W VSm WWW "talking" about them and referring to I Only Big Show Coming them a the "usual Hippodrome crow of matronly girls who marry men em plyed in the Hippodrome." This has r. used the ire of this year's crop of exceptional beauties. They, there- KINSTON, TUESDAY mi, STUFF IN N. Y. f re, had a meeting where they decid t J on two war-like measures. First the expulsion from the Hip podrome chorus of any girls who r.iar That Bully Wooly, Real Wild West ried a man employed in the Hippo "THE DRAGON'S CLAW OPENS IN METROPOLIS, BUT DOOM ED TO FAILURE. drome. Second. A challenge to the Winter Garden to produce a dozen girls as pretty as a dozen of the Hippodrome girls the judges to be Lee and J. J 101 RAKCII WEST SHOD OLD STYLE MELODRAMA Shubert, Arthur Voegtlin, J. O. Huff man and William J. Wilson. VEAK BLOOD AND rHUNBER STAG REAL wl UK EverHearof aFuneral Pyre Saving a Man'sLife? This was intended to be a funeral pyre. But it did two inconsistent things. First Saved Alan Law's life instead of taking it Second Kept a woman's heart from breaking. Away you can find out "how" read the story. TheTreyO'Hearts By LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE Author of The Fortune Huntai The Black Bag Th Lons Wolf Etc We have secured publication rights on this extraordinary Picture-Play story and you and your friends will want to read every word of it Be sure to get the opening installment I :- . yy - v -..'arev- . 3 A Slortl Lesson in "A Modern Girl" The Hippodrome Girls of "Wars t of World" Dared to Marry Male Employes. GREAT -STATE FAIR , RALEIGIJ, N. C. OCTOBER 19-24, 1914 Finest attractions this year ever seen at a South ern Fair; De Lloyd Thompson loops the loop and flies upside down in an aeroplane 2,000 feet above the. earth. Gigantic Fireworks Spectacle "Panama in Peace and War." Climax of new and wonderful effects in pyrotechnics, showing battle of aeroplanes and war ships using radium shells. In addition a $1,000 display of fire works nightly. Flying Herberts Hatches Autodrome Great Calvert Bennett Brothers Hay Wagon and others. Fast Racing Big Purses Good Track. Better Babies Contest under auspices State Board of Health, and Woman's Club of Raleigh. Huge Agricultural Displays from all over the State have been booked. Some of the finest stock ever shown in North Carolina already entered for premiums. Reduced rates, special trains and convenient sche dules on all railroads. Write for Premium List and full information to JOSEPH E. POGUE, Secretary. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON Will Make Loans to Farmers and others on Cotton as Security. 1 I I ; 1 t omcsKs N. J. ROUSE. FW n DR. H. TULL, Vke Preudent. D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier, I. J. BIZZELU As. t Cashier. ; f T. W. HEATH. Teller. W.L Kennedy David Oettinger H. TuQ LH. Canady CMoseley r , J. F. Pairott C Felix Harvey H. E. Moseley J.F.Taylor HH. McCoy S.RUer N. J. Rouse BY BEAU PJALTO. (Written for the United Press.) New York, Sept. 2C. A real melo drama one of the "Curse-You-Jack-Dalton" order, is "The Dragon's Claw," which made its initial appear ance here recently at the New Am sterdam theatre. Magnificently stag ed and superbly acted, this, three act play is lacking in the vitally necessary quality the "punch"' end for that reason seems doomed to failure. Austin Strong is the author. Tak ing the Boxer rebellion of a few years ago in China as a setting he has writ ten a rather weak story of an army officer's jealousy of his wife. All the characters that go to make up the real blood and thunder "ten twent-thirt" stuff are there. We have the hero a handsome chap in the person of an American army officer. Charles D. Waldron takes this part and plays it well that is, as well as he can with the material offered him The heroine is his wife admirably portrayed by Gladys Hanson. The villian ? Oh, surely, we have a villian. He is always present with his schemings and plottings and he is af ter the hero's wife. He is about to get her, too, we think, when just then the Boxer rebellion breaks out. Our hero rushes forth to spike the enemy's guns or some such perfor mance and his daring opens his wife's eyes. She discovers then that she loves him all the time and the villian is thus foiled. Curses! One bright spot in the drama is the acting of Frederic de Belleville, wn has the part of a good natured French Chef. He is thoroughly human and very often humorous. His generous heart and gallant manner are a real delight. But all in all we fear that "The Dragon's Claw" will not scratch very deeply. Al Jolson is soon to return to the Winter Garden, for the first time since February, 1C13. This was made known leeently in connection with the announcement ending the engagement of "The Passing Show cf 1914" in New York. This show ends at the Winter Garden October 3, and Jolson will head the annual fall production of the Winter Garden which will take its place. The ttile and cast of the new pro duction has not been announced. Re hearsals have been under way. for sometime, however. "Just how far can a girl go without risking her reputation?" This question is causing consider able comment in New York since the presentation of "A Modern Girl" at the Comedy Theatre. Billed as a comedy drama, this play startlingly brings before the public the manner in which the average young woman to day conducts herself. The leading figure in the play "The Modern Girl" breaks every conven tionality known to society. The crowning event of the play comes when she visits, unchaperoned, the apartment of a man vhem har father is about to appeal to for financial aid. Of course, neither father nor daugh ter knew the other would be there. The father is about ready to kill tha man whom he was going to ask to help him but he is brought to his senses. The point brought out the strongest seems to be the fault of the modern girl's conduct lies with her parents. The girl of today is left to shift for herself altogether too much according to the playwrights Misses Marion Fairfax and Ruth Mitchell. The pa rents spend to much time in seeking amusement for themselves and not enough in training their children, ac cording, to the play's lesson. The Hippodrome is out with a chal lenge. Its beauties are up in arms. A new crop of girls was engaged for this year's production, the "Wars of the World," some recruited from dif ferent Brodway shows, and others en tirely new arid fresh. At any rate these girls are unusu ally Drettv. attractive, and youthful, and in their own estimation, the mos: fascinating lot in town. Rumors have reached them since the opening tha. the Winter Garden girls have been 3IG FIGHT ON FOR OHIO DRY AMENDMENT. Cleveland, O., Sept 26. The cam paign to add a statewide prohibition amendment to Ohio's constitution at the general elections in November was formally opened here today when "wet" and "dry" speakers clashed in a joint debate before the City Club of Cleveland. Thirty thousand dollars has been raised to conduct the temperance fighting in Cleveland and Cuyhoga county alone. In nearly every county in the state both factions have their central committee with ward and pre cinct captains to canvass every voter, Although both "wet" and "dry" forces declare the fight is non-politi cal, Gov. Cox, Democratic candidate for re-election is said to have "wet" tendencies while his Progressive op ponent James R. Garfield has joined the "drys." The Republican platform refused to take a stand on the quea tion, but Congressman Frank B. Wil lis, candidate for Governor, is known to have strong "dry" sympathies. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS INVADE SAN FRANCISCO, San Francisco, Sept. 26. Fifteen hundred Knights of Fhythias arrived in San Francisco today from the cen tral and northern parts of the state, bringing with them a class of 200 can didates to receive the ranks of the or der at Fythian Castle. Grand Chan cellor Miller and other grand officers will take an active part in the work, Costly Ancestors. Two close-fisted Missouri brother sued a neighbor for $375 owing on a land deal. They engaged the best lawyer In their county seat The law yer won the case. The brothers called to see about his fee. One stayed out side and the other went In. "How much Is it?" he asked. "Well," said the lawyer, "I won't be hard on you. I have known both you boys since you were children. and I knew your pap. I guess $300 will be about right." The inquiring brother went out dazed. "Lordly, George," he said to the one outside, "I'm dura glad he didn't know grandpap, too." Old Memories. Representative Simeon D. Fese of Ohio met an old friend In Washington the other day and they fell to discuss ing the ravages of time, especially in regard to loss of hair. "Yes, I have a great prejudice against being bald," remarked Fees' friend, "but I guess I'm elected." "Well, you know the old story about the big fly and the little fly," said Fess. The big fly and the little fly were promenading across an expansive bald head, and the big fly remarked to the little fly: 'See this fine, wide boule vard here? I can remember when It waa nothing but a narrow cowpath.' " Monkeys and Gum. In tropical countries the natives have many unique ways of catching monkeys. One of them as explained by a traveler is this: The hunters walk about In short boots in sight of the monkeys. Then they take the boots off, place soma gum In the bottoms and leave them on tne ground, withdrawing to a great distance themselves. Presently the monkeys come down from the trees, try on the boots and when th hunters come after them the bcoU, stick to them and they are unaUle tc climb. Thus the imitative littl kav r eantntWL wruaiurwsrri!r5TTi w 8is will, l imw fjRfl REAL ROUGH RIDERS and HORSES RRfl wUV. KBPRB6BNT1NQ THE FOLLOWING FEATURES UUU IVCIIHS TtRilRd Mteef th INUIAH pUimt la war-paiat. cowboys 5DrBsrw2 COSSACKS R'tr LAiWAdiJ issUBdoitbaRioGnada 'tei-CHAMPIOIlS SStSSsr WILD-WEST GIRLS VACQUEROS uHH MoMtad Mia RURAUES CTECQ TUDflUIIIG J"plni from Back of Galloping Hone OlLLII innUIIIIlU to Steals Horni, than wraidins combat Football on Horse&sck PnrHnnrllnrcflnhamnlnne a??1 Winners of Wyoabi and i Oklahoma Bucldng Hor Coot sal Low Rates on all Lines off Travel for Kinston's Biggest Holiday Prettiest Cowgirls from the 101 Ranch. "The Girl Who Throws the Dull." First time here.. Only Mexican Congress ever in the United States. More Broncho Busters than ever before Assembled COMING IN ITS ENTIRETY Positively Never Di vides or Splits Downtown Seat Sale Show Day at Marston's Drug Store Prices Just the Same as at Show Grounds. 101 Ranch Real Wild l"Jes i $5.60 Round Trip Rate to Richmond VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD VIRGINIA STATE FAIR October 2nd- 10th Inclusive On account of The Virginia State Fair, the Atlan tic Coast Line Railroad has placed into effect this ' very low round trip rate to Richmond. Our patrons and friends are invited to take this opportunity to visit this far famed Virginia Citv, and to participate in one of the most noted fairs held in this country. Tickets on sale for all trains Oct, 2nd, 10th, inclu sive, limited returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight of October 12th, 1914. Children between ages of 5 and 12 years, half fare. Meet your friends at The Virginia State Fair. W.J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pass. Agent. Wilmington, N. C. PICNIC IN THE COUNTRY. There will be a basket picnic at Pleasant Hill Lodge No. 304, A. F. and A. M., on October 1. All Masons, as well as the general public, are in vited to attend, and all are requested to bring well-filled baskets cr boxes for the dinner. STOP THAT FIRST FALL COUGI1 Check your fall cough cr cold at once dont wait it may lea l to se rious lung trouble, weaken ..cr vi tality and develop a chronic lung ail ment Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-Honey .tcday; it i3 pure and harm less use it freely for that; fall cough or cold. If Baby or Children are sick give it to then, it will relieve quick ly and permanently. It soothes tha irritated throat, lungs r.nd air pa:w sages. Loosens Phlegh, is antisep tic and fortifies the system against coldi. It surely prevents cold germs . i. -i .t r I Only 25c at your Druggist ' , ; BEAUFORT, N. C. -THE- FISH ERMAN'S PARADISE Spanish Mackerel, Blue Fish, Trout Plenty of Boat Charges Moderate. COMFORTABLE HOTELS AND COTTAGES Extremely Low Seaon Week End Sunday EXCURSION FARES NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD 4 . . ' ' ' Aik Ticket Agentf for Timetable arid Fares' 'or Write W. E. PORCH, Beaufort, N. C. H. S. LEARDf G. P. A." i. F. MITCHELL, T. P. A. Norfolk, Va. Raleigh, N. C.