..iii I ' I ... . T CZtCCALCiTEREST LliVXN TRIVIAL AMESTS i , BT FOLIOS SATUKpAY. Six drank and on drunk and dl rderly, tu the week-end toll by the " rx!ka. No epedaj jntarert accrued piany of tk cue. hexttsq christian s. a. . OfJICEW ANP TEACHERS " A vary important eetin of tbo teacher MdlfVf U dprtr enia ok vm v" pv" frill bo bold la tho Bones room at f M tbi oroniof. Thy renaral fMOtlnf will bo followed by depart 1 puptil owififonnn. aad tt ia toped that every teacher will bo present BLAZING vYIBK CALLS , , FIRE DEPARTMENT, t Tbo flit deportment woo called to tho lfoflolcy tmildinf, Vueen atreet at ft o'clock thio morning. burning lactate wire threatened to ' aft Vaodvork on tho front of tne ryfld" afire, -The wire woo cat and ' tk( blMi .tlrtiir1''1 without diffl 4: '? V : RETURNS TO INDIA, '- Jraton Ty. who has been visit Ing relative t Pitt county, It return Inf to India; Where he la tn the em ploy of no o tho bW tobacco com paaie. llr. Tyson, who is well known here, haa boon on the Asiatic mar kota for aororal ears, 13 THIS SITUATION - ;j ' -DUE TO THE WART KooatToIt could put ta a good piece of weak ia Lenoir county now, in de f enao of one of hU hobbies. Race auicldo threatens if tho present con it m. i it r t week, thia being tho eeveath day, has marriage license beea issued at the Courthouse. Thia is a period of U activity oq tho' part of Cupid with- out procodent for it duration. KINST0NIAN9 IN 4 . kL XtCABOLINA GAME ' Eeynold Allen, ton of Judge 0, H Alloa and PhlL Hinoe, son of Mr. L. Qiaos, wort participant in the Unl Ttraity of North Carolina-VlrginU Saturday, la which Carolina won, 30 to f. Alloa ia a veteran player for Carolina, frhjla Bines, star ' of last year' local high school team, is in his flrat year at the University. UNIVERSALIST SERVICES . CONTINUE THIS WEEK. , Increasing interest mrka tht tvan goliiUt aarvkaa now going oa la the Universal! church t McLewaan and Lenoir ttreeta. Good congregations heard tho pastor's semen Saturday ' night and Sunday, and no member waa received into the church oa Sua day night. Theaa service, will con tinue each night during tho weeV ;., 7:80. 7 Beginning on Tuesday a aer vice wiU be held each day at 11 o' dockj T Tht PMtor, Rev. W. 0. Bo- delWwlll bo assisted in this work by Rev, J Leroy Everton of Clinton, N. C " It? WDOLB FAMILY INVOLVED lt IN THIS 8 LANDER CASE. , Guy Wetherington of East Chest nut I tree t, waa arrested on a warrant from Mew Bon this morning, charg ed with slander of Miss Myrtle B. Frioa. a resident of New Bern. Weth ' arington la a young man and the girl atopbrothar. His mother is aeparatad frees the girl's father, ftinM ah marrixi ttr iha ifaatlt nf Wetharington's father. Mrs. Price res idts 00 Chestnut street, her recent kusbaad ia New Bern, with his daugh , tmr.k tTbo warrant alleges that Miss Prky J of correct morals, which it aeetai .that her stepbrother attempt ad to raputo. STATE SCHOOL INMATES RETURNED; ARTFUL LIARS. ' Jama Mason of Wilmington and and (Harrison Thompson of Catawba county, boys of around fifteen years of ago, have been returned to the in atitution near the city. Mason and Thompson proved exceedingly intel ligent; temporarily at least, while suakjag their way through the coun try.!, They seemed to have no- set destination, but when picked up were working in a cotton mill at Scotland .NockTho lad walked a part of the distance, but secured passage money for 9 greater distance by "stringing", a rura) atatioa agent 'We're broth ers; -our dad's la Jail, and we will Bare, get homo at this rate," said one flf the boys. The agent was at tentive! and sympathetic. "Load of tobacco. Took a with him. Got drunk and kicked up 'Boo-hoo.' " said the other. Then followed a cleverly. hatched Wration of a oeriea of ad ven tares ia- Kinetoa which eolminat cd ia the fictitious paj'a run-in with a policeman and hi being "jugged." They held hi wagon and horse for taiLF one of ha bore told tho rail road man, B gava them the aumey for, their fare to their alleged hoiftl somewhere ap the Una. JEALOUSY ALLEGED CAUSE OF SHOOTING Negro Mea of Institute TowaabJp fight Over Womaa and One la Probable FaUlly Wounded. Abram Aldridge shot and possibly fatally wounded Jim Edwards in In stitute Township Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Both are colored farm tenants. Aldridge is ia Jail without bond to await the outcome of Ed wards' wound. The victim was shot in the breast in tbe vicinity of vital organs, Aldridge using a shotgun. Dora Bryant, a negrese, the cause of the trouble, was arrested, but gave bond. Edwards ia alleged to have followed the woman to the home of Aldridge, of whom he was jeal ous. Words followed and Aldridge ordered Edwards off his place. Ed wards drew a revolver and Aldridge, armed with the gun, shot him down. Jim Edwards and Dora Bryant had been consorting for some time, and of late Edwards had viewed Aldridge as a rival who promised him trouble. The difficulty had been brewing, it is believed, for several days. Edwards is not expected to recover, WOMAN CRUELLY TREATED BY BRUTAL HUSBAND. Wilson, Nov. 8. This morning about one o'clock about three mile north of this city, Robert Talloy i alleged to have shot at his wife twice, hitting her in the neck. He then forced her to leave her home in her night clothes, and barefooted and go to the woods with him where he kept her until daylight this morning when aha was allowed to return to her parents with tho warning that he intended to kill her brother will Roberson on sight Sheriff Rowe and a posse went in search of the husband, but owing to tho thick un dergrowth he could not bo found. N. Y. AGRICULTURAL SPECIAL ARRIVES AT FORT WAYNE. IND. Fort Wayne, Ind., Nov. 9. To ad rertise the peculiar agricultural and commercial advantage of New York State is the purpose of the tour of the Agricultural Special" which arrived hero today on its railroad journey through the Middle West. The train, which was lent out by the New York State Agricultural Department, un- ler the direction of Charles W. Lar aion, an agricultural expert, carries lecturers, moving picture operators, iterary material and genuine pro ducts of the Empire State's soil. The tour, it 4a officially stated, waa sug gested to the agricultural department by the numerous request which it received from Middle West resident asking for information regarding farming in New York State, DECLARE WAR ON RHEUMATISM. Rheumatism ia an awful thing nothing more painful. Dont let it get a hold, but at the first twinges take Foley Kidney Pills. They work directly on your weakened kidneys, build thorn up, make them strong rid your blood and keep it clear of uric acid. Keep Foley Kidney Pills on hand ready for use at the first sign of rheumatism. CASTORIA . For Iafg&ts and Chfldrta In lit For Over SO Ycsre AJwaya baara Signature of DR. DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. OfficeoywCot MiUoffice When You Buy a Chalmers You Buy More Than Just a Car Into every Chalmers car we build goes the spirit of the Chalmers Fac tory an ideal of high quality al a fair price. Every essential part of Chalmers can is built in the Chalmers shops by Chalmers trained men. Each part is not only fine in itself; it carries its maker's pride in his workmanship. For the Chalmers Factory provides every essential of fine production. 1st. The biuldinn themselves are big, modern and light. The Factory b surrounded by wide lawns dotted with shrubs and Sowers. It ia a rjleasani place to work. 2nd. Chalmers mea know when they enter the factory that the best auterialt sad most up-to-date tools wSl be provided them. And when they leave at night, k is with a sense of having buih as wel as human skill can build. 3rd. Chalmers workmen know that the ambition of the Chalmers Com pany is not for mammoth volume or quick profits, but lather for sufficient volume to give quality at medium prices, for a product of such excellence that Chalmers cars shall be always ant among cars of their prices. 1915 "Light SU"-rSl6S0 1915 "Muter Six" $24 QO Fully tquippeJ. f. e. b. DttroM Chalmers Motor Co. REPUBLICANS HAVE NOTHING TO CAU8E ELATION. (Continued from Page One) this county, as apparently they did all through this State, and polled, ia my opinion, practically the full strength of the old Una Republican, L ....1 ..-w ...... II. J tW I Democrat have gone to the polls and voted, the Democratic majority would have been about what it has been for the past several elections. The only apparent gain of the Repub licans was not because of any appre ciable number of new recruits were enlisted ia their party, but, as just stated, by the lack of Democrats tak ing sufficient interest to go to the polls, leaving it to some of their fel low Democrats to do the voting. To some extent the same argument made as to some of the Democratic coun ties, on account of some local differ ences, electing an independent, will apply to Democratic townships in thia county that went Republican, that is, because of local matters and condition pertaining to these parti cular townships. These local mat' ters and differences, coupled with the inactivity and the stay-at-home1 Democrat, caused these townships to give small Republican majorities. I am oinformed that the Republicans in this county only made efforts for th gain of votes in the several town ships weher local matters and differ ences existed, believing doubtless in tho old adage, when a man gets mad the first thing he wants to do is to vote the Republican ticket Two year from now when local condi tions in these townships have been adjusted and the Democrats go to the polls and vote and do not stay at home, predict that these Democrat ic townships will come back home and again, as they have in the past, give a substantial Democratic majority, "About the proposed amendments, It looks as though they are lost, and I am fully of the opinion if the voters of this State had acquainted them selves and thoroughly understood the amendments, they would have re ceived a largo majority, at least the most important ones would have car ried. On the day of the election, in talking with some of our intelligent citizen and voter in this county concerning t the purport and mean ing of these amendments. I was sur prised to learn that they had a mis conception of the intent and meaning of the amendments. Thia was a non partisan measure. Neither party adopted these amendments in their platform, realizing that it was not a party matter. The only way that they were rought to the knowledge of the voters was through and by the voluntary acts and exertions of the Btate. I am glad to say as far as my individual efforts are concerned, that this county stands near the top in it majority for the amendments, of course, taking in consideration the vote that was cast" $8.03 RICHMOND, VA, AND RE TURN VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE, the Standard Rail road of the South, Southern Medi cal Convention. Tickets on sale November 6, 7, 8. limited to reach original starting point prior to midnight of November 22, 1914. T. C. WHITE, O. P. A., Wilmington, N. C. W. J. CRAIG, Pass. Traf. Mgr., Wilmington, N. C. COUghS q Kill if You JLet Them. testeaC kill your Cough with DR. KINO'S NEW DISCOVERY. It keels Irrttsted Threat and Lungs. Tseusssds I last 40 yean benefit by Dr. King's Y NewDiscovery Moar If It Fa All Draebts SOo, aod $1.00 Shirt Waists sBjBBBa&SBBssan-B-a Fresh and Crisp JUST RECEIVED ONE 10 BOX 98c Each Batter Brown Hotter. O. N. T. Cotton 6 lor 25c CHAS.A.WATERS The Telephone Store Phone No. 9 BankYourMoney Do not hide it in the old blue chest, old stockings and jugs, where it is very liable to be stolen, burned or destroyed. Deposit your money with us, and use checks to pay bills. : : : Fanners & Merchants Kinston, -- N. C. KNIT GOODS Sweaters Toques Aviation Caps Infant's Sacques Novelty Hoods Fascinators Petti Coats Bath Cloths Underwear ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J, SUTTON Phone 34 j? Prop. Retailing Shoes of Quality is My Business The choicest creations of the world's best shoe makers are herefor you to inspect and buy. I am not tied to any one con cern but select my shoes from the best lines that offer me the greatest value for my money and in this way I am placed in position to offerfyou the very newest styles that are to be had. It will be a pleasure to me to show you whether you intend buying or not, for seeing is believing. My shoes for men, women and children are the best-there is nona bet ter. Come look and buy you won't regret it. Mark Cummings "The Home of Quality' Z DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office ISO S. McLeweaa St. Near Basidenca. We Carry The Royal "Perfectin Every DetaU." J. M. Stephenson Tbe Ladies Store ir THE EARNING POWER TTU QH7AI V TUFTLESS ine DiLFlLa i mattress Promotes sound, refreshing sleep. You get up in the morn ing refreshed, your entire system replenished with the energy which makes you a "live wire." The worker who sleep on a "SEALY" is always "on the job," ready for the day's task. A SEALY Mattress is not a luxury, it is an absolute ne cessity to the man who wants to make good, whether at the work bench or the office desk. Made of pure, staple, cotton processed into a big, billowy batt encased in a high-grade tick; a pillow for the body Guaranteed for twenty years. PRICE, Oettinger's Furniture Store hi i I & L & I KIHSTOli LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO. inc., "We Write Insurance of all Kinds" . nn of a Hi D .O and carried off the chest of silver and other things ? And just to think, a few dollars spent for YALE LOCKS would have saved all that trouble and lossj Maybe you will receive a call this year. Better get ready, "A stitch in time," you kaowrthat stitch should be a YALE LOCK or PADLOCK or maybe you need two or three or four Anyhow weve got just the lock you need whether it is for front door, stable of bureau drawer. Ask as for our Ettlt book showing fifty" use for a Padlock. - Illustrated, ' Ladies' Eiderdown BalliRofies Many Pretty Patferrio. Neat New Styles. See the Assortment. Barrett & OF A MAN Depends Upon His Physical Condition Restful Sleep Invigorates $20.00 J Will this kind Santa Claus Visit You ? you remember how burglars got into your neighbor's house last year $5.00 Hartsfield AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 Hi i ryB J.T, Skinner & Son "We Strive to Please" DR. P. FHT3 Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins. ft Realty Co. Office hours: 8-J2, 2-6 Nights and Sunday by Appointment. Examination Free Phone 80 N. J. Rouse, Edward ML Land Kinston, N. C .Goldabora, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office: Kinston, N. C Goldaboro, N. C. Edgerton Building. . .- DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Disease of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street. Phone 118. All . Off-- ' f. ALL S25 UNO. ( SUITS ALL $20.00 SUITS ALL 51150 SUITS u all 512.50 surrs 10.1 TERMS CASH Hit Coat Suits Reduced 22,50 18.00 15.00 0 Children Orr rCI FLETCKEB'S QA.OXD.DIA Kornjzgay H. E. HOSaEY HARDWARE CO., Detroit, r.ucLijia F01EY IUDTJEY PUIS torn aaamaatteas xawataaaia mwi)