WANT ADS K i CENT A WORD EACH IN SERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS WANTED Two experienced saleala dies. JU. Aai w ov":r x. 9-15- dly tf ipocTin I And 1 PERSONAL J I Anyone wishing to Take Lessons on Violin, see or writ A. H. coble. 9-19-dly-tf FOB SALE OU Papers, suitable for c- , nackasre. r ree rress. FOR SALE Old Papers in 5e pack mres. Good for underlaying car pets, packing: or wrapping purposes, Free rress. TKEN UP A dark bay mare mule, club-footed. See Joseph Isler, 111 Dennis street. 9-22-lt-dly HOUSE FOB RENT Corner McLew an and Bright streets. H. 0. Hy tt 9-21-2t dly 9-23-2t-sw RANTED Six men at once to can vas and sell house furnishing goods Apply Household Furnishing Co. 9-22-3t-dly WANTED To buy 100,000 pounds wheat or oat straw in hales. Kin ston Mattress Factory, 110 E. North street 9-22-2t-dly FOK bALb lottreli newspaper press and Dexter folder. Will print and tola 4 or 8 pages, b columns. A bargain. Address Free Press, Kin ston, N. C. 9-14-tf WANTED Couple with no children want house centrally located. Will pay good rent for desirable location Address D. D. B., care Free Press. 9-22-6t dly LOST Between city limits and W, C. ' Dupree's gin house on Central Highway, on Sept. 16., one Collie Puppy. Finder will please notify Thomas Harvey and receive reward. 9-17-6t-dly 9-12-2t-sw TO THE PUBLIC White Kid Gloves made white as snow at Union Pressing Club. Give us a tiral and be convinced. Phone 33-J. Haddock and Smith, Props. 9-22-t.t.s. 13t dly The City of Kinston. N. C. will re ceive bids to cover its reservoir . on or before October 5, 1914. For spe cifications and particulars, address R. R. ROUSE, Water and Light Commissioner. 9-11 to 10-4-dly. OIL TREATMENT FOR STOMACH TROUBLES. A simple prescription made up of a combination of pure vegetable oils is producing wonderful results for sufferers from stomach, liver and in testinal troubles. The remedy, which is said to have originated in France, where it has been used for years by the peasantry, was introduced into this country by George H. Mayr, a leading Chicago druggist, who cur ed himself of, severe stomach, liver and intestinal troubles by its use. Those who have used it say the first dose is sufficient to convince any one of its remarkable merit, and that within twenty-four hours the sufferer feels like a new person, This medi cine, which has become known as Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy, ;s now sold by first class druggists everywhere. It is now sold here by J. E. Hood & Co, Mr. Peyton Hooker spent today in Goldsboro. K K H Mrs. Harry Stallings is visiting in LaGrange. K K K Mr. Henry Rouse of LaGrange was in the city foday. k h a Mr. G. S. Willard of Pink Hill was a Kinston visitor today. H a K Mrs. John C. Hood is visiting her parents in Smithfield, N. C. k a &: Mrs. Robert Lomax of Goldsboro spent Monday with relatives here. a k k Mr. Marvin Rochelle left this morn ing to enter the institute at Oak Ridge. a a a Mrs. Appleby of Oriental is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Ward in the city. a a a Mrs. George Whaling of Winston- Salem arrives this afternoon to be the guest of relatives for several days. . r , Mrs. W. Waverly White, who has been the guest for some time of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Braxton, has re turned to her home in Newport News, Va. Rev. Hayes Farrish passed through the city Monday en route from Tren ton to Hookerton, where he is super vising the remodeling of the Chris tian church. rf Mr. James Moore of the water and light department, has gone to War- renton, where his father, a Presbyter ian minister of that place, is seriously ill. MRS. D. V. DIXON DIES IN BALTIMORE Death Came Following An Operation In a Baltimore Hospital, Monday Night Remains Arrived Here This Afternoon. Mrs. D. V. Dixon, the wife of one of Kinston's best known business men and the mother of Messrs. E. P. and L. Dixon, Miss LucJe Dixon and Master William Dixon, died in Bal timore Monday night at 10 o'clock. Death followed an operation in the Hebrew Hospital in Baltimore. The funeral arrangements have not been made. The remains arrived in this city this afternoon. Mrs. Dixon was fifty-three years of age. bhe was Miss Connne ratricK, and a member of a leading Greene county family, before her marriage. She came to Kinston with Mr. Dixon and their children fifteen years ago from Hookerton. A woman of splendid character, traits and attractive manner, Mrs. Dixon had many friends in the city and the vicinity. She was a member of tbe Methodist church, and Rev. A. Humble, pastor of Queen Street church, will conduct the funer al. DAME FASHION MAKES GORGEOUS SHOWING Ideal Weather Smiled On Fall and Winter Openings of Barrett and Hartsfield, J. M. Stephenson and Chamberlain and Braxton. BARRETT AND HARTSFIELD HAVE SPLENDID DISPLAY. The weather was auspicious for the fall millinery opening at the Barrett & Hartsfield store today. On the sec ond floor, the department devoted to ladies' headwear, was one of the three most popular places in town during the day. The showing, every fair caller agreed, was just about as com plete as could be desired. Every mod el that Dame Fashion has devised for the season, with every shade that is proper, was to be seen. The crowd was one of the largest to yet attend an opening at the Barrett & Harts field store, and certainly one of the most pleased. The millinery depart ment in the store is a big, roomy plac ment in the store is a big, roomy place, with every facility for advan tageous display, and the new styles were set off in charming array. J. M. STEPHENSON STORE SUSTAINS ITS REPUTATION The J. M. Stephenson Ladies' Store was crowded all day with ladies to view the fall millinery and other of ferings of the season there, displayed for the first time. The showing was one of the most complete ever brought to Kinsto, and was composed of the selections of experts in the line. The styles were varied and em braced every model of the season, with a complete assortment of the lat est trimmings. The colors authoriz ed, were in evidence throughout the hop, and with suitable decorations j. ... ... mr me occasion, muue an aurccuve scene. The Stephenson stock, accord ing to competent critics, is the most complete ever offered in this store, which has long been known locally and in neighboring towns as a near ly ideal center for women shoppers. CHAMBERLAIN AND BRAXTON SHOW WELL SELECTED MODELS Chamberlain and Braxton are showing today their new models in hats for ladies for the coming sea son. The display is evidence of the good taste of Mrs. Chamberlain and Miss Braxton, and is their very best effort yet. The shapes and shades are the gleanings of weeks of study J f the styles in northern cities. The shop; was filled from an early hour with prospective purchasers and those who simply went to gratify the per fectly natural feminine curiosity con cerning such matters. The proprie tresses received innumerable compli ments on the completeness of their selection and the attractiveness of the display. Practically all the new for eign aud American designs are exhib ited, and prices, fair authorities as sert, arc as pleasing as the hats are practical and pretty. EASY, SAFE RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION Just take Dodson's Liver Tone, the remedy that replaces calomel it causes no restriction of habit of diet. It is a mistake to take calomel when your liver is lazy and needs toning up. Hundreds of people in this section have discovered that Dodson's Liver Tone is a thousand times better, and its action is just as sure and it is al ways safe. There are none of the bad after effects of calomel to Dodson's Liver Tcne and no danger of salivation. For attacks of constipation or bil iousness one or two tablespoonfuls of this mild, pleasant tasting vegetable liquid are enough. E. B. Marston Drug Company give personal guaran tees that every bottle will do all that is claimed for it. Your money back if it fails. Dodson's Liver Tone costs only 50 cents for a large bottle. Remember the name because there are numbers of remedies sold in imitation. These imitations are not guaranteed and may be very harmful. Go to E. B. Marston Drug to. and you will sure- J iy get the genuine. (advt.) . STOP THAT FIRST FALL COUGH Check your fall cough or cold at once don't wait it may lead to se rious lung trouble, weaken yur vi tality and develop a chronic lung ail ment. Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey today; it is pure and harm less use it freely for that fall cough or cold. If Baby or Children are sick give it to them, it will relieve quick ly and permanently. It soothes the irritated throat, lungs and air pas sages. Loosens Phlegh, is antisep tic and fortifies the system against colds. It surely prevents cold germs from getting a hold. Guaranteed. Only 25c at your Druggist. Miss Virginia Belle Braswell Certificate pupil of the department oj Expression at Glen Eden Seminary, Poughkeepsix, N. Y., and Graduate oj the School of Expression S. S. Curry, Ph. D., Lilt. D., President, of Boston, Mass., will accept pupils in expression at her Studio, tVhitakcr Building. Appointment can be made by Telephone for personal interview. Ph one 457-L INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD LOANS NEGOTIATED Now Occupying New Office one Door East of The Post Office; Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Phone 182 C. Oettinger, Mgr. KINSTON LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO. inc., "We Write Insurance of all Kinds" HATS, RIBBONS AND HOSE, All atveryniod erate prices & . vCome in and price them & Another Ghost Laid. John McGuire, a person who does not believe in spectres or anything like spectres, was lying In bed wait ing to be devoured by sleep, when, In turning over, he happened to open his eyes. Behold! something that almost scared him to death. He could hardly move with fright. He watched it for a few seconds. According to his story it was a ghost, that raised its hand every little while and pointed toward him. Plucking up nerve, he got out of bed and made for Friend Spectre. It raised its arm and pointed at him again. He shrank back; but when he made another move in its direction, the arm went up again. McGuire made a lunge and grabbed it It was his shirt. He had placed it on the back of a chair cloe to a win dow, and the wind did the rest : Mrs. L Brasvvell H FOIEWUDIJEYTMS a backaohc meat eta d SkASoar DIZZY? BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED? Dr. Kinc's New Life Pills will cure you, cause a healthy flow of Bile and rid your Stomach and Bowels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They are a Tonic to your Stomach and Liver and tone the general sys- J tem. First dose will cure you of that depressed, dizzy, bilious and consti pated condition. 25c all Druggists. Conductor's Last Excursion of the season. Sent. 29th, 1914. via Norfolk- Southern Railroad, Kinston to Nor folk. Va- and return $2.50. For in formation call ' on any; ticket agent or conductor. S. B. Moore, Goldsboro,. N. C. '"IL L. Snyder, Raleigh, N. C. H. S. Leard, G. P. A-, Norfolk, Va. "J. F. Mitchell, T. P. A., Raleigh, PO-DO-LAX BANISHES JIMPLES. Bad Blocd, Pimples, Headaches, Biliousness, Torpid Liver, Constipa tion, etc., come from Indigestion. Take Po-do-Lax, the pleasant and ab solutely sure Laxative, and you won't suffer from a deranged Stomach or other troubles. It will tone up the Liver and purify the blood. Use it regularly and yon will stay well, have clear complexion and steady nerves. Get a 50c bottle today. Money back if not satisfied. All Druggists. HELPLESS AS BABY Down in Mind Unable to Work, and What Helped Her. Summit Point, W. Va. Mis. Anna Belle Emey, of this place, says: "I suf fered for 15 years with an awful pain in my right side, caused from womanly trouble, and doctored lots for it, but with out success. 1 suffered so very much, that 1 became down in mind, and as help less as a baby. 1 was in the worst kind of shape. Was unable to do any work. I began taking Cardul, the woman's tonic, and got relief from the very first dose. - By the time 1 had taken 12 bot tles, my health was completely restored. I am now 48 years years old, but feel as good as I did when only 16. , Car jui certainly saved me from losing my mind, and 1 reel it my duty to speak in its favor. I wish 1 had some power over poor, suffering women, and could make them know the good it would do them." If you suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to women, it will certainly be worth your while to give Cardui a trial. It has been helping weak women for more than 50 years, and will help you, tOO.:-, Try Cartful. Your druggist sells ft . Wrtti Chattaneofs MwXdn Co., UdW Advisory DnL, Chatauioora. Tern., for Stmml Mttmttmu mi row cat and 64-taga book, "Home Traumas! tor Woman." to plain wrapper. N.C.1I) CHICHESTER S PILLS VjfTV TUB IMA MOWR BBAXB. A Fill, im Ur4 Mt !! nlUc "MS Mated vrlk Blu Rifctjoa. TmLm Mk. Rar Mf lmwmt. AVfrv '1 M llVn-TTO") IIAjauM liOA.MD I'lU.. t-m H ku keraMc!t,&irt. A1wt H eu Do You Know This Step The girl who can dance THE CASTLE POLKA will not be a wall flower The Castle Polka is Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle's latest creation ; and it will sweep the country this fall and winter, just as the "Hesitation" did last season. Let Mr. and Mrs. Castle teach you in your own home how to dance it They give you personal lessons in two pages of pictures and text In the October Issue of The Ladies' Home Journal You can learn it in an hour or two in your own home, just as if you were in Castle House, where all fashionable New York society will dance it Fifteen Cents the Copy, of All News Agents Or, $1.50 a Year (12 issues) by Mail, Ordered Through Our Subscription Agents or Direct Our Sales Agent is . t V SIMON 900JN. Queen St, 1 I I: 7. Kinston, N. C. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Independence Sooare, Philadelphia Peiinsyhraaia , N. C. (advt.) .. SOLD Elf CniGOSTS BEETCEEtt