r 1 E piCCJLOTEREST " RED MEN MEET TONIGHT. ' KnA Tribe. No. 25, L O. R. M. will meet mght. v ROYAL ARCAM'M MEET , . . - THIS EVENING. 'Th Royar Arcanum will meet Jn Canadf IIU IW trenin at ?;30 o- . . x ' GIRLS' BASKETBALL V til ! f j TEAMS FLAY TODAY. iu A basketoall tW irora wu- . ton IJiglj School cam this morning I to play a local quintet Jiua aiurnoon . at AthlaUc rar. v ' - UNIVERSAUST HEVIVAL s ? 4T , "V SERVICES TONIGHT. CjaervfcV continuing the revival aeriea now Vt progress there,' will be '' held in the Universalist Church of the 5" Eternal Hopeat McLewaan "d Le- "'imlr street, this venine 'at ,7:30 ' - o'clock.., ; 'V SENT IT TO SUPERIOR - COURT FOs? PISTOL-TOTING.. Willi Perry, a livery aUble, proprietor-of South Queen street, was held in bait by'Ue City Court.Thurs day night to appear n Superior Court i to answer to tne cnarge oi carrying a, concealed revolver.. t ' ' ..." Si TURKEY WILL BE ;; . ' , PLENTIFUL HERE. Although there will be no such ex 't cess of production a last weason, ' this market numerous other town in the- aection, turkeys will be here In j , plenty next week lor the fhariksglv Jng , season.. Climatic conditions fa ' " vored. the ypung birds in the spring, - : and on many ilantatlona now' .they ' 'are being fattened 1n great numbers. ' Pricea, it !' expected, will be similar y ' to tlwife of last year. iNew Benf In "V enced ft desrth o the Thanksgiving bird and large shipments to the de pleted marketi wore made from here. ,. COyT. TAKES LONG LEASE . jON PRESENT POSTOFFICE. Papers were rectrded tbia morning at the Courthouse conveying a lease - ' of the ri re tent nostofflce. the srooertv of C F. Harvey, on Gordon street, , to the government for ten year from July 1, 1914. The department agrees -' to pay fUOO a year for the place, but i- reserves the right to annul the lease "whenever the postoftke can be mov- ' ed into a government building." The long lease la Just the government'f way of doing business. It ia probable that the present quarters will not be occupied more than 24 or SO months, since actual construction of the fed eral building at Queen and North streets is expected to bo commenced not later than January or February next DAVID DUGGAN GRAND OPERA COMPANY COMING NOV. 21. The.; David Duggan Grand Opera Company which gives the opening Lyceum attraction in Loftin'a Opera House Saturday evening, November 27th, will be followed by four other high class, entertainments which are put out by the Redpath Lyceum Hu- reau. .The press notices regarding the opening attraction are very flat tering and lovers of music will be highly pleased with their offering. This company carries a full equip ment of costumes and acenery, and have repertoire of many standard grand operas and quartet works. Giv en under the auspices of the Daugh ters of. Confederacy it will no doubt be well attended. NAVY WOULDN'T TAKE i MUSICIAN 'LISTED HERE . Arthur Whiteley, Jr., an accom plished young trombone soloist of Mount 'Olive, was refused admission into the,, bend corps of the navy on Thursday because he is enlisted in the band of the Second North Caro lina Infantry here. The machinery necessary to secure Whiteley'a dis charge from the National Guard was today put in motion to enable him to "take permanent -aooition with which hi enlistment would interfere.1 Meanwhile, Whiteley. an excellent performer, ia waiting at the Ports mouth,1, Ys, naval station. Tho case is believe to be without precedent, the regular service customarily ig noring tii militia bureau in taking men from the Guard, it is said. t . CLEANING-CP LN ORDER DURING NEXT FORTNIGHT ? I City authorities call attention to ti e fact that the sanitary inspector, vho w i:i be inducted into office on De ft Ur 1, in accordance with the re- tial jwemiaes etc, will hava great deal of fault to find with back Iota unlcaa they are cleaned before the lawa become effective. The condi tioni at this season of the year, with the prevailing contrary winds and shedding of leave by the tree, arc peculiarly trying to the average householder, as lotn become littered again usually as noon as they are wt. The authorities KUggest that the coming two weeks will find min of the trees bare of foliage, 'and that in this time an ideal opportunity will be had to put premises In order. REPORT BATTLE BETWEEN MOONSHINERS .AND OFFICERS Deputy Collector of Internal Reve nue 1. M. Tull spent Thursday in New Bern,- Federal and State officers havlieen ujjoaually ctive in'.' that vicinity lately? In Carteret county few 'days ago a bil illicit still was dentroyed, the operators escaping; Persistent 'rymors from Core Creek now are to, the effect that n party of deputy sheriffs engaged in a pitched battle , with moonshiners there and were beateri off. Afterward, the re ports say, federal officers went to the place to take up the task the county men left unfininhcd; and found the site deserted of men and equipment, all having left and taken thef still with.'them. Core Creek ia in Car Cefet county. The deputies claim to' know the identity of the men who shot at them, It is SfiOr. . ., BANDSMEN IN MILITIA NOT ALLOWED TO QUIT. C.....l L 1 I.. iivtvi.i .iivillMvr Ui Lilt? din (iihi in fatAjtry band, npn-residcntH . of this illy, where the orgunintiun hu.i it hradquarterH, will not be allowed to luit the National GuaJ:d .for the rca- wr5 tiey,hpe advanced, thb rojri- mtmtfll hcwffiuftrters hau docldeil. It hnVosti1$fcX$ii pcpirtmerit in ex- ce:ii of JrWh)i,t eqtiip the men, it Is clarmcVI; 'the dotlep involve no hartlHhips. Indtyidual tnicnt is so important In the organization that the loss of some men for flimsy ex cuses might seriously cripple the or ganization, is the view of thie adju tant, who has recently promptly turned down . applications for dis charge from non-commissioned offi cers of the band. One member is in Syria and another In Ohio, and enn UH WL" novcr mi t0 an a reul thse will not be released for th.W, g to i'our huir and present. Tho fact that the mumclnn in Asia Minor might have been im pressed into the TurkiHh army, some thing of this sort being feared since efforts to locate him having failed, may be called to the attention of the War Departmentf or investigation. CON FEDERATE MONUM ENT UNVEILED AT GREENVILLE. Greenville, Nov. 1:1. The Pitt county memorial to the county's Con federate dead was unveiled here this morning with appropriate exercises. The memorial is in the shnpe of a hn ml some monument. Governor Craig was tho principal speaker. MANY THOUSANDS WANT TO SEE YALE HARVARD GAME. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 12 There have been 72,832 applications for the 69,000 Keats in tho new bowl for the Ynle-Harvnrd football game next week, according to announcement to day. Applications are still pouring in. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A The Opening Lyceum Attraction THE DAVID DUGGAN GRAND OPERA COMPANY COMPOSED OF FIVE HIGH CLASS ARTISTS LORIII'SOPERU HOUSE, SAT. NOV. 21 ' At q O'tioclt. , Denefit Di-jghteis ofltie Conferacy rrrr WO&IAN NERYOUS, . . WEAK AND DIZZY Could Not Do Housework for Family of Three.. Viool in a Short Time Made Her a Strong Will Woman.1 Fort Edward, N. Y. "I Was in a run-down condition, nervous, weak and dizzy, so that in doing the house work for my family of three, I would be all exhausted. I tried cod liver oil emulsions and three or four other medicines without benefit. Finully a friend told me about Vinol and I tried It. '.'I eoon felt better and now it has built, up my strength, I have no more nervdus or dizxy spells, and can do all my; 'houseworjc without getting all tjred out." Mrs. Elmer Glidilen, Fort Edward, N. T. Women are so active nowadays, pd so much is expected of them that Oiey constantly veYdo and suffer from headaches, backache nervous ness and kindred ills. Vlnol is a most eflldeotT strength creutor for such women. ' It is the medicinal elements of the cod's" liver,' aided by the blood mak ing and strengthening properties of tonio iron which makes it so far .su perior to all other tonics. E. Hood and Company, I)rufrgist . If, you are in this condition try Vinol on our guarantee to return ' your money if it toils. auv. HEALTHY HAIR HOI T, FLUFFY AND RADIANT Beautiful liuir does iM just happen to be ho, but is always a matter of are iuuI proper nourishment of the hair rimU. No matter if your hair is falling out, stryiRy, lifeless, und full f dniiilrutr, rari;iahv Sage, an inex pensive tonic, sold liv all druggists, is n..n : i.,.'.. I. H....JLn.il.A hair roots' uiid stimulates the, growth of new hair. Even .(UrtdrjUfK'R cn- irely removei I with one ftWIlicntion, and itching, -walp and falling hair ease; your. hair will be bright, vig orous, sott and Huffy. Whether your hair is oily, dry or irittle, l'arisiun Snge immediately re moves the cause, and by toning up the scalp quickly restores the hair to its original brilliancy and vigor. Parisian Sugo enn alwuys be kul rom J. E. Hood & Co., and is n de- ightful and easily applied treatment 'sc lp. adv. 11-5 CAROLINA SLATK1) TO WIN! You Are Needed to Cheer Her On to Victory. RICHMOND: Carolina vs. Virginia. NORFOLK: V. and M. vs. Wash, and Lee. Univ. Via Atlantic Coast Line The Standard Railroad of the South. THANKSGIVING DAY FOOTI1A LL GAMES. Tickets on sule for all trains No vember 25th, and for trains schedul ed to arrive Richmond ut or before 2:10 p. m., November 2t'.th, and for trains scheduled to arrive Norfolk by or before 1:35 p. m., November 2tith. All tickets limited to reach original starting point not later than midnight of November 27th, 1!I14. Corresponding low rates from oth er points. Apply to nearest Ticket Agent, or mldres: W. J. Craig, Passenger Traffic Mana ger. T. C. White, General Passenger Agent. Wilmington, N. C. FOLEY iUDNiSY tiUJb OK RiltMHI K'iHI'S .MO PlAOr- . ''AnSTOfl'S DUQ STO!tE Black Only Price, $6.00 Maternity Corsets $2.00 Each Buster Brown Hosiery. O. N. TV Cotton 6 for 25c. Chas. A. Waters Hio Telephone Store PIwbv No. 89 Bank Your Money Do not hide it in the old blue cht, old stockings and jugs, Vhefe it is very liable to be stolen, burned or destroyed. Deposit your money with us, and use checks to pay bills. : : : Farmers & Merchants Kinston, N. C. NEW LOT Ladies' Waists Fourteen Styles to Select from SEE THEM j ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 jZ? Prop. Retailing Shoes of Quality is My . Business The choicest creations of the world's best shoe makers are here for you to inspect and buy. 1 am not tied to any one con cern but select my shoes from the best lines that offer me the greatest value for my money and in this way I am placed in position to offeriyou the very newest styles that are to be had. It will be a pleasure to me to show you whether you intend buying or not, for seeing is believing. My shoes for men, women and children are the best-there is none bet ter. Come look and buy- -you won't regret,it.) . Mark Cummings "The Home of Quality Z. V. MOSELET. M.D. ' . rkysician and Surgeon Oflk next to Lenoir Drug Co. Ofie fcovn: -? - -.- '. , 9 to 11 a. m t Fhones: S to 5 p. m. ".. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Ra. fhono 113 m , - , 4 - Just Arrived New Models in 1 , it C. &. B. Corsets See Them Before ling J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store N. J. House, Edward M. Land Kinxfon, N. ('.,. .(ioldHhoro, N.C ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C, (ioldsboro, N. C, Edgertnn Building. THE "SEALY" TUFTEESS MATTRESS At first sif?ht it is hard to make people unJerstand the wonderful qualities of a "SEALY MATTRESS." It looks different and feels different from any other mattress. It violates all the hoary-headed mattress traditions. Instead of being straight and dotted with tufts, it is smooth and curved. Instead of being hard to the touch, it yields to pressure wilh the gentleness of a fine pneu matic cushion and yet with none of the clingingness of the old feather bed. One has to sleep on it to understand why it is that so many who have tried the "Sealy MattreSS" refuse to use any other kind. ' We are willing to let customers prove this mattress out for them selvesto send one to your home and to take it back any time within 60 days if it is not all you hoped it would be. You are the sole judge of its merits. There will be no quibble about it. Any mattresses returned are sent right back to the factory and not sold again. lettinger's Furniture Storej INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD LOANS NEG0TIATEED Now Occupying New Office one Door Elast of The Post Office Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Phone 182 C. Octtinger, Mgr. kO j arjd carried off the cliest of silver and otHer things ? And iust to think, a few dollars spent for YALE LOCKS would have saved all that trouble and loss! - Maybe you will receive a call this year.,: Better get ready. "A stitch in time," you know that . stitch should be a YALE LOCK or PADLOCK or maybe you need two or three of four. Anyhow we've got just the lock you need whether it is for frpnt door, stable or bureau drawer. . .". ..."i.foraPadloek.' IUustrated. mm LL t. mWl 8 MmMiim Will this kind of a Santa Claus Visit You ? you remember how burglars got -h into your cn l.i . "" cc::rccrsACY c t ! ya r; . .'r ing supervision of FOIEY-RIDTIEY PILLS II. E. flOSELEY iIIARDVARE CO j t 1 rt.'k, I j.i mens and resiJen- - -

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