IV. 1 1 I i it THE DAILY FREE PRESS Published Ewry Day Except Sunday KINSTON FBEE FSCajINC. H. GALT BRAXTON Editor and Manager t,mi 1 M dM poMoAca Kiiwtoa. NortW Ctrolin. M cacoad-clu nutur uixlar act of Unrni ol J. I87. -i-UNTlTD PRESS REPORTS TELEPHONE All Departments 75 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable in Advance) 1 Week, 10c 3 Months, $1 1 Month 36c 12 Months, $4 Thursday Evening, Oct 29, 1914 The Southern Express Company has authorized its agent to accept for transmission, without charge, fell money consigned to the Washington office of the Red Cross Society. In this way the Express Company will do a splendid and charitable service and the fees, which in the aggregate, included by the senders in their do. nations, will be a considerable sum The people should take advantage of ttys commendable offer. if Several hundred Snore bales of cot ton have been ginned in Lenoir coun. ty this year than was the case in 1913, according to statistics compiled by the government up to October 18 for both years, and printed elsewhere in today's issue. The cotton planters will have to adopt the plan of "big business" of selling on small margins and depending on large volume of aales to pile up the profits. The Raleigh News and Observer of Thursday morning's issue, made striking argument for the proposed amendments by printing the partial list of the leading men of the State, who are championing the Amend ments, and alongside the list, of its opponents the latter containing the solitary name of Chairman E. L. Tra vis of the State Corporation Commis sion. Mr. Travis is surely in the min ority in his fight. He hardly has t peaking part. a ., Despite all precautionary measures on the part of the States and mine owners, there will be explosions so long as the individual miner is not in thorough accord with safeguard meth ods. It has been a hard matter to prevent that recklessness and aband on which comes from constant asso ciation with danger. Trainmen are too prone to take long chances in making couplings and doing other hasardous work, and their careless ness has boen the cause of the loss of many a foot or hand and many a life as well. The same is true in the history of mines. Men will use nigh explosives, which they smuggle in, and strike matches when the mines are known to have more or less gas. The bitter experience of others does not retard as It should. NEW WINE IN OLD BOTTLES - The wisdom of the Biblical injunc tion against putting "New wine in old bottles" is exemplified in the every day affairs of life. Many business con cerns make failures or are able to barely eke out an existence because they try to keep up with the proces sion and adhere to old and obsolete methods. Old machinery is fre quently used long after its usefulness has been spent and when in reality, instead of being an asset, it is in the way. Modem business successes are not builded in nny such way. The ac counting systems, the mechanical equipment, the shipping and delivery methods and all phases of the con duct of the business are modernized to keep step with the needs and de velopment of the age. The old ways were all right in thtir day, but no longer so, and wise is the man who realises the need for keeping step with the times. What is true in the business and commercial life is true in matters of government. Laws made a century ago are no longer necessarily in keep ing with conditions, prevailing today. There are many statutes which have stood the test of time, and which are destined to be applicable for many years to come, but not so with a great many of them, and it is of these that "Ve speak. and that is to strike them out and. if present conditions demand it; put In their places those laws which are ap plicable now. The State Constitution was framed by, perhaps, the best mind and talent to be had at the time and based on the enlightenment of chat period and the environment, which inspired the various provisions, it is truly a remarkable and compre hensive compilation, and in the whole is adequate for present needs. There are changes, which are very essential at this time. These changes, or at least the better part of them, are cov ered by the ten amendments which are to be submitted to the people for ratification at the polls next Tuesday We believe the amendments should carry because we have faith in the wisdom of the scriptural injunction. OUR THANKSGIVING IN 1914 Rarely if ever have American citi zens had such cause for more real thanksgiving than is their fortune in this good year of Nineteen Fourteen. And this, our nation, has been par ticularly blessed and favored through out the years that have gone. Our President, issuing his annual Thanks Day proclamation Wednesday, spoke eloquently of the causes for gratitude. He compared the peaceful condition enjoyed by America with the terrible war-torn picture of the Old World. He urged his fellow-citizens to pause in their plenty and succor the suffer ing and supply the wants of the needy. Our Thanksgiving this year may truly be meritoriously celebrated if we make it an occasion for thanks offering and prayer to the Almighty that the burden of suffering human ity across the seas may be alleviated. That the Christ spirit, "Peace on earth, good-will toward all men," may dominate the world, and that men may live together in unity and pur pose, realising that in the common service of the Father, man may have the highest expression of his attain ments. -I WHAT OTHERS SAY 2z: SIPS? nffsMEiinn El J YV II II II IU II I ALIOUVL 3 PER CiNT. AcgetabUfttpara!!onlflfAs similarly (fenodaodReguta ilngtHc5u)iaaii5andDowsi r.i.iM.ik'fi kg mi Promotes Digpsttoiulf erf li nes and RwtjConUlnsaeillw Opiimi-Morphiae RorMtaaL JbJa MMttSJtt- OanMtar- mn,SouTStoraacJi.Dlarrtoa Worrasfonvuisionsjeveiutt IUSfflSSOfSLEEP. lacSWle Signature of laz Centauh Compass NEW TUri. vS-Ba:. Guaranteea unaer am aranteea unaer am fcwu-i Copy of Wrapper. ' (1 mm luiini Tor Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Geriuine Castoria Always Bears Sign AeA 49 M itvurelf.r In Use ... x For Over Thirty Years did rot turnum OMWNv. mm vN ear. mm u passing out alms to some pitiful ob ject of charity which the South has never been and never will be and it was this sort of stuff against which the pride of our people was moved to revolt. It has been a season of hys teria the like of which the South will pray to be delivered from in the fu ture." APPLY SLOAN'S FREELY FOR LUMBAGO. THE LESSON OF EXPERIENCE Rocky Mount Telegram: "The far mer that has raised his hog and hom iny the past season, and at the same time has fodder and foodstuffs enough for his live stock, is certainly o'n the velvet as compared with the fellow that raised only cotton as a money crop and expected to buy the neces sities. It is proving a pretty hard lesson with hundreds of thousands over the South, but it will do more to spread the gospel of 'raise what you eat,' than all the newspaper talk of a half dozen years." YOU BET. IT IS Wilmington Star: "Conflicting in terests in this country expect the government to enable them to raise the price of all they have to sell and lower the price of all they are com pelled to buy. Meanwhile, all that should be expected of the government is that it shall see that no f ree-boot- ers shall restrain trade by combines, but make it a "fair field and and no favor.' What the government should do for all the people is to make trade restraintless for all the people and so manage tho country's finances that there shall be plenty of money for legitimate business and not enough to inflate values and depreciate the cur rency in the hands of the people. That is precisely what the Democratic ad ministration at Washington is trying to do." Your attacks of Lumbago arc not nearly so hopeless as they seem. You can relieve them almost instantly by a simple application of Sloan's Lini ment on the back and loins. Lumba go is a form of rheumatism, and yields perfectly to Sloan's which penetrates quickly all in through the sora, tender muscles, limbers up the bade and makes it feel fine. Get a bottle of Sloan's Linement for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Adv. HAVE YOU CATARRH? It's a Dangerous Disease Hyomei is the Effective Remedy. Catarrh, which is indicated by sniffling, frequent colds and crusts in the nose is a serious disease and if not checked surely spreads to the deli cate lining of the air passages, and frequently destroys the hearing. To cure catarrh you must have something that will quickly reach the diseased tissues, kill the germs, and drive out the poison. Hyomei is just such a remedy. Be ing a mixture of antiseptic oils that you breathe through a small inhaler its health-restoring medication can not help going direct to the raw and inflamed lining of the nose and throat, quickly relieving that choked-up feel ing, stopping the unclean discharges, and healing the sore spots -you breathe freely. Even the worst cases respond at once. There is nothing for the treatment of catarrh ills that is easier, more pleasant or so satisfying aa Hyomei. J. E. Hood & Company sells it on thl "No-cure-no-pay" plan, (advt) A ttractive jTl Homes Depend upon Beautiful Walls RESULT OF FILIBUSTERING HYSTERIA Charlotte Obwrver: "Now that the convulsions are subsiding we might ask attention to John Temple's bale. It was placed in the lobby of the Mc- Alpin and artistically placarded: Buy a Bale and Help the South." A Charlotte merchant who knew some thing about cotton pulled out a earn, pie and found it "stains." It was a 1912-13 bale and had been bought from a broker at seven cents. A lit tle calculation Will hnw benefit the Southern farmer not out ' of that bale. And there was the nhil- anthropio old lady with a fat purse and a soft heart for the poor farmer, who got Wanamaker to buy a bale lor her. That bale was also bought from a broker in New York around seven cents. The broker got the mon ey and Johnnie, he got the advertis ing. New York was full of instances of the kind and while the spirit which prompted it is to be admired, yet that spirit was born of the sentimental and mistaken idea of the South' There is but one remedy, garly condition. It was too much like Tkt Modem, Sanitary, Durable Flat Oil Finish PRODUCES the most . artistic, harmonious and restful color effects It is' very economical and saves the expense of frequent redecorating. Walls finished with Pee Gee Flatkoatt retain their beauty for years and are easily cleaned with a moist sponge. Free Book "The Modern Method of Finishing Walls." also Col or Card. Ask us for it HiJoseleyHdwCo. DR. DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work Specialty. OfficeoverCot MiUoffice Dr. O.L. WILSON Dentist Office over J. E. Hood & Co'e Store. Subscribe to The Free Press. BOS Giles Would -You Like toTHave' The Locomobile JJIIII1U .j In Our North Window? We are Griiiig to Give it Away See Tomorrow's Free Press for : 1 FULU PARTICULARS WATCH FOR OUR ADVERTISEMENT D. V. DIXOW & SON r. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 'OF KHISTON "Extends to its patrons its grateful ap preciat of their confidence and patronage wnicn arc cnauung (i in large measure to help tide over the results,1ocalIy, of the EUROPEAV WAR." omenta N.J. ROUSE, Pre. ; DR. H. TULU Vice Prettlcnf, D.F.WOOTEN, Cashier. J. J. BIZZELU Awt Cashier. T.'W. HEATH. TeBet. DIRECTORS. W. L. Kennedy David Oettingei H.Tull J. H. Canady L C. Moseley J. F.Parrbtt G Felix Harvey H. E. Moseley J. F. Taylor f-1. H. McCoy S. H. Wer N. J. Rouse You Need a Toinc There are times in every woman' lifctirhen She needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take-Cardui, the woman's tonic Carduf is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in Its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson,' R. F. D. No, 4, Mma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and4 nervous and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. - Now.; I. feel as well and as strong as 1 ever iid, and can eat most, anything Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has:Eelped Thousands W 9 it If YGie National BaaiEi o? Kinstore jjl I il l' REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods, and this -bank has kept pace with r them. ,i V.. i: White conservative in the intercst ofv SAFETYr oiiir 1 equipment and : busi n e js methods are modern. Let us do business together to our mutual advant je. 3 v Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, ' $90,000.00 t "THE OLDEST AND STRONGEST . BANK 111 THE COUNTY." 1 & S3

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