THE DAILY FREE PRESS p,kn.V-4 Every Afternoon Except Sunday KI1STON FREE PRESS CO, INC W. Salt Braxton, Editor and Manager t tKa pnato&ca at Kiartoa. North Carolina. . IA7V. UNITED - PRESS - REPORTS fstephona All Department 75 Subscription Rates: BIO (PayaMai. Adumne. I I Wetk, 10e. 3 Months Month 35c. 12 Month.. Thursday Eveninr. Sept. 24. 1914 A contemporary hat. a head.-. "The Pea :e of Europe." V.'on dcr if he expects to discover it i algebraic deduction or themical anxJy aia. It teems to be either an un known nunntitv or a cerm invisible to the naked eye. The reports from the war fron continue to lead one to believe that the Kaiser has taken too much of a chew to masticate and his dentists Myill hardly be able to render his grinders more uneful for the present occasion, at least. Senator Martin of Virginia- the cri.twhile pretender to the democratic leadership of the Senate has '.eon heaid from again. He voted tlio wet ticket in Tuesday's election. Another evidence of his qualifications for per- f menent relegation. ' . The butting into the scrap by the Japs has, it would seem, made very little Impression so far. The taking of the handful of Germans station 1 at Kiao Chow has for some reason not been accomplished as readily is it was thought it could be done. Welcome to the members of the va rious Universalist .Churches of the State, who assemble in Kinston today for a four days' annual convention. The local congregation, led by their pastor, Rev. W. 0. Bodell, has made all preparations to receive and enter tain the visiting brethren and the home of the local members will be thrown open to the reception of the visitors. The new church building, re cently completed in this city, will bt the place of meeting. Several repre sentatives of the church at la'gj will be present and take part In the delib erations. The local committee antici pates the most largely attended and important of all the state gatherings of the church. The Free Tress ex tends the best wishes of the people of Kinston for a pleasant and profitable sojourn in our city. You never know what a day will bring forth. Villa is occupying the head lines on the front page today. He has announced his well, we won't venture the serial number, but they are numerous periodical revolt. The latest move of the rebel fighter takes on a more serious aspect than those that have gone before, and it begins to look as though Mexico's peace is to be interrupted again. The action of Villa may have some effect on the withdrawal of troops from Vera Cruz for the administration may deem it necessary to sit on the lid awhile longer. Hotter hold what wc hnve than to bo forri'ti to again occupy one of the ports with the attendant loss of life of the last occupancy. CLEAN I P PREMISES Fire Chief Moscley urges every body in Kinston to see to it that their premises are kept free from trash and inflammable accumulation as a fire preventive. He further urges that all flues and heatingi apparatus be overhauled or examined before the fall fires are begun. The fire depart ment has the authority to insist upon clean premises, but it is not practi cal for the volunteers, who make up the city's fire fighting forces, to per sonally inspect all premises in the city, and further, it is not thought necessary to do so, for it is believed that the citizens will co-operate to the extent of doing all in their pow er to prevent the occurrence of fires. Kinston'a fire record is very favor able as compared with cities of the same site, and it is due largely to the tact that ita cithens have been careful and have taken the necessary precaution. Let this continue to be done not only for self-protection, but for the protection of the entire com munity's property interests. ADVERTISING WHEN AND WHERE Successful merchants and advertis ers throughout the country, who have by continual advertising and meri torious business dealings built up en- ijrmojs tales, agree that advertising is not a "seasonable delicacy" to be enjoyed a few busy months of the year, but a "constant necessity" to be used regularly, day in and day out, They agree, too, that the daily news paper is htc one best bet of all the advertising mediums afforded, not that there is not some merit in most any kind of advertising, but the news paper and about ninety per cent, by actual poll of the big department and retail stores of America pin their faith to the afternoon paper as the medium of most results makes pos sible the employment of that "ever lastingly-at-it" principle which is the secret of advertising's power. It is the constant drip on the rock that in time wears it away; not a few spas modic overflows, for they have little or no effect. Newspaper advertising s the cheapest, for more people can be reached by a single ad. in the daily newspaper than can be reached by several times the amount of postage expended on circular letters. The newspaper advertisement not only carries the influence of the advertis er's business reputation, but the pest ige of the paper a powerful consid eration. Every merchant knows, or should know, the value of a well ad vertised brand of goods.and he knows Children Cry for Fletcher's r mm I 1 m The Kind You Ilnve Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ana lias been maao unaer ins per- Lyj' sonal supervision since Its Infancy. 4ucU4 Allow no one to deceive you in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Experiments thr.t trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It in pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotla substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aUays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Dlarrhwa. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS fBears the Signature of Numerous Departures 1 j . .' From the Conventional In carrying out the old ideas there have been numerous departures from the conventional, so that in Colonial Furni ture alone there are many deviations. Drop around some af ternoon and give us the pleasure of showing recent arrivals. j& j& QUALITY FIRST DESIGNS AND PRICES RIGHT. In Use For Over 30 Years' The Kind You Have Always Bought ment is not holding on to Vera Cruz for any selfish end. The cost of the occupation falls wholly upon this that he is up against a good stiff country, while the ultimate gains all proposition when he tries to sell an accrue to Mexico. It is thus seen unadvertised article in competition that President Wilson is doing what with a well advertised one. The very first thing essential to the sale of a new brand of goods is to advertise it and no successful manufacturer un dert&kes to market his goods with out preceding the selling with an ad vertising campaign. Advertising in the daily afternoon newspaper is es is right, as usual.' KNOCKING THE HOWLER Charlotte Observer: "The Enquirer- Sun, published at Columbus, Ga., set out last week to convince the people of that section of the South that the alleged "hard times" existed in their imagination only. It produced a prosperity edition which carried the intial to the continued growth of a I proof on its every page, some of the business. The fellow, who is satis- evidence Deing printed in red ink, by ficd to let well enough alone ami con tinue to eke out an existence can (ret long without advercising, but th? store that' grows from year to year must advertiser. WHAT OTHERS SAY NELSON IS ACCLIMATED Wilmington Dispatch: "Our old friend, Nelson O'Shaughnessy, is go ing to be stationed in Vienna. Well, we don't know of any man who can more complacently sit on a keg oj powder than this gent." OTTON NOT LOWER, AT LEAST Wilmington Star: -The price of weet potatoes has been multiplied in the last dozen years or so, while the price of cotton remains about the same or lower, and yet most South ern farmers produce cotton in prefer- nce to potatoes." way of more thorough emphasis. The merchants of the town recognized the value of the effort, and contributed their part by backing up the paper with six or seven hundred inches of advertising that carried high rates. Naturally the paper created a fine impression, as any paper will do that knocks the calamity howl. As a mat ter of fact, the South is all right, the country is all right. There is more talk of the wrong sort than actual conditions justify." I4TI or Ohio en t ... i-olxdo. i . Ll'CjM COI'.NTT. f fKANI J. Chinit makes Mth thai he u am in. rt.r ol toe arm of Y. J. chine, 4 Co.. doing ulnm In the city ol Tol-ilo, County and Sum forraald. And thai Mid Aral will Dav the mm a. NE HC.VDRFD DOLLARS tor Mih und .ven at of CATAiinii thae 'tnnot be cured by tb. tue oj Ull Catahrh Ci'RC r'- , J. CHENEY. "worn to before nie Mid s , .'i I in mv nrmn liia cm nay of Deoembsr. . i j. I A. W .tLEASO.V. & EAL r 1 Notacy Pvduq Halla Catarrh Cure U taken tntemviv and aria llrertly upon the blood and murotii aurfacM of the yaicm. eeua lor imttinioniam. rre. F. I. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. A fold hy all Dnutsrtte. r,r. aJL. ueli'e Fb-'UT PWa f- -"milrmtAon. Wood Panels FREE CHANGING IS EDITOR'S PREROGATIVE Greensboro Record: "The gentlemen ho gut her news of the war are work- ng the word annihilation overtime. It is a mighty strong word. It means hat one side has wined out the oth- r; that nothin gis left, yet they keen scrapping. The boys should se lect another word not quite so strong." AND M. i ENTY-F1VE YEARS Raleigh' Times: "Interest in the col oration or tne twenty-ntth anniver sary ot the founding of A. and M. College increases as the days draw nearer. Next week is the time, the days beinir October 1, 2 and 3. Ir.erc ought to be enthusiasm in the celebra tion on the rert of the State, because here is r.n institution that grew from practically nothing to one of the fore most technical and agricultural col leges in the country. A. and M. has found itself and its services to the State will be greater as the years pass. Its alumni and friends ought to come here in large numbers next week for the celebration." STOP THAT DREADFUL PAIN PRESIDENT ENDORSED EVERYWHERE Brooklyn Citizen: "It is natural enough for the new government of Mexico to desire the withdrawal of our ships and troops from Vera Cruz. If tha positions were reversed, it is not doubtful that we should feel the same way. But the United States haa a duty to discharge which will not be carried out until it is evident that tha Mexican, people are once more in possession of power over their own affairs. The United Str.tca govern- Why suffer when you can relieve ami cure yourself quickly safely ? And you don't have to use a "patent medicine" either! Menthal Balm is the private prescription of a highly successful physician who discovered that practically all pains, aches and disorders were caused by congestion and inflammation. Menthal Balm is lieves congestion and inflammation and is therefore a sure relief for Croup, Neuralgia, Pneumonia, Sore Throat, Headache, Earache, Swell ings, Soreness and Stiffness, Pleurisy, Coughs, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, and all other troubles due to congestion and inflammation. Menthol Halm is put up according to this physician's directions in the Nixon Laboratory. It is now on sale at 25 cents a bottle only at the drug store of J. E. Hood & Co., Kinston, N. C. Get a bottle while the supply lasts, instead of pay ing $1 or $2 for a, doctor's prescrip tion. Be sure it's Nixon's Menthal Balm. Used externally. (advt) N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land II Kinston, N. C.,. .Goldsboro, N.C H ROUSE & LAND R ATTORNEYS-AT-UAW I Offices: tn a. T n.u.i T H ii rvinsion, n. vM uumsooro, n. I Edgerton Building. I ; Q I 1 1 HUMCXMMHM mmtnBKmBBBBBBsSB9Bm .Jim y KINSTON LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO. Inc., "We Write Insurance of all Kinds" nHHEY will be helpful in selecting the most artistic and suitable colors for your woodwork. Write to day to PEASLEE-GAULBERT CO., Incorporated, Louisville, Ky., for com plete set of Wood Panels. They show the splendid results obtainable with I meets the most exacting requirements or modern interior woodwork finish ingcontains depth of tone and richness, and is superior to ordinary "Wood Stains." PEE GEE PENETRATING DYSTAIN strikes into the wood and brings out its natural beauty without raising the grain. For permanent satisfaction and best results use PEE GEE DYSTAIN It colors just the right shade, and comes in 1 1 standard colors. I f you are building or remodeling Investigate the merits of PEE GEE DYSTAIN. IT can be used with equal success on hard or soft wood, shows no laps nor streaks, does not rub up the usual occur rence with ordinary stains. PEE GEE PENETRATING DYSTAIN dries quickly and hard, leaving a smooth surface for finishing. Visit this Store and ask for Color Card and full information UMDSELEY HARDWARE CO. For Chills and Fevers Take THOMAS' CHILL PILLS Satisfaction Guaran teed. Sold by J.E.Hood&Co. Kinston, fl. C. The National Bank of ECinston ll N 1 1 lit SESl REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods, and this bank has Kept pace with them. While conservative in the interest of, SAFETY our equipment and business methods are modern. Tt us, do business together to our mutual advantage. Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $90,000.00 in "THE OLDEST AKD STRONGEST ' BANK III THE COUilTY. " 1 Smnn JU&U ill VYin l!V m m m nk m wm - 1

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