PAGE SIX ? NORTH FACADE OF THE HUGE PALACE OF MACHINERY "UILDING NORTH FACADE OP l"ymwic ,NTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915 ) re h" m 1 wt " f'l Copyright, 19H. by Tunamu I'm-Mr International Kxponltli n fotiipuny. Tills phototfraiih hIiowh the north facade of the great I'alaco of Machinery at the Panamn Paciflc International Exposition, Sun FtuwIhco. 1915, as It appeared hU months before the opening of the exposition. The architecture of the building Is Roman, with decorations suggeiitlvo of machinery and invention. )i was in this building that Lincoln Beachey made the world's first Indoor aeroplane flight. The Palace of Machinery la almost one thousand it long and four hundred feet wide. OCTOBER PROCEEDINGS BOARD OF ALDERMEN The Board of City Aldermen met in regular monthly session on the The mayor and Aldermen MewbornMelveLd from clerk dur,nK Rouse, Fort, Becton and Hood. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved rere read ana approveti. Dr. C. B. Woodley appeared be - lore tne Doara anu asKeu inm an ur dinance be passed prohibiting unnec esHnry noise, such as blowing whis ties, etc. It was moved und second ed that a committee of three, toKcth er with the city attorney, draft an ordinance. The mayor appointee! Al dermen Becton, Hood and Fort. A communication from Mr. II. J Hughes, superintendent of the A. C L. Railroad, wus read, asking for un extension of time in connectinir wkh tne city sewer system of thut road's buildings. The request was r'enicd. In the matter of Gatlin Gilbert, he Sbking for compensation for dim igea sustained to his horse, ho was tllowed $5. E. W. Johnson and G. W. Johnson appeared before the board nnd made application for cafe license. Deferred. The meat and milk ordtimncs were adopted. The overflow well on Ka.u fahucll street, in bad condition, wrs ordered overhauled. A motion wub carried to adopt the ordinance deuling with (!.. oumite storage. It was moved and seconded thut the mayor and clerk le nulhorized to negotiate a loan of ifU.riO'.'.KO to meet interest on city bonds due Oc tober 1. Bills against the city were read, upproved and ordered paid. The city clerk made the fol'owing report of collections for I he month of September: General property anil polltax $ Bond interest tax Graded school tax Sinking fund tax Graded school bond interest tax 2(5.45 14.31 1(1.54 3.21 4.1(5 Electric light rentals 1.(502.50 Electric construction !I9.)8 Water rentals 782.75 Privilege licenses 12!).:il) Water tups Cemetery lots Grave fees Sale of wood Fee by Chief of Police Heath Fees by Policeman Skinner. . Fees by Policeman Kennedy Fees by Policeman Rouse... Fees by Policeman Dupree.. Fees by Policeman Stroud.. Fees by Special Officer Hoyette 4S.(K 70.00 13.50 1.20 2 !.!() 2(i.'.iO 35.80 21.30 23.00 40.05 7.(50 Total ?:!,5:i9.95 The Treasurer made the following report: General City Funds. Debits: Overdrawn at bunk $ 449.79 Received from clerk during month 3.501.73 Amount borrowed from bunk. 990.00 Credits: Paid out during month for: Electric light extension.... 174.16 Electric light construction.. 145.04 Waterworks extension 209.99 Operation 1,212.815 Maintenance 101.48 Street 033.76 Cemetery 169.29 Fire 204.71 Sanitation . . 172.84 Expense 37.89 Cemetery , 169.20 Fire ".. 204.71 Sanitation .. 172.84 Expense., 37.89 Health ..v ................ 50.00 Appropriation ............ 17.50 Police .. .., .....475.00 . -' JEE Prnnnrtv 4.51 ary sewer 157.36 Amount overarawn Bond Interest Account: Debits: Bal. in treasury Sept. 1....$ 73.80 Borrowed from bank 2,502.50 month 14.31 Credits: i Paid out for bond interest. . 2,502.50 , I TtT S Balance on hand Graded School Account: Debits: In treasury Sept. 1 2,922.90 Received from clerk during month 17.14 Credits: Paid out during month .... 439.8G Balance in treasury 500.54 Graded School Bond Interest Account: In treasury Sept. 1 Received from clerk 88 during month , Balance in treasury Sinking Fund Account In treasury September 1 . . . . Received from1 clerk during month 4..10 8.04 402.29 2.31 Balance in treasury 404.(50 Reports of the Police for the Month Showed: Chief of Police Heath Arrests, 18; cases to Superior Court, 3; fines, $3 fees, $21.90. Rouse Arrests, 14; cases court, 2; lines, ?4; foes, $21.30. Stroud Arrests, 19; cases court, 1; lines, $17; fees, $19.95. Kennedy -Arrests. 21; cases to to to court, 1; cases to roads, I; fines, $18 fees, ?:;r..8o. iiupree Arrests, IS; cases tc court, 2; tines, ijil; fees, $23.(50. Skinner Arrests, 19; fines, $(! fees, $2(5.90. Hoyette Arrests, (i; cases to court. 2; fines, $1; fees, $7.(50. There being no other business, the board adjourned. IT'S GREAT FOR BALKY BOYELS AND STOMACHS We want all people who huvc chronic stomach trouble or constipa tion, no matter of how long standing, to try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy one dose will con vuu-e you. this is tne medicine so many of our local people have been taking with surprising results. The most thorough system cleanser we ever sold. Mayr's Wonderful Stom ach remedy is now sold here by J. E. Hood & Co., Druggists. STOMACH MISERY Mi-o-na Will Quickly and Safely Rid You of Indigestion. When your stomuch is out of order your fowl lies like a lump of lead fer menting and surely causing that feel ing of fulness, sour taste in the mouth, coated tongue, biliousness and many other warning signs of indiges tion, which is often a dangerous ail ment. It is needless for you to suffer, for any druggist can supply you with Mi-o-na. a harmless and efficient rem edy for all bad stomachs. These small tablets give almost immediate and joyful relief, while a few days' treat ment strengthens and stimulates the digestive system. The flow of gas tric juices is increased, then your food is properly digested; sour and gassy stomach, sick headaches, rest less nights and other distressing ymptoms quickly vanish. If suffering any stomach distress do not wait let Mi-o-na give you quick and lasting relief. J. E. Hood and to. sells It with guarantee of Mfliwar ' !; sr " t , - i 3 1 4 money back If you are not satisfied. urn nr-r - 1111 T1 aTl" W MB-aOTSWW ?K W.'. V. 51 '4 . TT JC A. M M.m X r ma. B .,, -T - V.I PROCEEDINGS OF MEETING j COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The Board of County Commission- ers convened in regular session on Monday, October 5, with the follow ing members present: Dr. H. Tull, chairman; R. F. Churchill, D. W. Wood and H. Cunningham. They transacted the following bus- :. TM. petition for a new road, from Berkley Smith's in Trent township to the road near Calvin Moody's, was presented, and same was laid over until next meeting to hear objections, if any. It was ordered that the superin- tendent of roads be, and is, hereby authorized to use such means as he may deem necessary to enforce or- der and obedience by force. the convict Dr. C. Absher, of the Rockefeller : Health Commissoin, appeared before the board and made a proposition to establish model health communities in several sections of the county, for the purpose of educating the citizens in health conservation and to be object lessons, this to include hook-worm treatment, and also free inoculation against typhoid fever. The board ap propriated $200 and the Board of Ed ucation appropriated $100. The following were drawn to serve as jurors at he term of court begin ning November 9: First Week: .. C. O. M. Daughety G. W. Hardee. M. I--. Waller. W. B. Harvey. Ray Sutton. R. L. Stanford. J. II. Sutton. Isaac Stroud. H. C. Wooten. J. M. Quinn. W. P. Hardy. John R. Wooten. Fred. B. Sutton. J. I. Sutton. J. II. Benton. L. McCullen. B. J. Spence. Oliver Smith. Second Week : A. J. Warters. I. N. Miller. Leon Oettingcr. G. E. Johnson. W. T. Kennedy. C. Felix Harvey. DeWitt Dawson. S. G. Parker. J. F. Rouse, Jr. F. R. Hodges. M. J. Herring. J. H. Mewborn. Leon Davis. J. F. Allen. Orin Weeks. John W. Shute. J. W. Bradshaw. B. F. Hughes. Sr. The following amounts were or dered paid out of the various county funds: I. E. Jones, work on road.. Dr, H. Tull, cash advanced Davis Road E. C. Smith, road account.. L. P. Tyndall. road account.. 740.35 79.48 47.90 11.05 E. W. Sumrcll, road account 1,751.33 W. C. Worthington, bridge. . 12.30 S. Stanley, road 48S.49 Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills account 76,oo Marston Drug Co., acct 18.65 Quinn & Miller, acct. 42.50 T. T. Dawson, road acct.. 669.04 Oscar Stroud, road acct... 145.37 B. C. Carter, road acct.. 13.15 Z. Edwards, road acct .... 44.00 J. B. Taylor, sal'y. and acet 1,214.59 J. B. Taylor, hired work... 116.85 J. C. Gaskins, bridg.,,.. 12.00 Kinston Iron & Mantel Co, . account .,.,.,...... ft9i 13.86 36.45 3.75 10.25 I). V. Wood, cash 9-80 Elm City Lumber Co., acct.. . I Clyde Braxton, road acct J George Lee, county farm. . . Mrs. Agnes Lee, County I Home ' R. Robinson, road acct 2:55.00 11 65 80.40 143.65 16.35 28.50 23.85 4.00 30.00 B. Kennedy, road acct W. A. Moore, road acct Stephen McCoy, bridge G. D. Potter, road acct H. Tull, cash freight 89.54 n V. Churchill, exp. R. R. fare L. R. Anderson, road acct.. Turner Bros., road acctfl. S. Lassiter, road acct H. C. V. Peebles, costs.... R. C. Jones, road acct. .... J. M. Sutton, bridge 10.40 15.00 40.84 12.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 L. Pate, road acct 52.85 Kinston Mfg. Co., acct 20.41 J. F. Langston, road 5.75 J. F. Skinner, costs 5.15 Sophia Watson, vital statistics 3.50 J. W. Sutton, cattle inspt'n. 60.00 W. Howard, cattle inspt'n .. 60.00 J. W. Kilpatrick, cattle inspt'n. 60.00 C. C. Tyndall, cattle inspt'n 32.50 City of Kinston, water and lights 53.54 Dr. A. D. Parrot, salary.... 41.66 N. B. Wooten, sal. & acct. . 290.00 C. W. Pridgen, sal. & acct. 208.73 Plato Collins, salary 250.00 J. H. Dawson, salary 116.66 Jim Westbrook, road 4.50 W. A. Smith, costs 7.00 Scott and Waller, acct 2.50 A. W. Taylor, saly. & acct. . 433.34 H. V. Allen, saly. & acct... 153.75 H Tull, one day 2.00 I). W. Wood, one day 3.30 H. Cunningham, one day . . . 3.30 R. F. Churchill, one day . . . 2.00 The board then adjourned. C. W. PRIDGEN, Register of Deeds, Clerk to Board. APPLY SLOAN'S FREELY FOR LUMBAGO. Your attacks of Lumbago arc not nearly so hopeless as they seem. You can relieve them almost instantly by a simple application of Sloan's Lini ment on the back and loins. Lumba go is a form of rheumatism, and yields perfectly to Sloan's which penetrates quickly all in through the sore, tender muscles, limbers up the back and makes it feel fine. Get a bottle of Sloan's Linement for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Adv. Edwards & Broujfhton, acct ChurchilJ & Co., brick, Coun I ty Home Churchill & Co., brick, Hardy ' bridge II. C. Hines, grand Jury m ESTIMATES! EVERY FIGURE GUARANTEED! Model Protection Policy at Age 35 Premium first 11 Years, $28.1 1 Premium after 11 Years. 56.22. Tki m lf it. ( n rvru vcadc and fo th7n.ZL7( VI : ; , NORTH STATE Con er meeting th NOTE; T This fill!) W. T. Huchens, Nicholson, Ga- had a severe attack of rheumatism. His feet, ankles and joints were swollen, and moving about was very painful. He was certainly in a bad way when he started to Take Foley Kidney Pills, He says, "Just a few doses made me feel better, and now my pains and rhematism are all gone and I sleep all night long." J. E. Hood & Co. DOVER AND SOUTHBOUND R. R. Traffic Department Dover, N. C, Oct 24, 1914. To Agents, Conductors and the Pub lic: On account of the Eastern Carolina Fair at New Bern, N. C, October 27, to 30th, agents will sell round trip tickets to DOVER Wednesday, Octo ber 28, and Thursday, Oct 29, 1914, at the following round trip rates, with final limit to return October 30. 1914. From Richlands $1.00 Petersburg 1.00 Comfort 75c Wimsatt 50c Phillips 50c Conductor will sell tickets from sta tions where there are no agents. Regular afternoon train will be held at DOVER Oct. 28 and 29, 1914, until arrival of Norfolk Southern after noon train from New Bern. Use ticket form R. T. 1. Final lim it October 30, 1914. N. S. RICHARDSON, Traffic Manager. 'Patronize Home Industry' JOB PRINTING We are Equipped to Handle Your Orders for High Grade Job Printing. Orders Carefully and Promptly Executed We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, CARDS FCn ALL PURPOSES. CIRCULARS. LARGE AND SMALL, ENVELOPES, POSTERS. We have Connections with Engraven and Blank Book Makers which en able us to Promptly Handle Orders for Engraving and all kinds of Blank Book Making. Kinston Free Press Co. Incorporated Publishers and Job Printers 'Anything in Printing' Illustration of End of Cash or Loan Paid Up Extended Year Value Insurance Insurance ,, ... Months Years 12 $ 46 $ 98 1 U 90 184 2 0 14 146 292 3 9 15 214 416 5 8 16 2 570 7 9 17 336 632 10 0 18 376 692 10 7 19 419 754 II 0 20 460 812 II 5 tc &c. 11 9 .. ..... eX!"i"y WtMALr the whole life rate of " wm aMj sg3 mc aiiainca age wneu inc 1 1 ycarv expire We Belisve The MODEL PROTECTION POLICY (Non-Participating) Constructs! k M .t:! tj r ki r L!F INSURANCE COMPANY requirements of the average insurer between Ulan 11 rinriMs aHJ a L. - L - AN IDEAL BUSINESS MAN'S POLICY Policy is $2,000 AfrtiTe anr a-wi-nwi. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD ROUTE OF THE TI I G H IEXP R E S S (Schedule in Effect October 4, 1914 ) N. B. The following schedule fig ures Dublished and are not guaranteed. TKAI.NS LEAVE KINSTON: East Bound 11:21 p. m. "Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk, folk. 7:50 a.m. Daily, for Washington and Norfolk. Con nects for all points North and West Par lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p. m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound 5:40 a. m. Dailv for GnlrlRhnrn 10:28 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. w p.m. uauy for Goldsboro. For complete information or re servation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kinston, N. C. H. S. LEARD.' General Passenger Agent. J. D. STACK, General Superintendent, Norfolk, Va. CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE NO. 1. Effective October 4, 1914, 6:00 a. m. First class freight and passenger South Bound North Bound 332 Daily. A. M. 7:35 s 7:29 f 7:16 s 7:11 s 7:01 G:55 STATIONS Da P. M. 5:00 s 5:07 f 5:21 s 5:32 s 5:43 f 5:50 Ar Kinston Lv. Hines Junction Pools Dawson Glenfield Suggs Siding All trains goverened by the Nor flok Southern rules while using the" track from Kinston to Hines Junc tion, and subject to the orders of its superintendent. The above schedule is given as in formation only, and is supposed to be the time that trains will arrive and depart, but it is not guaranteed. WM. HAYES, General Superintendent. R. A. HONEYUTT, Superintendent Kinston, N. C. G. A. JONES; F. & P. A. Snow Hill,. N. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS Jndleal Asb your Vrucrfnt f.if AA C'hl-cbo.fcr s IMamond TfranJVvi 1M!I in li.-J a-,1 UoM mcw:;icV bom',, fcealei.1 v.-till i;iue J(!i.-'".:i, Vy Toko no at hop. liny nf vnur lrMjjat. Ak forrin.4 lfe.TFn i years knwm; ils."t, Safest. A I ways SOLD DY CflUGGISTS EVERVtVH!:F ' - standard companies (partteipWng) the ages of 23 and 45 Not $1,000 ww Hut v bid iiibicb ' , T II t .... . . .. . iawwo, ouuuae poor 16.50