OF LOCAL INTEREST I 4 a L SUGGS SAVES THE DAY. By opportune hitting the Baltimore Federals defeated Chicago Monday 3 to 2, Suggs went in the box in the ninth with the bases full and two out, ,n4 prevented the Chifeds from scor in again. He relieved Quinn. The "native of Kinston is working better , this season than in several years, and "his friends here are satisfied that Suggs is nowhere near the end of his usefulness. ROBINSON'S CIRCUS COMING. 'The Robinson circus is being billed to Bpnear here October 15. This will be the largest circus to come to Kin ' aton in several seasons, and, of course, the most popular, since "Rob inson" has been a household word in the South since old John Robinson lint traveled the section in wagons venerations ago. The show is one of the largest on the road and carries a menagerie excelled by only one or two others." DOD FELLOWS TO CONFER LAST DEGREE. The Odd Fellows will this evening confer the third degree on a candi date, and all members are asked to be present NEW BERN MURDERER TO SERVE TIME K LENOIR. Alex. Curtis, a youth, who was con victed in New Bern recently with Kennedy and Gautier, slayer of E. W. SarfandVV fanter, wai$6WKy nipht brought to Kinston to serve two years on the roads of Lenoir co-jnty. His sentence was originally five years, bat w&s reduced by the court. Curtis la a rather nice1 locking boy- Ho wns an accomplice, together with Gautier, an aged man, in the murder of Sar landt by Kennedy," whose wife is now with relatives here. SllDAY SCHOOL pETiNG IN AIRY GROVE CHURCH Sunday, September 27, Bible Schools of yance and Institute Townships Will Meet in Annual Session. Dinner on the Grounds. The Vance Institute Sunday School Convention, comprised of the Sunday schools in Institute and Vance town ships, this county, will be held in Airy Grove Christian church next Sunday, the 27th. The following program will be ob served: 10:15 a. m. Song and devo tional service; 10:30 a. m., Address 10:35 a. m., Response by Mr. J. M. Mewborne, Jr.; 10:40 a. m., Sunday school lesson; 11 a. m., Song, "Jesus Loves Me," by the children; 11:05 a. m., Address Dy Mr. raui rnzzeue, Mayor of Snow Hill; 11:35 a. m., Song; 11:40 a. m., Recitation, "Three Times Two," by Leora White; 11:45 a. m., urcenng; u:oo a. m., sermon by Mr. Arthur Wake; 12:26 p. m., Dinner, on grounds; 2 p. m., Song ser vice; V.IV p. m., Heading Dy ineima Taylor; 2:15 p. m., Chorus by chil dren; 2:20 a. m., Address, "The Modern Sunday School Idea," by Mr. H. Gait Braxton; 2:50 p. m.; Song, 2:55 p. m., Business Session; 3:10 p. m., Adjournment. JEW IS RECIPIENT OF BRAVERY MEDAL JUVENILE BOXERS AT THE DIXIE. ,; The three Grahams, a man and two boys, are beifff featured in vaudeville at the Dixie Theater this half of the week. The youngsters are clever lit tie athletes, and with the gloves give evening Roland Turner, a uter, tried conclusions with the older of the Graham" brothers, and main tained his temper and took a lot of vanishment for about three rounds, at the mid of which the bout was grn erously called a draw. Good picture offerings are being had nightly at the Wide now. HAIL MUST BE DELIVERED AT FRONT DOORS. A ne general order of the United States Fostoffice Department prohibits letter carriers from going to back or side doors to deliver mail. Patrons, the "department says, should provide facilities -at the front door for the re . celpt of Jnail, A slot in the door or an ordinary box will' answer the nur. poae, '(Experience, the fbrder says, "has shown us that the complete equipment of the dwellings on a car rier'a roate with mail, receptacles will feet afmavlng in the carrier's time and obviate the curtailment of de liveries on heavy days.' MAKE FIRE . INSPECTION HERE. Sherwood Brockwftll, inspector of , fire departments under State Insur ance Commissioner James R. Younsr, will come here during the next few weeks, it is. expected, to inspect the apparatus of the local department and drill the volunteers. A part of the inspector's duties, also, is the inspection of buildings in the fire dis trict. Sherwood Brorkwell, a year or two ago organised Raleigh's paid de partment, and was 'its first' chief. He studied the methods of the New York j department, and fighting the flames while attached to a downtown com pany of the metropolitan force for practical instruction, attracted much attention by the press as "the young est lire chief in the country." A Jewish student has received the much-coveted decoration of the Cross of St. George from the Czar of Rus sia, local Hebrews are interested to learn. Mrs. H. Stadiem, a former resident of Manchester, Eng., who now lives at Gordon and Independent streets here, has received from Man Chester a copy of a paper with an account of the bestowal of the deco ration by the Central News. It fol lows: "Petroirrad. Thursday. The war changes many things, and the change probably include an improvement in the position of the Jews, whose bravery and exploits at the front are attracting attention. "A Jewish medical student from Vilna, named Osnas, has just receiv ed the military cross of St. George pital suffering from severe wounds received in saving the colors of his regiment in the last extremity dur ing the terrible fighting in East Prus sia. His commander telegraphed i special request to the doctors to do everything that was possible to save the life of Osnas the hero." STEEL FENCE DEMONSTRATION Mr. W. J. McGrath, an agent of the American Steel and Wire Com pany, or new xorK, is nere to assist B. W. Canady and Son, hardware dealers, in a demonstration of steel fence. A model fence of American wire with steel posts, is being erect on the grounds of the State School for the Feeble-Minded, for' a demon stration. The fence is in close prox imity to the Central Highway, and can be viewed without trouble by passing farmers and others. Mr. Mc Grath and the lojal dealers will be phased to explain the advantages of the wire fence wfth steel posts. (advt.) MAPLE, HILL PEOPLE , WANT RAILROAD. A dosen prominent citizens'1 of 'Ma ple Hill have written the Chamber of Commerce asMfc' lf a vdnferenee with the members v of the Chamber and "those behind the movement" for thxt8ion f theaston-Pink Hill Railroad Into Duplin county. The Mapla Hill;ti.i nay there 4a wry much interest over the extension in their tawn, : and . that; they Hwill be glad to lend their aid In any possible way. They declare they have "one of the richest sections of eastern Carolina ia soil and general natural resources, and It need of transportation is by far the greatest drawback to its de velopment." The signers of the let ter to the Chamber include farmers, Millers, merchants, stock dealers and RHEUMATISM PAINS STOPPED. The first application of Sloan's Lin iment goes right to the painful part-- it penetrates without rubbing it stops the Rheumatic Pains around the joints and gives relief and comfort. Don't suffer! Get a bottle today! It is a family medicine for all pains, hurts, bruises, cuts, sore throat, neu ralgia and chest pains. Prevents in fection. Mr. Chas. H. Wentworth, California, writes: "It did wonders for my Rheumatism, pain is gone as soon as I apply it. I recommended it to my friend as the best Liniment I ver used." Guaranteed. 25c at your Druggist. "NORMAN" Tbe NEWEST Cltt. r a Co.. Ma KINSTON AND CAROLINA R. R. . AND LUMBER CO. , , (Effective Sent. IS. 1914 8:00 A. M.l No. 1 . . STATIONS No. 3 4:00 Lv.,.;.. Kinston .....At, 8:10 4:10 Lv...... Jackson '......Ar. 7:50 4:20 Lv.... Albritton'a , ., . Ar. 7:40 4:50 Lv..... Sparrow's ....Ar. 7:20 6:20 Lv...i, Lynchburg t.,Ar. 7:05 5:30 Ar..... Pink Hill ;...Lv. 7:00 . " . ". ; . R. A. HONEYCUTT,' Supt - WM. HAYES, Gen.1 Supt. The New Style of John . BSteteon Hats Are Here; See South Window. Dail & Taylor Ihe lien's Store Shipment Snappy Cogt Suits Arrived Today Convenient to Show Butter Brown Hosiery. Or N. T. Cotton 6 for 25c. CHAS. A. WATERS The Telephone Store.. Phone No. 89 Oar Fall and Winter Opening TUESDAY, ? SEPT; 22 The millinery and other departments will be re- plete With the season's last word in what's what for Milady, and ready for her inspection. Remember to come TUESDAY J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store MILLINERY OPFiIlfi! We Announce Our Fall Opening : TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 21 and 22 '''':'. You are Cordially Invited to Attend BARRETT & HARTSFIELD SHI'S SEPpiE . FOLK COATS IN JUL : SERGE. ;. t Just the thing for general ( wear. BUSTER BROWN HOSIERY FOB THE WHOLE FAMILY. THE ONE PRld CASH STORE A. J. SUTTpN rnone m er -rron. AT SKINNER'S 1 We Set Our Own Example and Follow It. ? Since the establishment of this business we have al ways set our own ideals and business principles. We have never opened the store for business at 5:30 a. m. " ' because some one else did nor would we remain open until 10:00 p. m. for like reasons. The store has al ways opened about 7 a. m. and closed at 7 o'clock in the evening. We shall con tinue to adher to these prin ciples and will CLOSE THE STORE AT 7 O'CLOCK every evening except Satur- 's Furniture Store We Cater to The Ladies anH Children. 4s 0 IcewCireaifl, Soda 1 Candv sihon149 J.T. Skinner &Soa HW Strive 'to Please- DR.DAN W.PARRbTT . JDEXTIST. - - Crown' and Bridje WrJ v - m ,. SpcUlt7. . -w OfficebrerCot: MiIIofflceL Dr.0.L. WILSON Dentiat ' ' OfficTr J. E. Hod ft Co'a . , Stort. ' Florence Told AH ,!You come in aijij set my Florence oil Cook stove work just once and you won't be happv, until you havo one. . "You can have ilow, sinutiering fire on one burner at the tame time you have a quick, hot tire on another and the other one reutalted efc&tly to any work you want done? 'Just'ftl the levers as you want them-and you can go away for two hours and And all the burners at exactly the same heat when you come tick. That's becainf jhe ott supply is automatic and there ate no wicks. "It's so simple, so clean, so vonveni ent. so cool, that I dap't know what 1 should do without It ' "My husband has tested the FLOR ENCE with other stoves and he says it produces wonderful amount of heat tor the oil consumed and that it costs only about two oenta an hour to run four burners,' : TW TWt rt tm OitStmHhfrr" FLORENCE OilCook Stoves ' Look for the Lever" . , -. : . . . In the Florence yon hare-tf last the ' a, reliable oil stove. Safety and sim piicity aadecooooiy. Theygetosether. Came iw and ae Mw wondgrfal cook stovee. Tbey carry the Bianufacturcr aurantee in adduioo to our own. j E E IIOSELEV HDT7. CO. THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets . Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors. Stair Work, Grilles, Mouldings and Interior Finish, Mantels, Columns, Balusters, Porch Rail, Screen Doors and Win dowsrStore Fronts and .? Office Fixtures a Specialty N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land j Klnaton, N. C,. .Goldsboro, N.C : ROUSE & LAND V - ; ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW .V t ofjceli v ;t . KiaaCiHv . CvGoldsboro, N. C,: i,. dserton Building. ; T h ' DR. GEa E. KORNEGAT - Specialist in Diseases of Wo- ,',,nen and OuUreiu v ' ,s- Office hoars 10 to 12. Office ' 105 E. CasweU Street. - Littleton College , A wellstibluhed. well -equipped-, and vats' prosperous achoolfor fide and yowia women. rui ten term besins September 16, 1914, For catalogue, addreas J. M. KH0DIS, Lit letor, N. C DR. F. NHS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins., & Realty Co. Office Hours: .9-12. .2-6 Nights and Sundays by Appointment. Examination Free Phone 80 DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean Si. Near Residence, IRA M. HARDY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon 102 W. Caswell St. Residence 309 West Lenoir St. 'Phone 602, I V. H0SELEY, N. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drag C. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. in. I to S f. m, . -.Offlca, 471 8 to I p. m Res. Phone 113 Phonels"Pf JUST RECEIVED Separate SCiiris Beautiful Designs, anf Strictly Up-to-the-Minute in Style ViWrices-Rteht n . mm - . i j r q: 'E. ' Komsgv ri'V. t If r 'c- - J r i, ? '