OF LOCAL INTEREST DEVOTIONAL MEETING OF FP WORTH LEAGUE K There will be a devotional meeting if the Epworth League this evening M 9 o'clock, conducted by Miss Bon nie Ormond. ponents played adults who, although undeniably on the school enrollment, far outclassed the Kinstonians in weight and exjeriencf These includ ed a star of Statewide renown' as an athlete, and who is believed to be more than twenty-one years of aire. ' - -. .... I ' -Trn-- -I r, II-.1 . -,-:...,,-.m--,,-jrr .1 - ciiicTCD cniTClL i a woyaiworcn lawmen dunui i w . JiO TOBACCO SALES THURSDAY On account of the showing of the Robinson Circus in Kinston, Thurs day, there will be no tobacco sales on the local warehouse floors, it was announced today. TO COLLECT TAXES WHILE CAMPAIGNING. Sheriff Taylor will make the coun ty campaign esrve him in two pur poses. While stumping the rural precincts be will carry the tax books with him, and between the acts jgive receipts. will OCTOBER ELECTRIC STORM. One of the heaviest electric storms f the year came at 3 o'clock this mnorninEr. accomnanied by rainfall of -lnnlburst nronortions. Transform ers and lights in South Kinston and other parts of the city were burned out CiOLDSBORO JUNIORS DEFEAT KINSTONIANS TTi second football teams of the Coldsboro and Kinston high schools played in the former city Saturday afteronon. Goldaboro overwhelmed the visitors with a score of 39 to 0, completely outplaying them at every point. -.WHITE PRISONER BREAKS JAIL AT KENANSVILLE. Th local authorities have been -aslied to look out for a white prison er named Hanchey, who escaped from Duplin county jail at Kenansville on Sunday. The crime of which he is ac cused, and his description has not been had. "WENT TO RIDE, COULDN'T GET OUT OF AUTOMOBILE Lonnie Artis, dubbed by the police Boose" Artist, took a ride in an au tomobile Sunday. The chauffeur couldn't get Artis to pay, nor to get out of the machine, which was a phy sical impossibility for the passenger. The ride ended at City Hall, where a policeman assisted Artis out of the ar and locked him up. THREATENED ARSON. George Jackson, white, has been warned to stay off the premises of Willian Dennis, in Pitt county, by a Justice of the peace. Dennie and Jackson disputed the ownership of ome wood, and Jackson threatened to burn the wood on Dennis' farm. He was arrested and released after be ing admonished by the magistrate to keep off of Dennis' place. LAW'S TENTACLES MANY IN HIS CASE. Will Whitehead, a negro arrested tvere last week and sentenced to thir ty days for vairrancy and held for Superior Court on the charges o .nicking pockets and carrying a re volver, the sheriff has learned is want h! in Goldaboro for carrying a con cealed weapon and assault. White head will be delivered over to th "Wayne county authorities when Le miir county is finished with him. TOBACCO STOLEN FROM PACKHOUSE IN PITT Pitt county officers have been here Hcurchhig for a quantity of tobacco Ktolen from the packhnuse of Arnold "Wills of Haddock's crossroads, re -cently. The weed was taken from Mills' farm in the night and was thought to have been brought here but the local authorities are inclined to doubt this. They think the tobac o, a small but valuable pile, was dis posed of by the thief in Greenville or Another market in Pitt county. HONEST POSTAL EMPLOYES. There is an honest man behind the wicket at the mail order window in the postofflce. He has, however, come into possession of $r which is both ering his peace of mind. One of two rural citizens left his change at the window, and which one it was the clerk cun't remember in name, al -though he has a mental photograph of the party, whom he can identify if the owner will call for it. AMAZONS BOUND OVER. Mrs. C. B. Antwine and Miss Flor ence Casey, residents of McDaniel (.treet, East Kinston, were tried in Municipal Court Saturday evening and bound over to Superior Court. Mrs. Antwine late Friday clubbed Miss Casey over the head when that young woman attempted to horse whip the former. The case, in which about a score of witnesses were ex amined and lawyers wasted much breath, occupied three 'hours of the court's time. NICE DOGGIE, GOOD DOGGIE OPEN TO DOUBT "Bear," the brindled, bow-legged, dock-tailed pride of the sheriff's of fice, intended for criminal-chasing, sauntered in painstakingly and slow ly Sunday. He had been loaned to a farmer to run down hogs at a point a dozen miles from town. He did the job nicely. Incidentally, there was a canine funeral in the vicinity, deceas ed almost dislodging one eye of the ugly visitor to the rural parts before Bear bit through his throat. Bear is sore elsewhere and walks with difficulty. INTERESTING VISITORS IN THIS SECTION. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Richardson of, Pittsburgh, have returned home af-i ter a visit at Dover with their ne phews, Messrs. D. W., N. S. and W. Y. Richardson. Mr. C. A. Richard son's father came to this section of I the State in the early 40s from St. Martin's, in the West Indian Islands. During the War Between the States the family became separated, Borne of the members moving to the North to I reside. Mr. G. W. Richardson, the father of the three Dover men, re mained in North Carolina and served the Confederacy with distinction. This j is the third visit of Mr. Richardson of Pittsburgh since his removal. FAMOUS MIDGETS WITH ROBINSON SHOW The smallest pair of human beingi living, possibly, are with the Rob tnson circus, which shows here next Thursday. They are Major and Mrs. Iittlefinger. The major is 30 1-2 inches tall, his wife an inch and a fcalf shorter. They are perfectly pro portioned little people and a really tiandsome couple. The Littlefingers !ave met every monarch of Europe xiearly, and wear decorations worth a fortune which have been presented to them by the rulers. K. H. S. MAY REGISTER KICK VS. WASHINGTON. It was stated late Saturday by one of the team managers that the Kin Kfton high school is not satisfied with the decisions in the football game with the Washington high school in that town Friday. Loose refereeing Mm charged, and it is said that the op ALUMNI TO OBSERVE UNIVERSITY DAY. The Lenoir County Alumni Associ ation this morning sent to the Uni versity of North Carolina a message of greeting on the 'occasion of the famous old institution's birthday. The university is 120 years old. Dr. W. T. Parrott, president of the Lenoir County Alumni, today called meeting of the association for to morrow evening, as follows: "All members of the Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina are requested to meet at the office of F. I. Sutton, secretary, at 8 p. m., Tuesday. New officers are to be elect ed and other important matters dis cussed. Every member is requested to be present." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O A ST O R I A ana) If . , ." w c Jl I m ,. j I Florence Told AH the Neighbors "You come in and see mv Florence oil Cook stove work just onot and you Wim't be happy until ycm have one. " "You can have a s!.m, Mnirv.ering fire on one burner at the ?.mu' time you have a quick, hot fire on jun't'uT and the other one regulated exactly to any work you want done. Just set the livers as you want them and you can so away for two houts and rind all the burners at exactly the same heat when 0'j come back, That i because the oil supply is automatic and there are no wicks. "It' so simple, so clean, so cotn tni ent. to cool, tli.it 1 don t know lut Should do without it. "My husband has tested the FLOR ENCE with other stoves and he says it produces a wonderful on-.ount if heat for the oil consumed nnd that it costs only about two cent an hour to tun four burners." "Tkt Ttmt.g Ptimt In Oil Stni Hilfr," FLORENCE Oil Cook Stoves "Look for the Lever" In the Florence ynu have at last the reliable oil atove. Safety and lira plicity and economy, They to together. Come in and tee these wonderful cook tore. They carry the manufacturer' guarantee in addition to our owo. H. L MOSELEY HDW. CO. THE CAP, COIIT MP PHOTS RED AND WHITE S1.98 0 I ALL PRICES SUITS I Buster Brown Hosiery. O. N. T. Cotton 6 for 25c. Cms. A. Waters 1 he Telephone Stoie Phone No. 69 BankYoufMoney Do not hide it in the old blue chest, old stockings and jugs, where it is very liable to be stolen, burned or destroyed. Deposit your money with us, and use checks to pay bills. : : : Come In Our Store and See Yourself In a Beautiful W00LTEX SUIT, Guaranteed 2 Years J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store ies- ter Corsets are Absolutely Correct. Let Us Show You the New Styles. PRiCE S1.00, S1.50, S2.00, S3.0D, 55.00 sarrett I Hartsfield ran i it; 1 5 & iMiuianu Kinston. -- N. C. i mi II, l, L xul III AT ClTimilTD'C 11 ai 0iunnuu !l . 1 In ifc v-mci tu I 'HI I The Ladies and I I1M IIII nil .i .i i HU III Icmiaren. : : Ice Cream. Soda I and Fine Candy Phone 149 I I J.T. Skinner & Sod "We Strive to Pleae" I CotLtooD II Goods El THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE I 1 1 A. J. SUTTON WHY CONSUMERS SHOULD PATRONIZE HOME A physician received a letter from Sears Roebuck & Co. the large Chicago mail order house. It was a well writ ten appeal and closed by saying, "If there is any reason why you do not buy from us, please give your reasons in the inclosed stamped envelope, and we will strive to re move the cause." The physician answered as follows. "Your letter of recent date asking why I had not traded with you for a long time, received, and as you ask me to tell you frankly why, I will give you a few REASONS. FIRST: I am in business in this community and am looking to this community with its varied industries, for my support. I cannot ask the merchants of this town for their support if I do not give them mine. SECOND: In looking over my books I fail to find either Mr. Sears, Mr. Roebuck or any of the company's names, which reminds me that none of these gentlemen have ever given me a penny's patronage. Why is this? Am I too far away, or have neither of them needed a physician, or are they afraid of the mail order plan when n comes to the practice of medicine? I can certain! Sne as good satisfaction by mail as your house can, and 1 will appreciate a call from any of your firm when in need of medical service. THIRD: In looking over the subscription lists for im proving our streets and public highways, I have failed to find the name of either member of your firm down for one penny to assist in the work. Also I have failed to find your name on any of the charity lists where help has been rendered to our poor; in other words, you are not down as contributors 'o our Helping Hand Society. In fact in all movements for the betterment of our conditions where our community has need of the united efforts of her public-spirited citizens, I have failed to find your name among the list of our contributors. Your name is not in our city tax books, nor do I find where you have paid city license to do a mercantile business in competi tion with our home merchants. These are a few answers to your questions, and I trust that you will see the justice of them. Edwin Clapp. Florsheim, Kneeland, SHOES FOR Who care for Style as well as Quality-they are the lead ers in style for Men's Foot weareverything that is new in shoes you will find it here in all shapes and color. May Manton, Julian Kokenge, Shoes for Ladies. Style, Quality and Fit guaran teed. Will appreciate your look ing them over before buying else where, for I can save you money, "The Home of Quali DR. DAN W. PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. OfficeoverCot. Mill office Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 5 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 This Beautiful 1915 Maxwell "25" Sensation of the Automobile Year MORE THAN 37000 "1915" MAXWELLS ORDERED WITHIN SIX WEEKS This tremendous demand proves that the public and dealers have recognized the 1915 Maxwell as the Biggest Automobile Value ever offered for less than $1,000.00. We have our Demonstrator and will be glad to give you a demon stration of the pulling and easy riding qualities. Let us have your order at once, so you can get an early delivery. FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING CAR, $695.00 Two-Passenger Roadster, $670 Cabriolet, $840 Town Car, $920 Electric Lights and Electric Starter (Gray & Davis) $55 Extra. HOLDS THE ROAD AT FIFTY MILES AN HOUR. Kinston Garagelnc. Dr. O. L. WILSON Dentist Office over J. E. Hood & Co' Store. FOR SALE Cottrell newspaper presa and Dexter folder. Will print and fold 4 or 8 pages, 6 columns. A bargain. Address Free Press, Kin ston, N. C. 9-14-tf Phone, 414. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD LOANS NEC0HATEED Now Occupying New Office one Door East of The Post Office Kinston insurance & Realty Co. Phone 182 The Lafpst In COATSUITS Look Them Over -: G. E. Kornegay . . - u Oettinger, Mgr.