We Have on Display the ' ' SMARTEST MILUNEBY; - SHIRTWAISTS AND Ever Shown in the City. Chamberlain & Braxton Can ; ill Building in i it m inn NAN I AUO 1 CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION MINIMUM 15 C&NTS FOR SALE Old Papers, suitable for kindling fires these cool mornings, 5c a package. Free Press. 9-14-tf Nicely furnished Room for rent. Ap ply 112 E. Lenoir street. 10-6-2t-dly FRESH FISH and Oysters daily. Good 1aeef steak 17 l-2c. Phone 177. Geo. O. Brown. 9-28-eod-tf-dly FOR SALE Old Papers in 5c pack ages. Good for underlaying car pets, packing or wrapping purposes. Free Press. 9-14-tf TO THE PUBLIC White Kid Gloves made white as snow at Union Pressing Club. Give us a tiral and be convinced. Phone 33-J. Haddock and Smith, Props. 9-22-t.t.s. 13t dly WANTED To se sell for cash, my lease on stables and barns on South Heritage streets. Lease good until 1918. For further particulars, see M. F. Smith. 9-26-eod-pt-dly 9.j0-4t-sw NOTICE We has bought the L. O. Gosa Piano Store. You will now find I us at that, stand with a full line of Pianos and Music. Household Fur nishing Co., Forrest Smith, General Manager. 9-23-dly&sw-lmo WANTED At once, solicitors for pleasant and profitable work in the city and nearby towns. Nice oppor tunity for either men or women. Must be well recommended. Address "Op portunity," care Free Press, Kinston, N. C. 9-29-tf. CKiGHESTER 8 PILLS Lndicft! AbiyoHf urutrtritt for jA Chi tie-ti r ( IHumvndTirandVVi 1111 in Rvd E.T I ioj(ii n;i:iicr hottri, scale 1 vfi'.U Iilt-o P:bton. V Tr.Ln no nih.. Unr f V i. ;.j,ji:i)p iskji.-mi I'lLiA f.jf aa year? k-u-wnas test, f'-af est, Alwivs Kclia! 14 S&D LV ORliGGiSI'S EVERYWHERE. W. T. Huehens, Nicholson, Ga., had a severe attack of rheumatism. His feet, ankles and joints were swollen, and moving about was very painful. He was certainly in a bad way when he started to take Foley Kidney Pills. He says, "Just a few doses made me feel better, and now my pains and rheumatism are all gone and I sleep all right long." J. E. Hood & Co. (advt.) sural And ' PERSONAL 'PICKPOCKETS PICKED, UP, : Mr. Gorge F. Brietz is visiting in Fayetteville. i Mr. Marion Taylor of Hookerton spent today here. 'j Judge 0. H. Allen went to- Golds boro this moning. Mr. Will Wooten spent today in La Grange, on business. Mr. G. S. Spiegner of Richmond was a Kinston visitor today. Mrs. B. W. O'Neal of Pamlico coun ty, is the gusst of friends in the city. Mr. R. A. G. Barnes of Washing ton was a Kinston visitor yesterday. Misses McCullenand Andrews of Mt. Olive are visitors in the home of Mr. J. B. Cummings. Mrs. R. F. Hill is attending the In ternational Convention of the Disci ples of Christ in Atlanta. Miss Lizzie Hancock of New Bern came this morning to attend the con ference in CaSwell Street Methodist church. Mrs. Appleby of Oriental, who has been visiting her, daughter, Mrs. W. B. Ward, on East Blount street, re turned home today. Mr. R. B. Parsons of San Diego, Cal., who has been here on a visit, returned this morning from New Bern, where he spent a day or two. Mrs. E. A. Perry of Charlottes ville, Va., mother of Mrs. B. P. Smith, arrived Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Smith on N. McLewean street. Little Miss Virginia Smith, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Smith, who has been spending the summer in Virginia with her grandmother, re turned Wednesday. Two Young Negroea Who Proved to Be Inexperienced, Tried Their Hands and Bungled Them-, selves Into Hands of Law. Charlie Moore and James Middle ton, black and young and indiscreet, are- regretting that they ever ' left their backwoods homes to come to Kinston, for the purpose, Charlie told "Cap'n, boss," in the police court, of seeing heir first circus. They arrived several hours in advance and occu pied the interim with picking pock ets. Charlie Moore snatched the watch of a white man named Smith wick, but was not skilful enough and dropped it. Smithwick kicked Moore and recovered the watch. Moore and Middleton were operating together, and two colored men saw them clum sily investigating the interiors of other's pockets. Officers hauled in the couple, and with them Will Whit- FATE'S PART IN GREAT AMERICAN GAME'S RESULT By Hal Sheridan (Written for the United Press) Neir York, Oct. 8. With the amai ing record-breaking rash of the Bos ton Braves te the top of the National League after being a poor last the first of July is taking up all spot lights in this world of sport, and some other mighty interesting features in connection with the annual baseball marathons have been overlooked. One of these features and one that deserves far more than ordinary men tion, is the work of Grover Cleveland Alexander, that pitching phenom who wiggles for the greatest hard luck club in the world the Phillies. This year Alexander has been breezing along at the fastest clip of any pitch er in the National League loop, lit erally standing the batters in that or ganization on their HeadsT' Alexander, with a patched-up very ordinary club behind him, has piled up the best pitching percentage in the league. His work has been mar- field Of Wallnro V C 1c oViat-oosl with nockPt nirk.no. 'i ,.-..i ! velous, considering the support ac revolver, and John Pierce, of Colum-1 cor,ded ,him- IIe has been the one bia, S. C, who. with a red handker-! "d onIy ftent winner for the chief around his neck swaggereH j Phillies. He has worked, too, work- through a crowd of admiring blacks I fd like J' a" year- . Dooin de" anu lei u De Known that he was a real live colored cowboy, and "some trick shooter." All four were given thirty days for vagrancy, andall save Pierce, against whom there was no evidence that he was guilty of rob bery, ordered held for Superior Court for trial on the pocket picking charge. Two white men joked diminutive Clinton West, selling tickets behind the wicket at the Dixie Theater. One of them playfully ran his hand under the wicket and the boy promptly came down on it with a hammer. The "jesters" beat a retreat, leaving the youthful guardian of the coffer in se cure possession of all his dimes and nickels. FACTS AND FIGURES ABOUT PITT COUNTY'S HOMES. Pastor B. P. Smith of the Gordon Street Christian Church,, left Wed nesday night for Atlanta, to attend the International Convention of the Disciples of Christ. Mr. Smith will be absent about ten days. NEW POSTOFFICE WILL BE A, BEAUTY. Postmaster W. D. LaRoque is back from a trip to Washington, where he visited the supervising architect's of fice to inquire about progress in the plans for the new postoffice here. He saw the blue prints of the plans and declares they were gratifying to him The building will be a handsome af fair of colonial design, with six mas sive columns adorning the front. Bids for the construction will be advertis ed for about November 1, and the contract placed probably before Jan uary 1. Deafest Gsuzoi Ce Curcc 1 k." ;.iv,;i t.. . . 4.-:r!i :(.: j . t ,.f '. i ; 1-u . If un'.v . .. .'...i- ! ,,. .. . . ..- . . ..v . :. ..- :.' . K: 1-. . I- u.:v. I V . :. !. : .:n. - : 'iti iu..-- .: ;' i... r .i .i Tn -. V. l-t-'i : .. : . .'' -i y: t '. ru:..llir. --:t. i .i:., i': :. . t 1. c:r.i u;:. it .-..tl.-t:.v : C I ; is !.." i. ..nil. tr'.Iegs t.:e !!-i:!n:i.l' 1' t k t . "! : thU tn'.v ri-M r-j t . . i.. r i M. :., i.itf v.Y. W ii y.",v J f --v.-;" rrv ':t rn- cms ,, 1.. '..:::'! ', v -l-. - : . : . '.,' ull i ifl.M) -'(1 c.', Iiti r. t '!i "i-.i ' s f :. i. V. r::ii s!v- '.. ! : -1 ! i ! .: ! :' -Of I)c::f.f- l !.:! ' ' i '. f ' cun-J hy II.i!.';. CaUirb ' .-.v. : ...! f r . .u-i r. j. r::i:v.'Y & co.. t- . Sold by Priis'sNts. Take UaU's Iaui.7 I'.Hf r t'::.a-j mm You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to vou. vou know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed, of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently,1 yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful rv'sufcess, and it will do the same for yon. You can t maxe a mistaxe in taxing it. . - The Woman's fToiuc ; j . Miss Amelia Wilson, R F. D. No. 4, Alma,' Ark, says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before 1 began to take Cardui, I was, so weak and nervous: and had such awful duty - (EpL Qd a poorjappetite. Now I feel as well and i-Begk ming CardaX today. ,. Sold by all dealers.j 4 Has HeIbed"Th6usand& fSMMMMMMm H Hi m The federal census bureau has just issued a bulletin dealing with Pitt county homes and their owners. In termined to keep his warriors out of the cellar, called on Alexander often and the big twirler responded with a victory almost every time. WTiich causes us to pause and think what- might have happened. Just suppose for instance, that Tom Sea ton hadn't jumped to the Brooklyn Federals. Seaton, with his class, would have added at least twelve more wins to the Philadelphia club's standing. And those same victories, marking off a like number of defeats, would have put the Phillies out in front of the Braves, where they could not have been headed. Another thing that figured strong in the slump of the Phillies this year was the absence of Shortstop Mickey Doolan. He.too, fell for the big sal ary inducements held out by the Feds and Baltimore got him. Dooin wa in sore straits to plug the gap left l.y Doolan 's departure. For the first three months of the season he kept trying out different ones there, and in the meantime the ones getting the Children Cry for Fletcher's j COLE BLEASE 16 YEARS OLD. been In the line-up. Reports now have it that Dooin is to be deposed this winter as manager cf the Phillies. The rumor has float ed often before. This time it really seems to be founded on fact. HAVE YOU CATARRH? It's W.-HOH a Moter county mere are . t,klIs kk,ked many a game away for The people of Kinston and those him. xhege same games woulJ have hv.ng along the line of the Norfolk von in a!, iikeihood if Doolan had southern irom Ooldsboro to iew Bern will note with interest the state ment of General Passenger Agent Leard, printed in Wednesday's Free Press, that no passenger trains are to be taken off of this division now. It was rumored a few days ago that the night trains would be discontinued, and protests from all along the line were made. Col. Leard gives assur ance that, although the revenues have homes, 4,324 of them being on farms. There are 1,097 farm dwellings unin cumbered by mortgage, while there are 4GG mortgaged farm homes in the county. Renters occupy 2,728 farm homes. There are 2,911 urban homes and 80S urban home owners. Of the homes in towns, 142 are mortgaged and tlOO free from incumbrance. Thee are 1, 798 rented urban homes in the county. The census enumer ators were unable to secure data per taining to the ownership of a small percentage of both the rural and ur ban homes in Pitt county. (By the United Press.) Columbia, S. C, Oct. 8. Gov. Cole I. Blease, famous for his policy of emptying the penitentiary through pardons to prisoners, today celebrat ed his 46th birthday anniversary. He was recently defeated for the Demo cratic nomination for U. S. senator, soldier, who has seen service through several campaigns, smiled grimly when pajamas were mentioned to him. "They may be all right," he said, 1 "but give me a good warm shirt. It's shirts that the men want, and sochc. They want good seeks, too; seamless ones, so that they can turn them in side out without chafing their feet. "J was three weeks in South Africa without a change of shirts. We left Bloemfontein one day and didn't get a' change for three months. Officers and men were in the same boat, and we did the best we could, turning them inside out .from time to time ' "I'll tell Vaorie thing the Red Cross jouki fo" very handily. That is to provids )some boracic powder in the soldier supplies. The men could use in their jocks on the march, and it 'would heal a lot of sore feat." a Dangerous Disease Hyomei is the Effective Remedy. Catarrh, which is indicated by sniffling, frequent colds and crusts in the nose is a serious disease and if not checked surely spreads to the deli cate lining of the air passages, and frequently destroys the hearing. To cure catarrh you must have something that will,quickly reach the diseased tissues, kill the germs, and drive out the poison. Hyomei is just such a remedy. Be ing a mixture of antiseptic oils that you breathe through a small inhaler its health-restoring medication can not help going direct to the raw and inflamed lining of the nose and throat, quickly relieving that choked-up feel ing, stopping the unclean discharges, and healing the sore spots you breathe freely. Even the worst cases respond at once. There is nothing for the treatment of catarrh ills that is easier, more pleasant or so satisfying as Hyomei. J. E. Hood & Company sells it on the "No-cure-no-pay" plan, (advt.) For Style Quality And Low Prices Go to the Home of Fashionable KEEP YOUR STOMACH AND LIVER HEALTHY .".A Vigorous Stomach, perfect work ing' Livw and Tegular acting Bowels is guaranteed., if you willlase Df. King's-New Life Pills. They insure good Digestion, correct Constipation and have an excellent tonic affect on the whole, system Purify your blood and rid you of all body poisons through the Bowels. Only 25c.. at your druggist. Adv. Hats Irs! H. L Brwell The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought and which has heca in use for over 30 years has borne .the. signature of T and has been made under his per- V Sj&fS-f-f1- . onal supervision since its infancy. tiVf 4McA44 Allow no one to deceive you in this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-ns-ffood " are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the heulth of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is pleuHant. It contains neither Opium Slorphino nor other Nareotlo substance. Its age is its gnaruntee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of CoiiHtipution, Flatulency AVind Colic all Teething; Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and liowels, assimilates the Food, glvinpr healthy and natural bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years' . The Kind You Have Always Bought Don't Fail to Attend the Great East Carolina Fair Mew Bern, N. C. Oct 27th to 30ih. It Will be Bigger and Better Than Ever MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF AG RICULTURAL PRODUCTS, FINE STOCK AND POULTRY. : : SPLENDID RACING PURSES AGGREGATE $2,000.00 LATEST ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS Cheap Excursion Rates Over all Railroads Special Trains Every Hour From the Union Passenger Station at New Bere to the Fair Grounds For Premium List, of other information, address, CLYDE EBY, GENERAL MANAGER New Bern, N. C. so Round Trip Rate to Richmond VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD VIRGINIA STATE FAIR I October 2nd 10th Inclusive On account of The Virginia State Fair, the Atlan tic Coast Line Railroad has placed into effect this very low round trip rate to Richmond. Our patrons and friends are invited to take this opportunity to visit this far famed Virginia City, and to participate in one of the most noted fairs held in this country. Tickets on sale for all trains Oct. 2nd, 10th, inclu sive, limited returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight of October 12th, 1914. Children between ages of 5 and 12 years, half fare. Meet your friends at The Virginia State Fair. W.J. CRAIG, T. G. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pass. Agent. Wilmington, N. C. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD LOANS NEGOTLWEED Now Occupying New Office one Dxr East if Tiie Post Cffice Kinston Insurance & R"Jiy Co. Phone 182 Jj . C. .Oettijiger, Mgr.