i .im..- Tltf DAILY FREE PRESS PwfeUUd Ery Afuraooo Eicep Sunday KtKtTOH FREE PRESS CO., INC X. Ctt Braxton, Editor and Manager I or 'wiether'jfnr lanU has erer'bceir found, and other item which were absorbing the interest of newspaper readers nrior to July 29. when the Kaiser waived the red flair to the whole world. l rjnitan. North Cfplin. ndw act of Cmimw oi -TCO - PRESS - REPORTS fanajjona All Departments 75 Subscription Rates: tCt:. (PayOJoia AeVoaco) tfitk. 10c 3 Month. Month 35c 12 Month. fl Wednesday, September 30, 1914 Hon. Richmond Pearson Hobson now predicts national prohibition by - 125. Here's hoping that his pro- ' phacy will come true. V' - " , ,? ? ' , The unellbinders will soon be among us and they will carry the lit tle "Democratic Hand Book" along with them to prove to the voters that the old party has stood right square ly up to the trough and delivered the goods straightout. The Burgomaster of Brussels is having an opportunity to see what it is like, and when he is restored to power he will know just what he is doing when he sentences a fellow to jail. That is if the Burgomaster con ducts the police court. The report of the sinking of a big French battleship off the coast at Cat tarro by the Austrian forts in the Associated Press papers Tuesday morning was denied in the Associated Press papers Tuesday afternoon. The French have lost no ship since the big war started. ' The tobar-. sales in Kinston Mon day were almoBt six times what vns considered a fair break for Mondays last season. Begins to look like the whole crop is going to be dinposed of in short order. The prevailing prices are satlitfactory, and are said by to bacconists to be up to the averago, when quality !h considered. . The slumbers of Kinstonians, liv ing along the highways and principal streets of ingress to the warehouses in the city, a being nightly "dis turbed" by the passing tobacco wa?- oiih and carl'), but there has bee.i no complaint ."or the commodity, ami those bringing it are welcome isit- ois, night or day. War presidents have the reputation for being popular, and it has been aid by some of the editorial writers of the country that President Wilson could insure hsi second term by start ing a fight with Mexico. From the way the glad hand is being extended to Mr. Wilson, since Mr. Marshal an nounced that he would be the Demo cratic nominee in the next presiden tial campaign, we are inclined to think that "Peace Presidents" are more popular than the old-time fight trs. o THE PASSING OF A LANDMARK. The opening of Raleigh's new mar ket house today is another forward step in the progress of the growing capital city. A little more than a year ago Raleigh opened its abattoir, and since that time all cattle, sheep and hogs intended for sale in that city, with the exception of imported meats, have been slaughtered at the abattoir, which is under strict super vision of the health department, and the consumers have been assured that they were being fed on wholesome food, inspected before being slaugh tered and killed in sanitary circum stances. The old market house in Ra leigh, which has been in use for about three-quarters of a century or more, is familiar to all who have been to Ra leigh, being situated in a very promi nent place on Fayetteville street, and there will be some regret to see the old building demolished to make room for modern architecture but there will be no tears shed from a sanitary point of view. The old structure has long outgrown its usefulness. WHAT OTHERS SAY It is the common opinion that Ken tucky is a very wet state, but when it is known that only 1-i of the 120 coun ties are wet it is readily understood that the, prevailing opinion is an in justice to the daughter of the Old Do minion. In this ; connection it is in teresting to know that the famous old county of Bourbon Is and has been drysfor many years, and that no man ufacture or sale is legal within its fconflnes. KINSTON BREAKING RECORD DAILY Henderson Gold Leaf: "There ap pears to be very little for the tobacco farmer to be downcast obout just at this time, if reports coming in from the different markets where selling i in progress are to be credited. In five rolling days of last week two million pounds was sold on the Wilson market at an average price of slightly more than twelve cents a pound. This was not at all bad. It means that over $20,000 was paid out to the tobacco farmers of Wilson county in those fW Says,' iitl thai the pries XLtfjre ceived for their tobacco were goed Similar reports are coming in from most other markets that are active.' WHEN RIGHT PREVAILED Charlotte News: "If Virginia .has gone dry by an overwhelming major ity large credit must go to the uritir ing efforts of Dr. Cannon, editor of the Richmond Virginian. That pa per has been hammering away for prohibition in season and out of sea son. It has been a fight for it for existence but it has pulled through with flying colors. It shows the pow er of a newspaper when its influence is thrown behind some worthy cause, SHORT STAY VERY GOOD - INDICATIONS Greensboro News: "The gentleman who has been nominated for president of Mexico by General Villa recently spent tome -time in Greensboro. ,ut then, everybody who has occasion to travel about .much comes to Greens boro, and most of them find it a most pleasant necessity. It is a privilege for the stranger within our gates' to stand and watch the procession of h demure, delicious dames." if LIST ALREADY GIVEN OUT Wilmington Dispatch: "The Cor poration Commission's advices to Sec retary of the Treasury McAdoo as to the North Carolina banks, declaring and backing such with figures, that the North Carolina banks are jiot hoarding their money, were timely. They are not without faults, of course, but they are giant bulwarks of strength. While no charge was made against the North Carolina banks it was well for the Corporation Com mission to eliminate them from -the blanket charge made by Mr. McAdoo, who declared there were ten banks in the South hoarding the crop money. Let other bodies of Southern States eliminate their banks, if they can However.a better way would be for McAdoo to name the offending banks. Let's take a look at them." WOODROW IS ENDORSED Richmond News Leader: "President Wilson's unwillingness to accept the endorsement of the New Jersey Dem ocrats for a second term was right n itself, and doubly right in contrast with the conduct of recent executives who need not be named. "We venture to say that Woodrow Wilson will not raise his hand to pro lire tne Democratic nomination in 1916. We predict, also, that when nominated he will not leave his post to make campaign speeches or to ha rangue political conventions. "There are two reasons for our forecast. The one is Woodrow Wil son. The other is Woodrow Wilson's record. He will not need to seek the nomination. He will not need to ask re-election." Children Orr FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD LOANS li-GOTIATEED Now Occupying New Office cne Door East of -The Post Office Phone 182 Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. C. Oettinirer, Msrr. Old John Barleycorn still holds the boards in (he heart of the Blue Grass of Kentucky. Fayette county, of which Lexington, the home of Tran sylvania University, Hamilton Col lege, Henry Clay and many famous & - . i . ... norses, is me county seat, rolled up a majority of 3,204 for the "wets" in a local option election held Monday. It is gratifying that nine out of twelve counties, in which elections were held, voted "dry." ine itaungn limes says it is in formed that fresh meat Bells from 8 to 12 cents lower in the smaller com munities than it does in Raleigh, and The Times wants to know the reason why? A very good question to ask, if such is the case but we doubt the WWJpctness'of the information. Fresh tne, in Raleigh sells from 20 to 25 rents, and nowhere In the state have we heard of it selling for 12 cent. It is about oa a .par here ia Kiaaton dth the Baleighr figures. - v ... . -a Some of these days when the war is ever and the editor throughout the country start ont to catchup on the vents that have transpired, outside the. war ion, they will find, it neces sary to take a regular course in raod- rsr Blstorjt. ' The fact that the world la moving' tii just the same has been lost s!ght of -so far as the newspaper cfcronu-la is concerned. ' For instance, -n4vMy knows what the,Colo.icl is lo "& or ht has become of Leo Frar.k JL IviL fUJ "llWra V T'. Mi J "Hi. ill i J" I iii i DuU ; ' Uneeda Biscuit Tempt the appetite, please the taste and nourish the body. Crisp, clean and fresh 5 cents. e Barcnst Biscuit Round, thin, tender with a delightful flavor appropriate for lunch eon, tea and dinner, io cents. Graham Crackers Made of the finest ingredients. Baked to perfection. The national strength food, io cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that Name. THE NEUSE MANTEL CO. Corner Bright and Heritage Streets Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Special Front Doors, Stair Work, Grilles, Mouldings and Interior Finish; Mantels, Columns, Balusters, Porch Rail, Screen Doors and Win dows. Store Fronts and Office Fixtures a Specialty I -m tV U f ' '''' ions. If it is SELECTION... J M r If it is QUALITY... w If it is STYLE Come to THIS STORE;, 7 7 If it is SERVICE and : V t SATISFACTION... r Come to This Store Ask Your NeighborsThey Know. 1 1 w '1 ill.ttJLJlKfJ 1 mi m nm mm m k' m mw rm w m w ssbbbUbb lP rr KAfTOMVC- Z IannouncemeFI OF BOTLEDGE & CO. TO THE PUBLIC We are temporarily shut down, but have a full Stock of Lumber on hand and we will be glad and able to take care of the needs of our customers, until business justifies operating. Phone 44 if You Need Anything in Our Line and it Will Have Prompt Attention ! - I I IIBIB J vil ... 1 AgjS mom 1 ii it C3-QUR WEEKLY LIMERICK A carpenter, by ihe nHme of C. Law, Made up his mind to have anew Saw. So he came to li'Li I I 1 HARDWARE! IflH OUR STORE Where claims he saw more Good Saws than he ever "see" saw. . . YOU'LL FIND HERE Not Only the Best Makes of Saws BUT GOOD TOOLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. White Thoroughly Reliable as to Quality We offer them at prices but little in excess of inferior Grades. BUY YOUR TOOLS HERE. D. V. DIXON SON XL IncrsasG Your Crops and Improve Your Soil ith tho MVLFOnD NITKO-GEKM. Contains tested ctrtilns cf vicrreua n1tngcn-n:;!5p L&ctcr!a which form nodules cn the roob of Alfalfa, payers. Vetches C? Pecs, Soy Beans and other legumes,, pather nitro giIfrom tha aiand convert It into nitrate fcrm, avtikbie cs plant food. Lejimcs, v.tea J)pcrly inoculated, enrich tho scil to rfcrates and homOs and benefit snecefcdinff crops. You cannot tf ford; to buy expen aiveJiitrcivljBn MaaHoJrtainedso easily ta4 cz-i'.-r fron tho air. " v . . i - . ALWAYS USE " The MULFORD N IT R O E M ' reliable, tested product from the laboratories cf II. K. MuUord Companr, Philadelphia, whose Antitoxins, Serums, Vaccines, Arsaycd and Tcstii : Duars "standard everywhere. ,v i nii- SUALL COST LARGE RETURNS EASY TO USE - NO LABOR EXPENSE J. E. HOOD S COMPANY Iff a swiva t The National Bank of ''Kinston Tl . . " ;. -' : ft PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods, and this bihk has 1 Jtept r jpace" 'with thtm. -i : While conseirvatfve'm the interest jof SAFETY, our equipment and busipess methods are modern. - Let us do businesst together to our mutual advantage.. Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, v ' $90,000.00 I mi; OLDEST AND STRONGEST BAliK IH THE CGUIlTYr' J!