THE DAILY FREE PRESS Published Every Day Except Sunday kinston free press co., inc. h. galt"bkaxtox Editor and Manager CaMrad M tfi. pooftc l Kirwton, North CUrolina M I nnrt rim mttlrf uiiue K4 ot Clie. of i J. 187V. -UNITED PRICKS KF.PORTS- TELEF'HONE Al! I)f.pnrtmcriK- 7". SUBSCRIPTION KATES (Payable in Advance) 1 Week, 10c. 3 Month-. ?1 1 Month 2ic 1J Mciitlis, S4 GREATEST LIVE STOCK SHOW IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD - GRtAl tbi U0llk pjuliAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915 Saturday Evening, ct. 31, 1911 The destruction of American prop tty in Odessa by Turki.-h warships will not involve the United States in the general European cmhroglio, hut it may be necesHary for Uncle Sam tn Kpnnk the terril.le Turk a little tn let him know that he must not infringe CD our rights. The FirHt Sea Lord of the BritiHh Admiralty has surrendered hi.s exalt ed position, attained round by round by diligence and performance of duty, and it U reported that his resigna tion waa made necessary because of adverse criticium by the newspapers on account of the fact that he was of German birth. In other words his loyalty to his adopted country, which he had served honorably for almost a half century, has been questioned, ami from this distance it appears that the criticism was due entirely to race hat red, provoked by the war, and not to any evidence of dinloyalty. Treach ery is a serious charge to make against a man, who has proven him self worthy and unless there are grounds upon which to base such a charge, those making it should have to suffer the consequences. V'A.Vii.. LETS MAKE IT UNANIMOUS Tuesday is election day throughout the length and breadth of peace Messed America, and the citizens of this country will march to the polls and demonstrate their appreciation of public servants who are on the job, and who have "delivered the goods" by polling another landslide vote for "Old Democracy." Mr. Brinson, in his address at the Courthouse Thurs day night, paid a glowing tribute to President Wilson and predicted that he would occupy the presidential chair as long as the laws of the land would permit. This prediction is as safe and sure of fulfillment as any that could be made. As Judge Winston oald, the election this fall would just ba a "thank offering by the American people." All of this does not mean that any Democrat should fail to go to the polls and exercise his fran chise, for the more the merrier, and a "unanimous" vote on the questions at issue would not be distasteful. HYSTERIA AND ( II A KIT V OUT OF ORDER The people throughout the country have gotten a bad impression of the South because of the hysterical ef fort. of some to have the national treasury underwrite the cotton crop The northern newspapers, in fact, some of the larger dailies, have had great columns either criticising the South or calling upon their readers to lend assistance, and the appeals have been made miner on a charity basis. The South needs no charity. It Is amply able to take cure of itself. It always has done so, and the so called remedial plans have created an nnfortunate impression. The "buy-abate" movement has been "jumped" on by many of the larger concern as a capital advertising medium, and in the guise of benefactors, purchases of cotton, to be stored until the mar kets again open, have been "author ized." The newspapers are flooded with "notices of interest to your read r" regarding the "John Doe or Pe ter Smith Shoe Factory's commend-: able action in authorising all its salesmen to purchase a bale or two, etc., etc. A great many of the pa pers have realised early in the game that the plant were purely advertis ing stunts, and the copy hat found its way into the waste-baskets, as it should. The South wants to restore a market for its chief product, and it is seriously concerned for the welfare - ;ms 7-l t a -k...j."' SL ?M etrt fMi ,V .i v M- fniiyrljtla, I3U, by Panama Pacific International Imposition Company. The greatest and most comprehensive live stock show In the history of the world will be staged at the vast Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Kntries of valuable and rare breeds of live stock will be shown from every country In the world. Including France, England, lielium and other countries In the European war zone. More than one-balf million dollars Is offered In prizes and purses for winning live utock. This photograph shows the vast live stock barns, covering more than forty acres, with the great Judging amphitheater in the center. The live stork show will last throughout the period of the exposition, from February 2n to iJecember 4, 1915. of its citizens, who have all their Dossessiona practically at stake in their cotton crops, but then the South has not and will not ask charity of anybody nor will it submit to being made the free advertising medium of all the big business concerns, which see a chance, by "authorizing" their representatives to buy cotton to get some splendid advertising. As a mat ter of fact, the warehouses of the South couldn't hold all the cotton, the purchase of which has been "so au thorized." A very small proportion of that "advertised" as purchased or authorized to be purchased by big business has been actually bought, and this is another reason for doubting the good faith of the "advertised" benefactors. Mr. George E. Roberts of Iowa, hold-over director of the Mint, has tendered his resignation, and it is au thoritatively stated by the powers that be that it was a sure enough resignation, and not one of the "re quested" kind. Although Mr. Rob erts is a Republican in politics his counsel has been sought in matters pertaining to the currency system and his advice has been regarded very highly by his Democratic associates. It" is gratifying to note that the American boys under General Fred. Funston will stay on the lid in Vera Cruz awhile longer. It is more than probable that had the troops been withdrawn some weeks ago, as was planned, Mexico would now be again in the heat of war and turmoil. As long as Uncle Sam has to play guard ian, let him retain his preferred seat until he is entirely satisfied that all is well. DISICIIM.ESSS WILL MEET NEXT WEEK IN GREENVILLE, N. C. (Continued from Page One.)1 2:15. Devotions Theodore Yar- brough, Rtlhaen. 2:25 The State's Duty to the Child W. H. Swift, Field Secretary of the North Carolina Child Labor Committee, Greensboro. 2:55. Social Service Among Our Churches Prof. W. T. LaPrade, Dur ham. 3:10. The Rural Church Prof. W. O. Lappiti, WiNun. 3:20. The Preacher and Doctrine W. A. Davis, Washington. :40. The Preacher's Use of Time P. H Mears, Asheville. 3:50. The Preacher's General Read ingCharles E. Lee, Washington. 4:00. The Ireacher as a General Efficiency Man D. W. Arnold. Goldsboro. 4:20. The Preacher on His Knees Richard Bagby, Wilson. 4:30. The Old Preacher Secretary W. R. Warren. Indiananolia. S:00 Adjournment. Evening Session. T.30. Devotional Exercises L. C. ! Carawan, Plymouth. . . . . , J ":4a. Church Extension A ' R. Moore, Savannah, Ca.- - C : s . 8:30. Christian BeneroWnce Sec retary J. H. Mohorter, St. Louie, r ThursdayMorning Session. State Missionary Section. !).10. Devotions A. C. Knibb, Spray. 9:45. Address State Missions J. Fred. Jones, State Secretary. 10:30. Reports of Committees and Unfinished Business. 11:15. American Missions Grant K. Lewis, Secretary, Cincinnati. Afternoon Session. 2:15. Devotions J. A. Saunders, Kinston. 2:30. Address Public Worship J. H. Mohorter, St. Louis. 3:15: Educational Address J. T. Hundley, Fredericksburg, Va. 4:00. Report of Atlantic Christian College, President J. C. Caldwell. Adjournment. KEEP YOUR STOMACH AND LIVER HEALTHY FOLEY CATHARTIC TRFTs. You will like their posiuve ucu,... They have a tonic effect on the bow els, and ; give a wholesome, thorough cleaning to the entire bowel tract. Stir the liver to healthy activity and keep stomach sweet. Constipation, headache, dull, tired feeling never af flict those who use Foley Cathartic Tablets. Only 25c. J. E. Hood & Co. (advt.) GENUINE ECZEMA REMEDY. New Remedy That Heals Eczema Quickly. J. E. Hood & Co. sold hundreds of jars of Hokara, and although they of fered to refund the purchase price to any dissatisfied purchaser, not one jar has been returned. While this is surprising in itself, yet the most marvelous thing is the reports of chronic cases of eczema that have been cured by this simple skin food. People who have suiTered with scales, scabs and even bleed ing itching, have found relief in Ho kara. No matter where the eczema, pim ples or other breaking out occurs, whether on the face, hands, legs or body, the application of Hokara should give quick relief, and even the worst or most chronic cases should be cured in a short time. You can buy a liberal-sized jar to day at the very low price of 25c, and with every package goes J. E. Hood & Co.'s guarantee to refund the mon ey if it is not satisfactory. adv. Edwin Clapp, uiorsheim, Kneeland, SHOES FOR MEN Who care for Style as well as Quaiity-they are the lead ers in style for Men's Foot weareverything that is new in shoes you will find it here in all shapes and color. - May Manton, Julian Kokenge, Shoes for Ladies. Style, Quality and Fit guaran teed, i Will appreciate your look ing them over before buying else- where, for I can save you money. MarkCummings !The Home of Quality1 A vigorous Stomach, perfect work ing Liver and regular acting Bowels is guaranteed if you will use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They insure good Digestion, correct Constipation and have an excellent tonic effect on the whole system Purify your blood and rid you of all body poisons through the Bowels. Only 25c. at your druggist. Adv. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS By Being Constantly Supplied With Bedford's Black-Draught. McDuff, Va. "I suffered for several years," says Airs. J. B. Whittaker, ol this place, "with sick headache, and stomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend told me to try Thedford's Black-Draught, which 1 dia, and i found it to be the best tamily meat- cine for young and old. I keep Black-Draught on hand all the time now, and when my children feel a little bad, they ask me for a dose, and it does them more good than any medicine they ever tried. j We never have a long spell of sick ness in our family, since we commenced using Black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught is purely vegetable, and has been found to regu late weak stomachs, aid digestion, re lieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similar symptoms. It has been in constant use for more than 70 years, and has benefited more i than a million people. Your druggist sells and recommends' Black-Draught. Price only 25c. Get a Backage to-day. N. c U3 . Beautiful Display of Genuin VO - ., i. b Of Fancy"Neltfe7'TabIe""SeB7TFy Silk Shawls, Silk - Kimonas, Mandarin Coats, Ladies'- Scarfs and HaniMade Laces. New kind of Embroidery Bed Spreads. . Starts Friday, October 30th. At Barrett & Hartsfield :&v:NE(OTER K. KEMER WILL BE HERE FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Call and inspect these goods 'tis, iio trouble to show them. I will be very glad to have you call to' see my line, which will be on display at BARRETT & HARTSFIELD; ... B rT" KINSTON LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO. inc., "We Write Insurance of all Kinds" SB SIX PER CENT. LOANS Obtain able on Farm, Ranch or City Prop erty. To improve, purchase or re move incumbrance; liberal options; 5 years before making payment on principal, etc. For the proposition address: Assets Dept., at 1410 Busch Bldg., Dallas, Tex., or 422-423 First National Bank Building, Denver, Colo. 10-7-SW-tf FOR SALE Cottrell newspaper press and Dexter folder. Will print and fold 4 or 8 pages, 6 columns. A bargain. Address Free Press, Kin ston, N. C. 9-14-tf N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C... .Goldsboro, N.C, ROUSE & LAND ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. C, Edgerton Building. DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St. Near Residence. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street, Phone 118. DR. DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. OfficeoverCot. Milloffice IRA M. HARDY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 507; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street Fvc, Ear. Nose nd Throt Diteue Treated,. FOLEY KIDNEY PUIS '..UHtUUH-l KIOMIr.KNOUCDI.' wwj mum iwm The National Bank ofMinston II: I ill '11 REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business mcthodsT and this bank has kept pace "With: them. ; : r .While conservative in the interest . 'of SAFETYitour; . equipment and business ' methods'arc modern, "let us ? do Business together i& our $ .mutual advant jgeSj Capital. , . $100,000.00 ;; Surplus $90,000.00;; "THE OLDEST AI1D STRONGEST BANK III TIIE COUIITYi"