' 4 1 . " 1 I n OF LOCAL INTEREST men school football ' - , EL1GIBLES HARD AT WORK Aspirants for the high school foot iball eleven are practicing each after noon now at Athletic par in prepa ration for the coming seanon. The local school it expected to put out the beet team thia winter in its history 'The material, old players who have -watched the practice, assert, is supe rior for its weight to any array they : have seen here. The youngster is one of Snow Hill's willing to take chances. Mrs. Miller j discovered Pete and the snake on the ; floor together. The tiny serpent, of the venomous "cornfield" variety, was ! striking at .the boy, who fortunately, j ivas just out of it3 reach. Neighbors celled by the mother's cries killed the reptile. JOHN ALLEN RETURNED TO COUNTY ROADS Sheriff Taylor returned late Wed nesday from Peoria, 111., with John Allen, colored, who escaped from the Lenoir county roads several years a, j after serving fourteen months of on eighteen-month' sentence for com plicity with Charlie Parker and his notorious gang in express office, car - and house robberies. Allen was ar rested in a Peoria coal yard by ,the police after the sheriff's office here TmA learned of his location. SUGGS KEEPS UP HIS REPUTATION "Suggs pfilhed masterful ball for Baltimore, who took today's game from Chicago," was the compliment paid the Kinstonian by the Associat ed Press after Wednesday's game be tween the Terrapins and Chi fed a in BaltlmoVev- Suggs -allowed tot 'four kits, while the Baltimoreans secured seven from his opponent.", The score was 4 to 1. S -JTCLSON'S PUBLIC BUILDING 7 - sf TO EQUAL KINSTON'S. J : TTlhwm,, dissatisfied with the appro- , priation or the federal building au- i UiorfoetPfor that town at the same time Kinston's appropriation was made, is now boasting that it will share alike with this city after nil. A United States court is to be estab lished there, and necessitates the con struction of the building on n bigger plan. Its cost is expected to be about the same as that of the new postoPlce for Klnston. PROMINENT TOBACCONISTS VISITED KIXSTON TODAY. 1 rz&r Sgav'v Prominent tobacconists from New York, Richmond and other points have inspected the local market today and Wednesday These included Mr. L. H. P.eid of Richmond, representing the Imperial Tobacco Company; M.j A. B. Carrington of the Dibrell Bros. Co. of Danville; Mr. R. L. Henry of the Lorillard Company, Jersey City; Mr. E. S. Carlton, head of the lea department of the Imperial Company,! from Richmond; Mr. E. G. Currin of the Export Leaf Tobacco Company from Richmond, and Mr. Peter Ar rington, head of the Export Com pany! leal department, irora iNew York. The visits of agents of the big con cerns to this and other iftarkets in the vicinity, local tobacconists say, car ries no special significance, and are repeated several times each season. COLE HOT BLAST RANGE DEMONSTRATION HERE The New Styles of John . BStetson Hats Are Here, See South Window. Dail & Taylor The lien's Store ?: STRANGE PROCESSION. ClUxens in the eastern end of the itjr were given a view of a unique cavalcade Wednesday evening, when the "rolling stock" of the county road Jorce was moved through the streets jfrora the streets from the Central I Highway to a point south of here. The I "three1 big cages of the force headed .., . . ... .... vJii precession, me convicts wno sleep in them at night marching In ranks I interspersed between, and two big- "wheeled cook shacks brought up the Tear- Three or four mules were re quired to pull each of the vans. T3ATWAL ORDER i 3 MEETINGS TONIGHT. There Will be a special communica te qf St John's Lodge No. 4, A. F. ftttd A. M., this evening at 7:30 o' clock, for work in the second degree. Thj (nights of Pythias will meet ftonlght at 8 o'clock. Work in the second degree will be given and a full attendance is desired. The members of the Junio Order of United American Mechanics are urged to attend a special meeting this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The -egular meeting will be held at 8 o'clock fol lowing the special session. V NEAR TRAGEDY AT FOX HUNT. While Greene county men were en gaged in a fox hunt, says atreport brought here today, John Gurganus, well-known man of the county, wus thrown by his horse, the animal tram pling and kicking the prostrate man. Gurganus was being handed a fox which had ju.st been run down by the pack, after a five mile chase, and his horse took friirht, rearing and pitch ing him headlong from the saddle. The others in the pnrty expected to see him killed before he could be dragged out of range of the steed's ' keels. jGurganus,,4nJuriea,ere not re garded aa serious. . LAD PLAYED WITH SNAK E. Little Pete Miller, a nephew of Mr. J. O, Jliller ,of Kinston, and -Jthef. son of Mrs. i Oscar Miller at Snow Hill, Save Us mother the fright ef her life, according to a message from Snow 2UI1 today, when she found him play i.ij viU "mall adder in their home. . v . '" - -1 STOP THAT FIRST FALL COUGH Check your fall cough or cold at once don't wait It may lead to se rious lung trouble, weaken your vi tality and develop a chronic lung ail ment Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey today; it is pur and harmless- use it freely for that fall cough or cold. If Baby or Chaldron are sick Sire it to them, it will relieve -quickly and permanently- H soothei th Irritated throat, juaci' and , air pas. area. Loosens Phlegh, is antisep tic and fortifies the system against colds. It surely prevents cold germs front getting a hold. Guaranteed. Only 25c at your Druggist ' fr ' 'v t . ' '.- ' ...: T . J MfvjH- R. Prayther,demonstrator forth Cole Hot Blast Range, is in town, and will give daily cooking dem onstrations at the H. E. Moseley Hardware Company's Store the bal ance of the week. The first demon stration is being given this afternoon, and others will follow Friday and Saturday, both morning and after noon. The public is cordially invit ed to come and see the latest improve ments in this well known store. RHEUMATISM PAINS STOPPED. The first application of Sloan's Lin iment goes rijfht to the painful part it penetrates without rubbing it btopa the Rheumatic Pains around the joints and gives relief and comfort. Don't suffer! Get a bottle today! It is a family medicine for all pains, hurts, bruises, cuts, sore throat, neu ralgia and chest pains. Prevents in fection. Mr. Chas. II. Wentworth, California, writes: "It did wonders for my Rheumatism, pain is gone as soon ns I apply it. I recommended it to my friend as the best Liniment I ever used.'1 Guaranteed. 25c at your Druggist. Infant Accessaries Toques, - 25c Sacques, - 25c-50c Bootees, - 25c-50c Mittens, - - 15c Hemed Diapers, 10c Stork Sheeting, $1 sq'r Carriage and Crib Blankets, - 50c-$l Buster Brown Hosiery. O. N. T. Cotton 6 for 25c. Chas. A. Waters The Telephone Store -Phone No. 89 Displaying The Seasons Authentic Styles in-- Gowns - Millinery, Coat Suits, Evening Gowns. J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store MILLINERY OPENING We Announce Our Fall Opening TUESDAY ai WWESDAV SEPTEMBER 21 and 22 You are Cordially Invited to Attend BARRETT & HARTSFIELD aa Ml m MlitV Full Line FOR SALE Old Papers in 5c pack ages. Good for underlaying car. nets, packing or wrapping purposes, Free Press. 9-14-tf "NORMAN" The NEWEST Clou. Pbody A Cm., Ia. Makn r fw Ladies', Misses', Children's and Infants Coats. 1 ,i- M The Very Best of Values. : : See Thefti Before You Buy. ; : : : THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE ; f A. J. SUTTON PhoB34 & Prop. V A solid carload of good bed room furniture will arrive this week. It will include Beds, Bureaus, Washstands, Chiffoniers and Dressing Tables; in Oak, Early Eng lish aud Mahogany. It is the usual quality in design, finish and construction, as is always sold at this store. AT SKINNER'S We Cater t? The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream. Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 Oettinger's Furniture Store J.T. Skinner & Son "We Strive to Please" OR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean Si Near Residence, 2. V. MOSELEY, N. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drof Co. Office hours: 8 to 11 a. m. ' Phones: I to S p. m. Office. 47 to t p. m Res. Phone 113 Florence Told All the Neighbors " "You come In and see my Florence oil cook stove work just once and you Won't be happy until you hav one. - "You can have a slow, simmering fire on one burner at the same lime you have quick, hot tire on another and the other one regulated exactly to any work you want done. Just set the levers a you want them and you can go away , for two hours and rind all the burners at exactly the same hrat when you come back. That's because the oil supply is automatic and there are r.o wicks. "It:s so simple, so clean, so conrenl ent. so cool, that I don't know what I should do without It "My husband has tested the FLOR. F.NCE with other stoves and he says it ' Vroduces a wonderful amount ( heat for the oil consumed and that it costs only about two cent aa hour to run four burners." "rt rr(M fWal la Oil Stmrt Hitttrj" FLORENCE OilCook Stoves Lookfor the tfTer . In the Florence you hart t last h eafctebable od stove. Saf et y and sim pJic it y and economy. Theysotosether. i Come in and set these wooderfuJ cook tore. They carry the laaufactutsjr'a . SasraotetaadditMatneurowa, , tt t KOSELEY HDW. CO. THE- NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets' Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors, Stair Work,rllles, Mouldings and Interior Finish; Mantels, Columns, adopters, "Porch Rail, Screen Doors and Win dows. Store Fronts and Office Fixtures a Specialty D.j FJARIS, v TAlUbR. FIRST CLASS REPAIRING CLEANING. PRESSING . AND DYElNa Guaranteed - Satislactory m And Promptly Done. Wkluker BIdf. H pk0Vt 49 v'jg , v.'y'!;,; l.aL-rL-rA and . """ f. r J -h xfrSft' 4 COW Pii C T I Say SiUn M.C3 AHOUHB TCLU ME 71 Did IT? SUM ;W Mm 1 f-ai--ii.vsv. .V. . L- - Jffct..i'-.'', ilSE, jiff 7?s if ti-iW' Increase Yoar Crops and Improie Your Soil with the J!ULFC!iD MTRO-GERM. Contains tested strai.-.s cf -igorous nitrogen-fi:;l-.j bacteria which form nodulei-oa the roots of Alfalfa, Clovers, Vetches, Cow Pecs, Soy Beans and cfeer.leguraes, gather nitro gen from the air and convert it into nijrate form, aWilcble as plant food. V LegUT!es whf properljr inoculated, enrich the soil in nitrates and , humus and fc'nef it succeeding crops. You cannot afford ti tuy exp?n sive nitrogen when it can bo obtaineckso casSy fend chesty fron the air. ALWAYS USE N liTIROnG E t&twy-u . . ; fa - a reliable, tested product from the laboratories of H. K. Mulford Cr.mn.nv PnMadelphia, whosa Antitoxins, Serums, Vaccines, Assayed and Tested Dross-are standard everywhere."- 3 SMALL COST - LARGE RETURNS ' EASY TO USEV " ' " ' d: 12. HOOD S COMPANY ALL Ml Silk and Wool Dress Goods, I AND THE LATEST You Are Invit ed to Inspect Them. : : Yours to Please 8 LI a I i