: ' ENJOYABLE TRIP HAL BY BOOSTERS TO DUPLIN CO. FAY xi OF LOCAL INTEREST FRATERNAL ORDER MEETINGS. The PythiuiM "ill hold their re lilar meeting thU evening. Ij'iioir Council No. 78, Jr O. 'J. A. M. will meet tonight ut An especially iniportunt matter i to come before the meet in ni1 '"'" ut tendance i denim!. The Royal Arcanum will incf I'.t clny evening at :' A !i.c,'.. :n ( " ady Hull. NORFOLK SOITUKRN A I'RO.MI'T TAM'A LR- One-liftieth .f the tuM- l aid mi" the treasury of (Jrtvne emu ty i- trihuted by the N 01 T. j. 1. .1. t L.-1 . Railroad, which owns ubout ten miles of right-of-way in the oiii;ty, it wa-t said at the local oflice. today. Ke-t-ftitly the Not foils .Soutli'-n. set all taxpuyem of the county a Rood exam ple by paying ili share, VM'.r', l-e-fore the books had been fairly Jp.'ti ed. ONLY WOMAN IMIIUOU) I'RKSIDI Yl' IN WORLD. Mrs. Cora I! V.lli.inr of Atlanta, well known t n.i iiy hiintoiij.in.-, is visiting iii this -ec'ioi.. She came to attend the wedding "f xi iter in Goldsboro. Mis. William, who is a native of (Iicne county, visited here freouentlv in former times. Now, as the widow of the late .1. 1. Williams, fche is the controlling factor ami the president of a railroad. The line, built by her husbr.nd, runs through Alabama to tin- Hoi ida coast. A'rs. Williams is the only woman railroad president in the world. I OHM Kit Sl'I'ERINTKNDENT OF SCHOOLS VISITS CITY Prof. E. K. Goodwin of Morganton, was in the city Wednesday night Prof. Goodwin was superintendent of the Kinston nchools about thirty years ago, and is well remembered by many. He is now at the head of the State institution for the deaf and dumb at Morganton, and came to in spect the new School for the Feeble Minded near here, in which he is in tensely interested. Prof. Goodwin was a champion of the School for the Feeble-Minded before it was author ized by the Legislature. ATTORNEY GENERAL PASSES THROUGH KINSTON Attorney General T. W. Bickett passed through the city Wednesday en route to Southport, where he spoke for the Democratic State organiza tion. The attorney general missed a train in New Hern, a'ld was required to come back to Goldaboro to take another route to avoid missing the engagement. He has been in the east but little during this campaign, his services being more generously donated in Western Carolina. He stated that in the doubtful districts of the State all the Democratic con gressmen will be returned, m bis be lief. DO NOT EXPECT REV. MR. W RIGHT TO HE RE I CRN ED. Methodisls in the city believe that tho annual conference in Washington next month will make the Caswell S reel church a separate station, anil that Rev. J. M. Wright, who now has charge o it, and a church in Golds Li ro, will be relieved of the local work. The Caswell Street coiigregn tion has grown considerabl v. and with about 150 members, is now ready for its independence, Rev. J. K. I'n- derwood, presiding elder of the New Bern district, is said to think. Then nre about NOD members of the tn Methodist churches here, and possi- My H hundred or so more counting residents who are mender else where. CONVENTION ENDS TODAY. Washington. Oct. J'.'. Following n address dy Romtilo S. Naou, the Hmdassadi'i fiom the Argentine Re public, the American Ilnr Association was scheduled to nominate and elect officers for the ensuing year today. The meeting comes to an em! with a banquet tonight. AI'PLY SLOAN'S FREELY FOR LI' MB AGO. Your attacks of Lumbago are not nearly no hopeless as they seem. You can relieve them ulmost instantly by a simple application of Sloan's lini ment on the back and loins. Lumba go is a form of rheumatism, and yields perfectly to Sloan's which penetrates quickly all in through the sore, tender muscles, limbers up the back and makes it feel fine. Get a bottle of Sloan's Linement for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house gainst colds, sore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Adv. Railroad Official. HutunCNX Men and Manter Were All Greatly Im precsed with the Splendid Opportunities. (!ly Staff Correspondent.) I The party of sixteen Kinsotn.a:s. and live railroad officials, who left the city in automobile. for RciLr. ille 'in Duplin county Wcdnesoay morn ing, relumed about 7 o'clock ir. the i-ening, tired bi:t full of inthi :;i in and encoiiiagemeiit by the day - events. 'I lie dip was made uitlio it accident, but on account of tin. cot di- Hon of tl.c i Mini - the silii-'M'' go. i g I was not maintained, and tin- arrival 'at Heulaville was about !v. o bouis after the appoit ted hoi.: . H i- di lay, howe'.ei. did not mti : iVie with the plans foi the folks t.m Maple Hill and liejlaiille wen- in waiting and the meeting was prompaiy "called to order by Mr. G. H. 1. Parker ot Chinquapin, who welcomed the visit ors and called upon President Taylor of the Kinston Chamber of Commerce, who in turn introduced Mr. Joseph H. Young, president of the Norfolk Southern. Mr. Young made a prac tical talk, assuring h.s hci-eis that his railroad was very grea ly inter-e-'ed in tin possibilities of the sec tion, and that it would l"t.d every ef fort to co-opci ate in its development. Ik urged larger si.pport of the Agri cultuiul College, which would, he satd, make it possible for the young men to become expert farmers, who could bring about a greater produc tion from the fertile lands through which the party had traversed than was possible for the untrained farm er, utilising obsolete methods to ac complish. Following Mr. Young's remarks the barbecue was spread and after a most enjoyable repast the conference reassembled, and while some of the various representatives were getting their heads together in a closer con ference the main body was kept in good humor by booster talks from1 Kinstonians, planters and railroad men. Secretary Sutton of the Cham ber of Commerce presided at the af ter dinner session, making himself a splendid booster as well a3 chairman and called upon many for talks. Mr. B. E. Rice of the Norfolk Southern, Mn Powers of Maple Hill, Mr. Brax ton, editor of The Free Press, Mr. Parker and others spoke and all fa vored the project of railroad exten sion. The various speakers said they thought it time for all the interests to get together, shoulder to shoulder, and develop the opportunities that lay before them. The meeting and trip served to impress all who parti cipated wkV the great possibilities. Those going from Kinston were: in Mr. J. 0. Miller's car, Mr. Miller, Mr. J. H. Canady, Mr. V. A. Roun- tree. Mr. W. O. Wooten and Mr. E. J. Hecton; in Mr. Lovd LaRoiiue's car, Mr. CaKoque, Mr. J. H. toung, Mr. J. I). Stack. Mr. J. F. Taylor, Mr. W. K. Nicholson. Mr. H. S. Lenrd, all of whom except Messrs. LaRoipie and Taylor, were Norfolk Southern officials; !n ter. H. H. Mc Coy's car were Mr. McCoy, Mr. B. E. Rice of the Norfolk Southern; Mr. E. G. Barrett, Mr. F. I. Sutton and in Mr. Sol Oettinger's car were Mr. Oettinger, Mr. W. B. Douglas, Mr. Corny Tyndall and Mr. II. Grit Brax ton. SUPERIOR COURT TERM CLOSED WEDNESDAY HfiauM' no raleiitlur hu.l U'cn m- f miiK't'il niul the court olVicnil ami bar agreed that little could he accom plished in the trial of civil causes, ludvre Fiank I'aniel. late Wednes day adjourned the October short term of court me die and returned to to (Goldsboro. The court had been in session but three days, but in that tune disposed of ihe entire criminal docket of twenty-four jail cases, ' clearing the jail and sending eigh- ; teen prisoners to jail and the county roads. All drew short sentences, the longest l'ing two years. j The Xoveniler term begins on the !th. when an effort will be made to ' catch up with the rather lengthy civil docket. ANNl'AL MEETING OF CIVIC CHAMBER WEDNESDAY NIGHT (Continued from Page One.) treod roads in Lenoir as the two main objectives for the ensuing year. The business session was closed with the election of the following di rectors for the ensuing twelve monthsft Messrs. tC. Felix Harvey, Lovit Hmes, William Hayes, Dr. J. M. Parrott, W. D. LaRoque, T. W. Mewborn, G. V. Cowper. II . E. Mose ley. J. H. Canady, F. C. Dunn, H. H. McCoy. P. S. B. Harper, E. G. Bar rett. J. J. Stvenon, Dr. F. A. Whitaker, C Oettinger, J. F. Taylor, N. J. Rous, E. V. Webb and J. Isaac Brown. . iii ' llll The New Styles of John B. Stetson ;i Hats Are Here, See South Window. Dail & Taylor The Men' h Store Silk Shirt All the wanted sizes and patterns OUR PRICE $1.98. O. N. T. Cotton 6 lor 25c. Chas. A. Waters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 New Lot of Ladies' Waists and Middy Blouse Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats. OWE PRICE GASH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 j& Prop. rr AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Son 'We Strive to Pleaie" DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. MeLewean St Near Residence. FOLEY. KIDNEY PILLS Come In Our Store and See Yourself In a Beautiful WOOLTEX SUIT, Guaranteed 2 Years J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store Of Picture a fireside; warm, glowing, sparkling. A soft fluffy rug over the floor -cheerful and bright. In one cornera soft luxurious couch as comfortable as down. Just across, in the opposite corner, a stack of sectional book cases containing books for the family. A substan tial table in the center and some big handsome easy chairs cpmplete the scene. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE SUCH A ROOM? You can have it-consult us. Oettinger's Furniture Store in i INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, Now Occupying New Office one Kinston Insurance Phone 182 r TOOL QmiMFTS It if difficult to select a se- if tools that will vtltf t-rhvAr T1 r-.. . . - , ' "s.'nuituis. 1 u save tne expense oineecuess toolJ and always to be sure ol Saving just the tools necessary, select one of the Keen Kutter Tool Cabinets. Then you will have fcuvu a mi 01 lotus, icept in as good condition, as tna expert tool user. Every tool belongs to the famous Keen Kutter brand, and is ininvnl tA ;.. j i . i act before it is sent out. Seen Kutter Tool Cabinets are the only ones made contau-'tig a set of tools under one name, trademark and guaranty. Priors from $3.50 to $85.00. We sell them. RE MOSELEY TO. CO. STOCKINGS Barrett S. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD LOANS NEGOTIATEED Door East of The Post Office & Realty Co. C. Oettinger, Mgr. for the home or farm piece by piece . i " i n For Children in Black White, Tan m"All Sizes. Hartsfield N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C... .Goldsboro, N.C. ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices : Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. C, Edgerton Building. DR. DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. OfficeoverCot. Milloffice IRA M. HARDY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 507; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street Ey. Ear, Not and Throt Uueue TrMted. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Prug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 5 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 f DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins. & Realty Co. Office hours: 9-12, 2-6 Nights and Sundays by Appointment. Examination Free Phone 80 i The Latest In COATSUITS Look Them Over, I j -: G. E. :- ; Kornegay 4

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