. ',V:v:':.-;,v-; " 1 ' 1 ' ": " "' ; ' " THE KINSTON DAILY FREE 'PRESS TT - . . v."- -Vj v-re'Vi:y;?,iyL-; t r if if - ' ,1 - I 1 : i 1 11 ': m 1 1 M : CJIOCAL EVEREST POLE f ALLS, WITH " TELEPHONE LINEMAN. V At Snow Hill Monday afternoon a telephone polo ell with Joe Smith, a linensa, the nan striking the ground with such Impact as to render him neoMdoufc No bones were broken. Emit wat badly bruised. SERVICE IN SANDY BOTTOM CHl'HCH. Mr. N. H. Sheptrd of Rocky Mount will preach in the Baptist church at Sandy Bottom on Sunday, November 22. at 11 o'clock. The servjce will be- rht a revival series, which will con tinue through a week. MIDNIGHT PROWLER PICKED UP BY OFFICER. Emmett Koonce, an elderly man, was taken in charge at 1 o'clock this morning by a policeman who found him, axcesaively intoxicated, in the neighborhood of one of the tobacco warehouses in the northern part of thefcity. NEGRO WHO SHOT WIFE ARRESTED THIS MORNING John Smith, a negro suspected of being a man who, several months ago shot his wife at Bucklesberry and scaped, was taken into custody early this morning at Maysville, Jones county, and brought here to await trial. The woman recovered. SATISFACTORY SALE OF SOUTHWEST FARM. The W. B. Bee ton plantation of 416 acres, one of the show places of Southwest township, brought around $17,000 when sold at auction Mon day, It was stated today. The farm had been divided into 10 plats, which sold readily, ' The recent owner and the salesmen were gratified at the results of the auction. The planta tion contained a handsome country home. FRANK JONES LOSES BIS GIN AND CONTENTS. Mr. B. Frsnk Jones, who is well known here, had the cotton gin and contents, on his farm, eight miles from the city, totally destroyed by Art early this mornln. The origin of the Are Is unknown. The damage, which was a total loss, amounted to f3,000, with only $1,000 insurance. DAVE WOOLARD STARTS SOMETHING IN NEW BERN Dave Woolard, a former resident of East Caswell street, and Robert Naston, a New Bern young man, caused excitement around the union station at New Bern when they en gaged in fisticuffs Sunday night Woolard Invited Naston out of the building and struck him, following which a spirited round was pulled off, the police interfering. Each was fin ed In police court. ENTERTAINMENTS IN RURAL SCHOOLS. There win be box parties In schools at the following points and on the stated dates during the next ten days: At Sharon schoolhous on the even ing; of November 20; at Pine Forest schoolhous on the evening of Novem ber 21, when a prize will be given to the prettiest and most popular young lady; at Piney Grove schoolhouse on the evening of the 25th. The last- named k near Albrltton's. The pub lie is cordially invited to attend any or all of these entertainments. A clipping party at Grainger school on last Friday night was quite a sue cess, 35 being raised for school bet terment ALLEN STARRED IN CAROLINA.W. F. GAME. Newspaper accounts of the foot ball ftiM on Saturday in which the University of North Carolina had great difficulty in defeating the strong Waka Forest sf gregmtlon, told of the substitution of "Long" at quarter back tl last quarter of the game, an4 the subsequent improvement in Carolina's team-work. It was not "Long" but Reynold Allen of Kin. ton, who replaced Bridges at quar ter and aided in saving the gasaa, ad k3M frosa Chapel ilill today state. It WS dorinr the last smarter, with the wiry regular quarter put back in-; to the game, that Carolina succeeded in nuking two touchdowns - on the r.-;t:rts, rereomlBf; their bad and rarfc CiS dy for the Varsity, Deputy Collector of Internal Reve nue I. N. Tull is ditttrlbuting copies of the war "act to increase the inter nal revenue, and for other purposes" and is actively engaged in collection in his territory. The act was approv ed October 22, having as its purpose the raining of around a hundred mil lion dollars to make up the deficit caused by the falling off of customs collections since the reduction of im ports as a result of the European war. Liquors, tobaccos, luxuries, in eluding perfumes, cosmetics, etc. brokers stocks and bonds, etc., and pawnbrokers, commercial, custom house , proprietors of theaters and other amusement places, and others are liable to taxation under the act. Severe penalties accrue to failure to comply. LITTLE DERELICT WAS MENACE TO NAVIGATION Paul Henry, between nine and ten years or age, wearing nis miner coat and driving a great big mule, . . i i hitched to a cart, was found wander ing aimlessly at the Iron bridge on Monday night. The lad, who la small even Tor nis lew years, zigzaggeu from one of the cross roads at th bridge to the other, and was in a fair way to become a nuisance. An inter ested man took charge of the outfit and brought it to town, putting the mule and cart up in a livery stable and turning the boy over to the po lice. It developed that Paul Henry took his father's rig from their home near Grlfton and drove 17 miles over lonely roads to the river. His fath er, wno was worrying anoui me ooy, was communicated with by the police and will come after him. VAUDEVILLE ACT AT DIXIE CANCELLED BY MANAGER. The vaudeville act of Slauson and Tyson, booked for the first part of this week at the Dixie moving pic ture theater, was stopped after its first performance Monday night by Manager Moore because he consider ed the dancing act questionable. There was some difference of opinion in the audience as to the propriety of the performance. The man of the troupe came out on the platform and addressed the audience, and asked if the act was objectionable and there were some who answered no. The young woman was hysterical and called for a doctor, and the couple have been in town today, it is alleged to And some way to "get even" with Manager Moore, who claims that he agreed to pay their local expenses and make a liberal allowance on their contract, although the act was not to be given, and further Manager Moore says he has paid over some money, as it was not nis desire to impose upon the actors, but to "pro tect his patrons from what he thought to be a suggestive and loud act." COLLAR IWWwIi CW). yWr S C., tm. Mm 2RROW The Opening Lyceum Attraction THE DAVID DUGGAN GRAND OPERA COMPANY COMPOSED OF FIVE LORIW'S OPERA HOUSE, SAT. HOV. 21 At 8 O'clock. Benefit Daughters of Tfi3 Confederacy SEATS SOLO AT MARSTON'S DRUG STC OH DY DAUGHTERS OF.TIIE COrZFEC-.Ct Charlotte Ikert is an Illinois girl with the David Duggan Grand Opera Company, which comes here next Sat urday as the first Jyceum attraction of the season, and a valued member of the organization. Mi.-ta Ikert is a now famous contralto. Her voice is excellent, being full of beauty and resonance and having a remarkable range. Her personality h most gra cious, and with an added case of man ner she makes a decidedly pleasing ' Btage appearance. Her first study of voice was begun at Oberlin College. Soon afterward she came to Chicago, where for a number of years she studied under the eminent teacher and critic, Feliv Borow.ski. Later she took ui) her work under the noted teacher, Mr. L. A. Phelps, of Chica go. Miss lkert has toured extensive' ly throuKh the United States with Skovgaard, the Danish violinist, and everywhere received the approbation of the public. Her interpretation of the role of Azucna in 11 Trovatore is the work of a real artist. The entertainment Saturday niht is under the auspices of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. PULLMAN CAR TO NORFOLK ON THANKSGIVING DAY In line with the usual custom of the Norfolk Southern Railroad, the local agent desires to provide a Pull man car from Kinston to Norfolk on account of the A. and M.-Washington and Lee football game on Thanksgiv ing duy, the 26th. If the business will justify it; that is, if as many as 15 or liO apply at once to the lo cal agent for reservations, he will arrange for a Pullman to be set out here so as to enable those going to occupy berths at 9 p. m., if they so desire. Applications should lie made within the next few days in order that the necessary arrangements may be made. LOU1SBURG DOES ITSELF PROUD: $340 FOR BELGIANS Louisburg, Nov. 10. The commit tee of mercy, of which Mrs. T. W. Bickett is chairman, which was ap pointed a few days ago by Mayor James A. Turner, raised 340 for the Belgian sufferers during the past week. EVEN CURES ULCERS Remarkable Results From Skin Rem edy That Costs Almost Nothing. No matter how had a sore or ulcer afflicts you, it is believed that Ilokara, the pure skin healer, will cure it, but if it doesn't cure, the purchase price will be refunded. J. E. Hood & Co., the local agents for Hokara who have sold hundreds of packages say they have yet to find any form of wound or disease affect ing the skin that Hokara does not heal and its relief comes so quickly that those who try it are simply de lighted with it. Pimples, eczema, blackheads, ncne, barter's itch, and all skin troubles are quickly relieved by applying this sim ple skin healer and tissue builder. It contains no grease or acids, and is cleanly to use. J. E. Hood & Co., Drug Store is sell ing a large package of Ilokara lor 5c. Adv. DR. DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. OfficeoverCot. Milloffice HIGH CLASS ARTISTS The New Stylet of John B. Stetson Hats Are Here, See South Window. Dail & Taylor The Men's Store WOOLEN AND COTTON BLANKETS PLAIN AND FLUID TO PLEASE Buster Brown Hosiery. O. N. T. Cotton 6 for 25c. Chas. A. Waters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 NEW LOT Ladies' Waists Fourteen Styles to Select from SEE THEM ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 7 Prop. Retailing Shoes of Quality is My Business The choicest creations of the world's best shoe makers are here for you to inspect and buy. I am not tied to any one con cern but select my shoes from the best lines that offer me the greatest value for my money and in this way I am placed in position to offer-you the very newest styles that are to be had. It will be a pleasure to me to show you whether you intend buying or not, for seeing is believing. My shoes for men, women and children are the best-there is none bet ter. Come look and buy you won t regret t. Mark Cummings "The Home of Quality' Z. V, MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hoars: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: t I p, nu Office, 478 8 to 8 p.m. . Res. Phone US 'roii7iuc::"YnLis Just Arrived New Models in CO. Corsets See Them Before Buying J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store No Need to Have a Cold Room When you can buy a beautiful little coal heater for $6.50. It is a full nickel trimmed sheet steel heater with 2 front doors-and has a grate which can be shaken or dumped. Made of the best material and guaranteed. Large size of the same heater $9.50. (A Discount for Cash) A Correction- In yesterdays ad we unintentionally stated that we had sold the Sealy Matteress nearly 10 yearsThis should have been 4 years, and in that time we have found it to be the finest mattress made. Oettinger's Furniture StoreJ IB I I M ,U "Z,-' r JeiiKltNeaLI Bill I I UU ksaii-hriHfl HNntfT fc! II KINSTON LOAN & REAL ESTATE CO. inc., "We Write Insurance of all Kinds'' , O and carried off the chest of silver and other things? And just to think, a few dollars spent for YALE LOCKS would have saved all that trouble and loss! Maybe you will receive a call this year. Better get ready. "A stitch in time," you know that stitch should be a YALE LOCK or PADLOCK or maybe you need two or three or four. Anyhow we ve got just the lock you need whether it is for front door, stable or bureau drawer; Ask for our Buk book showing fLfty.eees for a Padlock, initiated. We Have All PRICES RIGHT LET US SUPPLY YOU Barrett Will this kind of a Santa Claus Visit You ? vou rememher how burglars got into your neio-hhor's house last vear Kinds For Everyone 'r'i'J,-TT7tZI T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST 130 S. McLewean St Near Residence. DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins. & Realty Co. Office hours: 9-12, 2-6 Nights and Sundays by Appointment. Residence Phone 129 N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Lud KinstoR, N. C. .Goldsboro, KC ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. C, Edgerton Building. All Coat Suits ALL $25 AND $30 SUITS ALL $20.00 SUITS ALL $17.50 SUITS ALL $12.50 SUITS .10.00 TERMS CASH Hartsfield I At SKINN I We .Cater to I 111 The Ladies and I Children. : : Ice Cream. Soda and Fine Candy I Phone 149 II J.T. Skinner &Soa J I "We Strive to Heaie" I DR Office Reduced $22.50 18.00 $15.00 -; G. t. Kornegay ft E. COSELEY. ED'J. CO,