WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS w WTED A few boarder. Ad diess Box 22, city. ll-St-dly FOR SALE Old Paper. suitable for kindling fires these cool mornings, 6c a package. Free Press. 9-14-tf SOCIAL And PERSONAL if wan'TED Two experienced Sales ladies. Apply M. Adler & Sons. 10-30-dly tf LOST Setter Dog, black and white, black ears, about six years old, comes to name of "Bob." Liberal re. ward for informatoin leading to re. covery. E. V. Webb. ll-3-2t-dly 2t SW NOTICE See L. O. Gross If your Piano needs tuning. Satisfaction guaranteed. I also Sell Hal ley and Davis and Conway Pianos. Phone 480-L. 10-13-DASW-tf FOR SALE Eight-room house with pantry, water and lights; good lo cation. House of Al material and good workmanship. Sacrifice to quick buyer. Owner leaving city. Address B, care Free Press. 11-2-lwk dly SPECIAL NOTICE Each lady that calls at our store will be presented with a needle case, filled with gold eyed needles as a souvenir, as long as they last. Pianos, Player Pianos and Music. No. 107 North Queen Strict. Forrest Smith. 10-9-26t-dly THE LENOIR PRESSING CLUB nnw occupies new quarters over Co's Shoo Store, where it is better pi e pared to do your French Dry Cleaning and all kinds of Pressing V.'ork. E. B. Wells, Prop., Phone 4H)-L. 10-201eod-lmo Mr. Chris Wooten went to Bayboro yesterday. k a i: Mr. Robert Haskins of RichmonJ is in the city. k k a Mr. L. 0. Gross spent yesterday in Goldsboro on business. a m h . Mr. Elbert Spear has gone to Char, lotte on a business trip. a a a Mr. D. Wood of LaGrange was a visitor in the city yesterday. a a a Mr. W. E. Austin of Greensboro was a Kinston visitor today. a a a Elder Henry Cunningham of Deep Run was a Kinston visitor yesterday. a a a Mr. Joel Patrick of Urilton was visitor in the city yesterday after, noon. a a a Mr. C. A. Jones ol Labrange is visiting his family in the city for a few days. a a a Mr. Henry Foy of Norfolk is visit. a A 1 . y-1 ing his parents, air. ana iurs. k,. n. Foy, in the city. a a a Dr. C. L. Pridgen has arrived in the city to join his wife, who is vis iting Mrs. C. W. Pridgen. a a a Dr. Andarson Hyatt of Beulahville is visiting nis parents in me city, vr. and Mrs. H. 0. Hyatt. CHECK FLASHER REPENfS WHEN APPREHENDED Man Who Had Been Drawing Checks on North Carolina Banks Taken Into Custody in Baltimore Taken to Goldsboro. FOR SALE Two nice Cows Judge Oliver H. Allen, after vot ing, leit tnis morning lor Wilming ton, where he will hold court. i I "3 ' Mrs. E. L. Erown and Misses Gus; andlsie Lawrence and Lucy Turnage were Mr. James Peterson, who is a jus tice of the peace of Wayne county, and who temporarily has charge of i business at LaGrange, gives the in formation of the arrest in Baltimore of a white man who had been issuing check on various banks in North Carolina, and in a number of in stances had secured money thereon The party had successfully placed two of the bogus checks with a bank in Goldsboro, thereby cuusing the war rant to issue from the Wayne county justice, resulting in his apprehension, as stated above, in Baltimore. When arrested in that town he did not pro. tet against coming to North Caro lina but, without extradition proceed ings, came voluntarily and confessed hi guilt, throwing himself upon the mercy of the justice of the peace, giv ing as his reason that he had fallen upon hard luck and was endeavoring to get money to tide over his period of adversity. The kind-hearted jus. tice was touched by the pathetic situ ation of the young fellow, but felt it his duty to detain him until he could answer the charge in a court having jurisdiction. It is most unfortunate that he should have yielded to temptation, but the bankers of the State will be glad fo know that they are not to be sub jected to, the i-isk tf being victimized by him. A FRENCH SOLDIER'S GRAPHIC EXPERIENCE The flesh of our army rrrxws aula under the very blow that tears it, and ! the enemy may strike all he can. He cannot weaken our grasp which is al ready beginning to crush it" Silt ONE TOBACCO FIRM DEPOSITED $750,000 October Sale Turned Large Quan. tity of Money Into Local Circula. tion and Helped the "Hard Time" Considerably. One tobacco concern alone doing business on this market, it is report ed, deposited around three-quarters of a million dollars in a local bank during October. This gives some idea of the enor mity of the business. The present crop, besides approaching the record. breaking 18,000,000 pounds of years ago, will be one of the most profitable in the history of the industry in this country. il JlIIr t an m I OYER 6,000,000 POUNDS TOBACCO IN OCTOBER Six million, four hundred and thir ty-five thousand, and two hundred and sixty.two pounds. That was the total of the sales on the local tobacco market during Oc. tober. Quality averaged well and prices good. This was in excess of a million and a half pounds a week, and 320,000 pounds a sales dav. To the end of October 10,672,058 pounds had been marketed here. ;Bi Calves, both fresh; one four years old. Horse, work anywhere. Buggy ami harness, apulv J. D. Bizzell or G. G. Mathews. 10-31-eod lw dly 11-4-lt SW WANTED At once, solicitors for pleasant and profitable work in the city anil nearby towns. Nice oppor tuniiv for either men or women. Must be well recommenued. Address "Op portunity," care Free Press, Kinston, N. C. 9-29-tf. C. T. LANDES My business has increased satisfac tory every year during my ten years that I have come to Kinston, and now I enjoy a good trade here as a Piano Tuner.- Not connected with any other company or party. Address 111 Pey ton avenue. Phone 299-L. 10-30 4tdP SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South ' N. B. : Tho following scbedult figures are published only as infor mation and are not guaranteed. Train No. 21. Leaves Goldsboro 6:45 a. m., for Raleigh, Durham, Greensboro, Ashevilie and Waynes- Ville. Through, train, to Ashevilie, handles chair-car to Waynesville. Makes connections at Greensboro for all points north and east, and at Ashevilie with Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Chicago and all western points.' Train No. 139. Leaves Goldsboro 2:05 p. m., for Raleigh and Durham, and Greensboro. Handles through Pullman sleeping car from Paleigh to Atlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 a. m., making connection for New Orleans, Texas, California and all western points, also connects at' Greensboro with through trains for all northern and eastern points. Train No. 131. Leaves Goldsboro 5:05 p. m., for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Makes direct connec tion at Greensboro with solid Pull man sleeping car, frain for Wash York and all eastern and northern points. Connects also at Greens ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New boro with through tourist sleeping car for Los Angeles and San Fran cisco. . ' l . Train No. III. Leaves Goldsboro 10:45 p. hi., for Raleigh, Durham and visitors in the city yesterday, t Mr. J. L. Duffey of Wilmington passed through the city this morning en route to Goldsboro on a business trip. x k a Mr. W. J. Gaylor has returned to his work with the C. & O. at Coving ton, Ky., after a visit in the city to his mother. X T The BookloversJ Club will meet with Mrs. C. W. Blanchard, on Gor. don street, Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. . . Mrs. C. E. Kennedy has returned home after a visit to relatives and friends in Winston-Salem, Greensbo ro and Roanoke, Virginia. The Philathea Class of the Queen Street Methodist church will hold its regular monthly meeting with Miss Mattie Whitaker this evening at 8 o'clock. a a a Miss Minnie Williams, who is teaching at Hookerton, spent the week end in this city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Williams. With her came Misses Sue Parker and Alice Taylor, who stopped with Mrs. G. D. Hawks. I5y William Philip Simms (United Prex; Start' Correspondent.) Paris, Oct. 12. ( Uy mail to New- York.) A modem infantry advance under heavy fire is craphieallv des cribed by a wounded French soldier, just back from the firing line. "We advanced," he Miys, "by suc cessive bounds. It was very funny. We are rather scattered about in lit tle groups of live or six. We con sulted one another. "Are you there?" "Yes, " "Come along then " "So wc rush along for a hundred yards without looking at anything, our knapsacks in our hands ,in front of our face like a shield. When we get out of breath we fling ourselves down flat in the mud. We hold a muster of our force, a"nd on the right and left we see a few parties of the com pany. Everybody has climbed at the same time. Everything has gone well. We hide behind trees to watch for a favoi.;Liic moment for a fresh advance. "Bullets are whistling, but they pass well above our heads. The Ger mans a:-e too near us on the other side of the hills and they cannot touch us. I Besides they fire so badly. They do not raise their rifles to their shoul ders, but fire from the hip without aiming. "We are right at the top now, and we keep looking to the right and left to make sure that we have not got ahead of our comrades. A -few mo ments' rest and it is time for us to dash forwards. One of us, a private, lifts his rifle up in the air. Everybody understands. At the same time we all show the point of our bayonets Kinston is sending quite a delega-1 over the ridge. They gleam, thougn tion to Greenville to the convention of . there is no sun. the Dsiciples of Christ in session j "We rush forward shouting. This there. Besides those going yesterday ime they are in f ront of us- 11 is enough went from here this morning ' intoxicating. We do not Know wnere to make a" Very good small conven. ! we are. We do not see our comrades . who are falling a tour side, we only IT REALLY DOES RELIEVE RHEUMATISM. Everybody Rheumatism all means Liniment on fcei pain or who is afflicted with in any form should by keep a Lottie of Sloan's yeu or ALCOHOL 3 PER L'KNT ANegetaWePrcparallonlcrAs-similaliiigihrFhodandRi-tfuia ling (lie Siuuncbs aaUtowb of IIKIUHrillUmi ness and Rntontalas neiBw Opium.Morphine nor .Mineral. . . . . Upl-JW- JbOmm Hi For Infants and Children. t Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of frAaV )wW- Aneried Rnaedv for Consft inn . Smir Smmach.Dlarrtoa WormsfonvulsiOTisJOTrisa ness and Loss or Sleep. FicSiroik Signatwt of laz Cental" Compaq NEW YUK1V ceOCC I A A t F LW III Use For Over Thirty Years !TKi Exact Copy of Wrapper. hi;nd. The minute soreness in a joint muscle, bathe it with Sloan's Lini ment. Do not rub it. Sloan's pene trates almoot immediately right to the :-ci.t of pain, relieving the hot. tender, swollen feeling and making the part easy and comfortable. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore am swollen joints, rheumatism, neural gia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. (adv.) A New Shipment of MANY FROM HERE AT CHRISTIAN CONVENTION HAT Styles S Price to Suit Everyone Mrs. M. L. Braswell r 5T7 rf ., m .j "B'" 'j .i-jjaif' iijr Ems S zr iiJli 17 iifi Hi! 1 1 WTOm YliT KINSTON LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO. inc., "We Write Insurance of all Kinds" ISBUSiBi I Stock GaasDEig The Lenoir Oil and Ice Company, appreciating fully the serious situation confronting our people on account of low price cotton, will make a spec ial effort to encourage stock raising in this section byoffering the best known cattle, horse and hog feed at minimum prices to all those who will take advantage of the opportunity and begin to foster stock raising on an enlarged scale. We offer the following very low pcices to all for cash o. b. our mills: Cotton Seed Meal $22 per ton or $1.10 abas Cotton Seed Hulls, loose, $4.50 per ton, sack ed, $7.00 per ton, or 35c per bag. Special information in reference to feeding meal and hulls will be gladly fumithed upon application at our office. : : : : Lenoir Oil & Ice Company Kinston, -:- N. C. tion. Those going were Miss Lula Lynch, Mrs. J. P. Lynch, Mrs. Nan nie Andrews, Mrs. J . F. Taylor, Mrs. J. M. Mewborn, Mrs. L. O. Moseley, Mrs. Herbert Hill, Mrs. R. F. Hill, Mrs. Annie LaRoque, Mrsi E. M. Hodges, Mrs. Sue Hardyfs. E. G. Barrett, Mrs. Arden Tstylbr, Mrs. John T. Kennedy, Mr. Joel Vause and Mr. Messick. The prayer meeting in Gordon Street Christian church tomorrow night will be led by Mr. E. G. Barrett. The topic will be "The Father's House," based upon John 14:1.11. The meeting opens at 7:30 o'clock in the Baraca room on the east side of the building. TRY THIS FOR YOUR COUGH. Thousands of people keep coughing ureensaoro. Handle FuUmn sleep- because unable to get the right rem. ing -ear Kaleigb to Winston-Salem. edy. Cough? are caused by inflarcraa. Makes connection at Greensboro ith through train tot Atlanta and New Orleans, also makes connection for AsheVille, " Chattanooga, St Louis, Memphis, Birmingham and all western points. ' H. P. CART, ' :u. x-asg. Agi s,uington, u. 0.'WPV nnirkIv and comnletely ston . - 1 - - tion of Thront and Bronchial Tubes. What you need is to soothe this In flammation. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, it penetrates the delicate muccus lining, raises the Phlegm and quickly relieves the congested membranes. Get a 50c bottle from ! vonr rlmce-ist. "Dr. Kine s New IHs. S. II. HARD WICK, P. T. Mgr, "Washington, D. C. O. F. YORK, . T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C ped my cough," writes J. R. Watts, Floydale, Texas. Money back if not satisfied but it nearly always helps. (adv.) 1 see those grey tunics, those spiked helmets, which are falling back. How ever, they do not turn their backs on us, but how badly they fire. All at once shells begin to arrive. They have got our range. We cannot hold out any longer. So without turning our backs either, and continuing to fire, we withdrew, all the time helping the wounded to come with us. We form again on the other side of the' ridge, 1 but above on the top our places are taken by another foree a kilometer nearer the enemy than we were." (This refers to the French system of advancing the firing line by relays, the ' movement being minutely regu lated by the central intelligence sec tion.) . ! "It is a marvel to see the supplen ses of these masses which succeed each other without cessation, without disorder. The heaviest fighting leaves us masters of an intact force. rave fc ii-orp latsrrn m tss win o tiw ejimf.'j I 4mo l olh dweaiK iut tnietlu-r. atxl un'.M e uu km yrara win wippusod u tic Inrurabto. For a cnul nany yean d u pninouncrd " r -X iimte ami jnscrttHxJ xl rmcriiM. awl l 'Mi:aw;y (allln to euro with local treatment. j.rmou.nr'il It Oirurabn Sclonr has pmven Catarrh to tie a n.nstitntioi.a! o ease, an i ttiore&ire require wvistnutkitul treatment H.ilf. atarrn Cure. manulaeiurl bv t . i. Cheney Co.. Toledo. Ohio, k" the only C nsiitijininai run" the market. 7t tuiten Interna: y in tiuMS ttim If drop, to a tejnponnlui. It art. 4 'ectly on '.N- hew xd mucu Kitfax- of in gyrtcm. Thry oner 'j aundrr-1 doilani lot iy rare It ail to curt frc ctrrular. aod tMtlt.vwitaW. Addreaa: F. i. CHKNUlf t CO.. Tolsdo. Oil. eokl br PnirsA 7 , FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS 67 Being Constantly Supplied With Thedford'i Black-DraaghU McDuff, Va. "1 suffered for several rears," says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, ol (his place, "with sick headache, and stomach trouble. ' Ten years nqo r. friend told me to Irv Thedford's Black-Draught, which 1 did, and 1 found it to be the best Izmi.j in; cine fcr young and old. I keep Dlsck-Draught on hand all fhe time now, and when my children feel a little bad. they ask me for a desr nd it does Ihcm rrc.rt gco-d than any ii.d:ci:u they ever tnt:i. Wc never hr.ve a lcrs spell rf -;fk-ness in our fan.ily, stcc o ccn;:..i:;.i.td using Dlack-U-ai.r.'it." Tl:edf-)rd :-"fruj;ht is ::z.y vegetable, and has been tound to regu late weak sioriadis, aid digestion, re lieve indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similar symptoms. It has been in constant use for mere (has 70 years, and has benefited nxorc lliao a million people. . Your drupgist sells and rerommends Black-Draught Price only 25c. Get 3 package to-day. k c 13 For Nearly Half a Century Hie Standard of Excellence P1' This record alone i3 convincing vir i r? ii.. ,vw evmence Ui ii; ingii uuainy ui and must give absolute satisfaction. Be If n sure you get m lit' 3 .7- re' .', 91 Iff . fflj "The Kind Thai Lasts" It will save vou many ?. Jil.' ir. i.i-aino it veara longer, covers more surface. looks Letiuir tuunany other paint. sknsfo? il'ustrated bor.Mot, "'Tomes s::d How to Paint 7hm, ' ' a!:o cole r to rd, r write direct to riAiLC-GAl.Laai CO., W.cctl. ijdjTliir. Ey. 11. L MOSELEY HDW. CO. m f r :.s rfs

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