IZ.MOX JLADIX CBOWO. 112 ' rAILY - FREEf PRESS; fviioK .rnf Dax Except s; U" uwt. Depart- wU I!'- - ment of the American Federation of MX'STON FKEE I'RESS tX- INjt., in Mkon i Hula.lelphia, Sal , IL GAIT BRAXTON' . urdaty, went on record a opKhd to Edi and Maaafrr : j prohibition, holding ly reaolution iT.jT--' - tflQMta. North CmIIm, J UNITED I'RESS KEPOBTS ,TiErHpNSAn Departments 76 , SUBSCRIPTION SATES " (Payaile in Advance) i Week, lOe. 1 Month 15 WHAT OTHERS SAY I Months, 1 12 Months, $4 ; After an absence of some days Old 'Mm Jack Front, is reported to be on the return trip. Th.e coolinf breetes k. flutter of hU wines arc 1IVH1 aw s r already noticealle ami a conniderable drop In the temperature tonight it to ' be looked for. , " 1 One of the delegates to the Niag- are Peace Conference" from Mexico is reported to have been cast into prl ; on;' the' newly elected provisional ' president hi also detainod behind the Lars, but derieral Fred. Furtston says ' there fa ne unusual excitement near ' Vera Crus. ' This ut about the final analysia of the ' Mexican situation. There Ut nothing out of the ordinary or that land of perpetual rebellion. .The 'FHef to Phoenix auto death defying race starts today. The cam will have to traverse , Death Valley and cross the desert. A purse of $2,000 or more is to be given the win ' ner., Th$ various plana, for courting death, which are hatched up are real ly remarkable, and when they are sue- , mfful, ue vmimt are reierrea io as . heroes, etc, Jut a modern applica tion of the principle of the gladiator ial contests. ' ! i The Rockefeller I Foundation has taken further charge of the relief work for ' starvlnf - non-eombatant Belgians, and announcea that it will arrange for the free transportation of alt food stuffs ;anfr other necessi ties cfmtributed., The further sug ; gestlon is made that money and non perishable supplies be forwarded to the Rockefeller Institution in New York, and the hsfry food tuif will be purchased bjrtha' Jeeiitrai com mlltee, in which way . It is thought wn oeiur prices on jin average can be gotten, ' Help the helpless. : ' The reports, both from German and Allied sources would tend to indicate that Germany had suffered at leant temporary reverseson, both her war aones. The Allies claim that vary decided advantages have been gained and the Germans, while disputing that any general retreats have been ordered, admit that "for strategical reasons" their troops have had to abandon certain positions. It has been very clearly njiown that the French soldier in abot as good as they make 'em; the Ruaslan, close at home, ia a much better fighter than the Japanese thought him to be; there is certainty no discount on the brav ery and ability of the Belgian and the English and .German aoldiers have sustained their reputations for courage. There la no disparagement of the fighting boy a. and as far at they are concerned the, light could be called a draw without injustice to any. Hon. Jotdah William Bailer, the rhairman of the Amendment cam palgn committee, in answering an ed ftvrial in the Charlotte Observer in an, article appearing in the' Raleigh News and Observer Sunday morning, says that the daily papers haven't published the returns and that he has had to go down in his pocket to get them. He includes Lenoir as one of the counties from which no report has been made. In this connection let it be known that The Frew Press pub lihhed the unofficial figures, including all but a small township, in its Wed eday issue.1 These figures were furnished by the County Chairman nd were Ml for and 191 against the Amendment. The official figum did not materially differ from thee. In loir the Taxation Amendment re ceived more adverse votes than any of the others, and that carried over whelmingly, the vote (official) being for and X62 agamst. lavtsoretlag t tb Pato u4 sickly KOVK S 1 ATKIa chill Tk.MC .uiivMoa '' " Ut uuMd.aM blkta pllMar '. a... a4 uuWi x THANK YOU. (Snow Hill Square Deal) The Kinston Free Press, one of the that the principle involved waa in K.v puouc.... --, contradicUon to the American idea of food m tasiern wrouna, - . roUle. There waa a time, (that increased demands of a greatly grow. w. !rore thev had tried it) when ing patronage and demand for even .mnlover. of labor were bitter- greater achievement and modern im ly opposed to prohibition, for they provementa and investments which . .... I Ml eVltM V warn OmoB rAfnntsta Mid. "we are nnable to keep skiuea . . . r labor on our rolla in a prohibition and ready paper as the whole State n tvi. ... n-rtirularl true of North Carolina may be proud to wevsea " W w I in the case of the steel and iron in-1 call iU own, dustrr. and few years ago when a I It has Just InsUlled a G,500 per. orohibition ne-ht was on in Alabama fecting printing press with a capacity r.,iir.iu .11 th. hir steel, iron and of four thousand papers per hour. coal ooeratora were opposed to the The plant was installed by Mr, .holUhment of the saloon. The I B. Taylor, erector for R. Hoe and Co. Mrv. nr.nil.id and when another ' New York, and is a perfect aystem ramn.len was launched four years of up to date press machinery; h whirh th. -weu- cam back The editor of The Free Press, Mr. -1 in some localities, the big industrial leaders were numbered among the tstaunchest supporters of the cause of temperance. They had discovered that their miners did not lay out three or four days following each pay day in drunken carousals, the homicides were practically eliminated and the Ht'l worker were not so hard to control hecauxe of the restriction on ntrong drink. The atory is told of the Irishman who was endeavoring to explain to hi countryman, who hod but recently net foot on American Mil, jut what was meant by u free country. He said: "Now, Mike, it is Just like thin, you can xhnke your tint and wave your arms all you want to, so long as they do not come in contact with some other fellow's noee, ! for when that happens it ia a matter of doubt whether you are in a free country or not." That U Just the idea 1 in the restriction of the sale of liquor I and other factors detrimental to so ciety. The United States Constitu tion guarantees freedom to every man but it restricts that freedom so that it must not trample the rights of oth ers. The people are within their God-given and man-given rights when they say evil influences shall be restricted and the Union mM crowd are wrong. H. Gait Braxton, it largely responsi ble for this remarkable growth in our esteemed contemporary's subscrip tion lists and patronage. Editor Braxton has brought mod ern business methods and thrift into the Free Press, together with the rec ognized genius of the born newspa per man. The Free Press will come out a seven-colun afternoon paper. Daily press dispatches are taken and a force of ready correspondents will represent it in the centers which may be of interest and concern to the paper's readers. We congratulate Editor Braxton and The Free Press Company and its energetic praident, Mr. N. J. Rouse in giving to Kinston and tho State of North Carolina such an uble advocate of Curolinn, in all its section, as The Kinston Free Press. NATIONAL EXPKRTS APPOINTED TO STAFF OF CHILDREN'S HL'REAU " , Wanhlngton, Nov. Announce ment nas just been made or the ap pointment of three experts on the Haff of the Children's Bureau of the Department of Labor. They are des ignated as expert on sanitation, sta tistical expert, and social service ex- ert, and are to have charge of divi sions in the Bureau working along 'Jieie various lines. The expert on sanitation, Dr. Grace L Meigs, is a native of Illin6is, a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and 3t Rush Medical School (University of Chicago). She has done post-grad-late work in foreign hospitals under uch children s specialists as Profes sor V. Pirquet of Vienna, Prof. Fln- .telstein of Berlin, and Prof. V. Bo- ay of Budapest. Frank S. Brown, the new statisti cal expert, a graduate of Dartmouth College, has been connected since 1004 with the MaSBachurtctt Bureau of Statistics. Miss Emma O. Lundberg, the new ly appointed social service expert, is t graduate of the University of Wis sonsin, and Is especially well qualified to take up this phase cf the bureau's work, through courses in child prob lems at the New York School of Philanthropy and the Chicago of Civ ics and Philanthropy, and by resi dence in various social settlements I Denison House In Boston, the Collesre Settlement in New York, and Chica go Commons in Chicago in addition to professional work in this field. FARMER, LOSING HAND IN MACHINi; WAS NERVY. Snnford, Nov. H. -While C. II. Smith, of this place, was assisting his men with hi. shedding machine at hix farm, four tnile north of town, Saturday afternoon, his left hand was caught in the shredder, pulling his arm into the machine and holding him fast to th faehine, which had to be taken to pieces before he could be released. Mr. Smith displayed wonderful nerve while pinned In the machine ond fve instructions to men trying to release him, ,also in advising with physieitina ns to cutting his arm be low lh eIboWi,tu, -savo the tetter use fulness of tho nrm. Unccda Biscuit Nourishment fine fla . - Tor purity crispncsi " wholesomeness. All for 5 cents, in the moisture-proof package. Graham Crackers A food for every day. Crisp, delicious and strengthening. Fresh baked and fresh de livered, xo cents. Li ! Report of the Condition of m KATiom mi if mm No. 901 at Kinston, I J tha State of North Car olina, at the close of business Oct. Slat. 1914.-: V MceuUttt'Ui. . . . Loans and Discounts U06.750.9l Overdrafts secured, ana un secured .. - H, llMJ.l I U. 8. Bonds to secure circula tion...- - .25,000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds... 960.00 Bonds, securities, etc., 50,000.00 Stock ia Feeeral Reserve Banks, 1,500.00 Banking House, furniture and fixtures 50,198.66 Due from national banks, not reserve aeents 53,295.94 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies, and Saving Banks 2,602.14 Due from approved reserve agents 82,297.31 Checks and other cash Items 3,598.67 Nous of other natlooal banks 14,410.00 Fractional paper currency. nickels and cents 402.39 Lawful Money Reserve In bank, vis: Specie...-... 128,532.0") Legal-Tender Notes 13,500.00 32,082.05 liedemption fund with U. S. - Treasurer 5 percent of circu lation 1,250.00 Total '. 737.604.38 UABIUTIKS. Capital stock 100,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 42,140.06 Nat'l Bank notes outst'd'g 24,500.00 individual Deposits subject to check 244,093.87 Demand Certificates of De posit 173,615 Casbier'schecksoutstandiDg 754.4H Notes and Bills rediacounted 17.500.0H Bills payable 86,000.00 I A delightful nrv cuit, with ; r :h delicious cote v vor. Crhp a fresh, to certs. Reliability and Reputatirr ; ;Wleii a retailer has built lip an enviaile ' : reputation for care, accuracy and honesty, .t H f 1 ; in dealing withjthe public, that retauonf ; re-acts powerfully to the benefit of the i " patrons of the firm. People unconsciously , assume that our reputation is made, but, we are always on the defensive in seeing tha i ',: this element of accuracy and reGabilifir- which has been won, is made more efficient y by careful and painstaking watchfulnes'f C QUALIT Y FURNITURE FOR THE HOME ' ' ft IMJ NATIONAL mCU-.l COMPANY Always liok for that Nanc Cures Old Soros, 0 tfOT Rem diss Won't CutJ. The rort cane,, no mutter n( how loot itndinr. re cnrcil by the vouderful, old tellable (jr. Portei' Antt-'tic HrUn Oil. It relieve! Painsnil Heals at the Lime. 2hc.HK, 11.00 Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next tn" Lenoir Drug Co. Oflice hours: 0 to 11 a. m Phones: 8 to 5 p. m. Office, 47? 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 Total 737,04.38 State of North Carolina, (ountv of Le noir, ss: I, J. J. Stevenson, Cashier of tne above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be- lei. J. J. Stevenson. Cashier. SuhBcribed and sworn to before me ttimiuu day orov., 191-1. L. I. Mewborn, .Notary I'ohlie. My commission expires Sept. 10 1915. ! f 'orrect Attest: I'. V. IMXOS, V. ('. I-'lKI lirt, R. C. Si'ROMi. Directors NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore composed of Samuel Spence and L. K. Woden, do ing business in the City of Kinston, under the firm name of Kinston Vul canizing Company, was, on the 3li,t day of October, 1914, dissolved, and that on and after said date the sa d business will be conducted by S .mud Spence alone, and L. K. Woot. will no longer be a partner therein, and will not be responsible for any debts and liabilities of said partnership. All amounts due unto said partner ship may be paid Samuel Spence. This the second day of November, 1914. L. K. WOOTEN. SAMUEL SPENCE. 11 3 10 17-24-dly NEW MEXICAN PRESIDENT ARRESTED BY GEN. VILLA New York, Nov. 8. Gen. Eulalio liutterrez, elected president of Mex ico at the Aguas Calientes conven tion, has been imprisoned by Gener al illa, according to a telegram made public here tonight The same agency last night announced Gutter- re had repudiated the acts of the eonvention. The telegram did not say where the new president had been captured or where he was incarcerated. The reaMon for his xeuure and confine ment, the message said, was that he refused to be dominated by Villa's demands. TELEGRAPH MANAGER ACCIDENTALLY KILLED. Fayettevile, Nov. 8. Walter Hall, tnanager for Postal Telegraph Com pany, ia Elisabethtown, Bladea coun ty, waa killed by the accidental die- barge of bis own gun while hunt. ing yesterday afternoon. Ha died at t 'dock this aornlnf. , , Children Ory 3A3XORIA Poor little kid. He could not help it That measly little ash pan. Hot as blazes and too small to hold a day's ashes. He never would have had such bad luck with a Cole's Hot Blast Range It has a great, big, generous pan, twice the size of other makes holds 24 hours' ashes easily. Another thing it fits up tight under the "clean -out" door, and no soot can be raked out on the floor not a oar ticle. rc Come in and examine this modern and perfect range. It has a dozen other special economies and conveniences that will please you. Burns any fuel v inl' IRA M. HARDY, M. D Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 607; Office 479. 102 Weat Caswell Street Eye. Er,Noo and Thnwt Diaeue. Treated. mw rvx it An a w n iliMiKAPilb Ur ALL hmvd, " ' REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND S0lD a' LOANS NEGOTIAfl Now Occupying New Office one Door East of The Post OfEci Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. mf Phone 182 ' C. Oettinger, Mjr. COTTON SEED PRODUCT The best known feed for all stock is cot ton seed meal and hulls. We offer special v inducements to all those who will raise stock on an enlarged scale in this section. We are in the market for cotton seed , at the highest cash prices, or liberal ,cxvJ change of cotton seed meal for.-secd. When ready to dispose of cotton sced or when in the market for anything in our ; ' line, we shall be glad to quote prices upon? , application. We are now prepared to furnish best grade or both hard and soft coal. -r Lenoir Oil & Ice Company ! Kinston. -:- N. .' BQ WOT FML Dr. O. L. WILSON Dentist Office over J. E. Hood & Co'a Store. CHICHESTER S PILLS I..dlml A.k lour lru,:tfl,t f,T . !Ji':'e' "liiiiiona TlrmndAX 1111. In l:, d .,a liuJa nitlUicVV Take a. olhtr. llnT at jnr V ll llNt IIKAMt 11 if i- i? Tra ma M Beit, Sifat, j l w,ys Rcllat .h SAID B)f DRL'GGiSTS VERVlVtlERE To see MR. E. J. B EC TON and MR. W. B DOUGLAS or MR. J. T. COMSTOCK . For Particulars Concerning the Next BIG LAND SALE VERY EASY TERMS Small Farms Cut Out the W. B. BECT0N FARM. Monday. November 16th FREE BARBECUE DINNER 1 A. M. WORLD'S FAMOUS AUCTIONEERS r BURTON REALTY COMPANY WILSON, N. C jpThe National Bank off Winston I Jl 'al ia"" Ti ' '" 1 " ( ) t Skews lute m pu, twte ibe site o otber aukta, & IJU me "CtJ. t Romf. Mum umi wUKm it . IL L MOSELEY HDW. CO. REAT PROGRESS' HAS BEEN MADE . in business methods, and (his bank has kept pace f with them. . . VV'hile conservative in the interest of SAFETY," our equipment and business methods are modern. . Let us do business together to our, mutual advanrige.!-; h Capital. $100,000.00. Surplus. 5SO,uuu.uu ii "THE OLDEST AliD : STRONGEST BftllK 111 TOE COUifflr