A- it a. I 1 CENTRA WORD EACH IN- I J J I .'-- RF.MlON '' -' ! II M . u mt East Vnon avenue. Appiy n. a tt Mre. JgojMWf w.yl WANTED A man to work in" dairy. Apply J- f- Hartfee, Kinston, N. C. WANTED Salegiaaii rith some ex .perience. " Apply "Jacob Naiman. 9-l-2t-dly 9-2-lt-ew FOR SALE A Good Milk Cow. Mrs. S. B- SimmQn9,4 IS Trypn .street. ' 9-l-6tdly FOR RENT Furnished r,oom, No. lot! West ''Venponr avenue; board convenient. ' '- K 8-3I-2t-dly ' First Class ' Tailoring, pressing and cleaning. .Call : Garo'lirfa Pressing Club, Phone 528.' ' 'r 7-30, t. Miis Jessie Wilson's Music Class will operf on Sepfembe'17th, next. v'v ' " 5,8.28-5tair: WANTED Position y an industri ous young lady of good reputation as clerk in dry goods store or milfi. nery Btore preferred. Address "A.," care Free Press. 9-l-3tdly We Can furnish Galvanized V Crimp and Corrugated Roofing, 6 to 12 feet, No. 28 gauge.' D. V. Dixcn & son." ; " 7"8-24-dIy-tf CO NO FARTHER The Evidence. W At Your Door Kinstcn prpof is , what you want, and the statement of this highly res pected resident will banish all doubt: Mrg T, A. Mitchell, 809 E. 'Chest nut St., Kinston, says: "For some time my kidney were not acting as they should and the kidney secretions were h regular in passage. Pains in my back and limbs bothered me nijrht and ilny, I' readj-aboui . Dcanfa Kidney Tills and got Vfcox" from the E. "B: Marston DrugCo., and began using them as directed." The Backache soon left and the judney secretions became tegular in passage. I passed several gravel stones while using Dean's Kidney Pills -and since then,-1 nape felt much better generally. I think as highly of Doan's Kidney Pills now as I did when I first endorsed -hem." Price 50c, at all dealers, E'w't pimply ask for "a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Mitchell had.. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Props., Euffalo,.N. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY Sunday Excursion to Norfolk $2.50 Raleigh, Wendell, Zebulon, Middle sex, WTilson, Farmville, Goldsboio, La Grange, Kinston, apd intermediate 'stations $2.25. - Greenville, Washington, Plymouth, Vanceboro, and intermediate stations, t , ! i Tickets sold for trains jeaving Ral eigh: And Goldsboro Saturday , nights fdue Norfolk 7:30 a. m. Sunday. Re turning train leaves Norfolk 0:00 p. m.. Spend Sunday at the Seashore. MITCHELL, t P. A. Raleigh, N. C. H. S. LEARD, f Gen. P. A. E. D. KYLE, Traffic Mgr. I ROUTE OF.THE NlGHTEXPRESS" NORFOLK VIII IULUR UUUI1ILI11H RAILROAD Mi&hedale inEffett Jaip 1114 N,R The feUowing. schedule ( fiffuret published as. information only and are not guaranteed. r i f (TW LEAVES KINSTON ' .; EaitBotnd. A,' ,, ... -.VdO 3 Pullman' Sleeping ' Cart New Bern ' U1M.$?iai Pffilr foVaslugton. and ( Norfolk connects ' for ' all points , vice -Detweejt Washington Norfolk, ' - '''.VvW Bdttnd.-;:.,!;. :m $(T K m: DaUjr tar' Goldsboro." f j 76 p. m. Daily fpr -Goldsboro. 1 10 ia,. jn Daity for Wfcu. t ..Fofeomplele inforraalion r'ser I jjvatioB of PuHman Sleeping Car space, 1 1 apply t J.Jk'kholotC Jlgefit, Kia-T PERSONAL ill ; : iav m T ni!inffA "V r"" Mr. George D Daft to Grtohe coun- ty.was in tha flity this morning Mr. and. Jlra. J.- Paul Frizselle of Snow Hill, spent -today in the city, , .... , ... ts.K a Miss Carrie Beasley is at home af ter a visit,, with fr'ends in Raleigh. Mrs. Alton Skinner and child of Durham are visiting, relatives here , a a a. .... ... Miss -aorxenae wewooia. jtas re turned home after a short visit in'La- Grange. '-, . 8 K SL .. r.1 Messrs. Jt A. Albritwn and M W. Waren' djf Snow, Hill were Kinston visitors today. K 8 Mrs. J. I. Brown and children, re turned today, from an extended visit with relatives in Pennsylvania. ; ' , i . ..,-.-.4.;ava.K..,..: 1, Mrs."W, W,' waters and children of. Jamsyille, N. C, are the guests, of Mt. and Mrs. George Ward in the city. : ' a k Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Honeycutt, Mr. Henry Tull and Mr. T. G. Broughton of Norfolk motored to Snow Hill and returned Tuesday.., ; , .. Herman H. West, state news edit or of the News Leader of Richmond, Viu, was in Kinston today. He has been rusticating in the country near Dover, where' his family has spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Richardson. - He is a son of the late Capt. S. Brock West, who for many years was engaged in the gen eral merchandise business in Kin ston and later in Asheville. j MISS PHELPS GIVES UP SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER. ' Raleigh, Sept. 2. Miss "Caroline Berry Phelps left Tuesday afternoon for Forsyth, Ga., to begin her duties as lady principal of Bessie 'Tiff Col lege at the opening of the fall ternp. The departure of Miss Phelps is a distinct loss to Raleigh and few wo men would be so greatly missed. Since the .opening of the-Social Service Cen ter by the Baptist Tabernacle church about a year ago, Miss- Phelps has had charge of this work though her act ivities have, not been confined to the center. She has 'been a social ser vice worker for the city, going into every corner of it and relieving vendi tions wherever she has found need. Miss Phelps has been making (her home in this city for eight or nine years, having been director of the de partment' "of v elocution of Meredith College before engaging in social service work for the city. In the col lege hundreds of girls came under her influence and she has ' "a; . hosf ; ff ag in the city who will f ollow . hr nnnvan -tCri-fK infavaot cnrl Wick Vl ir greatest success and happiness fl her new home. - ALL WHITE CHILDREN IN . NEW HANOtVER iXAMlXED. Wilmington, Sept. l.,The first Jap of the very elaborate plan oJ, t'4e United States government, through Dr. Charles W., Stiles, professor , in temporary charge of the marine hos pital here, for the physical examina tion of every, school child in New; Han over county, which incudes wummg- mi . tnn h&a hppn rnmnleted. Tne exam- I.v.., 1 - ('completed yesterday," more than 3,000 having been inspected since the work I began one year ago. From three to ' five hours has been given each child by medical experts in the employ of the government, working under the direction of Dr. Stiles. , , Childrehrftryq' FOR FLETCHER'S CASitO,RtA NOTICE OTS ADMINlStRATlO.V. : .. . .... I Having 'herttoforef qualified m ad mmistratoi'.c.,' t. ;k,of Kafe Brown, deceased, late 'of Lenoir cou-Tty, North Carolina, this 'is "to notify, alLpersons having claims' aains?the; Restate of said deceases . T.o .exnibjj, tnem xo me undersigned cn -or; fccfre the j 25th day of Augtist,-1915,'' or -this . rotico will be pleaded n bar ' their re-. covery. ah pMM,infl4a.w me Uiid estate wilLlqasemake 'immedi- 8te payment-j-. : : ; A. a BROWN, Administrator, c. t..a. .of " Kate Brown; deceased.- - - - SECOND DAY'S 'SALES ; : UP TO EXPECTATIONS Prices, ,on tthe,, tobacco market this morning ruled vp ta-Tuesday's aver age. There were a .few who . were willing to believe they were a shade better: however, this could hardly be confirmed. Satisfaction, .was .express ed by nearly every seller .. Sara weed brought as, much as 20 cents a pound The breaks today were not nearly a Urge as . those of Tuefday. - Only 40,000 to 50,000 pounds were. sold, as against 150,000 on the opening day This was, tobacconists claimed, due to the fact.Jhat not many of the planters are prepared for the mar ket, and it wil be a few days before the breaks become large., and. steady The crowds at-the warehouses were only ordinary. A very few of those in attendance day were from'distant points, but rarleTtoStion of DoBHifmwy'Pttn tep who- wej;e-'8peetors,thaUjthe market wasfar ' aQetio wat the popple there had- -expected was-! in teresting It, is Jwllevedj, that prac tically.l bf the tba?conl'itoVtlern Duplin ' will-be rhreught tolttia . and Htthcf tSWoir county-tfrhrkett-'this Halir - " FEE 'ALARM SySTElK " : APPROVED BY CITY Tuesday a committee comprised of Fire Commissioner jy, p. Hood, Su perihten'dent of Water anoT . Lights Weyhet, and FJge Chief Moseley in-spected-theTwGamewlI Jre alarm system Inlsiiteo by the 'cftyfan'd found 't-VLIrjciJodjjrprkjlng prer. The committee complimented L. H. Lam bert, who supervised the, installation, on the thoroughness his work, f Chief Moseley has issued the fol lowing stateinentf.in connection Mith the system : "To obtain the proper results, the intelligent co-operation of the public in its use must be rjad Citizens Rhrtnlrl Ipjim th nnmhoi ti the nearest box in their locality, and observe carefully the instructions Jto break the glass, turn key and open door, pull down hook and let go.l.A person who turns in an alarm sbuld .remain at the he until) the arrival of the firemen, in order that he may direct them specifically astp the lo cation of the blaze." There are eighteen boxes in. the system, with seven additional imag inary stations, which are'given" num bers, but frcm which an' alarm must he' telephoned in. People rri the neighborhcods of - these imaginary boxes slioulJ learn their numbers when telephoning to headquarters. Otherwise the operator at city hall must be put to the trouble of figur ing out the number. The imaginary numbers ."ill be struck on the bell just as rc the regular box numtes. The im?.::;a:y boxes will be supplied as the growth of the ci'ty demaudsj for the system installed Js capabie of taking care of forty boxes, a number which will 'ie ample for years . to ccme. The r-ystsm is on two circuits, so that if a .storm should put one cir cuit out of commission one still would be ief; intact. Poles on which, boxes are fastened will be painted red with white bands, in - the course of a short time. . . ' The list of box stations follow: East: 23, Orion Knitting Mills, East Caswell 6tregt; 24,' Blount and East streets; 25, "Gordon ad Trianon streets; 26, Tower Hill road; 27, Cas well and Orion streets; 28, Macon and Adkin streets (telephone). I Southeast: 29, Bright and Orion streets (telephone); 35, Bright and Independent streets; 36, Gordon and . Independent 'Streets; 37; Hrnes Bros.', lumber-mill; -88',. Kinjr and East . street (telephone). v J Central T 31 'Queen and Gordon streets; Si, Queen and Blount streets. .South? 34, Queen, and.Shirie streets. " Southwest: 39, Kinston Manufac turing Company (telephone). i I West: -41r Blount 'and Mitchell streets; 43 Atlantic avenue and Pol- " look street;' 45, Lenoir and College Greets (te&phone); 46, Heritage and Lenoir streets (tejebhone). ! - Wth: , 51, Qujeeit ad Washiagtonl Uoet8; 52, Que street and Grain-1 reriavenue. - , T ioriheasir 53 Peyton avenue and v "ependeistfeet; 54, Lenoir ; and ; SS(St treeti' " ! .' ! 'f "Lincoln (City! "133 (telephone from : jifty point in suburb). . 'j -.. ' -Kiiit .m h a A? tpst at 12 m t! . V r Tr i . aseaa-iioioce, mat -ic uw i'Tws .will be general alarm, i' tt ekaiaaily he seen that all num be (eg&hin-fr!i 2 are in the east- ? ernt pirti of the eity Those in $ the wuth and toutheast are m the bus. - Lhi ' wist, are" .in Out 40b. ThoseTn the north- ind northeast, are :, in the oXsEvenfencm will bei furnished a j list of. these numbers; . which trill be of assistance to him in rsastJx icssffcea. arr-rrr iti I , ,r : ,,,', , h.-Hf I Scii Saeiio'f 6371$ bre'ptC-' ANNIVERSARY OF SEVERE STORM One year ago tomorrow the great est' storm in vtts history devastated tidewater North Carolina and wreak- ed damage to Ihe extent of 15,000,000 in the section east of here. The loss was to shipping, farming and mer cantile interests. Today nearly every vestige of the great gale has disap peared, and the Btrioken towns are In better condition than before the ca lamity which proved an ultimate blessing, 'and put all "classes to work id the common interest when recuper ation set in.-' On' September 3; -1913, the gale swept over Kinston; New Bern, Wash ington and the country surrounding those places,' and the business sec tions of the- last-named two were in undated by a tidal wave. Water from Pamlico river was -driven by the tre mendous force of' the wind into Wash ington until the whole place was sub merged from two to ten feet,' the three bridges, crossing the river there swept away, nearly all the shipping at the docks destroyed, and more than $1,000,000 damage done to business. At New Bern the damage to ship ping and to merchants was great, al though much smaller than that to her sister town. Kinston, although- feel ing the full strength of the wind, es caped with the principal damage 'to the agricultural community. Greene, Lenoir, - Duplin, Onslow, Jones, Cra ven, Wayne, Carteret, Sampson, Beaufort,,- Pamlico, Hyde . and Dare counties, all suffered more or less from the storm. Great anxiety was felt for the inhabitants and the sum mer colony on isolated Ocracoke island. It was feared that more than 500 people there were drowned, - and every .indication tended to the inun- dation of the little banks village and! the washing away of the entire com munity by the sea tide. The storm' passed over Pamlico sound a fewj miles on the inside of the banks, and Ocracoke miraculously escaped. Had the gale been southwest instead ,of southeast and similarly hard, total annihilation of the population would have Jbeen inevitable: j The people of the section to which September 3 is a memorable anniver- j sary are congratulating themselves upon each recurring thought that the spirit of- progress prevailed to build better on last year's ruins. Uneeda Biscuit Tempt the appetite, please the taste and , nourish the body. Crisp, clean and fresh 5 cent;. Bcrcnzt Biscuit , Round, thin, tender with a delightful flavor -appropriate for lunch- . eon, tea and dinner, .xo cento. ; r " Graham Crackers Made of ' the finest ingredients. Baked : tc perfection The national strength ' food.. ; zo cents. KBTJONAL BISCUIT -YOCCDMPANYUl. AlVrays look for that Name. P i ; y,?! TaE6lt'eLJffisr , ; Sluggish Liver You Need This Remedy at This Sea- ing.-oui to take and- does Wt -give SCn Of the Year. Y. . nyU-m the enevuting . feeling Wen your liver' is out of order j which follows the use" of .pa Its: They you are till out of orts generally .tone up the delicate nerve wuVh-nre ud practically worthless. .. italt hal(h ajd relieve- Jo Wffick What you need is something' that hemlaohe, - biliounen itnd dimnt'83. will start the serretious and throw offj .- Thvvare inaureH'remedy'fdrjC)ur the bile that has been accumulating most-common r ailment and are-mild and made you slnuph and heavy, (and harmeles. Your'druggist hand Polk Miller's I.iver Pills have been les them' ami knows their worth, the safe family remedy for twenty-Price 10o per box. Free sample sent Ave years. UiponUtju'to'Pglk -Mtflif Truj? They are free from calomel which- Co.,Jm.'., Richmond, VaA.M-2e' gripes an distressed and which i ccmiv& onach.box." $ ZT(M WEEKLY LIMERICK A caroenter. &y 1: Made hp his m1nUn;hve wrnendSay. - ? 1 HARlXWARia mm mfmm m i n i m n i r f t i '-"VJ'jy.1 ,.,t:, Good Saws than YOU'LL FIND HERE Not Only the Best Makes of Saws BUT GOOD TOOLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. While Thoroughly Reliable as to Quality We offer them at prices but little in excess of inferior Grade. BUY YOUR TOOLS HERE D. V. DIXON C& SON BEAUFORT, N. C. -THE- FISHERMAN'S PARADISE Spanish Mackerel-Blue Fish, Trout. Plenty of Boats Charges Moderate. . -' COMFORTABLE HOTELS AND COTTAGES Extremely Low Season Week End Sunday EXCURSION FARES via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Ask Ticket Agents for Timetable and Fares or Write VY. E. PORCH, Beaufort, N. C. H. S. LEARD, G. P. A. J. F. MITCHELL, T. P. A. Norfolk, Va. Raleigh, N.C. $8.50 IDIIfJU $10. JACKSONVILLE FROIV2 Proportionate Fare-Frorti Other Points In Ni C. Atlantic THE STANDARD RAILROAD'oF THE SOUTH. TICKETS WILL BE SOLD FOR ALL TRAINS TTttoeslJay. -Sept Liaitai, n(anii. U wscli Origieal Sli FOR SCHEDULES. RESERVATIONS AND INFORMATION. APPLY TO v. ; ' . D. J. WARD Ticket Agent. -.- i .... i : i Crl : . ? iii 5 ..U Vv; Kiwton. N. C -'.v- - W: I. -.CRAIG; 7 ' " V T. C WHITE - 7v. Fauenger-Tiaffic Wsier,.'t WILMINGTON. N. C if ic-,iv . i r ! r i the nne of C. La vfr.Wi S(J Iff cams to . VJ V?' E Where claims, ha saw more he ever.'see" saw. OUBSTOR L " so TilMPA WtON Va:f and S. C. - ' Line 22 P sot lUr lhaa Kidaigat ef Ti. Spt. 22 U:';'-" W r'' Gm PEenE . Agen, I LOFTIN & DAT,TgO: ;AV.cmeys. . - 8-1 ?f 2C C-2, IK I ."-i i ly j L, -mJ. . General , Pais. A CB?e m eyer,crji.c.i.s.r iXfT

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