J5! U- TTTT lit SUNDAY SjftVPSi) '- KINSTON'S CHURCHES iMfANT-ADS SOCIAL And PERSONAL l4 ;.f-4.v"- &iiaft-3S'Ji trwio a" " 1 CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION I MINLMffll 15 CENTS ROOMS For rfenflMrfc P. A. Whit- zfield, 216 East Blount street. .. . c-ll-lly;tf oST Silver Vanity Case. If. found nlease return td Free Press office. p 9-8-5t-dly FOR RENT Six-room house, corner Queen and Sputh streets. Apply to Mrs. Rutherford. 9-9-4tdly Furnished Room for Rent. Apply to No. 106 West Caswell street. 9-ll-6td!y LOST Gold Elgin Watch, 20-year case. Return to J. R. Edwards or this office and get reward. 9-12-2tdly COLORED MAN or woman under 50 wanted. No experience needed. $100 00 month. Write quick. Box A-409, Cincinnati, Ohio. . 9-12-lt dly Will Move September 14th to 107 N. Queen street, in Hotel Tull Build ing. Household Furnishing Co., For rest Smith, General Manager. 9-3tol4-dly FOB SALE The Free Will Baptist church, on corner of Heritage and Gordon streets, building about 30x72, brick building and land. For fur ther information see W. H. Murphy. 9-3-dly-tf Eli Miguel has carload N well-broke horses for sale. Will take cotton at ten cents per pound in payment for them. !i-2-2t sw 9-7 6t dly This is the time to have your stoves put in readiness for the winter. My business is tobacco flues, mill piping, tin and slate roofing, awnings, plumb ing and general repair work. R. E. L. Rhodes, 110 West North Street, Phone 498. 9-11 to 18 dly The City of Kinston, N. C, will re ceive' bids to cover its reservoir on or before October 5, 1914. For spe cifications and particulars, address R. R. ROUSE, Water and' Light Commissioner. 9-11 to 10-4-dly. IS is STOP THAT DREADFUL PAIN Why suffer when you can relieve and cure yourself quickly safely? And you don't have to use a "patent medicine" either! Menthal Balm is the private prescription- of a highly successful physician who discovered that practically all pains, aches and disorders were caused by congestion. and inflammation. Menthal Balm is lieves congestion and inflammation and is therefore a sure relief for Croup, Neuralgia, Pneumonia, Sore Throat, Headache, Earache, Swell ings, Soreness and Stiffness, Pleurisy. Coughs, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, and all ether troubles due to congestion and inflammation. Menthol Balm is put up according to this physician's directions in the JNixon Laboratory. It is now on sale at 25 cents a tbottle only at the drug store of J. E. Hood & Co., Kinston, N. C. Get aibottle while the supply lasts, instead of pay ing $1 or $2 for a doctor's prescrip tion. Be sure it's Nixon's Menthal Balm. Used externally. (advt) Miss Janie Sampson of Wilson visiting friends here. K K K Mr. L. C. Stevens of Norfolk a Kinston 'visitor today. a Mr. Edgar Hardy of Institute town ship spent today here. a m h Mrs. I. M. Tull is the guest of friends in New Bern. m a a Mr. Luther Jennings of Columbia, S. C, spent last night and this morning in the city. ess Mr. Zebulon McLawhorn and fam ily, recently residents of Ayden, have taken up a new residence in Kinston. a a a - Mrs. Rose Ashe and children, who have been here from Goldsboro for a visit with relatives, left this morn ing for a trip to points in Alabama. a a a Mrs. W. D. Burroughs of Chatta nooga, Tenii., has returned home af ter spending a couple of weeks with relatives i nthe county and friends here. a a a Kinston people are delighted at the return of Mrs. Frank H. Brown from Watertown, N. Y., where she and her children have been spending sometime with Mrs. Brown's mother. They will occupy their home at 804 North Queen street. BAND REHEARSAL. Kinston and LaGrange members of tne second Jniantry nana win re hearse in the armory tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Programs for the Day's Worship Where Members, Friends and Vis itors in the City are Welcome. LATE J. P. MORGAN'S NIECE IS MARRIED Princeton, N. J., Sept. 12. Miss Sarah Spencer Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Morgan and niece of the late J. Pierpont Mo- gan of New York, was itiau' here today to Henry Burchell Gard ner. Miss Morgan made her debut in society two years ago. Gardner was graduated from Harvard with the class of '13.. STOP THAT FIRST FALL COUGH Check your fall cough or cold at oncsW-don't wait -it may-lead to se rious lung trouble, weaken your vi tality and develop a chronic lung ail ment. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-Honey today; it is pure and harm less use it freely for that fall cough or cold. If Baby or Children are sick give it to them, it will relieve quick ly and permanently. It soothes the irritated throat, lungs and air pas sages. , Loosens Phlegh, is antisep tic and fortifies the system against colds. It surely prevents cold germs from getting a hold. Guaranteed, Only 256 at your Druggist. CHICHESTER S PILLS hlH?hetcr. Diamond UrandJ scairu wiia i;mo KHrDon. Take pa other. liny of jour V Prneclft. Aikfort ilI.C'iri:8.TEH 8 DIAMONtt llRAMt IMI.I.R. in. lir. .' ttnewn u Best, Safest, Always R tbMa J01D Bf DRUGGISTS EVERVWHERE tic.? Increase Your Crops and Improve Your Soil with the MULFORD NTTRO-GERM. Contains tested strains jbf vigorous nitrbgen-f ixirj bacteria which fcrr nodules on the roots of Alfalfa, Clovers, Vetches, Cdw Pecs, Soy Beans and other legumes, gather nitro gen&on their aridconvcrt into nitrate form, available as plant food. ; I Legumes, when properly inoculated, enrich the soil in nitrates and humus and benefit succeeding crops. Ycu cannot afford to buy expensive- nitrogen when it can be obtained so easily and cheaply from the air. ;jif '''l : ..! .always use p- V O-fl E; m fJ Lr QJIKLBJ: V NiTRO -G ERM Y a reliable, tested product from the laboratories of H. K. Muirord Company, I Philadelphia, whose Antitonns, Serums, Vaccines, Assayed and Tested Iprngs are.' standarrijeverywhere. s'i . , s , . t lX SMALL COST LARGE RETURNS ; EASY TO USE Qmf .. N9-LABOR EXPENSE - Jli K HGODI S COMPANY BAPTIST. f irst tsaptist cnurcn. bervrces in Primitive Baptist church on Caswell street. Sunday school at 0:30. Peach ing at 11 and 8. Morning subject, "If I Trust God With My Soul WH1 He Take Care of It!" Evening sub ject, "The Magnetic Vision." Special music at both services. Caswell Street Mission Sunday school 3:15 p. m. Caswell Mills Mission Sunda school 3:15 p. m. Everybody cordially invited to at tend all the services. Primitive Baptist Church Elder J W. Gardner of Goldsboro will preach at 4:20. The public is cordially in vited. CHRISTIAN Gordon Street Christian church. The Bible school will assemble at 10 o'clock, and at 11 o'clock the program will be given over to the preaching service, closing about 12 o'clock. The evangelistic servce continues through the day. Sunday morning the pastor will discuss, "What Will You Do With Jesus?" At the night service the subject will be "The Closed Door." A cordial invitation to all. The mem bers of the church are asked to bring a special offering to meet the expense of the evangelistic services. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Service at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8. Reading room in church edifice open daily from 2 until 5 p. m EPISCOPAL. Christ Episcopal church. Sunday school at 4 o'clock. Evening service with sermon by the Rev. John H. Grif fith. St. Mary's Episcopal church Ser vices, morning at 11 o'clock, and eve ning, at 8 o'clock, by Mr. George F Hill. Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock. METHODIST. Queen Street Methodist church. Sunday school at 9:30, preaching at 11 o'clock and at 8.15 by the pastor. . Caswell St. M. E. church Sundaj school, 9:30; G. F. Brietz, superior tendent. PRESBYTERiAN Atkinson Memorial Presbytcriaij church Sunday school, 9:45. Preach church Sunday school, 9:45. . There. will be no preaching service, this be ing the second Sunday. The pastor will be at LaGrange. Christian En deavor meeting at 7 p. m. UNI VERS AL1ST. Universalist church, Lenoir and McLewean Ftrett.s. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Servi.x of worship, with sermon at S p. m. ROAD EXPERT TELLS HOW WORK SHOULD BE DONE KID GLOVES Are The Specials For This Week The Hutchens and Potter Co. Well KnownMake $1 and $1.25 Each Pair Guaranteed. We are showing Fall Millinery in all the latest creations. : : Is. HI. L Brasw ELL Miss Virginia Belle Braswell i in 1 1 Vi in - Certificate pupil of the department of Expression at Glen Eden Seminary, Ppushfaepsie, N. Y., and Graduate oj the School of Expression S. S. Curry, Ph. D., Litt. D., President, of Boston, Mass., will " accept pupils in expression $tuher:y$ltid.io, Whilaker Building. Appointment can be made by Telephone for personal interview. : : me AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream. Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Soi "We Strive to Please" I INDUSTRl R. F. D. NO. 2, KINSTON N. C. Fall Term Opens September 22-14. An institution offording its pupils a literary education, musical training in cither instrumental or vocal, and a ministerial course. Splendid opportunities are offered young men, who wish to pay a part of their way in pleasant work. Write for full particulars. J. M.PERRY, General Manager. BRDOB N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C.,. .Goldsboro, N.C. ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. Edgerton Building. r Littleton College - A weII-MtW'hed. wellquippfd, and very pronperou school for girl, .rui young women. . Fall term begin. September 16, I9H. 1 For catalogue, addresa (Ccntinucd from Page One) where the surface becomes soft sticky under the sun's rays, or where it 'tbleeds, " it may be positively stat ed that the material is not natural lake asphalt, but prepared hydro-car bons derived from artificial sources. Street and road foundations are al ways a matter of locality, and local materials should be used to as great anrextent as possible. Washed grav el makes a good concrete for founda tions where broken stone is too ex pensive. "Cementitious gravel, which is bank gravel with a slight admixture of clay, makes a good foundation for country roads where the travel is not excessive, and where it is well rolled with a heavy roller before the surface course is applied. Sometimes a coarse sand is found which makes an excellent mineral ag gregate for a concrete foundation This, however, requires a somewhat larger proportion of cement. In nearly every locality careful en gineering study will develop some ma terial or combination of materials, which will provide adeq-2te founda tions for city streets and country roads. Competent engineers should be encouraged to study the possible road materials in each locality, and the United States office of public roads will cheerfully make the neces sary chemical, tests, without charge, to denonstrati the value of local ma terials, j ' ' Many thousands of dollars have been wasted by local authorities through lack of technical information regarding the value of materials within reach. In the present age or progress, economy consists in employ- ing trained minds for the( perform-j ance of technical duties) and tne use of thoroughly trfeo materials where ever they are available. -X That "anybody can' build roads" I undoubtedly true. But that the ulti mate cost of "roads and streets built by other than competent men, and! vriOv.' other than adequate ' material is unduly excessive, and. the r3'tai flunsatfccfactory. jtf lTKeyi$e true. 'The best men ana tne pesv mate rmis.m u. dUce .tfcj ttosi "jcionomlcal iiultip J. M. KHODCS, Lit leton, N. C First Class Tailoring, pressing and cleaning. Call Carolina Pressing Club, Phone 528. 7-30, tf. FIRST SHIPMENT Of 500 Pounds TURNIP. RU7A BAGA, RAPE AND GERMAN CLOVER Just Received. Marstbn's Drug Store. The Modern Method of Finishing Walls MsMnaaaMBsaMsW MSMaMsjBaajBjsBBjsjaaaMHgci mmKHUtMMmmmKmmmm mmmmmmm tmmmmmmmmMmmmmKmmmKmtKmmS mmmmmmmmKmKmHtattKKK If you are building or redecorating your home you should have this interesting book It is free for the asking and tells 'all about the advantages of !.; PEE GEE F.LATSOATT THE SANITARY, DURABLE FLAT OIL FINISH the beautifully illustrated hooWThe Modern Method Of Finishing Walls," contains practical suggestions for the artistic decoration of vails and ceilings. It shows reproductions of a number of rooms finished effectively with Pee Gee Flatkoatt, and gives other valuable information and many harmonious color coinbinations. Ask us for this book or write direct to PEASLEE-GAULBERT CO. X PEE GEE FLATKOATT f: tOUISVUit KENTUCKY: t; q ' r. , MANUFACTURERS OP PEE GEE r LATKOATT Is now extensively used instead of old' fashioned wall paper and other antiquated and unsanitary material. Pee Gee Flatkoatt is a very durable hygienic interior decorative oil paint that imparts a velvety-like etlcct The" delicate and harmonious tints do not fade, and are both restful and pleasing to the eye. Aside from its artistic beauty. Pee Gee Flatkoatt is the most economic wall-finish on.the market. It is very durable, and should it become soiled it can easily and quickly be restored to its original beauty and clearness by sponging with water and soap. iPee Gee Flatkoatt saves the expense and incon vience of frequent repapering or redecorating and assures the fullest measure of satisfaction. II. E. MOSELEY HARDWARE CO.