OF LOCAL INTEREST FREMONT MAN ILL !V HflS ( OI NTY. J. (',. Suttiiii of Free nun it has Ix-en ill with typimiJ fever ct the home of iis fnthrr, K. W. Sutton, near La Uraiigti. Mr. S'Jtton .i now convalescing. FIFTEEN VAGRANTS IN MUNICIPAL COL'KT. It is doulitful if fifteen more ex treme'y iniliitrious citizen could he found in Kin-'Vn than ve:e nrrnij,T. ! in City Court late Thursday to nitwit- to the v;;jri'iiicy chaise. All were colored. Every one of the fif teen were temporarily out of work. .-.i.M!tl had just returned from va irnMuns. and others had tried from 'dawn till dusk for days to find em Kl'R L TEACHERS ' ployment. Mst all were rounded up EX AMINED THURSDAY. n loafer's resorts, hut not one ad Kuperintenoen't Joseph Kinney of fitted that he was an habitual idler, the countv whooLs, yesterday fon- The court asked many ouestK.ns; the ducted examinations of about a .'.-' defendants parried nicely. Most of .. i ...... u.. .;. o.,.i ,.ni..r..l them had never bought a drop of en rural weiicm-i a, mn.- om ..-..w.., j - whiskey in their lives, .several nau. f'Ut they had forgotten the dates and from whom, so remote were the occa sions. The court frowned and talked in letral lanuac, but there wasn't evidence enough to convict one of the crowd. "'Jet out of here! Find jobs!" was the conclusion of the session, and the industrious citizens sti oiled out with dignity and the air of persons wrongly accused. preparatory to issu'.ntf certificates permitting them to teach in the coun ty this fall. The schools, except i-i special tax districts, where they have in some instances already opened, will begin the 26. fall term on October JOSIAII HA I LEY TO SPEAK HERE ON OCTOBER 20 Democratic County Chairman G. V. Cowper today announced that Jo- aiuh William Bailev. collector of in ternal revenue for the Eastern North Carolinu District, will .speak here at noon on Tuesday, October 20. Col lector Uailey is one of the leading Democratic orators in the State, and his speech in Goldsboro Thursday night, opening the campaign in the Gate City, was topliner Btuff for the morning papers. CAMPAIGN EXPENSES WILL BE SMALL. Tha fif teen-da v campaign of the Democratic county candidates In Le noir this month will entail expenses totalling not more than $350, the candidates believe. The price of pork is the biggest item they have to take into consideration, since it will re quire quite a number of pigs to feed the multitudes at the township speak ings in the eleven rural precincts. There will be a barbecue dinner at each place. The campaign will be gin' Tuesday. AUTOMATIC ALARM ENTHUSES FIRE HORSES. Burt Sellers, the driver of No. I wagon of the fire department, ' says hi horses are "crazy" abdut the new fire alarm apparatus. For a few days after the new system was installed, they didn't "take to" the new gong, and would not work to it because they could not see what made the thing ring1 or any man pulling the string. A few days' practice did the trick, however, and now at the daily prac tice the blacks eagerly prance to their places beside the pole at the frrt tap of the automatically operat ed bell. METHODIST S. S. AND E. L. MEETING CLOSES. The conference of Sunday schools and Epworth Leagues of the Meth odist New Born district, which was held in Caswell Street church here Wednesday and Thursday, came to a close with exercises conducted by the Epworth League Thursday evening This morning and late Thursday night the delegates, who were from as far west as Goldsboro, and from as far east as the seashore, returned to their homes. The conference, which was made a permanent organization, in eludes about 100 Sunday schools, Ep worth lieagues ami Hiole classes, am: several thousand pastors, superin tendents, teachers and scholars. BOSTON BATTERS TAKE OLD CHIEF BENDER'S SCALP. KINSTON AND WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOLLS PLAY TODAY The Kinston High School football eleven is playing the Washington High School team in the latter place this afternoon. It is the first game of the season for both aggregations. Kinston curried to Washington the strongest line-up in the history of local hitfh school athletics. The fol lowing comprise the team: Ernest Boyd, center; John llerndon, George Knott, Hay Wooten, guards; Clayton Morris, Ely Courie, Willie Fleming tackles; Paul Whitaker, George Rhodes, ends; Will Lewis, quarter back; Fred. Taylor (captain), left half; Alban Burrus, right half; Clay Brewer, fullback. The team was in fine condition when the players left for Washington. ARMY RECRUITING OFFICE TO BE OPENED IN KINSTON. If you are out of a job, are a male citizen of the I'nited States letween the ages of 18 and :!.", and have sound health, go see Uncle Sam about it. A corporal of the recruiting ser vice, U. S. A., arrived late Thursday to arrange minor details for the opening of a recruiting office here in few days. Lieut. Charles Smart, Ninth Infantry, is expected to come today or tomorrow to perfect the ar rangements. Other new offices will t opened in Fayetteville and Rocky Mount. Each will have a n on -commissioned officer and possibly one pri vate at work. The Kinston office will solicit tnlistmonU in the country all the way from Goldsboro to the coast. The depression is resulting in big business for the army recruiting men. (Continued on Page Four) defeat. His batsmen, the terror of their league, and the wreckers of all who have faced them in world's se ries, his infield the greatest in the world, a steady, but not sensational pitching staffthe mainstays of which accomplish as much with their brains as with their arms are his as sets. Mack is sending his great machine after the world's title for the fifth time. Every man is a veteran of at least one struggle. In the line-up of the Braves there are but two men who have ever before smelled the smoke of the big battle. They are Johnny Evers, who aided the Cubs in their fights for the title, and Josh Devore, a former New York giant. Of the Athletics' veterans, Bender has been under fire in four of the bigl league "combats Plank, Collins) Bak-' er, MrunR, Lapp and Barry have been through three. Oldring, Mcln nes, Thomas and Coombs have taken part irl two series, while Schang, Bush and Eddie Murphy received their baptism of fire a year ago. Taking the lead on May 30, the Athletics had a little trouble in again winning the American League pen nant this year. They were never headed after they assumed command and enter the series today with the same driving force and strategy which has kept them to the fore. On the other hand ,the Braves have made the most sensational fight in the history of baseball". On July fi, the Braves were in last place. Tied the Giants August 24 and clinched pennant Octo ber 1. Upon his pitchers Stallings will pin his faith for victory over the Mackmen. They face the greatest test of their careers in their efforts to spike the guns of the heavy artil lery which has wrecked the offerings of such men as Mathewson, Mar- quard, Tesreau .Overall, Brown and all who have faced them. The prices for seats are: Boston, boxes $" each sent; grandstand, $.S; pavilions reserved, $2; general ad mission, $1; 2.rc bleacher seats, liOo; Philadelphia: Boxes, $5 each seat; grandstand, $3; pavilions, reserved, $2; general admission, $1. The play ers eligible to participate in the se ries are: Boston, Gather. Cocreham, Connoly, Cotterel. Crutcher, Davis, Deal, Devore, Rygey, Fivers, Gilbert, Gowdy, Hess, James, Mainnville, Mann, Martin, Mitchell. Mornn, Bu dolph, Schmidt, Smith, Strand, Tyler, Whaling. Whitted. Philadelphia -Baker, Barry, Bend er, Brossler. Bush, Collins, Coombs, Duyies, Davis. Kopf Lapp McAvoy, Mclnnes. Murphy, Oldring. Pennock. Plank, Schang. Shawkev Strunk Thomas. Thompson. Walsh. Wvckotf The umpires selected are Klem and Byron of the National League, and Dineen and Hildebrand of the Ameri can League. BBS33EESXT221 "X'ww DAY OBSERVED IN DES MOINKS I'es Moines. Ia., Oct. !. Todav lire prevention day in Iowa by pro clamation of Governor George W. Clark. All citizens are inspecting their premises and clearing way rub- lush to prevent hres when stoves and furnaces are started with the mm- ng of cold weather. Fire Marshal O. O. Roe is assisting city author! ties in ascore of cities in taking precautions through inspectors. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A NOTICE. The Republican voters of Lenoir countv are requested to meet at the Courthouse. Tuesdav. (Vtnhr i . 1 p. m.. for the purpose of electing the executive committee and chair man, and such other business as may properly come before it. All Repub lican voters are requested to be on hand. rrrt . Pvt0- Chairman. GEO. L. 1A LOR, Secretary. I Coat Suits Big Shipment Today Buster Brown Hoiery. O. N. T. Cotton 6 (or 25c. Chas. A. Waters The Telephone Stote Tlione No. 89 ma Bank Your Money Do not hide it in the old blue chest, old stockings and jugs, where it is very liable to be stolen, burned or destroyed. Deposit your money with us, and use checks to pay bills. : : : Farmers & Merchants Kinston, N. C. pods THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 PrcD. DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins. & Realty Co. Office hours: 8-12, 2-6 Nightg and Sundays by Appointment. Examination Free Phone 80 FOR SALE Cottrell newspaper press and Dexter folder. Will print and fold 4 or 8 pages, 6 columns. A bargain. Address Free Press, Kin ston, C. 9-14-tf AT SKlNNER'sJ We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream. Soda ft and Fine Candy I Phone 149 1 I J.T. Skinner & Soa If "We Strive to Please" J i . Come In Our Store and See Yourself In a Beautiful W00LTEX SUIT, Guaranteed 2 Years J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store Royal worches ter Corsets are Absolutely Correct- Let Us Show You the New Styles. PRICE $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00 arrett Mlarisfielil Cheapness ? People are often deceived by price. An article may be "cheap' but far frcm econom ical. It's generally worth no more than you pay. in 01 Guaranteed advertised goods are dependable. Not always cheaper in price, but cheaper in the end. Real economy is in quality and excellence. You'll remember the quality and satisfaction long after you forget the pric?. Oettinger's Furniture Store Edwin Clapp. Florsheiiri, Kneeland, SHOES FOR MEM Who care for Style as well as uahly-they are the lead ers in style for Men's Foot weareverything that is new in shoes you will find it here in all shapes and color. m BMSwaiBSBBMMasiiiiMasiaHaaMsaaiaBMaiaBMa May Manton, Julian Kokenge, Shoes for Ladies. Style, Quality and Fit guaran teed. Will appreciate your lock ing them over before buying else where, for I can save you money. Mark Cummings "The Home of Oualitv" j a N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C. .Goldsboro, N.C ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. C, Edgerton Building. Florence Told All the Neighbors "You come in and see my Florence oi! cook stove work just once and you won't be happy until you have one. "You can have a slow, simmering fire on one burner at the same time you have a quick, hot fire on another and the other one regulated exactly to any work you want done. Just set the levers as you want them and you can go away for two hours and find ail the burners at exactly the same heat when you come back. That's because the oil supply is automatic and there are no w icks. "It's so simple, so clean, so conveni ent, so cool, that I don't know what I should do without it. "My husband has tested the FLOR ENCE with ether stoves and he says it produces a wonderful amcur.t of heat lor th; oil con?rned and that it costs only about two cents an hour to rua Jour burners." "Tkt Tuntint Pit t OilStmHlfn" FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves "Look for the Lever" In the Florence yon have at last the toft, reliabl oil stove. Safety and sim plicity and economy. They to together. Com in and tee these wonderful cook atovea. They carry the manufacturcr't guarantee in addition to our own. !L L M0SELEY HDW. CO. IRA M. HARDY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 507; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street Eye, Em, Nose and Throat Diseases Treated. Dr. O.L. WILSON Dentist Office orer J. E. Hood & Co'a Store. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 5 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone U DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St. Near Residence. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children, i Office hours 10 to 12. Office 103 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. FOIEY-KIDNEY PILLS The Latest In COATSUITS Look Them Over a. Korn G. E. - egay I I oaauMATtiOMXYsaoioos7