the undersigned on or before the1 20th day of July 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. ' All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. , This 20th day of July', 1914. MRS. LILLIE NUNN, ' Executrix of the estate of D. J. Nunn, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR, ; WITH WILL ANNEXED. The undersigned, Guy Dawson, hav- Ljng qualified as Administrator, with the will annexed, of J. S. Koonce, de ceased, late1 of 'the county of Lenoir, hereby ': ifetiflesr "all Wefsohe "ttavihg claims against the 'estate flf said' tes tator to exhibit the same to the mder-1 signed 6n or 'before the 8th-day of 1 July, 1915, or this notice will be plead ed in' but of recovery; ' ' All persons' indebted tb said estate" are expected to make prompt payment to the Ad ministrator at Institute; North Caro haa. V t-' This 8th day of July, 1914. : ir GUY DAWSON, Administrator with the will annexed, of J. S. Konnce, deceased. ROUSE & LAND, Attorneys. 7-8-14 It wk. 6 wks. ,-ffl Worrjr is I all Qyfer - With the harvest season on us and the world wanting: our ..Cot ton and Tobacco-stop Jworrying. They will manage to get it some- . ' T" rr ; 1 1 ft home, maKcit a place gr? joy-. FURNITURE OF CHARACTER ) r , i Helps Mightily n " j Get it fromjneo ,whoT KNOW FURNITURE. : : f 1 '"' ft'.. KAfSTOKAC NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having heretofore qualified ai ad ministrator, c. t. ., of Kate Brown, deceased, late of Lenoir county, Nortl Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned cn or before the 25th day of August, 1915, or this notice will be. pleaded in bar of their re covery. AU persons indebted to the said estate will please make immedi ate payment. "tSi A. C. BROWN, Administrator, c. t. a., of Kate Brown, deceased. . .. n. jiAugust 19, 1914. .tvr ()LOFTIN & DAWSON, Attorneys. L-l 8-19, 26; 9-2, 9,r 15-23 dly . l NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. REVOLUTIONISTS ACTIVE IN CHINA AGAINST JAPAN. Perin, China. Aug. 31. Leaflets based on an alleged statement wi the Japanese newspapers that Japaa in tends to make China a dependency, were distributed in the streets of Pe- kin today. The Ieafiels declard"every Chinese sfWrold titrifke- His life rath er than accept domination by Japan. The police attempted to" surnress tho leaflet and arrest the? distributors. ?ome of which belong to ths better lass of Chinese. The government today sent a cir cular to foreign embassies and lega tions calling attention to the return of revoluticr.i?ts to Ch!na with the ob oe: of ts?sins aJvniuasr cf the pres- rit situation. . ; - n?i;el tcanago showed' an l!u - 2-3,CC3 Uds. tho uraount of bus.- ueaa oi hand b! tho larrcst f- ave isoths.-.-Xa(, the shove ia m-x XTctf; Dcatocia fa . eOitorjaL , It is Km r.-j; trcrr. iw r-- iaiathly , report AciUd Pt4iS recer.Jv" ' ' Notice is hereby given, that the co partnership, heretofore ., existing be tween rcoceri l. tiiaiocK, K. u. BiaiocK nd W. J. Blalock, under the firm name and style of Blalock Brother?, has been this day dissolved by limitation nd under the terms of the Co-Partner-ship Agreement heretofore existing. From and after the date hereof, a co-partnership is formed and will be continued by Robert L. Blalock and R. B. Blalock, under the firm jiame and style of Blalock Brothers. All debts legally due by the former firm of Bla lock Brothers will be paid by the un dersigned upon presentation. All contracts .'entered into and all debts created must be entered into and created by the undersigned or either of them. i . This 4th day August, 1914. R. L. BLALOCK. R. B. BLALOCK. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA' DEPARTMENT OF STATE. Certificate of Dissolution. To all to whom these presents may come Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanifous con sent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Elm Grove Gin Company, a corporation of this State, whose pricipal office is situated at No. , street, in the town of Kinston, county of Lenoir, State, of North Carolina, J. T. Spencer being thei agent therein and.,in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has complied with the require ments of Chanter 21, Revised of 1903, entitled "Corproaticns," preliminary to he issuing of thi3 certificate of dis solution : ,i Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State ot North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 10th day of July, 1914, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent 1j. writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stockhold ers therof, which said consent and the ecord of the proceedings aforesaid ar now on file in my office as provided by law. , ' In testimony whereof, I "have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 10t cay of July, A. D., 1914. J. BRYAN GRIMES, 8-15 to 9-15 sw Secretary of State. ffll II II ' ; NOTICE. The undersigned, bavinsr been an. pointed and duly qualified as adnJo- S istrator of the estate of E. W. Bor-.l den,' deceased,, ' all persdSk'iffSg claims against said estate -a rowotj- ' fied to exhibit the same "before him on or before July 20. 13io, or this. notice will be pleadediin bar oi ' t6eiri i. recovery. AH persohs " indebted f: ti said estate will please make immed-ni iate payment VW 18th day of-sMyT mi? , . I . i.-Vl.: ., J- G. B ANTON, Administrator ptE. , W, Borden,, de- ... ceaced. , , By G. G. -Moore, "Attorney. 7-20 . 7 r- Littleton College - A weD-teilwiie. wfl-t tapped, uid oy pccMpenxi cchool for t'irl nd nunc wonwn. Fall term beii September 16. 1914. For catalogue, addreat J. M. a H0DES, Lit Icton, N. C SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE PRESS 'Patronize Home Industry- JOB PRINTING We are Equipped to Handle Your Orders for High Grade Jobj Printing. Orders Carefully and We Wate the Beat Grade LETTER HEADS. . BEDDING INVITATIONS. CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES, CIRCULARS, LARGE AND ' SMALL. ENVELOPES, - - POStERSi -V.;- We have Connectiont "with Engravers and Blank Book Makers which en- able us to Promptly Hajll i Orders for Engraving ondCv . all kinds of Blank Book : v .. ?, Making.-, j.-. Kinston Free Press Co; lacarporaled Pablishers and Job Printers Anything In Printing" The National Bank of Kinston RE AT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods, and this bank has Kept pace with them. ,. : ; . . While conservative in the interest 'of SAFETY, our equipment and business methods are modem. Let us do business together to our ; mutual advantage. ' Capital. $100,000.00 Surplus. $90,000.00 "THE i OLDEST AND c STRONGEST BAUK l?5 THE COUNTY."

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