SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10. 19U AGE TWO ' , , ' LITTLE HUMAN INTEREST TALES FROM THE FRONT ENGLAND WOULDN'T LET IIKKR KRl'i'l SEE MUCH WHILE SIGHT-SEEING. A HEROIC CANNONNEER YorkKliireman Compares Time on (hi Firing Line With "Day of Hor ror" Ex'ru'nr'B of Hritish Troovrn Ihumd hy I hlnrm. Ltuxloti, Oct. Id.-- Hon- Krupp, tin' noted Kunmnker, wu oulwitud whin he visited Kn'laml u few months ;ik before the c.utl.reiik of the war. Eur land jaid.the inventor reat homage. They dined and wined him to queen'K tas-te. In fai t, dining was the priiu-ijia thini: he did while he was here. Not heeause he wanted to es peciulyl, hut because that wa nil his EntrliHh hosts would allow him to do Several times the gunnutker ex pressed a desire to see England's ar mament works, just a friendly desire, you know. He was showed them, le tween courseH as it were. The Eng lish didn't give him time enough around any armament works to find out whether England was using breeoh-loniling cannon or pep-guns. The English figured that Herr Krupp might possibly pick up some Information which would please the Kaiser immensely. And so that was why they dined him and dined some more. Antwerp, Oct. 10. The courage of the members of the Royal Field Ar tillery, better known as the Field Gunners, wa.-i never better shown thut a few days ago, according to one of the Twentieth Hussars.. A half battery in rather exposed position was galling the Germans by the uccurucy of its aim Finally the Germans concentrated several of of their batteries on it. The result could only be on-' thing, as it was i lbnid against a half do.en (iobatln. Finally all the gun- were silenced but one. The men who hud been manning them were lying, dead and wounded, around the ground. One man was left. He went about liin work with a doggedness that be upoke determination to stick there to the end. Anil the end would have come soon, as the Germans, who had Stopped tiring for a minute were about to recommence to silence the lone gun. Hut an otlicer interfered, railing th" lone gunner away. And he came away regretfully. Shellleld, Oct. 10. - Many of the Holdiers wounded in the early battles have been brought here, and they have interesting stories to tell. A big, blulT sergeant in an Irish regi ment gave an account of the wander ings of 'J0O British soldiers for three days and three nights with a ureal force of Germans in hot pursuit. "Our line in the trenches was veiy thin, but our shooting was accurate," he suid. "Our fellows were very cool and ou wo'ild lone thought the;' were on parade by the way they laughed and joked. It w-- after 10 encounter thut c got.lfll from the mum iMKiy. roi ut:.r t n nights we wandered ub.ut. time we laid down the Gcini.n an. I Eve i y c. imr hopping aftei an. I v. e had I Wo j'l-t nm:i.i;id to live m nod pears until we !ni'l tell a la Are i-'iciuh cnxab-v bee :i I ! u s ; i u r. h M'lJ they -bared their i.ri.'P. wii h ,i Loinlon, Oct. 1. Allenuoii 'i:is Ixwn calbd to a 1 1 1 of r-.illim' ci! tape, 'oliliers at ilie fr.'iit h;ue no money to buy po-t.u:e stamp-, with. Their letters are er,: with the ge collect. It is argued by mii'i Soliliers that the soldiers' litters nhould be curried flee ot charge, as many of the mothers who receive let ters with postage i oiled mi'tiot af ford it. The postotbee department of ficials say they cannot take . T the charge although they have reduced it. ; fc20.100.000 to Spain. The treaty of Part. Ixcer.ibcr 10, !l8lfc, which terminated tK Spanish iAmerlcan war, provided for a money 'payment to Spain (for rellnijiltmi': cUlin to Porto Rico, Guam and Phil Upplne lalaudc) of JO,000.000, and a (ubfiequeut treaty ,of November 7. ;J900. piovlded for a further payment of $100,000 for other rUiliiptna POSITIVELY MASTERS CROIT' Fo!tCs Honey and Tar Compound cuts the thick choking mucus, and clear away the phlegm. Opens up the air passages and stops the hoarse rough. Tho (rasping, strangling fight for breath ;vea way to iuiet breath ing and peaceful sleep. Harold IVrg, Mann.. Mich., writes: "We ffive Fol ey's ioney and Tar to our children for crup and tt always acta quicidy." V. . Hood & Co. (advt) NOTICE OF PROPOSED GRANT FRANCHISE. Notice is hereoy given that appli cation was duly made to the City Council of the City of Kin.-ton, at its regular meeting on Monday night, October .Oth, 1011, for a grant of franchi.-e or right to jse certain stieets in the said city of Kinston, and to that end a special ordinance was then and there introduced at the naid City Council before the Board of Al dermen, proposing to make a grant of franchise, the full ordinance being hereto attached, and in words as fol lows: The Heard of Aldermen of the City of Kinston, North Carolina, do or dain as follows: Section 1. Thut Kinston Manufac turing Co., its associates, successors and assigns hereinafter called gran tees, be, and hereby are, given and granted full uuthority, right and franchise to locate, construct, main tain and operate tracks, switches, turnouts and appurtenances and oth er appliances to operate a railroad by steam, or other motive power, as a common carrier of freight and pas sengers, or as a switch or special track to connect with other common carriers of freight and passengers, or as a portion thereof, in, through, over, across and upon those streets of the City of Kinston hereinafter specifi cally mentioned, and no others, and in the manner for the term, or terms, and upon the conditions hereinafter provided, and under the regulations fully and specifically set out in this franchise. Sec. 2. The course of said railroad track or switch showing the portions of the streets to be used is as fol lows: Beginning at a point in the Atlan tic ("oust Line Railroad on Bright street, between Queen anil Heritage streets thut will muke a practical railroad curve across the corner lot known as the old electric light plant, out on to Heritage street possibly, and thence south on Heritage street across Shine street as far as is neces sary to make connection with Kin ston Manufacturing Company and N'euse river, so t to use not to ex ceed I -Ml feet on Bright street, so running from the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, and not to exceed 7"0 leel on Heritage -i reel ru"ninir aero-;-; Shine street, in the manner above set out. But it is specifically understood that the l.toaid of Aldermen of the City of K;nstou resei ves the right as a hoard, i throii'.rh a committee, to pass up i 'i the tnamivr in which said track or switch shall be laid to accomplish the purpose herein granted, and the eiantees submit the actual plans o.'.i'iap and survey thereof for such tracks, to said Board of Aldermen, or its duty authorized committee for luipioval, before proceeding with the work, and the Miiil Board of Alder men or its committee- reserves to it self and -hall have the right to make i eoutM'ments, changes and regula tions which may be for the benefit of the (ity of Kinston tnd the ptll!ic advancement. Sec. II. That the grantees herein may build anil erect such warehouses, depots sheds and other buildings or appliances necessary for the purpose of updating i railway system or usinir the lights herein granted as a switch, side track or special track, as they nVall .J';em best, and maintain suh staining places as the business nocessii ic"s of individuals or corpora Jams i ) the City of Kmst 'ii may re iuii and they shall have the right iQi'ros' any sidewalk herein men tioied, and no others, with the track of the lailroad, and they shall have 'lie right to eti any sidewalk or side wnlki n-. cc -:s.u y for the purpose of inirres-- and etnv v into and from I'd lunidimrs and appliances herein mentioned, or to any other house- or -toiiinv owned o.- ! il; by the m:m- . :u a,ed for the purpose of ope ' ; r .: .:.d laihoa.l. er in connection ''n-'ewiih. ;, vrled. however: that no ''I'M. g -hall be elected in the tire I1'"'' of :rd c iv winch w.ll violate icg.i.ations tlieieof. and provided ''ui'.h-o. that the light to cross the ;cwuiks ot said city as herein set out. hall not be used to obstruct the 1 1 ec passage of persons along said sidewalks, and i:i any way endanger i he 1 1 n elers thereon. Sec. 1. That the grantees herein shall, within two U') years from the date hereof, begin the construction of the raid railroad or switch, and there at ter continue said construction to completion so that within three (.!) APPLY SLOAN'S FREELY FOR LUMBAGO. Your attacks of Lumbago are not nearly so hopeless as they seem. Y'ou can relieve them almost instantly by u simple application of Sloan's Lini ment on the back and loins. Lumba go is u form of rheumatism, and yields perfectly to Sloan's which penetrates i,u;ckly a'i in through the sore, tender nusclcs, limbers up the back and makes it feel fine. Get a bottle of Sloan's Linetnent for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joints, .heumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it docs give almost insUui t relief. iJv. years from the date hereof the same -hall be in actual use, either as a common carrier of tiassenirers and freight connected with other common carriers of freight and passenge!.;, or as a switch or side track so connect, ed with some other common carrier of freight and passengers, and shall continually thereafterwards be used and operated during the existence of this franchise, and it is expressly pro vided that should said grantees fail to begin said construction within ihe said two (2) years or fail to prose nit the same, as herein reouired, or fail to have in operation at the ex piration of three (3) years from the date hereof, railroads using said track or switch herein mentioned for some of the purposes herein set out then and in such event, this franchise shall be forfeited. Provided the 3oarJ of Aldermen of the City of Kinston, for a good cause shown, shall have the power to extend the time for the construction, completion and opera tion of same, and provided further, that no forfeiture shall be declared for any failure on the part of the said grantees, due to causes beyond their control, and provided further, that should said grantees fail at any time after the expiration of said three CO years to maintain said sys tem for any of the purposes herein mentioned for a longer period at any one time of more than one (1) year, they shall forfeit the franchise here in granted, and the same shall be deemed abandoned, null and void, and of no effect, but it is expressly un derstood and provided that the time when such grantees are prevented from such operation by reasons of causes beyond their control, or legal proceedings, shall not be counted against them in calculating the time, and it is further expressly provided that upon any forfeiture or abandon ment of this franchise, said grantees shall be entitled within six () months thereafter to remove any rails, prop erty and implements located, erected or constructed by them hereunder, and shall leave the portions of said streets so occupied by them in as good condition a.s those portions of the streets adjoining same, and not occupied by them. And it is further exnresslv provided that the Board of Aldermen of the City of Kinston may. at any time, or from time to time, tend the time within which said forfeiture may he incurred, as in their discretion may he deemed advisable. Sec. o. That the said grantees are hereby empowered to make excava tions, and to do such grading am! such work as may be necessary to lay the tracks of said railroad upon the streets of said city herein mentioned, and for the purpose of erecting and maintaining such appliances as may be necessary for the operation of said railroad system, all said tracks and appliances to be placed and creeled in s.:ch streets, ami in such places, and o such manner as may bo Agreed t'pon between said grantees and the 1 oaid of Aldermen of said city, pro uded that said grnntees shall not un ncce. sa' ily keep aey section of said streets torn up or obstructed in the construction of said railroad track, or other appliances, in connec tion there with fc- any unrea sc nahle length of t provided, further, that said grai!i"s -ha!l le pair all of said streets r.ral -Idev.'alks so excavated, torn up, or in a:'y .'ise affected, and place the same in as good condition as they were prior to such excavation of the same. Aid for the faithful performance of the: conditions it this section, thy said grantees, their successors and as signs shall lile with the clerk of the city of Kinston a good and sufficient bond in the sum f tive thousand dol lars is.i.thio.ooi ,,, approved by the mayor and ci.y attorney, which s;i d bond shall protci t said city against damages, from any negligence and carelessness on the part of .said grantees, their successors and as signs in carrying into effect the pro visions of this section, the said bond to be discontinued when sufficient tracks are laid and operation begin. And the said grantees, their success ors and assigns shall be responsible for all damages to persons or proper ty due by the carelessness or negli gence of said grantees, their success ors or assigns, on account of which judgments may be obtained against the City of Kinston or responsibility against said city. Sec. 6. The tracks of said railroad or switch shall be so constructed and laid as not to obstruct the rree l!cv of water across the street and down the gutters thereof, and in laying he same, the said grades shall con form to the grades of the streets herein mentioned, which they me au thorized to use, as the same now or hereafter may bo established, ind when changes of grade are necessary, permission shall be obtained from the Board of Aldermen to make same, and in case of changes in ihe grade cf said treets ait-r the said tracks are laid, said grantees at their own expense, shall conform to the portion of the street occupied by them and cr.e (1) foot on each side of the rail to the new grade, the space between the tracks and one (I) foot oi each The Modern If you are building or redecorating your home you should have this interesting book It is free for the asking and tells all about the advantages of PEE GEE FLATK0ATT THE SANITARY, DURABLE FLAT OIL FINISH The beautifully illustrated book, "The Modem Method of Finishing Walls," contains practical suggestions for the artistic decoration of vails and ceilings. It shows reproductions of a number of rooms finished effectively with Pee Gee Flatkoatt, and gives other valuable information and many harmonious color combinations. Ask us for this book PEASLEE LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY MANUFACTURERS OF PEE GEE FLATKOATT id of the track shall be kept in gcod order and condition at the co.--t and expense of said grantees, so that the portions of the streets occupied 1 y the tracks may be safe and r.m an ient for the travelers on foot or with trains, cr.rts, carriages, and vehicles at all times, and so that the same shall at all times be level with th." street upon which they are laid, :v d if, at any time hereafter any street upon which -aid grantee may lay tracks shall be paved by the City .a' Kin.-ton, the said grantees shell pace with kick or other proper mate i . I to lie approved ''.y the City of Kin ston, betwc.n the rails, and one (1) foot on each side. Sec. S. 'lhat the raid prantees shall safeguard all constructions made by them on any street herein men tioned, and keep the same in proper condition upon modern and improved principles at all times. Sec. s. This franchise, and the rights and privileges herein granted shall be continued for a period of twenty years, provided, however, that the Board of Aldermen may extend same, if it deem proper, upon appli cation made after the expiration of the said twenty years. Sec. !. That the grantees shall have the right to haul, convey and deliver passengers and freight of all kinds for hire and do a general switching business over the tracks to be erected hereunder, or to connect with or become a part of other rail road systems which are common car riers of passengers and freight of all kinds. Sec. 10. The Board of Aldermen expressly reserve for the benefit of the City of Kinston the full right, power ;'nd authority to make such reasonable and kgai regulations, or to pass such reasonable and legal or- ilinan e dumg the existence of this franchise, which may affect tho said gu.nuvs and the operation hereunder a- may be deemed right and proper to the public good, and not inconsist ent with the objects and p.irposes herein granted, and this franchise is granted upjn the conditions that such right and power is reserved uno the said City of Kinston to be exercised by it through its Board of Aldermen, or I'ner o.'ficers or local authorities,. W. B. COLEMAN, Oak. Oct. 0, 1914. CITKOLAX C I T II () L A X C I T R O L A X test tnmg ior constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggist bow els. Mops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and sat isfactory flushing no pain, no nau sea. Keep your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome. Ask for Cit rolax. 4. E. Hood & Co. (advt.) Tired 1 Ar tm tlrW T rmm dowm T mitm? ! rarrthiafl yoa do effortf Nl k k M taafama. Yoo ra ill. Year Will m mi tai. Yoar SteMca, Kiar mmi Uvt imJ atirriag Nathiaf will d thia fcattar Uaa Electric Bitters Ill SOc. mnj $1.00 AO Drutbta Method of Is r i. ls a very or iv rite direct to - GAULBERT CO. H. E. MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. Don't Fail real IP " Uqvj Bern, It Will be Bigger and Better Than Ever MAGNIFICIENT DISPLAYS OF AG RICULTURAL PRODUCTS, FINE STOCK AND POULTRY. : : SPLENDID RACING PURSES AGGREGATE $2,000.00 LATEST ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS Cheap Excursion Rates Over ail Railroads Special Trains Every Hour From the Union Passenger Station at New Bere to the Fair Grounds For Premium List, or other information, address, CLYDE EBY, GENERAL 3IANAGER New Bern, N. C. I NBlKSnBSSR: iAOUiCEflEPiTi 1! Wc are glad to announce to' our custo mers and friends that we have accepted the agency for ihe Emerson Brantingham Implement Company's line of agricultural implements. The selection of this line was made after considerable time and careful consideration and we feel fully warranted in advising our friends that this is the best line of implements on the market. .Afe have just received a carload of Mov ing Machines and Rakes and other imple ments, and will be glad to have any one who is interested in implements to inspect our line. We feel sure that we can sell a better Mowing Machine and Rake for LessMoney than can be bought elsewhere. Call in to see our line and let us demonstrate their strong points and you w ill be convinced that we can give you More for ycur money than any other dealer in the City of Kinston or elsewhere. Get our Prices before you boy. Respectfully, B. W. Canady & Son Kinston, - - - N. C. Finishing Walls PEE GEE FLATKOATT now extnaiv1u .J : J u . j uocu iiiica w oia moiuonea wall narrnJ unsanitary material. Poo r?L j I,. i luinuuu aurame hygienic interior decorative on mat imparts a velvety-like eticct The delicate and harmonious tints do not fade, and are both restful and pleasing to the eye. Aside from its artistic beauty. Pee Gee Flatkoatt is the most economic wall-finish on the market It ia very durable, and should it become soiled it can easily and quickly be ..6,ai ucauijr ana Clearness by sponging with water and soap. .iPee Gee Flatkoatt saves the expense and incon vience of frequent repapering or redecorating and assures the fullest measure of satisfaction. to Attend the 2SXEEESS3E C. 30th. j

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