,C EE. -PRESS .jj Except Sunday 'fiiicoS IXC in TF.D KKPORT3 j,- All Pepwtments 7f TJIONE . uEsrEimo.vjJXTES . , ,! ; , Months, l E- . Mo..h. ft Xtrd.j Eix, Xtmkr T, W I ' Th scW' of'tW tin moving plctur. eWram., Will now h.v. to U dhiptcd fmm, Arizona foi j . along with Colorado, Oregon and i Wellington. ; : - -.' 1"1, 1 - r . iSijt'Ute.,hU prohibition election Urt Twf lay nd Voir U them w-nt v dry according to Into r.turns, al though the W in Itom.' wM pretty tlow,' Four out of six U not a di. cmirsflug , prwportloh.1 It nigh Ljin .rt ' .njl 0e ratio i I msiiiuirutdtfw dry"1 column will ht I fluid allright, ' . . 1 '-' The ttWitHXt f presidents and two it.piuli in MmIco uggesU . so I lution of th Mxican situation. Vh i not; count B of th preHidentiiil aspirants and ptovide a presidential S chair ana cpit.l fr wh ""e' .1 ! 4 'matter of iinrtln,ty . whethei ! such Vplan would satisfy the var!ou I ."cckm but then It might be tried I . It'js gratifying' to notehat the f tity anthorites r preparing to cur 1 thll the bicycle riding on the side I walk of the clty If ft were not fot 1 the irresponsible .ml', utterly Indif f ferent memper(: boys, the liahilit I of iccMfnt would much less, but with Wm turned loow.o. the aide 1' walk to ride at hn-ak-neck po' tlnre in" ftlwayn danger of children b fag run dowJ .ml wrioubly hurt and othnrV aa well. " The new Jaw should i 'rigidly enforcwd. ; ThejreeiiFboro Daily ewa thinkr the tit-feat of the British fleet of crul-" Hit off .the South AroeriAi cM-tt 4y . RUperior Gerniun fltt was md ptiiwiLle by the ow-wtimato of the fjrititth of their e.-ffghting ability, and that this war evidenced by th fart that Admiral 'Craddot-k deliver . . atcly erched out and gave Imttle , to a auperior floet, The meagre ac count or at leant the - German ac counta, aa there, kh-oi to be no Rrit iah . left to toll the tale, would hardly justify the conchisinii of our twmed contemporary,, mt It ir rather made to apppar thotthe ap proach of the Oermnn fleet wan un expected and th two original . Iirit ' iher engaged made an effort to get 1 , to cover and were headd tiff by the faster German ship. At any rate we do not concur in the opinion that Admiral Craddock displayed any ro'klMnesa or other evhlence of hi unfitneM In ,the fircumtancet), an they, have been, reported. !, Hundreds of imiUtionrf' liave come and gone mwtf FoIey'K Honey and Taf .Compound liegan 40 yettrw agu --to loosen the grip of .ctiughn and cold.' You ran not gel a aubatitute to d6 for you what Foley's Honey and Tar ' Compmuid will do for coughs colds, croup, bronchial affec Vonn, la grippe coughs, and tickling throat, ttuy it t( your druggist and feel af. I. R. HotNi A t'o. udv. TRV.THIS FOR UI R COIT.H. : ( iThouaanda of people keep coughing became unable to get the right rem. dy. Cough are caused by influmma. tion of Throat and Umcbial Tubeii. What you need in to soothe this In. flammatinn. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, it penetrates the delicate mueooa Jining, raisea the Phlegm . and quickly relieve the congested membrane.. Get a 6(V bottle f Mini your drugging, -Dr. King's New JMs. ' Povery quickly and completely xtop ped my eough,"write J. R, Watts. JTIoydaK Tenas. Money back if not satisfied but it newly always helps. ' ' . (adv.) M.05 RICHMOND VA AND RE TURN VIA TOE ATLANTIC COAST USE. the Standard Rail road aT the South. Southern Medi- ' cal Cosventioa. -Tickets on sal November 6, 7, 8, limited to reach original starting point prior to midnight of November 2. 1914. ; :. T. C WHITE, , G. P. A, Wilmington, N. C, W. J. CRAIG, Ti't. Traf. i:T WUmington, N. C WOODEN CABS, ; . ' ' y MUST G0.7 A few wtsek go a committee, of negro cltiwiu waited on the Corpor ation 'CoinminMim and aked that the i railroad be nnjuirml to fuminh eoual accommodation for their race with that funiinhed the whit, people. The principal complaint ,wm on the alleged claim that aid wooden rsir were um-I for the a"oir.molutiim of the coloretl fKiople, and these were lamiwiched in U'tweea heavier and more Hulisumtial Kteet cars, which practice miide it much' more ha.urd oub for thos who rode in the wooden sari. There iit little room for urtfu meiit on the tiueation.' It stands to reason that if full pay is ex. ii l, full erviee KhouUI lie given. Theie is an. ther phase f thin matt. r, however, which it in well enoug'b to conNider, ml that in, ithould the imlroada make up a train by placing t h- ild wooden sht-JU lietwecii a hratvy engine and big itring of irteel curt? The annwvr patent- it Khould not be dime whether the wooden nr in cjuettfon in for the aecomniodiniion of puH!n ttem or trainmen, who hy the wuy, value their live nR much an anybtMly e!e and who are entitfc'il to as much protection. The nulr"nadH ni rem edying the situation by negrtea, but the wooden epreM and mujl car an well the wooden pasdenxer eoacn ghould 1 consigned to th wrap heup or clue its ue rcatrictetl to a solid train of wooden earn. HARVARD MEETS PRINCETON TODAY New York, Nov. 7. The fihitrf in terest in the foothall games today ;enters around the big fight at Cnm bridgo between Harvard and 3'rinie ton. Both teams are eontemVur for the championship title, and lifrth hav made fair records in the gameK against the so-called weuker teams. A minor giune which is extMctud to be an exciting one is that between Washington and Jefferson and the University' of Pittsburgh at Pitts burgh, fnr.ach team hn accomplish ed wonders against the hig elevens. Other Important games scheduled for today are: F.ast : ' Carlisle vs. Holy Cross at Worces ter. ; Cornell vs. Franklin and Marshall at Ithac. Dartmouth va. Tufts at Hanover. Yala va.s Brown at New Haven. Syracuse vs. Rutgers at Syracuse. West: Indian, vs. Ohio State at Indian apolis. Northwestern vs. Iowa ( Evan- ton. Purdue Vi fich Aggies .t Lnfu; ette, Wisconsin vs. Minnesota at Min neapolis. ?U.KS Cl RED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you suffer from bleeding, itch rig, blind or protruding Piles, send ne your address, and I will tell you low to cure yourself at home by the lew absorption treatment; and will tlso send sonic of thia home treat went free for trial, with reference from your own locality if requested. Osera report Immediate relief and ipcedy cures, Send no money, but. .ell others of this offer. Write today jo Mrs. M. Summers, Dame, I ml. Box P, Notre (advt.) J icn Lessons Come Easier TF the child has a bisr, jrcnerous light to study by. The J&yb LAMP saves eye strain. It is kerosene light at its best clear, mellow, and un flickering. The RAYO does not smoke orsnielh It is easy to light, easy" to clean, and easy to rewick. The RA YO costs little, but you cannot get a better lamp at any price. STANDARD OIL COMPANY w..n..n,.D.c (NEW JERSEY) BALTIMORE .Va. I3F IN ROYAL BAKfHG POWDER WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN SERTION I MINIMUM 15 CENTS Phone 312 for Nice Pork, Beef and Fresh Sausuge. ll-6-2t-dly Nice Native Beef and Pork at I-ee's Market. Phone ll-2t-dly All I'ork Sausage for Sale at P. A. Hooker's Market. ' ll-4-4t dly Nice Natie Pork and Fresh Sausage at I.ee':i Market, Phone "12. 11-C 2t lly FOR HALE Old Papers, suitable for kindling (ires these cool mornings, 5c u package. Free Press. 9-H-Lf (HANtiE IN LIBRARY HOI KS. Ileginning Monday, the Public Li brary will In- o-i! from l!:-0 until .":.",() p. m. daily. NOTICE See L. O. Cross if your Piano needs tuning. Satisfaction guaranteed. I also 'Sell Hulley and Davis and Conway Pianos. Phone 4X0-L. JO 1U I)SW-tf FOR SALEEixlit-room house with pniitry, water and lights; good lo cation. House of Al material and good workmanship. Sacrifice to quick huyer. Owner leaving city. Address B, care Free Press. 11-2-lwk dly A NEW Protective Undergarment for particular women. No woman should lie without same. Send for catalog. Agents wanted. Territory allowed. Jcbsclyn I. Dunn, State Agent, 11 .10 Taylor St., Columbia, S. C. 11 -15- lwk-dly SPECIAL NOTICE Each lady that calls at our store will be presented with a needlo case, tilled with gold eyed needles as u souvenir, as long as they last. Pianos, Player Pianos and Music, - No. 107' North Queen Street.-' Forrest Smith. lO-'J.'-'Ct-dly THE LENOIR PRESSING ("LIB now occupies new quarters over Cox's Shoe Store, where it is better prepared to do your French Dry Cleaning and all kinds of Pressing Work. E. li. Wells, Prop., Phone 110-1.. 10-L'Oleod-lmo FOR RENT or LEASE One extra good Truck Farm, situated 3 1-4 miles from Mount Olive, the garden spot of North Carolina. Suitable for any kind of crops. Graded schools, best of water, good houses and good roads. For further information, sec or write II. E. Kennedy, care Hart & Harrington, Kinston, N. V. ll-4-:H-dly WANTED At once, solicitors for pleasant and profitable work in th" city and nearby towns. Nice oppor tunity for either men or women. Must be well recommended. Address "On- portunity," care Free Press, Kinston, N. ( . 9-2:-tf. CWtati, N. C. CkwtMtoa. W. V. NOTICE OF PROPOSED GRANT FRANCHISE. Notice is hereby given that appli cation wus duly made to the City Council of the City of Kinston, at it regular meeting on Monday nicht. October flh, 1014, for a giant of franchise or right to use cert a n streets in the said city of Kinston, and to that end a special ordinance wa then and there introduced at the said City Council before the Board of Al dermen, proposing to make a grant of franchise, the full ordinance being hereto attached, and in word- w.i fol low a: The Board of Aldermen of the City of Kinston, North Carolina, do or dain a:t follows: Section 1. That Kinston Manufac turing Co., its associates, sn.-i-cssors and assigns hereinafter called gran tees, be, and hereby are, givi-n anil (fianl.-d full authority, right and franc'iise to locate, con -d nut, main tain and operate tracks, vitchv , turnouts and appurtenances and oth er nppliannes to operate a railroad by .-.team, or other motive power, a a common carrier of freight and pa--sengttrs, or as a switch or special track to connect with other common curriers of freight and passengers, or as n portion thereof, in, through, over, across am) upon those fit reels of the City of Kinston hereinafter pcci(i cally mentioned, and no other.,, nn ! in the manner for the term, or to'-rns. and upon the conditions hereinafter provided, and under the regulations fully and ppeeilically set out in thi. f rnnchise. Sec. 2. The course of said railroad track or switch showing the portions of the streets to be used is as fol lows: Betrlnnintr at a point in the Atlan tic Coast Line Railroad on liright street, between Queen and Heritage streets that will make a nrncticn railroad curve across the corner lol known as the old elect.-ic light plant out. on to Heritage street possibly and thence south on Heritage street across Shine street us far as is neces sary to make connection with Kin ston Manufacturing Company mid Nouse river, so as to use not to ex ceed 150 feet on Bright street, so running from the AtlnntH Const Line Railroad, and not to exceed 7ii0 feet on Heritage street running across Shine street, in the manner above set out. But it is specifically understood that the Board of Aldermen of the City of Kinston reserves the right as a board or tb rough a committee, to pass up on the manner in which said truck or switch shall be laid to accomplish the purpose herein granted, and the grantees shall submit the actual plans or man and survey thereof for such tracks, to said Board of Aldermen, or ifcs duly authorized committee for approval, before proceeding with the work, and the said Board of Alder men or its committee reserves to it self and shall have the right to make requirement:-, changes and regula tions which mav be for the benefit of he City of Kinston and the public advancement. Sec. 3. That the grantees herein may build and erect such warehouses, depots, sheds and other buildings or appliances necessary for the purpose of operating a railway system or using the rights herein granted as a switch, side track or special track, as they shall deem best, and maintain such stopping places as the business necessities of individuals or corpora tions in the City of Kinston may re quire, and they .-hall have the right to cross any sidewalk herein men tioned, and no others, with the track of the railroad, and they shall have the right to cross any sidewalk or side walks necessary for the purpose I of-mgrc?-! and egress into and from suuT'ljtiildings ami appliances herein mentioned, or to any other house or I buildings owned or built by the gran tees and used for the purpose of ope rating said railroad, or in connection therewith, provided, however: that no building shall I erected in the fire limits of said city which will violate the regulations thereof, and provided further, that the right to cross the sidewalks of said city as herein set out, shall not be used to obstruct the free passage of persons along said sidewalks, and in any way endanger the travelers thereon. , Sec. 4., That the grantees herein shall, within two (2) years from the date hereof, begin the construction of the said railroad r switch, and there after continue said construction to completion so that within three (3) years from the date hereof the same shall be in actual use, cither as a common carrier of passengers and freight connected with other common carriers of freight and passengers, or as switch or side track so connect ed with some other common, carriers of freight and passengers, and shall continually thereafterwarda be used and operated during th existence ol this francbtse and it Is expressly pro vided that should said grantees fail to begin said construction within the said two (2) years or fall to prose, cute the same, as herein required, or fail to have in operation at th ex piration of three (3) years from the date hereof, railroads using said track or switch herein mentioned for some of the purposes herein set out, then and in such event, this franchise shall be forfeited. Provided the Board of Aldermen of the City of Kinston, for a good cause shown, shall have the power to extend the time for the construction, completion and opera tion of same, and provided further, that no forfeiture shall be declared for any failure on the part of the rid grantees, due to causes beyond 1 heir control, and provided further. 1 hat should said grantees fail at any lime after the expiration of said 'hree (3) years to maintain saul t:ys tLiii for any of the purposes herein mentioned for a longer period at any one time of more than one (1) year, hey i-hall forfeit the franchise here in granted, und the same shall ! deemed abandoned, null arid void, u'-.d of 1:0 effect, but it is expressly un derstood and provided that the time when such grantees are prevented om such operation by reasons of causes beyond their control, or legal proceedings, shall not be counted against them in calculating the time, and it is further expressly provided that upon any forfeiture or abandon ment of this franchise, said grantees Khali be entitled within six (G) months thereafter to remove any rails, prop erty and implements located, erected ,r constructed by thern hereunder, and shall leave the portions of said streets so occupied by them in as rood condition as those portions of the streets adjoining same, and ' not occupied by them. And it is further "pressly provided that the Board of Mde: mi n of the City of Kinston may. hi iinv lime, or from time to tim:-. .v ! 1 ho time within which said im iViui.o may be incurred, as in their discretion may be deemed advisable. Sec. 5. That the said grantees arc hereby empowered to make excava tions, and to do such grading and snch work as jnay be necessary to lay the tracks of .said railroad upon the streets of said city herein mentioned, and for the purpose of erecting and maintaining such appliances as may be necc-ssory for the operation of said lailroad system, all said tracks n'id appliances to be placed and erected in such streets, and in such places, and in such manner as may bo agreed roaid of Aldermen of said city, pro- ided that said grantees shall not. uu-nee-e ;a ily keep any section Of said streets torn up or obstructed jn the construction of said railroad track, or other appliances, in connec tion there with for any unrea sonable length of time, provided, further, that said grantees .shall re pair all of said streets and sidovulks so excavated, torn up, or in any vi.-e affected, and place the same in us good condition as they were prior to such excavation of the same. .rd for the faithful performance of the conditions of this section, tho said grantees, their successors and as signs shall tile with the clerk of the city of Kinston a good and sufficient bond in the sum of five thousand dol lars (? "i.OOO.OO) to be. approved by the mayor and city attorney, which raid bond shall protect said city against damages, from any negligence and carelessness on the part of .said grantees, their successors and as signs in carrying into effect the pro visions of this section, the said bond to be discontinued when sufficient tracks are laid and operation begin. And the said grantees, their success- i ors and assigns shall be responsible i for all damages to persons or proper-1 ty due by the carelessness or negli- i gence of said grantees, their succes's- ors or assigns, on account of which j judgments may be obtained against' the City of Kinston or responsibility against said city. ; Sec. fi. The tracks of said railroad The Mafienai Bank "TRE OLDEST AND or switch shall be so constructed and laid as, not to obstruct the free flow of watej across 4he street and down the gutters thereof, and in laving he same, the said grades shall con form to the grades of tho streets herein mentioned, which they arc au thorized to use, as the same now or hereafter may be established, end when changes of grade are necessary, permission: shall be cbtained . from the Board of Aldermen to iruiko same, and in case of changes in the grade of said streets after the said tracks sre laid, said grantees at their own expense, shall conform to the portion of the street occupied by them and one (1) foot on each side of the rail to the new grade, the space between the tracks and one (1) foot on each side of the track shall be kept in good )idcr anil condition at the cost and i.xpense of said grantees, so that the portions of the streets occupied by the tracks may be safe and conven ient for the travelers on foot or with i' pon between said grantees and the trains, carts, carriages, and vehicles at all times, and so that the same hall at all times be level With the street upon which they are laid, and f, at any time hereafter any street upon which said grantee may lay (racks shall be paved by the City of Kinston, the said grantees shall pave with brick or other proper material to be approved by the City of Kin-.-.ton, between the rails, and one (1) foot on each side. Sec. 8. That the said grantees -hall safeguard all constructions made by them on any street herein men tioned, und keep the same in proper condition upon modern and improved principles at all times. Sec. 8. This franchise, and the 'ights and privileges herein granted -hall be continued for a period of iwei-.ty years, provided, however, that 'he Board of Aldermen may extend same, if it deem proper, upon appli cation made after the expiration of J t'ie said twenty years. ! See 9. That the grantees shall ' have the right to haul, convey and ! ieliver passengers and freight of all j i '-idn for hire and do a general .-.vvitching business over the tracks to :ic erected hereunder, or to connect with or become a part of other rail road systems which are common car tiers of passengers and freight of all kinds. Sec. 10. The Board of Aldermen expressly reserve for the benefit of the City of Kinston tho full right, power and authority to make such reasonable and legal regulations, or to pass such reasonable and legal or dinances during the existence of this franchise, which may affect the said grantees and the operation hereunder as may be deemed right and proper to the public good, and not' inconsist ent with the objects and purposes herein granted, and this franchise is granted upon the conditions that such right and power is reserved unto tho ki To see MR. E.J. OECTON and MR. W. B. DOUGLAS or MR. J. T. COMSTOCK For Particulars Concerning the Next BIG LAND SALE VERY EASY TERMS Small Farms Cut Out the W. B. BECTON FARM. EVionday, November 16th FREE BARBECUE DINNER 11 A. M. : WORLD'S FAMOUS AUCTIONEERS BURTON REALTY COMPANY 01 .V v- 'A A it..'.. ' 4 J, . -v WILSON, v -f 1 2j.' STRONGEST BAtiK l!l Retailing: Shoes of Quality is My $ Business';; The choicest creations f the world's best shoemakers are here or you to irispect and buy; I am not tied to any one. con cern but select my shoes from the best lines that oflet me .the greatest value for my ' money and in this way I am placed in position to 'offer1, you the very newest styles that are to be had. It will be a pleasure to me to show you whether you intend buying . or hot, for seeing is believing. My shoes for men, women and children are the best-there is none bet ter. Come look and buy- - you won t regret it. .. Mark Cummings "The Home of Quality" Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Sursreon 4 Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 3 9 to 11 a. m Phones: . I 3 to 6 p. m. Office, 478 3 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 IRA M. HARDY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon . Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 507; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street . hve F-ht, Nose and Throat Dint-asa Tieated. Dr. O.L. WILSON Dentist Office over J. E. Hood & Co's Store. CHICHESTER S PILLS r. THK MAMO!VI liilAXD. a yc3rsknowna3lJc!lt.Satat.A!inrcltelil.l r SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERVlVHERf said City of Kinston to be exercised, by it through its Board of Aldermen, or jther officers or local authorities, W. B. COLEMAN, Clerk. 0:t , 1914. m SS '!"l-clK.trlluiionrilronilV iMC-Ji ''His m ll.-il H i UoM iiK-ulliAV " v -Tvb3 I-..XM. tcaic l with Iilue K. I4x)0. V 'T 8 SW) 3 ake n llir. Ilor or Tiur V : I IW llrtifMri,. AsW fntf Ul.41lll.'ii Wtm a .Sk I.c.llCf.l Ant T-urlruii.ilhr A MOT FAflfi. N. C. i f itinsfon REAT v PROGRESS HAS BEEN 33 MADE I in business methods, and this bank has kept pace with them. " While conservative in the interest of SAFETY, our equipment and busi nes s methods are modern. Let us do business together to our mutual advantjjgeJ Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $90,000.00 THE C01I1ITY." j u V. i.- th-' 1 th' :'