I 1 CENT aVoRD EACH ENV I SEKTION I I SERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS FOR SALEA Good Milk Cow. Mrs. S Bv Siminoris,'113 Tryon street. 9-l-6tdly WANTED A man to work In dairy. Apply J- P Hardee, Kinston, N. C. ,, SfM.' " ' 9-l-2tdly&sw : FOB iRENT Fjurnished f foom No. Ifl6 "West Vernon avenu board convenient, 8-312t-dly PERSONAL "I' V' t f COURTESY r ALL' TOO 1 ' SCARCE Furnished Roomsfor rent Apply to 416 Mitchell street. Mrs. Mary C Wooten. -i. l-ltdly ' " First Clan Tailoring, -pressing and cleaning. Call Carolina Pressing Club, Phono 628. . . ' 7-30, tf. Miss Jessie Wilson'a Music Class -will open on September 17th, next. , . ...... 8-28-5tdly ft ANTED Salesman with some ex perience. Apply Jacob Naiman. 9-l-2t-dly . 9-2-lt-sw WANTED Position by- an industri ous young lady of good reputation as clerk In dry goods store or milli nery store preferred.,, "Address "A.," care Free Press. -l-3tdIy LOST Small white poodle dog. Is brown around eyes and right ar; answers to name "Charlie Boy." $1 reward for return to Lucy Pittman. ; 9-1-dly tf , Mr, J. I. Brown is spending today in Norfolk. . Mr. W. 0: Dixon of Hookerton was a Kinston visitor today. Mr. raui a. waiers nas oeen on a short, (visit in NevC Bern. ' M S3 , Mra,4 -F, A. Haskins of Greenville is the sfuest of relatives and friends I in the city. - , K K S Mr. Ely Perry has returned from a short visit with relatives in Snow Hill. ' -...... 85 65 K . Mr. Bruce Carraway has returned to Morehead City af r a visit here to his mother, who has ibeen-Jll. Mr. Ben. Wooten, an instructor in Auburn University, who is now tak ing a post graduate course in Colum bia University, New York, is on a vis it to a sister, Mrs. C. A. Quinn. .,..cs k a .Mrs, C. B., Barbee of Raleigh and Mrs. J. L. Robinson of Cove City are at the edsideof their father, Mr. A. J, Kilpatrick, who is ill at his home, in Northeast Kinston. Mr. Kilpat- rick's condition Monday was serious, although he is improved today. Miss Mary Kilpatrick," who has been her gqest, returned to Kinston with Mrs. Barbee. We Can furnish Galvanized V Crimp and Corrugated Roofing, 6 to 12 feet, No. 28 gauge. D. V. Dixon & Son. ... ' . -8-24-dly-tf , Wanted To grade your tobacco prjees reasonablestrictJy good work, place a foot " of .Pa'rrott's bridge, known as mith,'8 Stables. Fpr further particulars see John yr.' Smith, Phone 419-J. 8-11 4wsw 3t dly 2 wks. SCHOOL NOTICE. The city public schools will open Monday, September 14, nine o'clock a. m White children wiljl assemble Saturday, September 12, inthe romf they last attended, for promotion, and to, receive book lists; colored children Monday, September .X4.fr ? The white teachers yill meet ' Fri day, September 11, 10 o'clock a! m., at the graded school; colored teach ers Friday, September 11, 3 p;rrf., at their building. Children who become six years old before October 14, admitted Septem ber 14. All children must have: been successfully vaccinated. The State law requires the attendance of . all children between eight and twelve years of age. By order of the- Board. - - BARRON CALDWELL, Supt... (advt.) -8-26-lOt diy. : GRAND ARMY OF REPUBLIC IN ANNUAL RE-UNION. i Detroit, Mich., Sept. 1 After twen ty-three years, the Grand Army of the Republic again is the guest of this city. Veterans are here from nearly every state to attend the forty-eighth encampment. Committee meeings oc- cjpied the executive department today RURAL EDUCATION HEAD STARTS WORK Cleveland Man Set Fine Example 4 the Duty of a Gentleman t the fair Sex. - The youthful Wa-lter Ralct spreading his velvet Vloak. on muddy walk for bis queen to pass. Is a pleas ant historical picture. But the heart of a courteous gentleman may beat under the blouse" of a worklngman as well as under the cloak of courtier. - . - - : Last November the- city of "Cleve land, O., was cut off from thouter world by the worst storm of wind and , sleet and snow In Us history. Trac tlon lines and railways were tied up for several days. Four dayt after the storm, a woman reached Cleve land to visit ber aiater. She knew Coat the cars were not yet running on the line she wished 'to take, and so she took a -car on another line that would take her to the city limits. where she hoped ' to connect with car that would, take kef where ;she wanted to go. Forty minutes later she fetepped from the car at the edge of the city. Between her and the- curbstone a wide Stream of water six or eight Inches deep was running. As she looked helplessly about, a worklngman whose hair was touched with gray ldtt a group on the sidewalk, waded out to her and said: , "Madam, you don't know me. and I don't know yea, 'but If you'll let me, I'll fee glad to help you to the sidewalk." She thanked him, and he took her suitcase to the ourb, Bplashed back, and taking her up in his arms, waded with ber to the walk. There he put her. down dry-shod, car ried her suitcase into a near-by store, and told her he would tell her when her car came; for he was also waiting for K. Two hours later he waded with the suit case to the long-delayed car, returned, and splashed once, more through the stream of melting snow as he carried her to the step,. Then he said: "I bopo you'll be all rightJ ana took a place at the opposite end of the car. Youth's Companion. LABOR DAY EXCURSION TO RALEIGH AND NEW BERN SEPTEMBER 7, 1914 VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN. 1 - f Ask ticket agent for fares ,. and schedule, or address: J. E. MitehelliT. P. A., Raleigh, N. C.- f- rotter, i. a., Norfolk, Va. ' 8-31 to '9-7 LUNG DISEASE "After four in onr family had died of consumption I was Ukenwith a frightful cough and lung trouble, but my life was saved anrTT train 1 87 pounds through f using. , ; UK. KING'S NEW S DISCOVERY K Patterson, Wellington, Tex. mice boc ltd ft POUT SU DRU6BISTS. '.Manhattan, Kan., Sept. 1. Revit- alization of rural villages and schools and the promotion of vocational ed,u Cation, constitutes the work which Otis Earle Hall assumed today when he began his labors in the' rural 'edu cation work in the division of college extensions at the Kansas State Agri cultural College. Athletic activities in rural communities and two and three day classes in vocational sub jects for rural teachers also will be included in his department. fAs' co-author with George Herbert Betts of "Better Rural Schools," Hall attracted national attention as coun ty superintendent in Montgomery county, Indiana, where he put his theories into practice. . ' . - CONSUMPTIVE CENSUS BEGINS. f '.'Washington, Sept. 1. Under the allspices of the American Anti-Tu-bWxulosis Associations, a lfutional "consumptive census" was bepun to day through all American churches. Church ministers will report the num ber of tubercular deaths and cases in their charges for submission to the fifth annual anti-tuberculosis congress cn November 29. STOP THAT FIRST COUGH. Check your fall cough or cold at once don't wait it may lead to se rious lung trouble, weaken youi vi tality and develop a chronic lung ail ment. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pjne-Tar-Honey today; it is pure and harmless use it freely for that, fall cough or cold. If Baby or Children re sick give it to them, it will relieve quickly and permanently.. It soothes the irritated throat, lungs and air passages. Loosens Phlegm, is anti septic and fortifies the system against colds. It surely prevents cold germs from getting a hold. Guaranteed. Only 25c at your Druggist. SOUTHERN RAILWAY TO RUN LIVE-STOCK TRAIN BRITISH BOARD AMERICAN i 1 " SHIPS FPU RESERVISTS. Honolulu, Hawaiian I.sianJs, Sept. 1. The American liners Manchuria and China, of the Pacific Mail Steam ship Company's Oriental fleet, were halted by British warships off Hong Kong and forced to 'surrender sixty German" and Austrian re'. rvists who were, bound for the European war from the Philippines. This was the news brought by Captain Thompson end Purser Landers ' of the China, which arrived here today bound for San Francisco. . - According to officers of the China, the Germans and Austrians, before starting on their journey, asked for and received .assurances that they could not be molested on an American registered vessel. Then they took passage for San Francisco via Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki and Hono lulu. State Department Not Surprised. Washington, Sept. 1. State De partment bfticials did not regard as unusual the reported removal of Ger man and Austrian reservists from American ships off Hong Kong, pro vided the incident occurred within the three-mile limit of the British port. Inasmuch as Hong Kong is under British jurisdiction, -her warships could arrest the nationals of any bel ligerent within territorial waters. Children Cry for Fletcher's 1 115 1 How's This? f!t ofrrr One Hurdixd Priir Rrwvd te rf jm M ( atairti tlut cuuiOl I cuicj bf UkU ;irrl Cure. , p j . f. 1. OBENBV CO.. T ilfoo. t Vi. Ui nrdrnilsncd, time luuwn F. J. in. Uf Kt the tASt lb yritr. and bftte.t lno! prrtertly hoi natile O ir bwlum truiHiCtldliJ uid emtiri&u MUe to urrt oui miv obiiiKiu made by bu Arm. niuua. MS A MARVIN. ' Whtamle DrujtutA. ToMo, O. M&UICklMTti Cum m tm uurnallT. Sam (arrUy upoa lh ttvnt mnt mueoue rartttew el lb 0te:n. Tntlmonui ru tree frlce 71 eBt pT , The Kind You Hav Always Bought, ana which has hooa In us for over 30 years, has borne the Sltmfttnre tt - 'w'"" Ti'-i'rr hlri prr CjCJ&TS-f-f-. BOIial uirvlslon since Its Infancy, wwswr UCA4X Allow no one to docelvo j'ou in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnst-ns-good ' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health' of Infants and Children Experience against lixperiinenU. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless snbstitnte for CaRtor OH, Paro tjroriCe Props and Soothing Syrups. It in pleasant. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nrr other Karootla substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worm. and aUaj s Feverishness. For more than thirty years It has been In eonstant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething ' Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears Signature 4pf. QUIT TAKING RISKY CALOMEL In Use For Over 30 Yeare Tbo Kind You Have Always Douflht 5 or 6 doses of 666 will break any case of Fever or Chills. Price, 25 cents. (Adv.) SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE PRESS BEAUFORT . W. C. L --hH SBBBIBl SMB ' FISHERMAN'S PARADISE . - ". ' ' , l LSI U I : u SDaJiisff MartrL Blue. Fish, arouf V A J Jill )fiPIimackrd Blue pshiTfbutr VA j COMFORTABLE HOTELS AND COTTAGES Extremely UV Season Week End Sunday j ,i ; . EXCURSION FARES . . ' ' via . v NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 31, To enable growers in Western North Carolina J East Tennessee and Southwest Vfcr-T; ginia to promptly forward live stock to eastern and southern markets land to Virginia feeding grounds, thwj Southern Railway has arranged to operate a weekly fast special live stock service such as was operated last year. Beginning n September 3 the service will continue until ije cember 31, according 'to announce-. ment made by. Live Stock Agent F. L. Word. Each Thursday during this period, trams Will le started at early morn ing hours from Oooltewah, Junction, Harrin:a:i Junction, Bristol and Ap palachiu. These will be consoiid.itj ed at Moriistown, leaving the Nettt Line yau! at 2:45 p. m., arriving at Ashevilic at 9:25 p. m. Trains will also be started from Jtfurphy, N. C, and Rcsmun, N. C, on the Trantyi-. vania division, arriving Asheville irM the eariy evening. At Asheville the stock will be made into trains and run special to Speneer, which will beJ reached before: 10 a. m., Friday. Here stock will be fed, watered and rested." Friday afternoon trains will leave Spencer, giving arrival at Greensboro :10 p. m. and Danville 9:55 p. m., Friday Raleigh 1:55 a. m., Goldsboro, 11 a. m., Richmond 7 a. rh., Lynch burg 4:40 a. m., Charlottesville, 10'50 a. m., Manassas p. m., roio.T.ac Yards, 6:45 p. m., Saturday. Stops will be made at points between Orange and Manassas to deliver feed ers and a special, train will leave Ma nasses at 4:30 p. m. to deliver feed ers to points on the Manassas and Harrisonburg branches. ' Information as to this service will be furnished by any agent pr by F. L. Word, live stock agent. Atlanta, Ga. Here is a vegetable tonic that is far better for you to take than ihe dangerous drug and poison called cnl- iwoel. You jncvvr can tell when- cal omel is going, to "get you." That's' the worst thirg about taking o un certain and dangexoi.s a drugfr con ization ani liver trouble. Calomel is liable to salivate you or "knock Su out" for at least a day the ,yery .Upct time you, Jtry it.- f . : E. B. Marston's Drag Store has the mild vegetable remedy that success fully takes the place of calomel. This remedy is 1 Dodson's Liver Tone, a very pleasant tasting htftiid that gives quifk but pentle relief from constipation, tor pid or "lazy" liver. I Dodson's Liver Tone is fully guar-' inteed, ana if you buy a large bottle ' for fifty cents qndjit does not entire y satisfy you, the drug store where you bought it will promptly give you your money6ack' with a en'iile. Dcdson's isvflne:0E, both children and grovfn people. . ' EAST CAROLINA 7 EACIIERS TRAiNHIG SCHOOL A State school to train teachers.for the public schools of North Carolina-. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition freeU) all who agree to teach. FajrXi4Sgi For catalogue and other information address, 1 RODERT H. WRIGHT, President Greenville. - - - North Carolina FOLEY KIDNEY Ml lOM 1H I A ft C Miss Virginia Belle Br as well 1 1 ' ' " i" ' ' i Certificate pupil of the department oj Expression at Glen Eden Seminary, Poughkecpsic, N. Y., and Graduate oj the School -of Expression S. S. Curry, Ph. ., Litt. D., President, of Boston, Mass., will accept pupils in expression at her Studio, Whitaker V Building. Appoimmcnt can be made by Telephone ( for personal interview. : : : : ' Ph one 457-L OPENING OF TOBACCO MARKET (Continued from page 1)) parity from 1913 prices maintain throughout the season, they have made enough of an excellent crop, a Hookerton man said of the condition in Greene, to offset this by the in creased quantity sold. Ask Ticket Agents f or-Tlrxe table and Fares or Write : VrVjE. PORCH Dcaufort, N. C. II. 5. LEARD.G. P. A i.F. MITCHELL T. P. A. Korfc::i;Va. , i i Raleigh, N. C. t RHEUMATISM PAINS STOPPED.-' The first application of Sloan's Lin iment goes right to the painful part- impenetrates without rubbing it stops, the .Rheumatic Pains around th joints-ad gives relief aad comfort, Don't.uffer! Get a bottle -today! It is a family medicine for all fainsj hurtsliruises, cuts, sore threat, ,nea ra)gW,an4 behest pains. Prevents in fetion.;; : Mr. Cb-is. H. Wentwortb, California, writes: "It did wonders lot my Rheumatism, pain is gone as soon as I apply it. I recommended it to my friend as the best Liniment I ever nsed. Guaranteed. 25c at your Druggist. ' ' Tobacco Flues That Fit Get them now to avoid the rush. Tin, Slate and Galvanized Roofing, Metal Shingles and Gutters of all kinds. Call and see our stock which has the quality with it. If you want anything for the rbof we have it. Come, Phone or write us. : : . SCOTT & WALLER Phone No. 189 Kinston, N. C The National Bank of Kinston III m Ps'W Jy Jib' REAT PROGRESS has mm. i'MADE"; in business meihodraHd this ' them ' hi'e conservative ia thr ? : Interest "tf fSAf ETYiup - equipment4 atqsi nisi do business together to bur ' mutual advantage. ?vb Capital $ 100)000.00 ; urphjf 590,000.00 I "the ctatsT tiu siROiisisr. lanrmficM". f J