THE DAILY FREE PRESS PsUmImkI Every Afternoon Eiwpt Sunday KtliSTON FREE PRESS CO., INC M. Salt Braxton, Editor and Manager x Kiiutnn North CaroliM. under act oi Coht. oi SUITED - PRESS - REPORTS f otophone All Department. 75 Subscription Rates: go rWl.i Ahrc)l I Week. 10c 3 Month, H fcAWk 35c. 12 Month. $4 Tuesday Evening, Sept 22, 1914. The Free Press has received a copy of the Elkin Tribune's industrial edi tion. It is splendid paper, filled with good business and copiously i lostrated. France alone of all the warring na nninomiinir navies, has lost no battle ships. This is not due to the fact that the French naval boats have been kept under cover, for they are reported to be rendering splendid as sistance to the fighting craft of her ally, the mistress of the high seas. The Congressional Record will be rather more voluminous than usual with Senators Burton's and Kenyon's filibustering time killers are printed. We are glad that there is no compul sory reading of these volumes for" if there was any such affliction to be meted out to us, we would be tempted to "cease" publication for a day or two until the copy could be lost. Advertising is good for the salva tion of souls, says a well known local minister. He avers that the publi cation in The Free Press of the act ivities of his congregation, and par ticularly the account of those, who bad recently put in their member ship, was responsible for three oth ers coming and doing likewise. This If by far the greatest tribute to advertising that has come to the no tice of the editor of The Free Press or perhaps any other newspaper in all the world. WHISKY CAUSES SERIOUS BREACH OF PEACE The conduct of a magistrate, of the Falling Creek section, Sunday after noon in holding up people on the pub lic highway because he was under the influence of whisky, as it has been reported, was a very serious offense. It certainly furnishes a splendid ar gument for the complete banishment of liquor. The lives of women and children were endangered for a time, accord ing to reports, and they were sub jected to the indignities of profane language used in their presence. The man's wife and child were included. A sad spectacle, aside from the seri ousness of the offense against the peace and dignity of the community, and the influence of liquor cannot ex onerate the offender from culpability. ANTI-SPITTING ORDINANCE. The Free Piess is simply "ilelight mI" (with due rt'Kjiect to the Colonel) to call attention to the city's an nouncement that spitting on the side walks and in the public buildings of the city must be stopped, and that the ordinance, outlawing this disgust ing habit, which has been on the books for some years, will be resurrected and invoked to make Kinston's streets suitable walkways and not cuspidors. In this connection the recent issue of the bulletin, issued monthly by the State Hoard of Health, has a very apt illustration of the situation in which two men are pictured as mur derers. One is a regular cut-throat assassin, who slips up and kills his enemy in the dark; the other is the careless spitter, suffering from tu berculosis or some other equally as terrible disease, sitting in a chair and expectorating at random. The illus tration draws the further distinction that the real murderer kills his ene my, and the spitter is most apt to lull his nearest. and dearest loved The public. at large should not be alow to respond ta efforts of the city authorities ta dean up the streets mad make them more sanitary. On tfcs other band, a& has been luggeited in tnese columns ueiore, inc a-i Press does not think it necessary to take too drastic steps to enforce the ordinance at the outset. A system of warning the offenders should be tried out and if the custom is continued in the law should be invoked and the p;ui!ty ones brought to task. The throwing of fruit skins and other litter upon the streets and side walks should be gi en attention along with the crusade against spitting. TRUTH IN ADVERTISING The cardinal principle of successful advertising is truth. A strict adher ence to the facts in the case. The American Association of Advertisers has frowned upon all advertising that smacks of untruthful and exaggerat ed statements. In many places, where advertising clubs, composed of the representatives of the business firms and the newspapers, has been organ ized, influence has been brought to bear upon the city authorities and or dinances have been drafted making it a violation of the law and the offend ers subject to a heavy fine for any statement to be contained in an ad vertisement either in public print or in the show windows of the advertis er, which is not backed up by the goods in every particular. In some states this law has been enacted as a state-wide measure. The result is that the faker has been largely elim inated and the public has gotten faith in the advertising matter coming to its notice, consequently advertising is becoming more of a factor in the mod ern business life than it has been even in the years that are passing. The business concern which is build ed on truth and fair dealing is a gi braltar in its community. Mr. Busi ness man, keep the fact in mind, when you prepare your copy for the news paper, that truth must be the con trolling principle and just as you in sist on your clerks making true rep resentations to your customers, see that your great auxiliary salesman your newspaper space makes no misrepresentations. WHAT OTHERS SAY SPEAKING GENERALLY Durham Herald: "There are per haps several gentlemen who would like to be governor, yet it would not be safe for any of them to throw up a good job in order to take a chance" A WEAK (WEEK) PROGRAM Durham Sun: "From the Petro grad advices it seems that the Aus trian army is attacked each Monday, fights until Friday, is defeated Sat urday, retreats in a rout Sunday, sur renders that evening and begins the same thing over again on Monday morning." MIXING IN MEXICAN AFFAIRS Greensboro News: "Should Carran za run for the presidency his oppon ent in the perfectly fair election that has been promised would have about as much chance as would a Republic an to be elected governor in South Carolina. And he would experience a good deal more discomfort, if per mitted to live ut all." PROHIBITION PAYS Raleigh News and Observer: "The foes of prohibition in Virginia set great store by the financial end of the question. As a matter of fact prohi bition nukes a State materially rich er, but if it didn't the reasons for its adoption by a State would not be weakened. Prohibition is a practi cal way of promoting a sound public policy and should prevail whether it pays in a pecuniary way or not." Children Cry for Fletcher's mm a m I Ml DON'T GIVE IP FIGHT. Scotland Neck Commonwealth: Last week The Commonwealth ap pealed to the merchants of Scotland Neck to close their stores during the fall and winter months at half after seven o'clock. Thus far nothing Has been done by them toward that end. Have Scotland Neck merchants got to be run down and dragged into closing their stores after working their employes twelve hours?" MEDIATION ONLY "SHORT" COURSE Wilmington Star: "Several con flicts like the series of battles from the Marne to the Aisne will make ihem all sick of war. The one hope if preventing a prolongation of the agony Is mediation. There isnt any use trying to guess at the final re sult. The world will sooner or later apen its eyes at the marvelous fight ing resources of all the combatants for maintaining hostilities for an in- The Kind Yon Have Always Booght, and which has been la use for over 30 years has borne the signature of j9 and has been made under his per- fj s-i&Yrf-t-d1- onl supervision tslnce Us Infancy. j-CUcuM Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Experiments thr.t trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xareotio substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty year9 it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the Signature of WW runiuutc ui Grandmother's Day ' , The styles of Grandmother's day in furniture are wiih us again and more popular than ever. The general demand lor the old ideas is kecging the manu facturers busy filling orders. Our Stock of Quality Furniture is Decidely JJeyond Compare. EVERY KINSTON WOMAN SHOULD VISIT THE STORE, 1 Ml . - lit X-V , J7 m j J KJVSTOV, V'C' MBsMmmmmamMBijmmamsaassmmmaismmeaas-' mmm'i''tmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiim FrnCTPnniitim rnPUCDCTDAmiUPCPunni III In Use For Over 30 Years1 The Kind You Have Always Bought definite period. The only bright side of the situation is the hope of media tion to put a stop to a terribly ex hausting calamity." MR. BICKETT AND AMENDMENTS Winston-Salem Journal: "Demo crats of this county heard with much pleasure, we are sure, that Attor ney General Bickett would speak in the campaign here on the night of October 16. Our opinion is that there is no superior of Mr. Bickett as a public speaker appearing in the po litical arena of North Carolina to day. Also Mr. Bickett can be de pended upon to satisfy our Republic an friends once and for all as to the position of Democracy on the propos ed constitutional amendments." ALL TALK, ANYWAY Charlotte Observer: "Because Ma jor Graham, Commissioner of Agri culture, has made a stand against opening the. strong box of the depart ment without warrant of law, there is talk of running out a man to beat him in the next election. It might be that the very reason for which he is opposed would be the reason why the people would vote to keep him in. Be sides, Major Graham, being on the regular Democratic State ticket, would be a little more than ordinar ily hard to beat." Deafness ,v lm'al :t it:l iifai'.; tl. i '; i . .... uy In t-uu- tl. iifM.-Mi. , :. I i , ii t . - 4l rrllK'tlW i. li.-r;,. ; ...,,sij ei'inliikin . f tii.' u.u . ,,f Ttlh. Wtlfll Ull 1:1.' (. t:,". rumbling n.miiil i.r Ira: i li- It 1 eutlrvlr J I tvat ti ti 'i'iv i in t;iuti ii I n Hi. n eti iKt.rMal I ..'1 tl. VI' 1 ik-. sad nhi'C r.tnlt. utiu nnh.a Din t,. rt. ...n. .. ..... I . i i. - ..... t (bit tube rvftuml to l:a 1. ru...l r.tii'iitlnii. li.-ur- lng will be dintl-uri J fi.r. K i : Hill.' ra out of tru are ratlix'il br ('..tnvrh. wlilo;. in lu.tblnc but an hiHanH'il rtitulltt.ii . f tt:r mirfiii'is. W will give h ll'i' .1 I'..!lur f. r i;y of KrafiiF-s ('mbfi'iI br i'. ta-rfcl that . ninii t b cured br llall'c Ciitar.h Cure. S ml fur circu lars free. f. J. cunxr.v & co., Toic:., o. ("old by Drupelet. ", Tike Hall a Kaoiilr I'iIIi for constlpatks. KKl'ORT OF THE CONDITION OK The Farmers Bank and Trust Co. At I.aUrangt", N.C.. in the State of North Carolina, at the close of busioes Sept. I -J, 1!)H. RKSOt Kl ES Loans and Piscouuts, $2;i.l.".(i9 Overdrafts secured, i;it;.3i Uankinir house, furniture and tli tines, ;i"'L'.fO lemand loans, 40;mki Puefrom I'.anks and Hankers. 1 ::-U.77 Cash items, HI. tie Silver coin, including all minor coin currency, i'UO.Ori National bank notes and other U. S. notes 1,9'.0.00 Total LIAI!1LITIS Capital stock paid in, U1U0.00 tndivuteU pronts. less current eipenses and taxes paid. Hills payable. Time Certflcates of lepcit. I e posits subject to check SaTioffs Deposits Dae to Banks and Hauliers 222.06 too.oo WX1.0O h.o-jo.. ieo.M) 1.017.94 Total fas. 721 8 state of North Carolina. County of Le noir, as: I, Samuel Abbott, Ca'hier of the abSTe-eamed bank, dq solemnly swear that the alove statement is true to the best of my kno ledge and belief. SAMCEL ABBOTT, Cashier. Subscribe! and sworn to before me, this 2Ut day of Sept. 1914. UEO. L. TAYLOR, Notary Public. Mt commission eiDirea Jan. 29. lQlfi Correct Attest: P. W. Wood, O. TitLoa, 1 11. W. Brothim, Directors. Tired! An yea tirodf na dowm? aarrour l rrthin yea do aa effort? Not it I aot UiIbom. Yoa ore Ilk Year yttoai ao J a toaio. Your Btoaaaeb( UaaoT aad Livor ao4 ttrriaj up. Notaiaf will da thl batter Uaa Electric Bitters BOo. and $1.00 All DnUkU OFFICE AND HOSPITAL Telephone 533 Dr. J. F. Foley, Veterinarian In rear of Stroud Bros.' Store Diseases of all Domestic Animals Treated. EAST C ARC LIN A i EACH ERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September 22, 1914. For catalogue and other information address, ROBERT H. WRIGHT. President Greenville. ... North Carolina i Hor SOS s s We are here for business. Will sell you one or more? or exchange, if you have some that don't suit you. Fair treatment and terms reasonable. The Geo. F. Simmon's Barn, on North Street. CUMG & MEAGRE twwm(iiiit;jaisi Ml &l It -rT317 . m It I I . 1 , . , ilThe best paint for "Your House ASK any painter and he will tell you that Pure White Lead, reinforced with Zinc Oxide and Genuine Lin seed Oil in correct proportions is the best paint to use. That's the reason painters everywhere use and recommend "THE KIND THAT LASTS" FREE PAINT BOOK Alk for beautifully illustrated book, "Homei and How to Paint Them," also color card showing 45 color shades, or write direct to PLASIE-14ULBEKT CO., Incorporated, Uoisvlllt, Kr. You'll be proud of your home when it, attractively painted with Mastic Paint. Beside, you'll enhance its value and protect it against the element. Be sure it's Mastic Paint and you will realize the fullest measure t paint satisfaction. K. L MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. aaS The National Bank of i&ihsibh REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business mcthocls, and this bank has kept pace with them. , .v . . .-. ; - While conservative in "fK interest ..of SAFETY. ; our' equipment and bus I n ess methods, are modern. ; Let us do business together to our mutual advantage. ; Cspitsl. $100,000.00 Surplus. 500.C30.00 'THE OLDEST AND STRONGEST BANK III ME COIMY."