J .4 I ; THE DAILY .FREE JRESS t ii I . "" ' ' ' 1 ' ' " '' . t. . . C G I rwiwHp-wi j. . ,. . g .. , OS1T0N f BEE PBESS CO., INC. H. talt Braxton, Editor and Manager I a.. iKXr .1 Kindofi NmIi Carolina. m wmd-fUM auttn Mad" Cenl o( ..MayfcJ. 187V. . a. , " i . ,! I&ITED - PRESS "REPORTS ftltphoMf-AII Departmenti -75 Subscription Rates: Wtk. 10c. Month., II Month 3Jc. 12 Month.. $4 Tuesday Evening;' September l 1914 There is one thfrtg 'certain, that re gardlen of his spell-binding ability, the office-seeker who goes up against the suffragette will he out-talked. Some of the newspapers think the recent election in South Carolina was more of a compromise than a victory for the people. o- The senators and congressmen who have to seek re-election this year have to face a new proposition: they have to meet the suffragette on the stump and tell just how they stand; In the mean time the Old Domin ion continues its "battle" of rum and no rum, and holds up false statistics of imaginary situations that do not exist in other places as the terrible conditions that will prevail if rum loses. o The task of Col. Osborn's flunky In reading the papers to him after the war news has been thrown out is not a very onerous one, for it only leaves the head line on the front page and a few "sticks" of unimportant matter elsewhere to be perused. o We don't know where the censors, handling the European war Dews came from, but it would appear from their ability to "claim all" for their respective sides that they had been trained in the advertising depart ments of some patent medicine con cerns. . Colonel Osborn is the only man, so far, on record, who does not read the war news. He snys he believes in re specting the wishes 'of the President, and the only way to keep from hav ing an opinion is not to know who hus wen or lot. He has his facto tum to icr.il the pant-r to him while ho (have au.l his instructions are very rigid thnt no war news is to be included. In spite of international rule en deavoring to make war more humane, there has been ?lo difference in the present conflict nd those waged cen turies ago. The atrocities have, if anything, been even more revolting No time has been given for csring for the dead or wounded. Bamla of mer ry have been fired on. Unarmed men, defenseless women and children and non-cumbatanta have been ruthlessly lalt with, and still we live in an ad vanced age, art enlightened and Chris tian age. Every effort looking to a restoration gf peace should be encour aged. THE WATER SVPPLY. A good many people have been boiling 'tBeh in KinMun vater since the first warning was given by the city authorities, and It is wise that they have done so, foi the analysis by the State Board of Health, which has just been received shows the presence of colon bacilli, which is commonly known as the typhoid fe ver germ. The city authorities are taking steps to locate the source of contamination, and will no doubt do everything within their power to re move the cause as quickly as possible. In the mean time every consumer houl4 'i'Kgttf in pOifxeaTtirrTnItyScrf U boiled before being used.,, The city rHaa been particularly free from ty phoid this year in spite of the pret ence of contamination1 W the water, and thji is probably due to' the quick warming- of the city ; authorities and the response of the' people.,, Every rare thou!l jb takecnatil the watai ia pronounced tafe again. ' - i i I - j ; SUCSUUES TO TIIS FREE rRESS THE MATTER OF LAW i KNFOBCEMENTv " I !ftia" irnnregsion has eotten out in I ... . ; apii' that The Free Pkm article appearing in last Friday's is- sue, headed "The Grand Jury's Fail ure.", was , misleading with' reference .... -7. ' to the putt the city officials had play ed in the enforcemtnt of tha Jaw with reference to'" vagrants. A careful reading of the article will remove that impression, but let it be said here that The Free Press endeavored to give-the city officials-credit for all they had done. It. was shown in Judee Daniels' examination of the situation that the police had, in ac cordance with the law, presented the women of questionable character in the mayor's court once a month, and that the mayor had fined tawm a nom inal sum each month. This fact has been repeatedly set forth both in the editorial and news columns of The Free Press, and there has been no reason for any other impression to have been given. There has been no desire to do the mayor or his sub ordinates any injustice In this mat ter, but the fact that his course in as sessing a nominal fine, which was vir tually a license, has lain him liable to criticism is no fault of The Free Press. It is a condition of fact which exists here and which must be rem edied. The Free Press has not sub scribed to the view that the mayor has acted in bad faith in this matter, and this suggestion has been heard on the streets, but it does feel that his course was very unwise and it has accepted the view that Judge Dan iels took of the matter that the con dition was more largely the result of a system or rut that had been gotten into than a wilful desire. The Free Press believes that the mayor will, with the new light on the situation and with the backing of the citizens of this city, be able to cor rect the evil to a large extent, and The Free Press calls on every good citizen and pledges its own support to that end. There mus tbe very aggressive and vigorous action upon the part of the officials and citizens n this matter. o WHAT OTHERS SAY USING BLANK CARTRIDGES. Ledger Dispatch: "Richmond seems to hae semethinsr of a newspaper ar no casualties." )LD BILL SAID NAMES DIDN'T COUNT. Greensboro News: "Heligoland is ell named, but N'oah Webster would ot admire the spelling." JOOD AS -FAR AS IT GOES. Durham Sun: "The principal thing for t,ho tobacco and cotton growers of the South to do iiito hold a steady head and take advaltagfe of every op opportunity," t OUR PART IN WAR. Wilmington Star: "The greatest na tion on earth is serenely tranquil. This is the world's peaceful giant, and we must maintain towards all the European combatants the friendly at titude that will enable us to go for ward with the olive branch when the time -comes." 4 " AN IMPORTANT AMENDMENT. News and Observer: "One of the most important of the proposed con stitutional amendments ih the one re stricting local, private and special legislation. The voters of this State !y adopting this amendment can make the Legislature worth twice to the State what it would otherwise he." W VTCHFUL WAITING ENDORSED. Baltimore Evening Sun: "If all the Kdropfan rulers hail worked us hard to p.-evi-it wi;. as President Vihon, Has done to keep the peace with Mex ico, would there not at this time have tH-vn an international conference , at The Hague, instead of innumerable Uit tletield.-v covered with dead d; ing human beings?" (" . and r U - ONE WAY OF LOOKING XT IT. .Greensboro Record: ."The newsu per pa;agrapher'vho said t)at if Eu rope was mooaiaing, Ameriea was au tomobi $pendi war hi out what a man suwt ),:. ... supposed to be, and it is none of ir business. Let hr rL t v.. - - - - "J U1UJI- fty in circulaUcn." ' - LOOK TO OUR OPPORTUNITIES. . v nariotte Observf r ; Williarn JJ. Hpnttm, marram of the 'National- i woaoon of Manufacturer fore tfavW di!rtmeiuV fay there are iraxt aiWnmeU, say there are in 1 iitina- is on nia ioK. , w iM "i' v-wma, qna, wnue be Mves n'CftW,m---V i 1 "I . flfte facts and figures.'! His deposits of manganese which can be made fully available with a little f velopment. Manganese is needed in the manufacture of steel, or.d the sup ply has been cut off by war. Let's lock into this matter of our mangan ese." GOOD REASONING. Winston-Salem Journal: "We have it on the word of Senator Simmons and his word is usually correct on matters in Washington that Jhe government is not going to levy a special war tax on manufactured to bacco. This being the case the to bacco farmer should not be made to suffer on account of the war. Leaf tobacco should bring as much this year as last, and will if the manufac turers will co-operate with the gov ernment as the government has shown a disposition to co-operate with them The reason no war tax will be lev ied on the manufactured product is in order that the tobacco manufactur er may be able to pay more for the raw material. This action is taken by the Wilson administration, upon the urgent request of Senator Sim mons, mainly for the benefit of the people who raise tobacco. And the Wilson administration expects the manufacturers of tobacco to pay the farmers high prices and to purchase the entire crop, even though it will be impossible to import much of the leaf. And since currency is to be issued on stored tobacco we see no earthly reason why the manufacturers in thus country can't purchase the entire crop at as high prices as were paid last year." PO-DO-LAX BANISHES J1MPLES. Bad Blood, Pimples, Headaches, Biliousness, Torpid Liver, Constipa tion, etc., come from Indigestion. Take Po-do-Lax, the pleasant and ab solutely sure Laxative, and you won t suffer from a deranged Stomach or Other troubles. It will tone up the Liver and purify the blood. Use it egularly and you will stay well, have clear complexion and steady nerves. Get a 50c bottle today. Money back if not satisfied. All Druggists. (Advertisement.) Clairvoyant READING -A 4J THIS WEEK JUL Marvelous Prof. Berns, 104 W. Caiwell !., Kinslon, N. C. Psychic, Clairvoyant, Fortune Teller, Spririt Medium. PROF. BERNS STANDS ALONE IN HIS MAGNIFICENT POWER OF READING THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. The clever and cultivated Prof. Berns comes from a race of people wbo4haye been psychic and mediums for thousands' of years. His rcid iag oPyou'r, past and present, as well your future life, will amaze you. He is acknowledged by prrss and public wherever he has been to be tl e greatest occult scientist they have ever consulted. Strcngely fascinating are the words that come from the cultivated lips of tins most interesting man, whose ' journey of life has already taken him through all the renowned psychic schools of Egypt, India and Europe. It seems, indeed, as if his knowle.!,e must come from that mysterious world of which we, all would know, yet. loneine. cannot know. Ho as tar away rnt the. dim, mysterious future the great feyond across the oatk chasm which separates the hu- mr body from the flitting souM-and tells that wmWli ia be told. The tp attted are ttrouirht toireth.r fk Wade friends, lst property is recov- cn-v, uiu mm ip crushed away from business ventiiia, the hand k j cuhied that failures are avrtixt ,f Tlace ,s esp'orea, its Vs Biff le itl bare to his mysteriously eer he Hv sarely ffcian of t It may be of -itai interest tpoo tr kmn.th'outesae"Qf your prcatent cistreast. jit . The happiness of sour future life may depend upon the right soJetkm and proper advice. ii ' Ihti are no mistakes in the pre diciians mail . bv tha.irnut rwv.. ft ...... J J -.. . TIC PAlfdvrful f.ychic fortune teller" 1 ) eifuU Yourf3r,i,hito kowfit U a'd in 1 tf8 to etu!;e, chajj j $n bnifctsv J81'" etu3;e, chajj j $n bnifctsv NO VERY MATERIAL CHANGE ClyTO.YVANTWTRUST BILL ,,, Washingxn.- Aug. 31. Efforts : to make more stringent provisions of the Clayton anti-trust bill against hold ing companies failed in the Senate yebterday with a single exception. The bill prohibits the organization of a holding company or the pu .hase of stock by one corporation in anoth er "engaged in an interstate commerce when the effect cf such may be sub stantially to lessen competition. The amendment accepted struck out the word "substantially," broadening the arope of - the" provision somewhat. Senator Reed sought to prohibit all holding companies and stock pur chases in competing companies, but was voted down. Senator Cummins introduced a similar amendment,, but excepting banks and railroads which aIo was defeated. NEW PAS.TOR IN CHARGE. Tarboro, Sept. 1. Rev. R. H. Bow den, called from Barton Heights Bap tist church of Richmond, today as sumed his pastorate here at the First Baptist church. PONCE DE LEON FAILED; HIS PRIZE IS FOUND . - Ponce de Leon, the daring explor er, searched among the swamps of Florida for the Fountain of Youth which the Indians said would restore power and make people young. He did not find it. Thousands of chronic intestinal bowel and stomach sufferers have written to George H. Mayr, 154 Whit- ing St., Chicago, in quest of health. They have found it. His remedy, composed of healing vegetable oils from France, has indeed given them back the health of youth Why suffer from indigestion, gases on the stomach, fainting spells, tor pid liver, constipation and all the evils of a disordered stomach, when there is relief here? Mayr's Wonder fill Stomach Remedy is now sold here by J. E. Hood and Company, How cotton or tobacco will go up pr down. "Shall I succeed in my new under taking : ' "Can I obtain my hopes, my wishe3, niv ambitions?" "Shall I ever enjoy the luxuries of weaith .' ' "(."an I trust my friends?" "Have I enemies?" "When shall I marry?" "How often shall I marry?" "Shall I ever be divorced?" "Does another share the love that rightfully belongs to me?" "If so. who?" " "Am I loved in return?" "Is there any rival to my love?" "When .-hall my love affairs term inate in maiviage?" "When shall my domestic troubles end?" "How can I make my life and home happy?" "When shall my absent friends re turn?" "Why do I not receive a letter?" Prof. Berns has made a Ufe study of his work, and is prepared to ad vise and assist you, no matter what your troubles are. In his capacity there is no guesswork; every proced ure is definite and exact and the re sult is certain. How to Overcome All Troubles. Your past, your present life and your entire future and everything can be told by consulting Prof. Berns, the world-renowned clairvoyant and spir it medium, who is the greatest mas ter of occult science and psychic force me worm nas ever seen. His predictions are always cerrect and never fail to come true, as thous ands ux people win testily. Does anything seem to go wrong and has fortune never smiled on you Has your life been full of "ups and rfnn'" TV. f ,1: u w utsjuu, a you can yet learn the true road to success and happiness, for both will only know how, when and where to find them, which will be revealed to you. You will also be told how to mv your wants and wishes satis fied. How to obtain your object in life or your heart's desire, v How to live happy and contented the rest of your life and be fortunate. How to obtain the money you want and what you are best adapted for. icus wiiai you nave done, what you t uvm nuw na wnat you are iro. mg to do. Prof. Berns will give you luck that wins success in love, marriage, di vorce, speculation, business, health and transactions of all kinds; restores lost affections, cause speedy and hap py marriage, reunite the separated will tell you how to. gain the love of "e one you desire even thouth miles away; will tell who and when you will marry. .- - . JNote.-FrofBerna answers no let tera. If you cannot call in person & not write, as his time is fully occa. pied with personal callers. Prof. Berns agreea ami guarantees to make no charge if he fails to tell your name and the object of your call. Prof. Berns ftells whether you husband. wife or sweetheart is true or falsej tells how to win the love of the one you most desire, even thouga miles away; how to succeed in busi ness speculation, law suits; how to marty the one of your choice; how to retain youth, health and vitality. Re moves evil influences, cures drini habit, cures all nervous diseaes. Sunda - m-t0 9 P- m- Closed - . ' PROF. BERN'S, ' " 1C4 West Ca ell Near Bail7 Hotel and Dr. Hardy's office. HEADINGS FIFTY CENTS .mi. t , ComintHs the house ready?: If not et it ready -Ber Key & Cay Furniture makes , a home worth while. Made by men who know how and after de. signs. drawn by an artist. r . There's a difference in furniture-some is made to " : ! '-'--J-: "; t2rr-' sell-some is made to live and JSTAY; SptMhat's FURNITURE OF CHARACTERS FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS By Being Constantly Supplied With Thedford't Black-Draught. McDuff, Va. "I suffered fcr several years, says Mrs. j. ts. wnittaker, oi this place, "with sick headache, and stomach trouble. Ten vears aeo a friend tcld me to tr? Thedford's Black-Draught, which 1 did. and 1 found it to be the best family medi- cine for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the lime now, and when my children feel a little bad, they ask me for a dose, and it ooes mem mere gooa man any medicine they ever tried. We never have a lone spell cf sick ness in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draueht is mirelv t-ccctable, and has been found to recu- latc weak stomachs, aid digestion, re lieve indicestion, colic, wind, nausea. headache, sick stomach, and similar symptoms. It has been in constant use for more Itian i0 years, and has benefited mere than a million people. Your druezist sells and recommends Black-Draupht. Price only 25c. Get a Package to-day. N. C ta DR. DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. OfficeoverCct. Milloffice NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION'! Having: hcretoforequalifie! as ad ministrator, c. t. a., of Kate Brown, deceased, late of Lenoir county, Nortk Carolina, this is to notify all persono having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of August, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to th)H said estate will please make imm'edj ate payment. A. C. BROWN, ' Administrator, c. t. a., of Kate Brown, deceased. August 19, 1914. T LOFTIN & DAWSON, Attorneys'. 8-19, 26; 9-2, 9, 16-23 dly s INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, : . ' REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD . LOANS NEGOTIATED Kow Occupying New Offipe. one Door East of The Post Kinston Insurance & Realty to. Phone 182 : C. Oettinger, Mgr. V lASKTHDSEWHDHflVE w c rrprrsmt -a -targe number of BtfongreuaDH l" tbiaptiues, and 'all claims are paid rotftptly. ' Phone us at 242 or and We wiU call to s see you at once -Your , business, .will, be-, ap- preciateci;.-:r.:--; fc & KIIIST0I1 L0M1 & RE)lt ESTATE CO., Inci l "We Writs Insurance of all Kinds" . T .f-j i , IP3 Attractive Homes Depend upon Beautiful Walls The Modem. Sanitary, Durable . Flat Oil Finish PRODUCES the most artistic,, harmonious and restful color effects- It is very economical and saves the, expense of frequent redecorating. Wails finished with Pee Gee Flatkoatt retain their beauty for years and are easily cleaned with a moist sponge. Free Book "The Modern Method of Finishing Walls also Col or Card. Ask us for it H. E. MDSELEY HDW. GO. Kinston, N. C. OFFICE AND HOSPITAL ' 1 Telephone 533 Dr, J. F. Foley, Veterinarian In rear of Stroud Bros.' Store Diseases-of all Domestic Animals ' Treated. ; FIRE UISURANG 1