THE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS All Hats and Feathers at REDUCED PRICES Chamberlain & Braxton CasOill Building SOCIAL And PERSONAL I i IIU has returned in i Greenville, where he spoke on Wed nesday, and commended . the Union for its .co-operation in extending the cause of educntion in the- State. Mr. J. B, Leonard from Goldsboro. K K S Mr. John Waters spvnt today Dover on business. i Mr. Sam Abbott spent today in La Grange on business. Mrs. J. H. Peele returner to her home in LuGrungc this raornin, af ter a visit in the city to her (laugh ter, Mrs. G. H. Bell on North Inde pendent street. Miss Alice Hines has returned from a short visit to Goldshnrv FOR HEAD COLDS OR ANY CATARRH ILL Surely use Hyomei; it quickly clears thi' head, stops the disagree able nasal discharges, soothes and l,t;ils the inflamed lining of the air p;usa(r you feel better nt once. When your nostrils are clogge.-.l, you suffer with dull headaches, or have that constant frog in the throat Hyomei is the remedy that will give the quickest, most effective and last ing relief possible it goes right to ihc cause of the trouble and quickly ends your misery. You simply breathe Hyomei, using the small in haler that comes with every com plete outfit. Hyomei immediately reaches all the raw and inflamed tissues lining the nose and throat, driving out the poisonous secretions and healing the sore spots dull headaches vanish you breathe freely. Even the worst cases respond quickly. It is impos sible to use Hyomei and not b im mediately benefited. Hyomei can be had from J. E. Hood & Co., Druggists. (adv) FOR SALE! Old Papers, suitable for kindling' fires these cool mornings, 5c a package. Free Press. 9-14-tf Mr. G. V. Cowpcr left this morn ing for Goldsboro on a business trip. . Mrs. G. P. Fleming has returned from a visit to relatives in Oxford. i: :: Mr. Har ey 0. Parker of Wash ington, D. C. is a business visitor in the city today. k a a Dr. II. O. Hyatt returned this morning from Jacksonville, where he spent yesterday on business. h Miss Rosa Tollson of New Bern passed through the city this morn ing en route to Raleigh on a visit. There will be a dance in the to bacco warehouse at Pink Hill tomor row night, to which the public is in vited. r. t r. ku Miss Georgie Herndon has return ed from a visit of a few days to her sister, Mrs. George L. Jordan, at Timmonsville, S. C. t. r. Mrs. J. L. Lomax of Goldsboro, re turned to her home this morning af ter a visit in the city to her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Russ for a few days. " " 1 State Superintendent of Public In struction J. Y. Joyner spent Wednes day night and today in the city, the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. N. J. Rouse. Mr. Joyner is on his way from the Farmers' Union meeting at Mr. t. is. Hargett returned this morning to spend a while with his family after being away from the city for some time on a business trip to several points. USB Other Club Women Gather Rags. The Ladies of the Round Table and the Booklovers' Clubs have joined in with the Reviewers' Club in gather ing old linen and other white rags for use as bandages in the European war zone. Mrs. J. F. Taylor and Mrs. R. L. Crisp will continue as the com mittee to receive the contributions of rags, and it is earnestly desired by the ladies that all rags be turned in by Monday of next week. So far the response has not been as large as it should have been, and the club wo men want it emphasized that every housekeeper in town is urged to take part in the movement and make do nations. The crying need of the hos pitals makes it important that a ship ment of bandages be made as soon as possible. SCHOOL BAZAAR AT PINK HILL SPLENDID SUCCESS Proceeds Wiped Out Debt On Piano. ..Spirited Popularity Contest Re sulted Misses Turner and Tyndall Being Nominated. TRY THIS FOR YOUR COUGH. Thousands of people keep coughing because unable to get the right rem edy. Coughs are caused by inflamma tion of Throat and Bronchial Tubes. What you need is to soothe this In flammation. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, it penetrates the delicate mucous lining, raises the Thlcgm and quickly relieves the congested membranes. Get a 50c bottle from your druggist. "Dr. King's New Dis. covery quickly and completely slop ped my cough," writes J. R. Watts, Floydale, Texas. Money back if not satisfied but it nearly always helps. (adv.) Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA (Special to The Free Press.) At a meeting of the trustees of the Pink Hill district school last night, funds were produced by the principal of the school, representing the pro ceeds of the school buzaar, held in the school last Saturday night, which en tirely obliterated the debt on the school piano, which was purchased three years ago on the understand ing that it was to be paid for by funds raised through school enter tainments, concerts, etc., and every cent of the cost has been met in this way. The raising of this fund was largely the work of Miss Celia Max well, the principal of the school, and it demonstratos the intense interest that Miss Maxwell has felt in the school since its inception, she being the first teacher to fill the noDoint- ment in the school at this place. The board, by a unanimous vote, tendered a resolution of thanks to the present teachers, Miss Maxwell and Miss Tyndall for their efforts in raising the piano fund, and exhibited their pleas ure of the progress the school is mak ing and the high standard kept, by soliciting their services, this far ahead, for the next school term. "Pink Hill Is Wide Awake." The school bazaar at Pink Hill last Saturday was quite a success in spite of the inclement weather. The doors were qpened at 2:.'30 p. m. Confec tioneries, oysters, cream and hand made souvenirs were sold. Beginning at 7:30 a concert was given by the school, which consisted of songs, pan tomimes and speeches. Arter the con cert there was a voting contest on the most popular young lady. It was a close race between Misses Bernice Turner and Lula Tyndall for quite a while, when it was announced that the contest would be closed in just ten minutes. The crowd anxiously waited while the time was called, and it was found that there had been 3,954 votes cast in favor of Miss Tur ner, who waa presented the first prize, which was a beautiful cameo pin. Miss Tyndall received 3,067 votes, and was presented with a three pound box of chocolate candy as sec ond prize. The proceeds for the eve ning were about $i)5, all of which will go for the benetit of the school, just as the teachers and trustees see fit. r THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KlilSTCil "If you need help to hold your COTTON, call to DON' TDELAY TREATING YOUR COUGH. A slight cough often becomes seri. ous, Lungs get congested, lironchial Tubes fill with mucous. Your vital, ity is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It soothes your ir ritated air passages, loosens mucous and makes your system resist Colds. Give the Baby and Children Dr. Bell's Pine.Tar. Honey. It's guaranteed to help them. Only 25c at your Druggist. see us. omcus - "' N.J. ROUSE. Pre. DR. H. TULL, Vice Praide s D. F. WOOTEN. Culi. J. J. BIZZELL. A1 Cashier. T.W. HEATH Teller. DIRECTORS. W. L. Kennedy H. Tull I. H. Canady L. C. Moseley J. F. Parrott C Felix Harvey David Oetbnger H. E. Mojeley J.F.Taylor ' H.H. McCoy S. H. Isler k ; N. J. Rouse . SPECIAL A REDUCTION SALE on all of our HATS We have them in all sizes, small, medium and large brims Mrs. ML Brasvuell 'MMMMMMMEH You Need a Tonic There are times to every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui Is com- ' posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps .build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women In its past half century of wonderful success, and It will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking 111 The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark, . says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such. awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and -as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything. Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. ' SI VALUE fr - EXTRAORDINARY From The fIGlMMT(Q)fg 2 ill fT MS!!! I Has Helped Thousands. in .... f Friday and Saturday Cohen's Clark's O.N. T. Pillow Ladies Vests Extra Heavy Ladies' Lisle Men's Hose Ladies' or Extra Good ?nor,i mttnn rases or Pants Children's Hose Men's Hem- Men's Shirts Spool Cotton Cases or Pants UniQn SuUs nose med H,d,kTs 31-2C 7c 18c 22c 5C I J5L 3c 1 34c Children's ill Men's FL'eced Men's Jersey Extra Good Ladies Fine Middy Ladies Long Ladles' Solid Wool Shirts or Gloves Towels Embroidered Blouses Wool Hose Leather Shoes Sweaters IDrawers Underskirts 74c 34c 8C I 4C 1 41c 1 69c 17c 1 98c Popularly Known as the Cheapest Place in Kinston for High-Grade Wearing Apparel COHEN'S , The Most Exclusive Showing of High-Grade Tailor-Made Ladies' Suits ever exhibited in Kinston. You have seldom seen so much style and service in these creations at iTHESE EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. Men's High Grade Suits at Half Price. Values Up To 16.50 NOW 'i ' ? Strictly all Wool Hand Tailored Fit Guaranteed Values Up To 25.00 NOW Q-85 Strictly all Wool Hand Tailored Fit Guaranteed THE MATERIALS Include Serges, Cheviots medium and wide wale diagonals, Poplins and Garberdines in black, navy brown, greens taupe, Copenhagen and wine. The Coats vary in length from knee-length to 48 inch models, and come in directoire paddock and many other styles. Semi-fitted and loose-hanging styles closing with one, two or three buttons; collars are in shawl or notch effect. Some of the coats have deep-stitched belts. The skirts are are in various new models gored and pleated. 5.45 6.60 7.85 8.60 9.80 CHOICE OF VALUES UP-TO 40.00 12.50 Shoes for the Whole Family at Less Than llalf-Price Ladies Child's Men's All Solid Leather Solid Leather Gun Metal Leather Shoes Shoes Shoes $1.79 29c 1-25 in Button or Lace BuyThem REAL Values to $3.00 NOW VALUES Boy's Shoes Weil made 98c Tie Kim That Wears 6fl Li 5" 5 t SELLING r.- SELLING id IP , OUT