TIIE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS - SI f SOCIAL And PERSONAL For Infants and Children, . .. ... ,.-....... ..-Fr -r ' fl nrn a (o) a icttti" In U tv M wM p j ) u !&gasi w - - ----- Acgelable Preparation forAs slmilaiingihcFoodaralRrtiula (ingtlie Stomadis anibWbl Promotes DigPstlonX3f eifiJ- ml IW Contains ncllkr 6piuni.Murphine noritocral HOT IS AR C OTIC. MxtrtttUtf jiaatSa4 iiim 5ttwm anorfpcf Remedv forCtmsflDJ' unn QnurSfnnvu'h.niarrllOca Worms jConvulsioiisi'cvtrist ncss and LOSS OF M-ET-P. lacSiniite Signature luz Centaur Compasx; NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN SERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS LOST No. 10269 and Lamp from automobile. Notify Buick Garage. 11-16-clly-tf WANTED To rent small house in good locality. Address Box 211. . ll-lG-2t-dly FOR RENT Large front room, fur nished, one block off Queen street. Address B, care Free Press. ll-17-3t-dly The Lndies' Aid Society of Christian Church will serve a Turkey dinner in the social rooms of the Gordon Street Christian church on Friday, November 20, from 12 till 2. Tick ets at 50c are on sulo by Ladies' Aid Society members. NOTICE See L. O. Gross if your Piano needs tuning. Satisfaction guaranteed. I also Sell Halley and Davis and Conway Pianos. Phone 480-L. 10-13-D&SW-tf STRAYED OR STOLEN A half grown Dark Brown Irish Setter Puppy. Reward for his return or in formation of his whereabouts. Sid It SW GENTLEMAN of good habits wishes to engage room and board in quiet family, near to First National Bank. Will be in Kinston possibly two months. Address Box 222, Green ville, N. C, giving location and price. ll-17-2t-dly LOST One newt "JVIichelin" Outer Casing, size 32x3 1-2, between Kin ston Garage and Grifton. Finder please return to Mewborn Jewelry Co., and receive reward. ll-17,5t-dly 2t-SW FOR SALE One of the nicest little farms 'iftienoir county, a mile and a half from -Kinston; wire fence all around it. Raised this year 1,850 lbs. of tobacco to the acre and 1G barrels of corn to the acre. Other crops in proportjon V Would exchange for town property. See G. F. Simmons. 11-lG-St-dly i . 2t-SW NOTICE.' Notice, to all who live or own real estate in the Moseley Creek drainage district. Your assessment is now due and unless same is paid on or before December gist, your property will be advertised and sold. R. B. LANE, . Sheriff Craven County. 11-12-tOt-dly , , ; DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAT Specialist 'in Diseases cf Wo- . ""men fcnd ' Ouldren. Omlmu-'-it'-to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. 1 Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THE CCNTAUR COMPANY, RCW VOHII OITT. LAGRANGE ITEMS R. M. HARPER, Correspondent The firm of L. E. Wooten & Co. is in the hands of Mr. J. E. Peterson, Goldsboro, as manager, who is assist ed by Mr. C. P. Barrow in conduct ing the business. The LaGrange Bargain House, L. L. Levinson and J. F. Britt, proprie tors, will open up in the Dillon store, Mr. Levinson having returned 'from Baltimore, where he went on business. Invitations announcing the marri age of Mr. W. G. McGoogan of Rae ford, to Miss Francis R. Hodges of LaGrange and Mr. C. L. Smith of 18th and 25th, respectively, have been sent out. Rev. J. M. Carraway will leave for the M. E. Conference, which convenes at Washington, N. C, Wednesday, taking with him the love and confi dence of all who know him, and the regrets that his four years' here make it necessary for him to leave. TRY THIS FOR YOUR COUGH. Thousands of people keep coughing because unable to get the right rem edy. Coughs an.' caused by inflamma tion of Throat and Bronchial Tubes. What you need is to soothe this In flammation. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, it penetrates the delicate mucous lining, raises the Phlegm and quickly relieves the congested membranes. Get a 50c bottle from your druc ist. "Dr. King's New Dis. covery quickly and completely, stop ped my cough," writes J. R. Watts, Floydale, Tex;s. Money back if not satisfied but it nearly always helps. (adv.) SPECIAL NOTICE Each lady that calls at our store will be presented with a needle case, filled with gold eyed needles as a souvenir, as long as they last. Pianos, Player Pianos and Music. No. 107 North Queen Street. Forrest Smith. 10-l)li(;t-dly m ii w m (F a special I ( REDUCTION SALE on all of our HATS We have them in all sizes, small, medium and large brims I-Mrs. M. L Braswell Mr. J. B. Dawson spent yesterday in LaGrange. Mrs. John C. Hood has gone to Smithfield on a visit. , Mr. T. C. Wooten left yesterday for Durham on business. . Mr. A. L. Griffin of New Bern was in the city yesterday. k i" a Mr. P. A. Hooker returned yester day from Goldsboro. h k a Mrs. J. F. Parrott has returned ! from a visit in Winterville. Mr. Clyde Dunn has gone on a business trip to Goldsboro. m t a l Mr. John Askew left this morning for Raleigh on a business trip. Mr. W. E. Mewborn left yesterday for Goldsboro on a business trip. Mr. H. E. Moseley loft this morn ing for LaGrange on business. Mr. J. M. Howard of New Bern was a welcome visitor in the city today. . ... r Mayor J. Taul Frizzell of Snow Hill was a business visitor in the city yesterday. Messrs. C. H. Foy and P. A. Hook er left yesterday for Southern Pines to spend some time. The Booklovers will meet with Mrs Dan Quinerly, on Queen street, Wed nesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. a Mr. Eugene C. Rountree of Ra leigh is visiting his parents in this city, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Rountree, on East Blount street. THE WILLIAM TODD VAUDEVILLE SHOW. The William Todd vaudeville show, under canvas, opened on North Queen street Monday evening for a week's stand. The Todd outfit is well known here. It has played North Carolina extensively during the past year or two, and has been a favorite in the State for as long as a decade. Tjlo'lsboi'o Daily Arguft recently (fad to say of the show: "The attrac tion is entirely vaudeville, but every feature is clean and attractive, and there is not a dull moment." The one price is decidedly popular, 10 cents. The heating device under the tent is admirable, and the canvas auditorium i ut all times entirely comfortable. Monday night's bill was very good, and the audience was what the offer ing deserved. FESTIV AL HALL ALMOST READY San Francisco, Nov. 17 Within a week, Festival Hall, the last of the beautiful palaces of the Panama-Pa cific International Exposition will be ready for the opening of the gates, February 20, 1915. With the T.nUh ing of the building, work will begin on the installation of the mammoth pipe organ, and the echo organ, the latter to be placed at the top of the great dome. Festival Hall will be an opera house and convention hall, and will be the meeting plaec of many of the -national and international conventions which will meet in San Francisco in 1915. It is of French renaissance architecture, of the style of the seven teenth century, in harmony with the Palace of Horticulture, the Press building and other structures in the South Garden arena. It was modeled after the Theatre desBeaux Arts of Paris, while its details were studied from Le Grand Trianon. The dome which is the largest in America, is 221 feet high and 192 feet in diameter, exceeding that of the Palace of Hor ticulture by 40 feet in width and 36 feet in height. DON TDELAY TREATING YOUR COUGH. A slight cough often becomes seri ous, Lungs get congested. Bronchial Tubes fill with mucous. Your vital ity is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's Pine.Tar-Honey. It soothes your ir. ritated air passages, loosens mucoui and makes your system resist Colds. Give the Baby and Children Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar.Honey. It's guaranteed to help them. ' Only 25c at your Dru- Cohen's Public Sale Now in Progress 'Tis The Duty of Every Economical and Sav ing HlELQErQdlireals off hwmt the All Seasonable and High Grade Wearing For the Whole Family M Amy (Price You Care to u rsi MM T u ill HOSPITAL SUPPLIES FOR SERVIA SHIPPED TODAY New York, Nov. 17. The steamer Finland left today with the second and third hospital units and large quantities of medical and surgical supplies which will be sent to Servia, via Greece. TEXAS GETS GIRLS TRAINING SCHOOL Dallas, Texas, Nov. 17. A state wide campaign just successfully clos ed, has assured the establishment of a State Training Sshool for Girls. Club women were most active in pros ecuting the search for subscriptions. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by lwnl npp'icatliuis, us tlu-y ,.niiot rnn'h the tllHt'ltKt'tl iMtrtloli of tin cur. lli'-lr 1 itv.iy mu way tn finv iJ-HfniH, und Intil I In sUnitl'iit- 1 rt'lilt'iJD-s. pi-urn-.- I ( :tUM-u iv ; :i uiuni.H ti condition -f ill. nitn'Miu; lining f tin- 1 .iitii.-hlHft TlltH Wllfll tlli llltM is fllllMl'l, ! .O l ll.lVi' t. rumbling honntl ur iuiiM-rfTt hc.'.ihi, nn-i when It Ia cnlirt lv Jl.-Hfi.o- IM II'' r- Ml!t, ri'i'l linlrss tin- 'iMflainiunt'on ci:n l"' t I thin tut..- restored to it imi-ihhI ! I I le -ii r- itiK will In- d. -it roved ffir(-v.-r: elite if out "f ten nre cnus. il l.y ( ..ttinli. wlii. ;, U ioil-hi hut un ImHiiiim ii e'iiiditifin f tlie n ie-HiiH khii'ihth. will iriv.- (me fliindnd I . 1 1 j r f .r nny eie-o Of Iriifne (-inised l.y e;ii;irrhl i.; tii'.( Ik eurvd hy llnil'ii l'tarrh (.'ur-.-. :i imI for t.rru larB free. 0 r. j. ru knky ic ','(., 't..i. . gold ty PruKflsts, 7op. Take Hall's rauiily Tills T-r c ; :.ll..n. NEAR DEATH BY SMOTHERING Bat Husband, With Aid of Cardui, Effects Her Deliverance. Draper, N C Mrs. Helen Dalton, ol this place, says: "i suffered for years, with pains in my left side, and would often almost smother to death. Medicines patched me up for awhile hut thpn I would ect worse acain. Final ly, my husband decided he wanted me to fry Cardui, Ihe woman's tonic, so he bought me a bottle and I began using it. It did me more good than all the medi cines I had taken. I have induced many of my friends to try Cardui, and they all say" they have been benefited by its use. There never has been, and never will be, a medicine to compare with Cardui. I believe it is t good medicine for all womanly trou bles." For over 50 years, Cardui has been re lieving woman's sufferings and building weak women up to health and strength. If you are a woman, give it a fair trial. It should surely help you, as it has I million others. . Oct a bottle of Cardui to-day, ' WriHU: Chsttanoora kTsdldna C, Lsdtel Adnsory Dsot. ChsBsnooo. Tsnru, lor 4mW Mtki on oer case nd Uuki book, Hon" YmtmiiJof WaaD"iB(WBTnti(i. tf.UJSI Shopper These Bona 312 NORTH QUEEN STREET IRA M. HARDY. M. D., Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to C P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 507; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street F.yr, F-ar. Nose nd Throat Diseases Treated. Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Wound and Pile quickly healed with Arnica Salve. It prevents infection, is antiseptic, soothing, healing. Try it once. Money Back If It Fails. The Original and Genuine. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Heals the Hurt All Druggists and Dealers, 25c. time. For almost half a century Hutlc Pilot has stood the test of time. It is the unadulterated combination of the finest Pure White Lead, Zinc Oxide, and Genu, ine Linseed Oil in correct proportions. The formula is plainly printed on every can. FREE Beautifully illustrated book, H "Home, and How to Paint ip P Tnn."a!o color card of 45 iiSlt color combinations. Ask us 2f I for other bookleu and color P cards of Pt fit Ftahats, or I write direct to ill fcideeaallert fXlsainllk, If i ncoaroaaTBia, to Investigate Fide Offerings Mem TforiffSsf ! on INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD Now Occupying New Office one Door East ,of The Post Offic Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Phone 182 C. Oettinger, Mgr. We have moved into our new place of business opposite Free . Press Office and are belter prepaired than ever to supply your J ; wants in PLUMBING. We are also agents for the best . awning maee. Special attention given to repair work. r ' - "4 I E. O. m OO RE l-tftjjr . . it is true economy iu scicw iuv . best paint your money will buy. - . It costs you just as much to paint your property whether you use inferior paint or Mastic'-Paint,' the kind that lasts. Kesults will prove this to you .in a short : Be on the safe side and use Specify It In Your You don't fore, is more Keeps your enhances its There's a Pee Gee Finish For Every Purpose, i i Adamant Floor Paint, Crooataln, for Roofs; Po Cm Bam Paint, Pea Cso Porch Paint, Pm Ceo Carrtafv, : Implement, and Wajon Paint, Ke-Nu-Lac, , ; lor reiimsmng woouwi , huw . . popular Pea Cm Flniahe, . " For Sl II. E. MOSELEY aoudl Pay S1I 1L V LOANS NEG0TMTEED' & COMPANY . 1 A, Mastic Paint. Contract run any risk using HuUC Flint, artnts to Jlvt strfcet MtisficUsa. " It covers more surface, last lonser. and. mora economical than any other paint. house bright and attracUv ana value. 1 I 5 a:. by , , - A i. HARDWARE CO. 3 r r.r . . V if I! 1 i jgist. v

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