THE DAILY FREE PRESS -a. PbUh.d Every Afternoon Except Sund KflSTON FREE PRESS CO., INC. H. Cilt Braxton, Editor and Manager refill tha portoffic. al KinitoD. North Cuolina. a. Mcend-clu mtwr und.i c at CondeM oi ttM. ). 1879. UNITED - PRESS - REPORTS f tfephone All Departments 75 Subscription Rates: (Ptyabl in AaWic) Week, 10c. 3 Monthi. Month 35e. 12 Month.. Monday Evening, Septem'jer 7. 1511 An tKrhunire wants to know "Has Turkev declared war on Rusxia?" We , Ann't know anvthinir more than what trie censor avR. His answer is "nit." The "dead end" are thought to be the source of the contamination in KinHton'a water supply. If they oujrht to be "killed deader," ho that there will be no possibility of any further pollution. mag. : , ; Mr. Kinsey announces that he late -to make up for the late begin- endeavor to atone in future f ar fhe rftt'jffr 'af the present. Ed!t.nalaAt- ter will keep; news will not. That s .whvlha editorial columns have to punning now ior me nrrt couniyj of the present diffl- commenoement next spring. Thia ). -culties.' v a fine plan. Wake county haJ it I . . -, first commencement last spring. whenjHELPIXO Tift SMALL'T.VRMER !l the -hooU in th. muntv a?sem.l Yintcn-Salent Journal: "Editor bled in Raleigh, had a big pa; a!e and CHICHESTER S PILLS " HUE 1HAMONP HKANI. a ft.oi.fCBl Au year Untcf If a iMtt.fai lit 4 i VM rt.;,.(y ak hSct. flu f jop V j r r "merit A III in.-f r.B iliO.M I UA.1U l'H.L. Ill i Cowan down the "right' as evidenced We fear our friend in Wilmington hasn't conception of heroism by this fling: "A hello girl stuck to her station in Etain, France, regardless of fall Ing bombs. Maybe she waB listening to a conversation over the wire and just couldn't leave." The city officials have already had estimates and plans made for screen Ing the reservoir at the power plant, It is to be hoped that they will be obe to devise the ways and meim for getting the necessary fund? to do the work, which they say vi;l cost about $1,000 without much de lay. Winston-Salem has found it necea sary to increase its City tax rate from 1.00 to $1.20 in order to meet the ex penses of the growing city. Fortun ately there is virtually an offset in the total taxes to be pad by the citi ens of the township in that a short time ago the railroad tax was rcduc ed from 20 cents to 2 cents. Jailer Bilvln, over in Durham, ;,7 wants the Richmond "Journal and other of the liuor organs of the Old Dominion to come, down to his town .it- and take a picture oi his lone pris oner. The Ihjuoriles are not looking for that kind of "scenery" and ve would suggest that the picture be made at the expense of public funds and sent to an organ of trie white rlbboners for early publication. This is the home stretch for the small boy, the very last week, befort that stubbed toe will nave to he en- cased in a pair of new shoes. The discomfort of the too will be but in keeping with the balance of the boy, though, because the rnOsphrre and all the environment of the school room will be out tf harmony with his idea, of things, until he is again tamed down' and become "used to it" once more. AN OUTRAGE OF W AR i' Thirty-tive thousand, wounded Aus trian s and Russians left on the bnt- - Uefleld to die, is the report. One of the inhumanities of war. Think of the suffering of some cf the' poor fel lows, who are not mortally wounded, will endure among the dead and dy ing, while they await death from starvation or. foul qdors. Can't th international society for the preven Uon of cruelty to afiimals take some hand in this outrage tt civilisation and Christianity? -II the hospital corps, accompanying me armie, nav not time to gather vp:th wounded, why couldnt there v be an auxiliary a v . ambulance crew to fellow in the wake of the battles and cjlv felitf to the suffering in the laStkkowa! a' (ate. those not fatally wounded,! KINSTON WILL W.EXCOME . SCHOOL CHILDREN. ; Superintendent5 'Klftsey and the Board of Education for Lenoir toun . tjr dtl very wis thing wheq they de ckleA io defer the opening of the schools In order thattherch!fdren might assist la gathering .Aifrropa, whkb aj later thie year Uwrffnpa. gathered at the Raleigh Auditorium for their exercises. The city schools all joined in the parade and the sight was a most imposing one. Many cf the classes made extra preparation and showed the benefit of special training for the occasion. Kington will be glad to welcome the boys and girls from every nook and cor ner of the county, and the teachers, pa's and ma's as well. It will just be a big day and the "keys" of the city will be turned over to the yvjth of the county. ELIMINATE GRADE CROSSINGS Engineer Glenn of the Southern Railway, makes a plea for caution on the part of automobilists and drivers of other conveyances at rail road crossings, saying that it fre quently happens that his train mis ses killing a party of them just by "the skin of his teeth" and all be cause these people are reckless and fail to take the little necessary pre caution to "stop, look and listen" be fore crossing a track. The wonder is not that there are so many grade crossing accents, but that there are so few, when the utter disregard of care is taken into consideration. Eut then the grade crossing must go. If a man will not take care of himself it is hard to know how to make him do so, and the railroads will find out sooner or later that it will pay to eliminate nil grade crossings, in the saving of damage suits arising from accidents, due either to the careless ness of the company or the injured ClareSee Poe thinks that the future of cotton is .up to the bankers of the South. If the-tanks fail to lend money to the o'ne-hore farmer irj this crisis, then calamity for cotton fs sure to follow, thinks Dr. Pee. He says ne. realizes that there is not much profit to be made by lending the one horK or two-horse farmer the amount of money needed to carry over his few bales of ctton, and that the bankers may prefer to confine their loans to merchants, cotton buyers, and weal thy money lenders. "In thecourse of a stirring appea: to the bankers of. the South to come $o the rescue of the farmers, Dr. Pee saysu v v . " 'Nevertheless, just at this time the prosperity -o the South depends upon getting help to this bottom man. A chain is no stronger than its weak est link. If the banks now fail to help the poorest class of farmers, then the markets may be glutted with "distressed cotton" at the very beginning of the season, satiating the demands of our American mills, com pelling low prices throughout all the rest of the marketing seasons and endangering the prosperity of ai: classes in the South. " 'Moreover, Mr. Banker, we be lieve this is an opportunity for you to establish a fellowship, a friend ship, and a companionship with even ta 'npttfniising small farmer that will inure to your benefit and his through all the coming years.' " ye:n'--tw?tuBit.i:'f.A!irY pi:n i I mi n pv nw -mi f f buvufpf i LABOR DAY EXCURSION TO RALEIGH AND NEW BERN SEPTEMBER 7. 1914 VIA NORFOLK SOUTHERN. Ask ticket agent for fares and schedule, or address: H. S. Leard, G. P. A., Norfolk, Va. J. F. Mitchell, T P. A., Raleigh, N. C. E. C. Potter, T. P. A., Norfolk, Va. 8-31 to 9-7 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY Sunday Excursion to Norfolk $2.50 Raleigh, Wendell, Zebulon, Middle sex, Wilson, Farrnville, Goldsboro, La Grange, Kinston, and intermediate stations $2.25. Greenville, Washington, Plymouth, Vanceboro, and intermediate stations. $2.25. Tickets sold for trains leaving Ral eigh and Goldsboro Saturday nights due Norfolk 7:30 a. m. Sunday. Re turning train leaves Norfolk 9:00 p. m. Spend Sunday at the Seashore. J. F. MITCHELL, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C i E. D. KYLE, H. S. LEARD, Traffic Mgr. Gen. P. A SCHOOL NOTICE. Readers of the LADIES HOME JOURNAL-recognized as the lead ing publication of th . class jn the world-know that BERKEY & GAY furniture is the FURNITURE QF .CULTURE AND CHARACTER. Quinn & Miller are exclusive distri butors of Berkey & Gay line as well as of other established furniture factories. & WHAT'OTHERSlAYj) BAD IF THEY START WAR HERE Wilmington Star: "General Dan Cupid conquers all comers. A few days ago he compelled a union be ;ween an Austrian reservist and : Kussian girl who had captivated the enemy." POLICEMAN WANTED Roanoke Rapids Herald: "A niht policeman : budly needed in Koannke Rapids. From all accounts, sorr.e turbulent souls had a "high old tiriu" en the streets la-t Sat u: day nirht and Sunday morning." WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF? (ireensboro News: "It was some twenty years after the event before there was complete knowledge as to the causes of the Fraivo-Pm.ian wai. and I.:, that time the world had lost most of its interest in the subiect. Maybe those '.r.iilty of starting the present conflagration in Fuicpe are hoping that history will in this in stance repeat itself." 4- WE HAVE EM. TOO ftreentborb Record: "Mr. J. T. Pecle, a former resident of Greensbo ro. ,uw holding a icsponsible posi tion with the Southern Bell Tcle phone Company in Georgia, was a culler at this office todav. Mr. Peele a man who deea set show age. is a mini who does not show aze. When signs appear he thwa He is cleanly shaven, even the adorn ment of his upper lie bciro sac. rifii'td to bHn" 'emits." SEVERAL SURPRISES NOTED '"'"'" .uh. me vjermans were al'le to begin their mai.-S nn Pn-ia the minute that Ei:ivor Wiiban: de- c!i.i-eii war. The Uns ians had tn ready for their march cn Berlin, but t. A'ojcovif.'s g-. t:in; there now. The Germans expected to whip Frano '" capture fans r-efr-r ih p... sian army was mobilized for the in vasien if Germany. The German at varxe has rut n!v taken mr,re t.nw but rret with tiK' olitrur:.n ih- was expected. .Ar.J then Austria has leen weaker :hin expected and Entr land was not Counted among the al lies.' . - CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean tne Signature of THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar Courses lending to decrees. Spe oinl Courses for tea.'hfi s. Free tut. tion to tho-e w!io agree to beeonu the S-tn t Fail Sessior begins September L'tli, For catalogue ahd otlier information, ad-Jrefis The city public schools will open Monday, September 14, nine o'clock a. m. White children will assemble Saturday, September 12, in the rooms they last .attended, for promotion, and to receive book lists; colored children Monday, September 14. The white teachers will meet Fri day, September llr 10 o'clock a. m., at the graded school; colored teach ers Friday, September 11, 3 p. m., at their building. .. : ; Children who become six years old before October 14, admitted Septem ber 14. All children must have been successfully vaccinated. The State law requires the attendance of all children between eight and twelve years of age. By order of the Board. BARRON CALDWELL, Supt. Worses & MMqs Come and see our stockbe fore buying, and get prices and terms. j& Sold under guarantee, must be as represented or money refunded. j& The Geo. F. Simmon's Barn, on North Street. KING & MEARNE DOVER BOUND JULIUS I. F0UST, President, G.'eensbors, N. C SORRY FOR YOU WE HAVE BEEN THERE Elizabeth City Advance: "The Ad i'nce is very sorrv to pom eauers this week with an aooloirv. but trouble in its mechanical depart ment hag roade it impossible t t the usual cmount of copy into type. This difltoulry has been in the w.v for tn da y$V greatly embarrassing and adding to our labors. I w. ask ur friends io bt knin k. tv. ui6ijM this vtime arid .it I waj,; SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South N. B. : The following schednh figures are published only as infor mation and are not guaranteed. Train No. 21. Leaves Goldsbort 6:45 a. m., for Raleioh. Durham Greensboro, Asheville and Waynes- Ville. Through, train, to Asheville handles cba:r car to Waynesville Makes coccectiocs at Greensboro foi ail points north and east, and at Alheville wif Carolina. Special foi lineinnati, Chicago and all western points. Train No. 139. Leaves Goldsboro 2:05 p. m., for Raleigh and Durham, and Greensboro. Handles through Pullman sleeping car from to Atlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:23 a. mi making connection for New Orleans, Texas, California and all western points, also connects at Greensboro with throngh traino for all northern and eastern points. Train No. 151. Leaves Goldsboro 5:05 p. i'for Raleigh, Durham and GreensbcrO, Makes direct connec tion at Oreerrskora with solid Pull man sleeping eat, trltin for Wa?h Tork and all eastern and northm points. Connects also at Greeny ington, Baltimore, PhiJfldeJphia, Xei boro with throutb tourist sleepias oar for Los Angeles and San Fraoi eweo. i Train No. III. Leaves Goldsboro 10:4$ p. m.,.for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Handles Pullman sleep bag car Raleigh to Winston-Saletn Mates wOttctioa .t-reeisbor with tarok'iV fr larj'aj Sew Orteane; ajeo tncKoTir?eetl6TJ ior Asnevjiie Uirfttaioogv win. Aiemp&is, c.nringham aad al western points. AND SOUTH RAILROAD Schedule of Trains Carrying Passen gers. Effective Sunday, February 8. 1914. South Bound Trains. STATIONS 7 P. M. 4:45 5:00 5:04 5:13 5:22 5:42 C:00 "tJ:05 North Bonnd Trains STATIONS 6 A. M. 7:55 7:23 7:12 6:51 6:30 625 Trains run daily exoept Sunday. ' N. 8." KICHARDSON, TrafBc Manager D. .W. RICHARDSON, . General Manager. Lt Dover Lv, Foys Lt Taylors Lv Phillips Lv Wimsatt Lv Comfort Lv Peter-burg Ax Richlands Ar Dover Ar Phillips Ar Wimsatt - '.uJ 9 Ar Comfort Ar Petersburg Lv Richlands 5 A. M. 4.45 5:02 5:06 5:17 5:28 5:49 6:10 6.15 8 A.M. 7.55 7:27 7:18 7:00 6:40 6:35 $8.50 t ramie ROUND TRIP $10.50 TAMPA FROM KINSTON Proportionate Fares From Other Points in N. C. Va., and S. C. VIA THE Atlantic Coast Line THE STANDARD RAILROAD QF THE SOUTH. TICKETS WILL BE SOLD FOR ALLTRA1NS ' Tuesday Septa 22 Limiltd, rttarniBj, to rttcn Origiatl Starting Point sot Later thaa Midnight ef Tum. Stft 22 FOR SCHEDULES. RESERVATION. AND IJpRMATION. 4PW-Y TO D. J. WARDjicket Aent, Kinston, N. C. W. J. CRAIG: T. C WHITE . Passenger Traffic Manager, Gen'I Pasgenger Agen, WILMINGTON, N. C. Ill H. r . uakx, Gen. Pw'g, AgU .W"-ingtonf D. ,C S. H. HARDWICK, y . kP. T Mgr- Wasbincton. D, C a. jr. a. nateiga, u. . COAPMAN,- The National Bank of Ctlnston n v REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods! ancf t hank ha knt nare vith While conservative in the iiitercsi of ETY, itur equipment ' and u $ j e ss rfethojbV rhodem Let us J do bus:nesstoc2her to our -mutual advantage. Cspitsl. $100,000.00 Surplus, $90,000.00 jjj "TIlEl OLDEST AD STRONGEST BA1!I( 111 THEVCOUilTY:"

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