mi: i: 1 :trrr 1 OF LOCAL INTEREST it , , IHlMiN AID WOHKO HERE. Sn, !nl.- j Love. : r i -I'.i.iw:.' f thr ( a I oi.ru. i'ii :.t ' Aid .-'o"i-ty, ' ht-i-o w.ii.-it.J.c fun.Is !'!' wurV. Tin- nn ii ly is nl orytii.K ih:it ml) tMir.ii.'s'- "I ii jin.-'iuT almve h,i . in i ni fir i-cr.i ii t v lie imiil t' - - 1 j those ilciii'nient upon him; n,iti,i,.- tmU lU' ill-.' M-llflllplmll l" I'll iMKM i-aiUtmi. i.nil ;i law prevent m;r buy iii)f.r J i liMMir m-hI in the niii'l-. rK,MO( K Tll STATE 4 II IKM.W (.OKS I IIKOl i if. Hn.T. I. Warren, lu-t.il -f :!. IstmiirralK' patty in the Slav, p.. --.! through 'he city OM Tut".!;.;.' ' r.utu tnwfjivr Hern to Raleigh. "If-, a m-tty fhrtion day," he was tn!d. It omi'thiiiK else Ik-hiiIi s the ueuth r tKat made Chairman Warren feel gMj, however. "We will carry from Hi t $0 counties in North Cutolina," he Kit id. SOME H .VI. LOT. THIS. Jack Kouijlree, formerly of The Free Prefs and now doinir minit -r-i.il vork in AriS..na, nt t' hi fYth-, fi i !'. F. .V. Weylui, a mpy j (,f ;(, ( 1V: .al I :'!" u.--.l in that State j ;. ....! ..f .(., i.-k-1 j , . (, N '.tli '. -'ii a v..l , , .. . ; .t..n. d. th.' A. riJu.i.n fl-ctor. ( i : r (.-I-, t !j a pii.k -heel j ... . ! e-. t:'a .; the f.aw.- .' a!! j I , .:.i'c, f:.r Xa'.-. e,..ii,fy ai.d p."- j 1 ... I i ot.lc -, c " - a: ..mi. ... , . ( - i i .c! : : ai.-l " !C'tiM. i I, i villus in aiii' . etc. en par- 1 t,. . !.;.,! ;! 'i..l..i . ""' i.i Ai i."nu, as ,,,, 1 1, ir.i nit.i'. i n.e.' i !'.'- . ri, S'.na!i-t. ln.i"'t'.'lei,t. In- ,i j , , i. I'i.,i,i! I'm'. i -I ai.il .Nor. I'.i? i -; r; . A : . : . r j . 1 t r ..f '.vi.rnrn v. aiit (,: jl.-, f . :i. ''. Mi-- I.i't".v Ikt-n-U-n-y. v.1.1 i-.ii, f. r i i ictary .f state, and Mi-' Ali'i' Eddy, who was a i.u.'i.i.'.if fur i N'J k i..f tlie court. INLLTKY HLA( KS STOl'I'ED WHEELS OF I'KOtiHESS. IkruuM' the Hpcretary, Mayor F. I. Oration, was r.;(iiiril to he in the City Court at ('ity Hall Tuesday niht, the CInnU-r of (,'omrren o directors were -iil'lled to po.stp.ine their regular tnertifiy. 'lhe trial of neifroen who had br-n summoned for that night ud yneii ho ml until then could not for various reasons he put off. The Iirt-rtor.s are a new board, and have jtt to elect officers, which business will probably bo transacted tomorrow WOMAN DEFENDANT IN SLANDER CASE SICK. Tb case against Raymond Jack aun and his wife, Mrs. Mary Jackson, far lnder of Minn Eunice Heath, a fieqcittor of the defendant's in Vance towB.Aiip, -was continued by Magis trate II. C. V. Peebles at the Court fcuuwe today. Mrs. Jackson was seri ously ill at her home, and the magis trate had a physician to call upon her to ktrrmine if he would be in con dition to j;ive a deposition, mty to morrow. The Jackhons arc alleged to fcsvr related news to the effect that the jrlrl had shown proof in their horn of previous indiscretion. RUSH WORK ON NEW THEATER BUILDING. With the aettlement of the contro versy between a State Insurance De partment official and the architect mvr Che mifety of an interior wall in the building, the constructors of the tbeuter on North Queen street hurrying it to completion. The theater has been planned with a view to haruUomc exterior as well as in terior jimiI comfort for patrons. It will be ime of the handsomest small ptaytttutcit in the State, and will af ford lorul theatergoers the privilege xrf a higher class of attractions than thtjr have heretofore had, the man jigniMuii states. CLWBLKUS lllii 1) IN Ml'NU'll'AL COl'RT. KiTit-ft Ray. .'. J. Smith, Matt. Tkmrfie, Vuiici' J arm an, William Put -rirk. Jolin Anderson, Arch tiutlin, lletmnn Itordtn, l.et.-r Whitl'.eld, IIry l!!iulen iir.d Joseph ISest, till mvr, were tried in City I'ouit on TWstkiy night for gaaiLding in the hiiM f Borden on Tower Hill road rwxfciy iornii:g, before day. Ten of & tff(ieis submitting, were lined fGJf ttch, and Smith, for additional 4 tttmlrt-Iy conduct, $8.!0. (iambling ra sx.it the technical charge, the four ttfltarrB who made the raid being un 1U lo 'produce evidence, so the elev rt were arraigned for disorderly con- url. lu un exchange of shots be- twtvn ju of the nitu litid Policeman ykbmer. Matt. Thorpe was shot in the foot , tRAlS BUTCHER WAS JEALOUS OF NEWSBOY. Hey Oglesby, a half-grown lad. wkw home is in Norfolk, was ar rtUd at the Norfolk Southern depot at H oVIork this morning for kicking Shrrwml Denmark, tn,uh smaller. ORlnUy is a news agent on a train. H u evidently jeulous of the sue aa with which the little fellow wm laevlinx, and ordered him off the train. Oglesby, in his cap and badge and rather ill-fitting uniform, was rkUrainusly officious. Sherwood Den mark, who ignored his order, but took m eiher pains to offend the despot m brats buttons, was kicked severely. The liUks lad cried. Oglesby was re tmhni by bystanders, but became in saHing. A officer took him into cus tJy aaJ he was fined in Municipal Court. THIS KIND OF LABOR IS NOT A SUCCESS. A dozen Russians have quit work for the Kinston Manufacturing Com pany because that was advanced each of them when they were brought here was deducted from their pay. The husky fellows thought it was a bojiu , which the company denied. In the pa.st few months hundreds of for eigners, notably Russians and Ital ians, have been imported to the East Carolina log woods, especially in this vicinity, but in few instances did the Russians remain. They are said by the woods superintendents to be slow, stubborn and easy to offend. The common, every-day, get-drunk-on-Soturday negro is yet the greatest blessing the local lumber industry en joys. Mixing the foreigners with the blacks was not attempted, but the privilege of separate camps and more favors was not appreciated by the disgruntled immigrants. Lumber men say the class of immigration which has been attracted to the tim ber workings can never be satisfac tory. Greeks were tried out in the Standard Oil plant at Belhaven a few years ago, resulting in the first labor riot in North Carolina when 800 of the blacks quit work and shot and wounded fifteen of the sixteen men used in the experiment. w-'xuumiwsi'i':, urn 4 iii'snrrsr :aup'' LfiUNDR D COLLAR and CUFF SETS 50 Cents j Retiingote Coat Suits All Prices' Buster Brown Hosiery. O. N. T. Cotton 6 for 25c. Chas, A. Waters 1 he Telephone Store Phone No. 89 Bank Your Money I Do not hide it in the old blue chest, old stockings and jug, where it is very liable to be stolen, burned or destroyed. Deposit your money with us, and use checks to pay bills. : : : BOSTON TO HAVE FINEST ANIMAL HOSPITAL, Boston, Nov. 4. With the opening of the Angell Memorial Hospital next month the Massachusetts S. P. C. A', will give Boston the most up to date hospital in the world for taking care of the ills of every sort of animal from bird to hcrse, declared local vet erinaries today. The building adjoins the Harvard Medical School. AT SKINNER'S IffTr We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Son "Wc Strive to Please" Farmers & Merchants Kinston, N. C. We Carry The Royal "Perfectin Every Detail." J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store Kid Glovesi BLACK, WHITE, FANCY STITCHED, c r : TAN, GRAY, BLUE AND BROWN. Let Us Supply You. Barrett & Hartsfield KNIT GOODS Sweaters Toques Aviation Caps I Infant's Sacques Novelty Hoods 1 Fascinators PettiCoats Bath Cloths Underwear i A SOLID CARLOAD of iron beds arrived yesterday. Such values in guaranteed beds have never been shown in Kin ston. The finish of every bed is perfect, the construction is ex cellent, and the prices are at least 10 to 20 per cent, lower than beds of such quality are usually sold for. : : : : " " i -1 m mi CASH STORE g; i Oettinger's Furniture Store I A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 ? Prep. Dr. O. L. WILSON Dentist Office over J. E. Hood & Co'i Store. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD LOANS NEGOTIATEED Now Occupying New Office one Ddor East of The Post Office Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. PHone 182 C. Oettinarer. Mar. Edwin ClapD. Fiorsheim, Kneeland, SHOES FOR MEN Who care forStvle aswll as Qua'lity-they are the lead ers in stvle for Men's Font. wear cvervthinff that is new . - ..v .. . : in shoes you will lind it here in all shapes and color. May Manton, Julian Kokenge, Shoes for Ladies. Style, Quality and Fit guaran teed. Will appreciate your look ing them over before buying else where, for I can save you money. Mark Cummings "The Home of Quality" Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon , Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m 3 to 5 p. m. 8 to 9 p. m. Phones: Office, 478 Res. Phone 113 Invigorating to the Pale end Sickly The Old Standard general strcnheninK tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria. enriches the blood. and builds up ttesy tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. c- CASTORIA Far Infants and Children When You Buy a Chalmers , You Buy More Than Just a Car Into every Chalmers car we build goes the spirit of the Chalmers Fac toryan ideal of hifh quality at a fair price. Every essential part of Chalmers cars is built in the Chalmers shops by Chalmers trained men. Each part is not only fine in itself; it carries its maker's pride in his workmanship. For the Chalmers Factory provide every essential of fine production I it The buildings themselves are big, modem and light. The Factory is surrounded by wide lawns dotted 'with' shrubs and flowers. It is a pleasant place to work. - , 2nd. Chalmers men know when they enter the factory that the best materials and most up-to-date tools will be provided them. And when they leave at night, it is with a sense of having buih as well as human skill can build. 3rd. Chalmers workmen know that the ambition of the Chalmers Com pany is not for mammoth volume or quick profits, but rather for sufficient volume to give quality at medium prices, for a product of such excellence that Chalmers cars shall be always first among cart of their prices. 1915 "Light Six" $1650 1915 "Master Six" $2400 j Fully equipped, f. to. k 'Detroit Chalmers Motor Co. Detroit, Michigan I D I All Coat Suits Reduced ALL $25 AND '530 SUITS 522.50 I B; I it i. I that -i mm mm TOOL CABIME7S f if5 -un .v. e;.eu a ,e 'i too's fcrthehorftcorhrm pieca by piec . . te ,,,re 01 .uvir.spst the tool neOessarv, select ona ct t!B Xeen kuurt i r,nl r-k;.,... i-l . m i wv4 v men uuwui navQ i sood a set of tooli, kept in as good condition, u tha x;v?rt too! uer. Erery tool belongs t0 tne famoul Kcca K..er brand, iKi U sharpened, tested, inspect ana guaranted per--Vt before it is sent out. Xeen Kutter Tool Cabinets are the only Ones mad conta!. nig a set of tools under ore name, trademark and 18.00 ALL 517.50 SUIIS 15.00 ALL 12.50 SUITS 10.1 0 TERMS CASH -; , G. L: Ext Uto For Over 30 Years Kornegay iUwap mots H:E. MOSELEY HARDWARE CO.. SKtr of x