C7 LOCAL INTEREST 1 riEST MARRUGB LICENSE IN WEEK. T Paul Hardy and Mist Elizabeth Bark, botl of thia county, was late f Monday baaed tha first license to weo J out by th Register of deeds in : Mki Tho groom-to-b 1s 23 years old, and the intended bride, 22. TRIVtlXG BLAZE ?: v r . ' CALLS FIREMEN. '5 An alarm at 11:45 a. in. today call . d tli lira department to Dthest ' Railroad' street, where an outhuuse, presumably fired by children, wau ' blatin. The damara was trifling. Tha fcuildint wa on property own ed by lira. Lillian Perry. A DOCTOR FOB PINK HILL HAD AT LAST. Pink Hill town, which has had dif culty in keeping a resident doctor, probably by reason of the dearth of disease, now points with pride to C, E. Dayton, M. I)., a young New York physician who has just located there, The new doctor has nut in a stock of drugs and is regarded in the com rounity as a fixture, rink mil is now boastful of a real live doctor, nnd is looking about for some one for him to practice on. The rural patron age of southern Lenoir and northern Duplin county, it is expected, will contribute to keep him "going." NORFOLK SOUTHERN OFFICIALS HERE. THIS COUPLE ENGAGED IN . STONE AGE COMBAT. . annuel Moodv. who bit his wife through the Jaw and was in turn beoUn by her with some heavy im .plenreflt; if being held in jail here, charred with wife-beating. Jealousy caused the row. The Moody s are Le- Grangt negroes. CONTRACT LET FOE RESERVOIR SCREEN. The Special committee appointed fcy Council to attend to that work has awarded the contract to a Greensboro ' concern for screening the reservoir at the main pumping station. The cover will be of corrugated iron. The exact figure fa not yet known at the City Hall, but It is said the Greens boro contractors bid several hundred dollars tinder their nearest competi tor. A. D. Matthews, traveling auditor, nd W. A. Powell claim adjuster of the Norfolk Southern Railroad, have been in the city during the past two days. In Superior Court at Charlotte this week a case of local interest is being tried in which the Norfolk Southern is the defendant. The Masons, big cotton men of the Queen City, are suing the railroad for the alleged loss of two bales of cotton out of a ship rrent to a local cotton mill. It claimed that 50 hales were shipped, and that nly 48 arrived. The Norfolk Southern contends that he seal on the cur was not broken, and that the car was just as it was received from the connecting carrier when delivered h jre. The cost of the litigation to the nil road is much more than the sum involved, and it is striving to uphold a principle, it seems. JOHN FIELDS, JR, WELL KNOWN MAN, DEAD is MASONS' ANNUAL DINNER WEDNESDAY. At aoon tomorrow the Masons of the 'city will have their annual din ner.' in the Hudson Buggy Factory, on North Queen street. The families of Masons and widows and orphans! of deputed members of the craft are Invited to attend. St John'a Lodge, No. 4, A. F. and A. If will hold its annual convoca tion just before the dinner, and has invited all the Masons in the county to attend It i TROUBLE AMONG NEGROES " IN SOUTH KINSTON1. . The police late Monday night ar rested rthee negro men in connection with excitement around a hall in South Kinston, where festivities par ticipated in by colored people were in progress. Two of them were after ward released, but Joe Moye, who had a knife out and was parading about evidently in search of trouble, was I detained, EXPECT WORD FROM BOND BUYERS DAILY. City Clerk Coleman says it is about t!me for the city to hear from the New York purchasers of the $100,000 paving, lighting and sewerage bonds irsue, which was Beveral weeks ago sokl at a premium through a Spar tanburg, S. C, bank. The prelimin ariea have been completed, and as soon as the buyers affix the final sig natures the money will be immediate ly available. It is reasonable to pre sjme that the actual work on the im provements can be commenced before the end of the year, the engineer hav ing made most of his plans prepara tory to beginning. Clerk Coleman daily expects announcement of the acceptance of the bonds. The time elapsing since the initial negotiations is not unprecedentedly long. STATE SENATORS HELP OUT LOCAL CAMPAIGN FUND. MEAT AND MILK INSPECTOR HA8 NOT BEEN APPOINTED. Although the voluminous new laws become' effective the first of next month, the Aldermen have not yet i lected the officer who will have charge of the meat and milk inspection in the city. A competent veterinarian is under consideration, and it is proba ble that this man, a resident, will be appointed. However, members of the Council decline to be hasty in the matter, arguing that they cannot be too careful in choosing person for such important work. ALLEGED SLANDERER OF , GIRL TAKEN TO NEW BERN Guy Wctherington, charged by his stepsister, Miss Myrtle B. Price of New Bern, with slander, was Mon- oay mgni taken to that city by a deputy sheriff to stand trial. Miss Price lives with her father, from whom Wellington's mother, resid ing on Chestnut street East Kinaton, ! separated. Before a magistrate she will deny allegations of inconti nence she accuses young Wethering ton, who is employed in the knitting mills here, of having made. A, D. Ward and Frank Thompson, the recently-elected State Senators from this district, have been advised by County Democratic Chairman Cowper that they would not be de terred from contributing to the coun ty campaign fund if they so desired. The fund was not frightfully large, and the chairman would have had no difficulty in raising the needed funds to complete it here, but considered that the New Bern and Jacksonville men should have the opportunity of doing their share if they likedl The letters to both stated very courteous ly that they were to use their own judgment. At least one of the sena tors has forwarded his check, and the other, of course, will remit immediately. DON TDELAY TREATING YOUR COUGH. ABRAM ALDRIDGE RELEASED ON BAIL. Abrara Aldridge, colored, who Sun day afternoon shot James Edwards, toother negro, over a woman in In ktitute township, was this morning released on bond, fixed at $200, giv en by prominent white men of Insti tute. Up until late Monday Edwards' wounds were regarded as exceedingly dangerous, but today a physician dis covered that they were nothing more than trifling abrasions of the flesh of the breast by two loads of bird ehot Aldridge, who was being held baillesa to await the outcome of the Injuries, was immediately released from custody. A slight cough often becomes seri. ous, Lungs get congested, Hronchfal Tubes fill with raucous. Your vital. ity is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's Pine.Tar-IIoney. It soothes your ir. ritated air passages, loosens mucous and makes your xystem resist Colds. Give the Baby and Children Dr. Bell's Pine.Tar Honey. It's guaranteed to help them. Only 26c at your Druggist Death Was Due to Bright'e Disease Deceased Took An Active Part In Public Affairs of County. Three Children Survive. John Fields, Jr., as he is generally known, although his father has been dead for sometime now, died at 7:30 a. m. today at his home at Field' Station, aged 54 years. Brunt's Dis ease was the cuuse of his death. Mr. Fields was one of the best known men in Lenoir county, a large land owner and a prominent and enterpris ing planter. He was active to some degree in politics during his life time, and for six years served as deputy collector of internal revenue. The farm on which Mr. Fields died is a beautiful place in wnicn ne naa taken a great interest. He took an interest in public education and had served as a school committeeman in his district of Moseley Hull, township. His wife was Miss Bettie Pope. Three children survive, two of whom, Miss Lillian and Mr. Wheeler Fields, reside at Fields. The other is Mrs, George Dunn of Beaufort. The funeral will be held in La- Grange Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. L C. ROUNTREE GETS N. C. INSURANCE JOB The New Styles of John B. Stetson Hats Are Here, See South Window. Dail & Taylor Ihe Men's Store E. C. Rountree, son of Mr. S. H. Rountree of this city, and well-known here, has just been transferred from the position of rating clerk for the Georgia Special Rating Bureau to tho corresponding position in North Caro lina. He is one of the most capable insurance men in the South, and has held the job he now leaves for three and a half years. Previous to locat ing in Atlanta he was employed at Huntsville, Ala. Mr. Rountree takes up his duties in this State on Novem ber 15. ARROW COLLAR h.ttls CHlH, f f.hW; fi., he. H.k.n 'Patronize Home Industry JOB PRINTING We are Equipped ! Handle Your Orders (or High Grade Job Printing. Onkft Crt fully mi Pfoiptly Eiecattd We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS, WEDDING INVITATIONS. CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES. CIRCULARS, LARGE AND SMALL, ENVELOPES. POSTERS. We nave Connections with Engravers nd Blank Book Makers which en able us to Promptly Handle Orders for Engraving and all kinds of Blank Book Making. Kinston Free Press Co. lacarparatcd Publishers and Job Printers COLLEGE COATS Big Shipment in Today All Colors and Prices Buster Brown Hosiery. O. N. T. Cotton 6 for 25c. Chas-AoWaters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 We Carry The Royal "Perfectin Every Detail." J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store Ladies' Eiderdown i i. Bath Robes Many Pretty Patterns. Neat New Styles. See the Assortment. FRIGE $5.00 Barrett & Hartsfield III WE HAVE A LOT OF MENS PANTS THAT WE ARE SEL LING AT A PRICE. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES SEE THEM ONE PRICE CASH STORE 'Anything in Printing UNCLE SAM QUITS BUSINESS IN KINSTON. tleot Charles Smart, Unitae State my, hat ordered tht abandonment of Xinatte M aa "army poet" The aTarriaotf wia fct removed to aomt thar tow; Tha Amy bad contem plated opening wcroftfof offices here, t rayattavillt ud Eocky Mount Ona corporal, who wu to hara had n aitanftoaa the general r cniitin aaric ha bean aUUoaad Mra far atvaral waefcv and found busineai alow. The office will K. tinued t Rocky Mount, bot new of fice Id Greensboro and Ambnm ft C will be substituted for those whioh am VitMnAA V- . When You Buy a Chalmers You Buy More Than Just a Car Into every Chalmers car we build goes the spirit of the Chalmers Fac tory an ideal of high quality at a fair price. Every essential part of Chalmers cars is built in the Chalmers shops by Qialmers trained men, Each part is not only fine in kself; it carries its maker's pride in hit workmanship. For the Chalmers Factory provides every essential of fine production. 1st Tne buildings themselm are big, modem and light. The Factory is surrounded by wide lawns dotted with shrubs and flowers. It is a pleasant place to work. 2nd. Chalmers men know when they enter the factory that the best l. And when they at human skill can materials and most up-to-date tools will be provided them. And when they leave at mgni. it a witn a sense ot having built as well build, 3rd. Chalmers workmen know that the ambition of the Chalmers Com pany is not for mammoth volume or quick profits, but rather for sufficient l Th.? qua'i,y mdiun PK. for a product of such excellence that Chalmers cars thai! be always first among can of their prices. 1915 "Light Six" $1650 1915 "Masler Six" $2400 " Full equipped, f,9.k "Defrotf Chalmers 'Motor Co. See These Heaters Don't stay in the house and shiver because your stove , doesn't give enough heat to keep you warm. Come down and tell us to show you a good stove that we guarantee to heat a room in a hurry and after you de cide on the style and size that suits you best, you need not worry about getting cold this winter. Wood Heaters, $1.50 and up. Coal Heaters, $5.00 and up. We Cater to ( The Ladies and ffl I I Children. : : (J Ice Cream, Soda II and Fine Candy I Phone 149 1 1 1 1! J.T. Skinner & Soa I "We Strive to Please- 8 Oettinger's Furniture Store Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: Office, 478 Res. Phone 113 3 to 5 p. m. 8 to 9 p. ra. IRA M. HARDY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M Phones: Residence 507; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street. E Nm. and Tanwt Dimmm TiaMd, Dr. O.L. WILSON Dentlat Office over J. , Hood & Co'a Store. DR.DANW.PAUROTT DENTIST. . Crowm and Bridge Work Specialty. .. OEceovcrCot. MilloGce KINSTON LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO. inc., "We Write Insurance of all Kinds" Will this kind of a Santa aus Visit You ? :member how got into your , O vou r burglars neighbor's house last year and carried offthe chest of silver and other things? And just to think, a few dollars spent for YALE LOCKS would have saved all that trouble and loss! Maybe you will receive a call this year. Better get ready. "A stitch in time' you knowthat stitch should be a YALE LOCK or PADLOCK or maybe you need two or three or four. Anyhow we've got just the lock you need whether it is for front door, stable or bureau drawer. " Ask es for out little book stowing fcftj use for a Padlock. Illostrmted. DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins. & Realty Co. Office hours: 9-12, 2-6 Nights and Sundays by Appointment. Examination Free Phone 80 N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C... .Goldsboro, N.G ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. C, Edgerton Building. III H I I I 1 1" ill A. J. SUTTON S Phone 34 j& Prop. ! - - -"--mbb DR. T. H. FAULKNER I VS'ftd82aa ' If DENTIST g i'QMC fig II Office 130 S. McLewean St I ? agaj iTf BSM I , Eila . ' )fWi- ' M '.'11 I v. --mz; " II I DR. GEO. E. KORNfSGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. All Coat Suits Reduced ALL $25 AND $30 SUITS 122.50 i ALL 520.00 SUITS : $18.00 ALL $17.50 SUITS 1,100 ALL 512.50 SUITS II 9. TERMS CASH -: G. h. :- Korriegay w um vpeoeu sera ana i la FajrtttavSU, J II. E. MOSELEY If ARDVARE CO..