OFlOCAl INTEREST . ' BANKS CLOSED TUESDAY. Because it is election day, and there fore, legal holiday, the hanks of the city will be closed on Tuesday. FREEZING TEMPEKAITKE. The thermometers of Oflk-iul Ob server Peebles thin morning at 0 iMm-V rctrisiered around the freez ing point. The heuvy frot was visi ble at a late hour. SMALL BOY. 30 CENTS, ILLUMINATION LACKING. .It took disctricuuiA-until-well-into Friday to discover why the lights in the home of Hon. N. J. Rouse failed to work the nijrht before.' A small nephew of Mr. Rouse had vinited the home during the absence of the family to repay a loan of 30 cents. It was perfectly natural for a small boy to place the coins in a small switch on the rear porch, thus grounding the circuit, and requiring the repair men to look in every place in the house nearly before they found the cause of the trouble. !' . lit ELECT NEW CHAMUEK OF COMMERCE OFFICERS The newly appointed board of dl rectors of the Chamber of Commerce will meet for the first time Tuesday evening, when officers for the fiscal year will be elected. BEAUFORT KNITTING MILLS TO EMPLOY TWO HUNDRED The Beaufort Weekly News quotes Mr. H. P. Fort of the Orion Knitting Mills here, as saying that the new mill in that town, controlled by Kinston canital. will employ 200 women and girls within a year, in his belief. AUTO COLLIDES WITH MAN ON BIKE. G. C. Eaaon, a well-driller, on a bi cycle, was run into by an automobile driven by Woodley Becton of Wood ington township, at Queen and Gor don streets, about 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. Eason was caught on the front of the car and dragged a short distance, but sustained no injuries. One front wheel ran over his left leg. The bicycle was damaged. Bec ton immediately stopped the car and paid for the dumage to the bicycle. He failed to stop his machine in turn ing the corner as required by the traffic ordinances. The New Stylei of John B. Stetson Hats Are Here, See South Window. Dail & Taylor Ihe Men's Store JUNIOR FOOTBALL TEAMS PLAY TODAY. A juvenile football team from Goldsboro came today to play a Kin ston eleven of similar class at Ath letic Park this afternoon. Rev. Hal. Dickinson, the well-known Episcopal minister of Goldsboro, accompanied the youngsters. COLORED BISHOP WALTERS COMING. Kt. Rev. Alexander Walters. D. D., of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion church, one of the best known colored preachers in the country, will come from New York on November 15 to make an address in St. Augustus' i church here. CHURCH CONTRIBUTES TO WAR RELIEF FUND. Last Sunday every Christian Sci ence church In the country took a col lection for the relief of war sufferers in Eurowe. The First church here raised J20.20. The First church in Boston, mother church of the denom ination, contributed $3,821.41. AND APT SCHOLARS THEY HAVE BEEN. The Democratic county candidates organized the "class of 1914" in the Courthouse lobby this morning. Treas urer John Dawson blushed when the title of dean of the class was bestow ed upon him. Nominee for clerk of the court, Jesse Heath, was selected as poet, Representative E. R. Wooten, historian; Sheriff A. W. Taylor, sta tistician, and Register of Deeds Prid gen, prophet. Diplomas and flowers will come Tuesday, Representative Wooten said. One candidate declared that so "studiously" has he been en gaged during the "session" just end ing mac ne totiay missed drawing a check for a month's work for the first time in years. MEETING OF LADIES OF s , 5 CHRISTIAN CHURCH Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock every woman of the Christian congregation who desires to be of any service at all In the work, Is invited by Pastor B. P. Smith to be present at a meet ing for women to be held In the Ba- raea room on the cast side of the church. MAN ARE YOU INTERESTED IN LYCEUM COURSE. Mr. J. L. Memory, representing the Alkahest Lyceum System of Atlanta, Ga., has been in the city for a day or two for the purpose of arranging a Lyceum course for the present sea son. The guarantors who promoted the course last year didn't feel like Undertaking the entire burden again this season, and for that reason Mr. Memory has not been able to decide definitely whether his bureau would be able to arrange for the attractions or not. He should be very glnd to have expressions from the people of the city. Ten guarantors are neces sary and any who wish to do so can communicate with Pnstor B. P. Smith, of the Christian church, Who is inter ested in promoting the course, and hi will communicate with Mr. Memory, if necessary. Just Received Big Shipment off SHIRT WHIST Oil Price, VM Buster Brown Hosiery. O. N. T. Cotton 6 for 25c. Chas.A, Waters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 We Carry The" Royal "Perfect in Every Detail." J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store ' l-MWMHi..!. .... " - - B BLACK,; WHITE, FANCY STITCHED, TAN, GRAY, BLUE V.:. ' AND BROWN. Let Us Supply You. Barrett g; tlartsfield 1 if AKRE8TED HERE FOR PITT AUTHORITIES. J. C. Stokes, white, arrested in South Kinston for disposing of a mortgaged buggy m Pitt county, wits taken to Greenville Friday for trial After the arrival of the officer with StoMs at Ureenvtiie trie pinmtiti com- jumit-y i ms, you leoi men- neaimg with him and uom lm' very nrst dose. Backache, ALL WOOL BLANKETS WOOLEN BLANKETS ("heck Kidney Trouble at Once. h I There is such rendy action in Foley i- Kidney Pills, you feel their healing promised the matter titokes was released. HIGH SCHOOL ELEVEN GOES TO WILMINGTON. The Kinston High School football team left this morning for Wilming ton, to play the high school team of that city this afternoon. Courie, , star heavy man of the local eleven, Wua prevented from accompanying j them, but otherwise the lineup is up to its usual strength. weak, sore kidneys, painful bladder and irregular action disaDOear with their use. O. Palmer, Green Baq, Wis., suys: "My wife is ranidlv re covering her health and strength, due soieiy to roley Kidney Pills." J. E, Hood & Co. (advt.) C01T0N BLANKETS ONE PRICE GASH STORE THE HALLOWE'EN SPIRIT LACKING. Aside from a few social functions, and oumnkins in some quantity, there is no evidence of the Hallowe'en spir it here. In some parts of the coun try Hallowe'en is one of the principal holidays, with festivities without number. It is the season of autumn leaves and corn shocks, fantastic and weird shapes and figures, and a thousand ami one grotesque novelties in old New England and the North. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years sture of A. J. Pnone 34 SUTTON Prop. Maish Comforts Will Keep You Warm Through These Cool Nights They are made of the purest, whitest cotton down, and are al most as light as a feather. The coverings are very attractive, and ofany color that you like best. Priced $2.50 to $5.00 Good Blankets are as necessary to keep the cold away, as a good fire. The new ones here are the best ever had. : : we ve Oettinger's Furniture Store in I I AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and 1 Children. : : . I Ice Cream, Soda I and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Son II "e Strive to Pkaie" in . ill E? DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins. & Realty Co. Office hours: 9-12, 2-6 Nights and Sundays by. Appointment. Examination Free Phone 80 Aiwa; Signature Dr. O. L. WILSON Dentist Office orer J. E. Hood & Co's. Store. SCHOOL CENSUS FOR CITY COMPLETED. Charles Hughy, taker of the school census for Kinston. Into l-'ruhiy gave. out the fiifiires for tin- lits just com- pltftvd. Ihcrt win mi in.-ivase of both races of -KiO m tin- twn r;i.'i- din ing the pant twelve nmi.ttis Out thousand cin'ht hundred a tul thirty white children in the city ;uv wt the school age, ontl 1,-TiO colored Lunt year there were l.HVL' and 1. 1 It. res. pectively. kennedy in pen pen dim; appeal. Clyde Kennedy, who in August mur dered E. W. Sarlnndt, a farmer, and left the body on the ground just t yond the outskirts of New Item, is now in the penitentiary at Raleigh for safekeeping- until his appeal from a 20.year sentence Is heard by the Supreme Court. Kennedy is well known here. One of the two men convicted as his accomplices is serr in two years on the roads In this county, . . " , .) J v When You Buy a Chalmers You Buy More Than Just a Car Into every Chalmers car we build goes the spirit of the Chalmers Factory- an ideal of high quality at a fair price. Every essential part of Chalmers cars built in the Chalmers shops by Chalmers trained men, Each part is not only fine in itself; it carries its maker t pride m his workmanship. For the Chalmers Factory provides every essential of fine production. I st. The buildings themselves are big. modern and light. The Factory .s surrounded by wide lawns dotted with shrubs and flowers. a pleasant place to work. ' . 2nd. Chalmers men know when they enter the factory that the best material, and most up-to-date tools will be provided them. And when they leave at nicht. it m wiih .J l -i. . . .... M,c' i " ...... viiv Ut liaTlltK 1JU11I il IVI.II n. hiiM.n v . iw iiumaii sua can buOd. rJf : S1 WwkLmen, bW that e ambilion f he Chalmets Com- . psny is not for mammoth volume or quick profits, but rather for sufficient ' volume to give qual.ty at medium price,, for a product of such eeS ' that Chalmers car. shall be always firs, among car, of their prices 1915 "Light Six"-JI650 1915 "Master Six';$2400 Fully equipped, f. . 4. TidroU . : .' INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD LOANS NEGOTIATEED Now Occupying New Office one Door East of The Post Office Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. t. Oettmger, Msrr. Phone 182 Chalmers Motor Co. Detroit, Michigan 8 I I Z. V. MOSELEY, RL D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 5 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 AD the t g.racuu ro seiact s. set tools for the home or farm piece hv ntsca (hat Will exact! tr 11 rMt r.rr..n.. i- .. piw oy pic mmt . . , , - -viiio. 4 neo you will nav y 0 EH 'tool belong, to tt. fmo. ICeo Xmm brand, V-2 V Keen Kutter Tool Cabinets are ths oniv nnM mmAm V ; f lls e name, trademark and usraotsw Pncrt from $8.50 to $45.00? W adl thsm. - Latest Things In Ladies Neck Wear Come See Them Kornegqy H.L MOSELEY H HARDWARE. CO.,