been (roomed and perfumed for the occaidon. At these women- wodld take.iome of tho' "Colonel't" anti-race ui cldc advice and raiue full-bloodud American boys and ffirla instead of "blue-bloodtd" Airdale terriers, their "society" would 1 uplifting ihhtcad of dinRUsting. ' , . (Published Every Day Except Sunday) KINSTON FREE PRESS CO., INC, KINSTON, N. C. THE DAILY FREE k 't K I f 11 i f Ml i 'it' IL CALT BRAXTON EDITOR AND MANAGER ."- ' (United Kcporta) (Entered at th postodlcc at Kwstnn, North Carolina, as cond cla matter under act of Congress. March .'!. 1 svy.) wcond clasa matter TELEPHONE -ALL DEPARTMENTS 7 j SUBSCRIPTION RATES ( t'ayahlu In Advance) On Week .... One Month . . . Three Month.- . Six months . . . Twelve Months ' .Hi 1 .1)0 . 00 4.00 SATl'KDA h' I'MNC, N KMIfF.H t PJ! I Subscribers arc requested to notify, by Telephone 73, The Free 1'ress office of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. Every year u lot son Square fiarderi lest for six il:.y put on the ti :' of the men they bail n week at':- r I nianity -: i i" d he aha; r .. , leadc ; hy II.,: ;u i !- cap.',, i ,f l icycle riders conj?rcKto at Maiti N'ew York, and have an endurance um! nij'ht. When these racn were first - C i!e incessantly, and the reports told , ': i - t n to thir tasks like cattle, after t in tired to hee any i . a.-on, and for i aces Mlne of them were "Mighty." IIu- i .! :u and demanded that au'-h a funii h p!ar. ,t d now they ride in relays. This year the .-. to be frlij.sinjc all pr.. vio'ja records uU . There seem: to be no limit to the a peed i .!.:) and engine. "What fools ye morula be." i ir The shopping day-' I' ft for the pureha'e of goods arc now reduced to 'J, lit member the want to fret home ( In iMmax Kve in time for : to visit thtm. hri ! ale ! ant. i ( Don't forpet the HujftfORtion to "pay up." A p.wt of this week's wajjes will wipe out a whole lot of t !. hltie "all-Lut-foiyollen" accounts that woriy the bookkeeper as the closing days of the month roll 'round. The reports from Charlotte are id aw corning in, hut tho snow and exceedingly wintry spell afforded by Mr. Weuthcr Man for the occasion must have been anticipated by the program committee or at least the "menu providers." ,..'! p- : tion of the I "... : Ij population it reported to )u;y '(gulrirly in Ph j !-'n V jphiu in onhr to lit them- for active fighting, alter the present European con .i-cm, unless the countries of Austria, (itrmany and agree to restore to iYlund its national freedom, are two reason:) thai, now suggest themselves f ir p.. -ting a stoj. in the piart.:-. on American soil. The fust i, the liability of eorriplic'.tioi. of neutral. ty violation, and t:i o'her, a most important is the suggestion of even mill fight after '.he ir- ,nl terri'dc affair 13 ended f ! r,n or rumor; ' war. foment in the "Ijuid of tiie Free nnd the Home of the Heave." The draping of Mexico City in fla.s and thu o'isorvaiico of a holiday commemorating tho inception of the Madero revolution will not be conducive to r.n early reconciliation of the Mexican factions,' It will no I'ouht serve to fan the flames of rebellion and widen the breach. Lloyds' Insurance Agency is taking chances on a cessa tion of European hostilities. Some policies are written setting March 31 as tho end of the war and others June W. 4," Here's hoping that neither class will produce any loss to the company, not so much its its sake, but for peace and hu manity's sake. The sudden cold snap, as usual, finis a large number of people unprepared and lacking the ''wherewithal" to pre pare for actual bodily comfort. Tho demand on the treas ury of the United (Thai it.ies is heavy, more than it can res pond to, and a call has been issued for contributions to re lieve the Nufferrng of the unfortunat . In our abundance, let us not be without charity. iThe Free Press endeavors to keep from its advertising columns all exploitation of miesti nuhlc, fraudulent or -other objectionable business, "Truth in advertising" is the slogan of the business department. The co-operation of tho patrons of Ibis paper to that end is desired, and re ports of any imposition resulting from the purchase of good advertised in The Free Press will he appreciated. The Community Service idea, heiri inculcated in the mill operative in KaiSton as repotted in Friday's Free Press, is worthy of emulation by nil employers of labor. The statement of Manager Taylor of the Kin-ton ('..lion Mills In which be taiy.. that not only the I reraises of the people have been helped, but an improve! lent, in their gciieial services is noticeable, is significant of the fact that good seed, when piope'ly sown, will prod tee good fruit. Today in rid-ide Iphia the sociot..- women are niakiuir "monkeys" ef themselves with theit annual dog show, in winch the petted little terriers are b nng- exhibited, ha iiur As winter comes on arid the rigorous climate of North ern Km ope beats down upon 'ho b;;i I,' lines, the ulTer ing and de-it b j r.i: acute that, it has been. Men, who brve left cnniiY -tab'c homes, where wife and halites now deprivi-il of the neres ary comforts, and are facintr the "wolf a' the door," and are now forced to erabno, until hurran give-i up, tho most terrible cposare. Reports from s irrte of the liner; say that the trenche; in whiih 'he ttoop. lire rc-ouired to staiid or -l -c p, if they ;r t tiny ie,-t, ure i K-1 with u.iter, and in some instance-:, t!.e :oldier.s are Wa si deep in icy Water. The ci.use of tins inconceivable Bi:t;ation what some are pleased to c.iH "civilized war fire," nnd the demand for more preparation.:, greater armament, bigger guns, etc., is from certain quar ters even mote i!i.;..U-nt than heretofore. The Euiopean wttr is tho grr-i est blot upon civilization, and it sho rid be ths lav bio: ibat the nations of this world permit to mar their escutcheons. "IT IS MuKK I:!. ESS El) TO (JIVE I HAS TO RECEIVE Next Thui.-i'r'V is the day set aside by I'losidetitiul and .State executive pi oeiarnulion for the annual giving of Thanks to the Almighty for His bountiful blessings dur ing the ,iait yi r r. And truly the oast year has been one in which the pi." pic ef this nation h ive been peculiarly i'a orod. While lie centers of nrogns", civili.'ation, culture r.n-l religion in Kurone have been torn and d'Va-ta!td by a cruel cnn'.imnt wide war. America has e, .joyed, under the g-iidnig hand of a Christian ercuUve, peace and plenty. Tin re have been, nnd thou always will be, tlmv upon wh mi Fo tune has not smiled, nnd who h ive felt very Keenly poverty's, but Americans as a whole see a pro.-.p'-roi s and blessed people. Thursday will 1" observe: a a f' id day (hrotip-iinut the 'and. Dig foolba! v.lii lie i laveil ai'il oiner 'orrns :i aninseniein in The Rayo Rests Ycur Eyes T! M1K br; vet soft light of the KAi V Lamp i i k ...l.:... rests ', t.r ees as surciy as a ir.usn i one u'" . . . . i .i... i :..i.. is iiijurtinis I Hu m. .ticmib,is neciniiiciiu uic nm of an oil l.if:- and the is the !.t -o !.. !c. ,A v, nr , ..!r si , I . . I . I LAMP vou tlte R::yo. t i iiL'bt and i arc for. No glare, n i :. - . STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NF.W JER.SEY) I. ... Ii Nor-uls. V liichciiinii, VSi. Cliurlutte. N. C. CALTIMORE I sec Now we can have sup per. And The meal is all ready. How much that means to the wife meals right on umc. uxked to per- tection trie tire burned just right every lid at a working neat, ready to boil or fry. Oven baking beau, tifully both top and oven going at the same time. Fire, burning free ana steady. Burns any fuel soft coal, hard coal or wooa. These are just a few ol the good things' for you in a x KiflHtuil, N. (f. . .il(I -f:l -,1 t if. 1 . . .v - ; .- . . .. r ' ' x v i'-l.."A ' :. I v i y v.;.';,: -. :; r 1 .t Cole's Hot Blast Range make your housekeeping easy and cooking a pleaiura. Mrs. Goodcook, tbit is the range yon have been wanting. See the name "Cole'a" on each Range. None genuine without it H.EMOSELEYHDW.C0. INSURANCE 0? ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD LOANS NEGOTIATES) l TIJItMii ' (Idi:-.- h in-Nioii, N. ( '., ' . d b.d::c,-t(in I.ui'.Uis Now Occipying New OiTtcc one Do:r East of The Post Office Minsion Insurance & Realty Co. Phono Itti C. Oettinger, Mgr. i) it. ;;:). Sjiecialisl SU.'.e- duljred in. '!'!, r., b!e i.obbier will "ce:.. e" by the ten ' of tho'1-.aed l'u' !v;n iie, pii tn i1.idiiinj', uranberry siuae, ceii i v, etc., will l, em.-.uni'd in jrreat quantities and .he majority of t!n people will net their share. Hut, alas! what about the minoiity, many i f whom perhaps will not hae : -ullieii rt I !iie av. iy the panes of hunger, to ray t,-,,,- r tin. iebe riolti'M:,' el ttie lelicactc .1, I ii ii .;!i V t he or jl.ln to I IS e,v of Cold ;lt. ' turnte in ll ;iint o' I ii... I.llllj'l V be !' , t at i-'ii of . ii, ttiat will be enjoyed by others, kit "it i more blessed to jfive lie abo told bis followers that a cup a warm .' .it be-towed on an nanie w.i.. ilninir Ills will. Let the ii:.'h nii.sii'd; lii.iiiiy. p'-evaib Lei the d ibe tu.ked be cloihed ihroiieh the mill's '.".hi have been .-e r:.'h' lile.-s, d, not. be ami k. K(;i:m-:;;ay in 1'i e;, e., of V.'o- nieri and ( a, lure.:. Ob'ife hoars h to 1 2. (,s'ice lva L. (..-v. !! t:reit. l'ho:!e i I ,S. LK. I HITS Ohleopaibic I'hyaician Over Kit; ' Ins. & K-aity ' (h'ie e hoars: IM2, 2 C Ni'h'.. and Sundays by A ppointment. i':.eiinre I'hone 1 J.' :S I)riire, S.r-1, M'ouiuli noil I'll lime.. ,- i. .: vi!;j AruU-u .'.jlv if Hi ii 5 &al 9fm 12 1 causi' of any pa- tieitlav menl of their own. but because of Kir... v I: If U I , The Gri:)'Ml e.r.ti (icuii: ui. Try i: iuoe if m it it-,;i -' it" "pi .;T-'sj'':ViK .1 it-it f- i Si'J E'l : -. .- i- I V 'Tw"- r mmm pfSS PROGRESS HSHAS BEEN in business methods 2pd (his bank has kept pate with them. While conservative in the interest of SAFETY, cur equipment and business methods are modern. Let us do business together tof our mutual advanf jge. Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $90,000.00 ears tnc I 111 "r,::-" 8L0:Sl SIRQMfiEST 8ANX l!l THE GOWl it (bsl's pnnlr-i ! fi r His blessed Son's sake. M A R K E T TODAY'S QUOTATIONS ITtODUCK Whole-inle IVirrH Heuirtrd by the KitiNton I'-anut t'ompany Turk I.! i ISaeen, -i.'.- IS Jtacon, ham 'Jr Haeoii, shoaM. i' IS iMd 14 Corn, iiiVc! 1.00 rotable', i-weit atl FtV M Country barter ,'SO lUt,, pec. ml .' 10 Broiletv, pound 2 Eoostcrs, upi.- e 25 Guineas;, apiece 20 Gwse, aptest! 4i Turkeys, pound 15 TODAY'S COTTON MARKET be New , iue, ol" it..:. e: M'i ei : ! poi (b.y's . b" ii J'uuairy M i!: !,,,.,,,.-! .... t b-. ., , Nov. -'I '.Ml .a ! ipi..:,,! better The tin Vi the one r ch, i!:,;e toil, v than y !:: uei'e: .Mar i. RKL1EF IKOM STOMACH ILL"-. Why scfftr f'om consiipntioii a d Btrwu:h trooble when M.iyr'a Won I crfui Stomaih Remudy, a aimplo j'. J . Kcription of Ftv nth oils, will give i lief tr.d In ths body cf all poison out matter? , If you hav fuir.ti: g i Mlv irk hssJjwhc, dtstresa nftor catinp, Fressar cf pa aroand Ve heart or t onstlpeticn, get lottlt today. Do not delay longer. It b-w brought health and bappinem to thousands. Mayr Wonderful Ston eb Romcdy U now ld here by J. E. Hood ft Co. May 7. Dec. ei be- 7. IT KHALI V i(i:s HKLIKVE liliKl M A I ISM. Kverylnxly who i.s afflicted with Kheumatism in any form should by all mean keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment on hand. The minute you teej patn or soreness in a joint jr muscle, bathe it with Sloan's I.iri ment. Do net rub it. Sloans" pene trates clmost immediately rijrht to the seat of pain, rtdievinif tho hot, tender, swollen feeing: and makir.K the part easy and comfortable. Git a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any drujrfcist and havo it in th house against colda, tore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neurnl- gn, sciatica and like ailments. Your YEBY fUFFEBEB the riai'y sitn;de cause of all pain -i;.''aai;ii;ii ion and ciinrcstuiu. No aiali. r whetber you have a Con!, Sore i hi a', I s ::t:iou;a, lleadaehc, ear ache, Xcu-aleia, ('ou;h, lironchitis, !'s'..ris, Uheumatism or any koij s . . ri.fVie .s, or : vu'!loifs you are .sjtieiiiac b-ca::se that patt is or coi-et tid. A very rucce.ssfal icuin -! , :a'. t ib-co-.crcJ ti.i ; All I?i-i.-U,iJ:il avd Ci-illeri, i'rf?. i, ICTIMHII I. iwwwrtr:i-ianil ibimmiihiib i A 8i in 'j4j':-'ts",'rW'i'Mro oh womlerta! tia orc c: ';o ion t ccndition. 'I he X was fortunate enough to curo the evclusive rights to rivo this pres cription to the world at n price that everybody can pay H," cents a bottle, instead of the phy.-ician's $2 f-i- i-acli tirne. As tKer,, - tions protect your: elf by makli'K jajr-o that it reads Nixon's Menthol Halm. You can Rot it in Kinstcn. N. C, only at the drug store of J. E. Hood & Co. IHit up as carefully as the physitian's prescription. Only 25 cents. a id Mm! ed out a remove that pa'nful l Laboratory arT"--rfirii wriiiTii i nun i Tn-MimjwnMnwrTnrnBPgfrii B 1 l -J-M,.mrnMa Tmmmimmnimtrmmmmmmw nmmm in i mi n iiiim mm 11 n mti If I ? P. B ps a sp m n m esa n '0 III I I-Si M ff.Jiifl EUt J LM 4 V-M C-tf T1 III 1 ' fllr1 .1 n J ft p-4 Is3 Ml h Ira Fs jpi -r That Walfiabi Farm f JAES M NOTICE See L. O. Gross if your Hano needs, tuning. Satisfaction . A 1 t - O , l . i Kuarantewi. in so ot.i i.a;.cy ana money back if not satisfied, but and Conway Tiancs. Phone does pv almost instant relief, adv. 480 L. 10-13-D&SW tf Two and one-hafr ?i:i?as frcm Alhritton Station and nine miles from Kinston-oh the Seven Springs road. V-.l be sub-devided into several smaller farms and sold at auction bv the SCMJTH'S PRMLf. ufLtll ESTATE A'JCTSOrtEERS, BURTON BROTHERS, on Vednesday, November 2a, 11 s i. T1. This farm is seme the best land hi Lenoir County, fine tobacco land and rsadiiy accessible to the live town cf Kinston, N. C. A good neighborhood with schools end churches nsar by. There are 11 dweiHngs on the place, Barns, Stables, Tobac co Barns, Pack Houses, Etc. Land runs back to river, an excellent live stock range. A Barbecue Dinner Free Good Music A Pleasant Day Buy a Farm. Land the Most Stable of all Investments In Neuse Township, Wednesday, November 25th 11 A.;RL BURTON BROTHERS REALTY COMPANY 1 7 WILSON, NORTH CAROlilNA. I!

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