f. . fi LA. f V 1 f r' THE DAILY FREE PRESS PablwHad Every Afternoon Except Sunday W1XST0N FREE PRESS CO, INC ffialt Braxton. Editor and Manager f ajaaiail at ttt. poatorte. M Kinaton. North Carolina M Momd-rlKM matter under act of Concrea ol vITeO - PRESS - REPORTS Yttaphone All Departments 75 Subscription Rates: IWIC (Payafel. in Advanc.) 'ZZ.T rWr 10c. 3 Month-, ft Month 35c. 12 Months 14 Monday Evening. October 19, 1911 The war tax measure passed by the Senate includes a tax of one cent on telephone conversation' a hit at "free Hpeech." Looks like Hubby will no doubt (ret u more correct line on wifey's talking abili ty now that a cent for each tele phone talk is to be charged. . 1 When the "lion lays down with the lamb" has truly been exemplified in the visit of the "Kentucky KURNEL" pression is due to Democratic mis management, and more of this talk can be expected in the campaigns now be'nfr waged. But it would almost border on an affront to the intelli gence of the American electorate to dignify such efforts by making re plica. The actions cf the party in power have Rpoken so eloquently that it is safe to say that the fail elec tions will not only return the great er number of Democrats to their seats in the National Congress, but others will be added. The Democrat ic purty has accomplished more rem edial legislation in the short space of two years than hns ever been put on the statute books in a like period before. The tarty has been weighed in the balance end found NOT want ing. SHEPHERD TELLS HOW FRENCH REGARD COSSACKS (Continued from Page One.) cannons, trophies which Napoleon SOUTHERN BELL'S WISE CHOICE The Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company has changed its district managers at Raleigh, and the new manager is Mr. W. A. Jennings, i .South Carolinian, who has been cashier of the Raleigh office for al- He is one of the managers in the 4 wViito Hnnsp. But then this is an aire of the unexpected and noth- mo w years. in alarms us. youngest district " i . . .. service or trie comDanv and has won The Marconi station at Honolulu his promotions by strict attention to manifested a different attitude to- business. Mr. .Tonninrra (a d, t "ew ' at tentive to the interests of the patrons England station a week or two ago. or nis company, and makes friends The lesson taught the latter evident- hy the score on account of his mani- ly had its good effect. test personal interest in the accom- - plishment of entirelv sntiefaon,... All efforts of southern senators to service. H i nri a.i .u. I - v, UVTVIU Ui 1 1 1 M I tacK on a cotton rener amendment to air of mechanieal indifference that i the war tax bill failed, but the Cot- so often noticeable in official., of ,. ton States representatives, to a man, opolistic public service corporations. Btood by the amendment and the Jun- The selection of snrh t. mi. Jennings for important places will a supremo effort in its behalf. nr. i ,i,i u .i . ...... Kln.ton'a tolmrro r .1.111 nn U,K ""P company's service, ... .... but ivill trreatlv henefit th .v,f., a' ' v . 1 "111 J HI I i y from the standpoint of adding friends among its patrons, and thus help to eliminate that feeling of animosity so easily aroused against such concerns the climb, and it begins to look like all previous season's records are to be eclipsed without u doubt. An aver age break of a third cf n million for I , that is trie lour selling days the past week, when the rain fell almost unceasing ly, in a record to be proud of. The prices are improving and the plant era. in the majority of cases, are sat isfied WHAT OTHERS SAY brought from the ends of Europe. I wonder if all the tattered flag3 seiz ed in other days from other armies by armies of France are still in their glass cases in the Invalides, or have they been hidden igncminously also with the trophies of art? Come around behind this old Inva lides building topped by a dome. Sol diers stop you. Under the dome rests 'a great stone sarcophagus. I know it well because I have spent hours like every other tourist gazing at it. I know it stands there under the dome in the center of that stone circle with magic names .of "Austcrlitz" and "Se dan" worked in marble below it. Na poleon lies here. I remember the shrine with the marble Christ watch ing over the dead Emperor':; grave, and I remember in nil thi m-ci building that the word "Napoleon" is cnistiied only once, and in small let ters under the k-pntpaco "I ,l..;,. f , . . . . . wouc LU rest on the banks of the Seine, amic tbo French people whom I loved wtll." How well are you restinc thi Indian summer afternoon. Nanoleon with those German cannon sounding at the gates of Paris? V,, in. . . "y uiik io icmns all you please and get no answer. They nave only to do with the nast. r v how, and the cannon and a German aeroplane Hying overhead reminded mt of the present. "Where are the French airmen?" I asked an ofeei of the guard. "Everybody believes they re all dead," he said. "The Times said the other day that when the world knows, at the proper time, th story of our airmen, it will thrill and weep. As I said goodby to the off cer he turned away to continue h joo oi guard:ng the tomb cf Napol eon. The Eiffel Tower, 1,000 feet high loomed before us in the evenine- dusk "The Germans will cut that in two with their shells," said the cab driv er. "That's the wireless station What a fall it will be!" For the past few nights the or Europe have been sleeping and marching and killing under a full au tumn moon. There has been surnris ingly little rain in Eurooe and rvm London has had only snlendid clem days. So it was throue-h a beautiful evening that I went to my big, lone ly hotel, where there are onlv two guests besides myself. Great fingers of light from the Eif fel Tower scoured the skies for Zen- pelins and one of them hitting the GHIGHESTER S PILLS ill n. 1.1 . .. -? ad, Kl 3-t Jold ruenicV JV) li l&J -'oLo no oih,,. J-,,r !, V 1 S Iff LI-':':t ! -ri i.i.", .-r a3 A ft? 3rto fcfwwn l I. .ft Alwayt U:r : KINSTON AND CAROLINA R. AND LUMBUK CO. Effective Sent. 13. 19Ufi?no A. MA No. 1 STATIONS No. 2 4:00 Lv Kinston Ar. 8:10 4:10 Lv Jackson Ar. 7:50 I 4:20 Lv Albrittcn's Ar. 7:40 1 4:50 Lv Sparrow's Ar. 7:20 i 5:20 Lv Lynchburg Ar. 7:05 ! 5:30 Ar Pink Hili . ...Lv. 7:00 R. A. HONEYCUTT, Supt. WM. HAYES. Gen'l Supt. S3.35 Via Selma $3.65 Via Weldon ROUND TRIP RATE TO RALEIGH. A. t.. VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD, LET'S HOPE SO i;l,.IL Tl ii a I illlblllU LIM Planters of Eastern Carolina have L.3l , P?P i the te Gildings across the street, light no need to doubt the wisdom of cron Braves it ii. ... " ea my room 1,1 re'ar throbs and I " "c "cu io recai I ramie it hipJ n ., .. w. . I tkt L- r. . . " niccu. aivcrsincaiion. it is ominous to con-1 "" nosion Americans in lOn.T I it . I . ... I "m.t veil in uiu evening in r aris fj LlS!ntr . ree 8traiBht ames to the play place of the world and V i liih rirran ifiKh i i i i . . be in this section if it was not for Lnn VJ , u..,8, oracea ana couldn't see a soul in the streets or th. tobacco cron. The cotton distrena I . . games. I hat I even hear a footfall - ivvnn m ni'ri nrm n r nAA .i. l : . i I. telling, but not to be comnared The : in the morning the boom . . "I . iiuvb pm i or tne cannon started ao-ain "mi caiciii, iii wuiiii it io icit iii i " ui uuii, uut me iNa those sections where cotton is main and only stay. The Standard Railroad of the South, including Admission into the Fair urounus, uctocer 17-24, Inclusive. On account of the North Carolina State Fair, the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, the Standard Railroad of the South, has placed into effect this very low round trip rate to Raleigh. Our patrons and friends are invited to take this opportunity to visit the capital, and to participate in this most interesting and instructive event. Tickets on sale October 17-24, in clusive, limited returning to reach original starting point not later than midnight of October 26, 1914. Children between ages of 5 and 12 I years, half fare. i Spend a day with old friends at the Carolina State Fair. W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. T. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. C. 10-7-to 24th (advt ) Steadily increasing busincc c .to indicate satisfied customers. In ad dition fo the old customers, new faces and new comers are gettihg acquaint ed with this store. Our business is Furniture-Furniture that will please you the day it is de livered and continue to please you all ? , 6 iaK J&S follow-there's a reason if s FURNITURE OF CHARACTER. If if ffli -fnwm ' '.4 V tS3 .nw IB Mn fm B7 pi IN SUPERIOR COURT, NOVEMBER TERM, 1914. North Caroli na, Lenoir County. NOTICE: Roberta Brown, vs. Heber Brown. ine delendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as cave h:; been commenced in the Su perior Court t." Ljnoir County to Dro- curc an absolute divorce upon the grounds provided in sub-section one (1) of section 1561, Pell's Revisal of r.'OS; and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is reauired to appear at the term of the Superior Colli': .-f said county to be held on thp Ihh day of November, 1911. at the court-house in ?aid county in Kinston. North Carolina, and answer or il-mnr to the complaint in said action, or tha plaintiff will apply to the court for ha relief demanded in said complaint. this 2(ith day of September, 1914. PLATO COLLINS. Clerk of Superior Court We are here for business. Will sell you one or more, or exchange, if you have some that don't suit you. Fair treatment and terms reasonable. The Geo. F. Simmon's Barn, on North Street. Don't Fail to Attend the Great East Carolina rdli tho tional champions have put up a bet- U. S. SUPREME COURT ncrvutKS UKtlSIONS Wnlf 1VC vrn fr, . I The season of hunting i. opening n,: :. . I . (Continued from Page One) with its toll of accidental shootings. Bankhead of Alabama is to address i " tH?- 0kl"homa "Jim Crow A flft.n-i,i , i i!j the eitin nf Pni,,;,.i. .v. . "UV'U'"K mar common carriers . ii I ton situation. Th 1 huiii orvnuii una utiiiucuuunniiy noi i , - '""" lor White and b ade r.iwn I ivir. naiiKnend heinir n r u oi, v,,. I . a lew day ago by hi.s hunting com- wn. ,., . .."..: ' " r "c C1,se " which men connected with panion, likewise a boy too young to pni(rn of Representative Underwood iZ Z? VhfMd -be trusted with a trim. Parents as the Demon-.,, m . n : :. ' rase or UcorKe ('- 1 versus I - - ..v ..willlllV VaVlllt-I-III n I. 1. . . i ... ....... I ,if ti i ... ... . I - arsnai Henkel.of New biiuuiu uo very iur'iui hduui uuow- I uv,l ' ""i uui, una u is not re-1 nn i , 1-tii.u. .... ,. hrrettable that he did. but h 0n thls hangs the power of a ... v. B ..v,v...,K ........ . . , ""'' congressional comm ttee fn fn aome experienced hunter is along to met as guardian battling in a good cause. He will hnf . ' Henry was a partner in the firm m half of another good one." Hurrah for the North Carolina foot ball heroes, who Saturday took the scalps of the Georgia Crackers to the . tune of 41 to (!. 'ya the Tar Heel bunch look like all 'Southern contenders. Look out, Vir ginia Two Kinston boys are mom- iCr of . the Varsity squad this sea- SON, n4 biuth appealed in the Sat;n day't line-ap. They u'o Reynold Al !en tninU Hine "HE NOT DECEIVED" it . ... inMon:atem Journn: "Be not ieceived. It's the same old erow.l. 'lho Atlanta scribe 1 "e 1 n,on 'cpuniu-an devotes two oiumns or its c itorm ii .fo partner in the fi rm nf William Salomon and Comnnnv. Wall Street brokers. He refused to fpti. fy before the famous Pugo "money trust" investicrntinn I'nmn.;.:-,.. -r v , tlJ , ticC. VINOL The North Caroli mi S'ate Fair at Raleigh will Otja it do..rs for lho fifty-fun ;h annual rslubition Tues day. t;oein(. Craitwii lead, the . . ' .. 0 . 1 ' oi KUioign to tne rail UrOUIkU uru will ollicMte in tne ot4ninjf exertjiNe- The trip will be n:.de in, tutos, m'l dressed tiji for the i'-(Vfon.f ,My the beautiful sutuhn e, Tnich in. evidence today, continue to -how'tta amding face throu;rhout 'he wok. COlUmnS or lt r.htnrinl ,.,fo .U:. - l'K-: I'll. week to u tedious dissert.ni ion lv , . . . . v Marion Butler (sometimes known t t)lt inti.l.iv.- It... tlrM 1 I I it.. - m intuit ( - Maw nn") in wipch the astonish mg proof is sought to be made that the Democratic party, and not th .u, i responsniio tor the r.lum; in cotton. Since reading Butler's arti c.o we rendilv sec uhc.ro f ....... VII. . 1(1 f icross the street, and likewise "Jus t'Cl', iTt't thr1!' innirulii. !.., .u - .....mi. avn inf .fitne eld ceon with just two mor. rinjvs around his tai DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOUND NOT WANTING President Wilson ami Majority Leader Underwoxl have exchanged leucitations, and both predict good ilo. HI.ANKETS FOR ARMY t harlot te Observer: "The Observer undtTstaiids that the German irovom. mcnt is buying only cotton blankets f-r the use of its troops, not on tht .-core of economy, but for considera- tens of convenience and cleanlines uyy.oe.-u mills running on cotto h.i.nkets have been booking orders for ML... I- .... . .... . --.. ... imui. past, ami this is going ' prove a tremendous item in thr outhern textile trade. When the 4"ilf t,t i K . . . j tliHcardei. and another roquisition- i i hi, I hat was onc fnti "UH.11 'aught the German order n,i k times when the administration mcas-lwiil rpault in drlicute orders as ths -fi" ."ct'us replenishing. urea become fully operative. There ii a mighty effort on the part of the minority atand-patters to make it appear that the present business de- Children Orr FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A DID ME A WORLD OF GOOD. Wonnn Seventv-fivi- V,..-. m,i bausted by Effects of Grippe. Res tored to Strength l v Vino!. Canton, Mis. am sevenfv-fh, years old, and I centracied :i Snv,,, coid and cough, due to a case of I , Grippe, so that I lost rev tre,,,,.,i. ;md became very weak And iWM., Vii'ol was recommended to m.. .,., after takine- it for .somo t;m i truly say it has denj me a world of gOOtl. Ihecold is enee .,.,.1 l r.- ..-, lOUi,n s practically cured and it has bih ii!' my strength. 0 I fed active and well ilLF;n, (h;,,k a ,ot of ar-d tell all my friends about what it has d.me fer -ne'-.-Mrs. Lizzie Bn.dwm, Canton, .Miss. Old people mav rp.r..;.. mnAh t "inr tormcr strength and vigor by taking inid, our delicious ctxl liver uni noa tonic, on which si mrnv l erly people deDend for iFnn,i iwnhi, mol s-harpens the appetite, aids di gestion, enriches the blood and in this natural manner creates strength. ine reason Vino! is so evrle.;.-.-, in such cases is because it contain in a delicious concent kv.i , ii the Ynedicinal curative elements of cou nver oil .with tonic, blood build ing iron added. J. E. Hood & Co Druggists, Kinston, N. C. ' NOTE. You can get Vinol at the leading drug store where this paper circulates. (adv ) North Carolina State Fair RALEIGH, N. C, October 19th 24th Extremely Low Fares Via Norfolk Southern Railroad, Including One Admission to the Fair Grounds. Tickets on sale October 17th to 24th, inclusive, good returning reach original starting point until midnight, October 26th. Ask your Ticket Aeent for comnlet. information. H. S. LEARD, General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. J. F. MITCHELL, Traveling Pas senger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. 10-13-till 10-26-dly Dr.O. L. WILSON Dentist Office oper J. E. Hood & Co'a Store. c. 30 New Bern, Oct. 27th fo It Will be Bigger and Better Than Ever MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF AG RICULTURAL PRODUCTS, FINE STOCK AND POULTRY. : : SPLENDID RACING PURSES AGGREGATE $2,000.00 LATEST ATTRACTIONS AND AMUSEMENTS Cheap Excursion Rates Over all Railroads Special Trains Every Hour From the Union Passenger Station at New Bere to the Fair Grounds For Iemium List, or other information, address, CLYDE EBY, GENERAL MANAGEP .New Uern,N. C. atsonal Bar.lk of UCipistcs-Lii REAT PROGRESS HAS BE EN MADE in business methods, and this bank has kept pace with them. While conservative in the interest of SAFETY, cur equipmert and business methods are modern. Let us do business together to our mutual advantage. Capita!. $100,000.00 Surplus, $50,000.00 mi

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