SUNDAY SERVICES Dl ; KINSTON'S CHURCHES WANT ADS I so cmTl THE TR E Y o i 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN- SERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS L0ST-tXo. 10269 and Lamp from automobile. Notify Buick Garage. 11-16-dly-tf MCE Headed Lettuce For Sale Mrs. F. F. Brooks, West Blount street ll-21-2t-dly STRAYED Black Sow, weighing about 150 oounds. slieht brown hair, swallow fork each ear. J F. Spence, R.-4. ll-21-2t-dly&SW SPECIAL NOTICE Each Udy that calls at our store will be presented with a needle case, filled with gold eyed needles as a souvenir, as long us they last, Fianos, flayer rianos anj Music. No. 107 North Queen Street. Forrest Smith. 10-9.2Ct.dly FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Small Snare Drum for Orchestra work. will sell cheap lor casn. Lirum is new. Apply t this office or Phone 242. First call gets the drum. ll-20-2t-dly WANTKD Good live agent in Kin ston to represent our Cleaning and PyeinK Plant. (No pressing club.) Write us for particulars. We have one of the biggest and best plants in Virginia. Powell's Dry Cleaning and Dye Works, Danville, Va. FOR SALE 341-2 acres fine land, located about one mile from the corporate limits of Kinston, on Tow er Hill road, 31 acres cleared and the rest is heavy timbered. Good build ings. Yield this year 1 1-2 bales cotton per acre. Apply to Sam Tay lor at Iron Bridge, Kinston R. F. D. 6. ll-21-2wks dly&SW NOTICE. Notice to all who live or'own real estate in the Moseley Creek drainage district. Your assessment is now due and unless same is paid on or before December 31st, your property will be advertised and sold. R. B. LANE. Sheriff Craven County. ll-12-30t-dly I A SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE on all of our 1 H AT s We have them in all sizes, small, medium and 1 large brims I liflfis. M. L Braswell ; , -, Every home should keep a supplyof medicated cotton; antiseptic bandages and lolions for use when minor accidents happen. " You can never tell what time of the day or night you may need them and prompt attention to little hurt often prevent serious complications. Programs for the Day's Worship, Where Members, Friend and Vis itor la the City are Welcome. BAPTIST. First Baptist church Services in Primitive Baptist church, Caswell street Sunday school at 9:30 a. m Preaching at 11 a. m .and 7:30 p. m by the pastor. Caswell Street Mission Sunday school 3:15 p. m. Caswell Mills Mission Sunda school 3:15 p. m. CHRISTIAN Gordon street Christian church From 10 to 12, unified program of Bible school and preaching services, All invited to Bible school, but those who can attend preaching only, come at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. METHODIST. Queen Street Methodist church. J Sunday Bchool at 9:45. Caswell St. M. E. Church Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. PRESBYTERIAN Atkinson Memorial Presbyterian church. Sunday school 9:45 a. m Preaching at 7:30 p. m. No morning service. Christian Endeavor meet ing at 6:45 p. m. EPISCOPAL St Mary's Episcopal church The morning prayer and sermon at 11 o' clock. Evening prayer at 4:30 o' clock. Sunday school at 9:30. Christ Episcopal church Evening service with sermon at 7:15. Sunday school at 3:15. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Service at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10. Evening service at 7:30. UNIVERSAL1ST. Church of the Eternal Hope Sun day school at 10 a. m. Preaching service at 7:45 p. m. HOLINESS. Holiness church, in East Kinston Services at 7:30 p. m., when Miss E. May Law, a returned missionary from China, will lecture. NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you suffer from bleeding, itch ing, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treat ment free for trial, with reference from your own locality if requested. Users report immediate relief and speedy cures. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, Notre Dame, Ind. (advt.) DON' TDELAY TREATING YOUR COUGH. A slight cough often becomes sen. ous, Lungs get congested, Bronchial Tubes fill with raucous. Your vital ity is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's Pine.Tar-Honey. It soothes your ir. ritated air passages, loosens mucous and makes your system resist Colds, Give the Baby and Children Dr. Bell's Pine.Tar.Honey. It's guaranteed to help them. Only 25c at your Drug gist. TO THE FARMERS: KEITH'S GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIME Composed of sea product, petrified fish, clams, oysters, shells, etc., has solver the high cost of fertilizers, One-fourth price of guano, good for all crops on any soil, can be used alone or mixed with compost cotton seed meal, or fertilizer material. Shipped loose or sacked. For prices, write B. F. Keith Company, R. F. D. No. 3, New Bern, N. C. U Anil L Ml iih j PERSONAL J; Mr. V v w-kw v . . u uaa Kne j uomg. boro on Visit. K Mr. R. L. Crisp left this morning for LaGrange on business, sua Hon. H. E. Shaw left this morn ing on a business trip to Warsaw. a h a Mr. C. M. Jones has gone to Flor ence, S. C, and Maysville, Ly., on a business trip. a k a Mr. R. C. Deal returned yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Goldsboro. a a a Misses Gladys Hartsfield and Lu- cile Koonce have returned home from visiting in LaGrange. a a s Mr. John Tull, after a short visit in the city, returned to his home in Carteret Lodge yesterday. a a a Mr. Hmson of the Kinston Iron and Mantel Works, left this morn ing on a business trip to Goldsboro. a a a Mr. T. T. Hay of Raleigh left yes-1 icruuy miernoon ior uoiasboro on business, after a short business visit in the city. a a a Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Loftin have moved their residence from their farm to the city and are now resid ing at 109 W. Caswell street a a a Mr. Barron P. Caldwell, superin tendentsof the Kinston schools, left today for Cliffside, N. C, Where on Tuesday afternoon his marriage to Miss Virginia Haynes will be sol emnized. a a a Messrs. R. L. and L. E. Turnage of Ayden were in the city last even ing to attend the reception given by Miss Mary Tapp, at her home on North Queen street, complimentary to Mis3 Bonnie Ormond. a a a Thigpen Whichard. Two popular young people of Greenville, N. C, were united in mar riage, at the home of Bernard P. Smith, pastor of the Christian church, on Friday evening, November 20, at 9 o'clock, when Miss Elizabeth Whi chard became the bride of Mr. James Ashley Thigpen. Mrs. Thigpen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Whichard of Greenville, and is a bright, attract ive young woman. The groom is a prosperous young business man, with headquarters in Florence, S. C. where the happy young couple expect to make their future home. U. D. C. AND TEACHERS WILL CO-OPERATE The Daughters of the Confederacy at noon entertained the rural school teachers, who were here for their monthly meeting, in the social rooms of Gordon Street Christian church. Refreshments were served the guests Mrs. C. Felix Harvey, president of I the A. M. Waddell Chapter, U. D. C, in an address explained the work of the organization and asked the co operation of the schoolma'ams in cer tain phases of it, including the rais ing of funds for the monument to be I erected here to Lenoir county s Con federate dead. Mrs. Harvev also announced a I which would be given by the Daughters as an incent ive to country school betterment TRY THIS FOR YOUR COUGH. Thousands of people keep coughing because unable to get the right rem edy. Coughs are caused by inflamma tion of Throat and Bronchial Tubes. What you need is to soothe this In flammation. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, it penetrates the delicate mucous lining, raises the Phlegm and quickly relieves the congested membranes. Get a 50c bottle from your druggist "Dr. King's New Dis covery quickly and completely stop ped my cough," writes J. K. Watts, FlnvHnlp Texas. Money back if not satisfied but it nearly always helps. (adv.) $100 Reward, $100 The rwdera of tbla iit ill tx plj kirn th.t there U at Iet one JmiW that science h.t been able to,, Jf'L um, and tbat la Catarrh. Hail tjtarrh Car la the nlr posltire run- now sawn in leal fraternity. Catarrh bein a wnatimttonal disease, requires a conMltnt onal treatment. BaU a CatVrrh Cure la taken liitenu llj. actlnj directly apt the blood and mocwia ayrfaeea the system, tberebr destroying the foundation of the diaeaae. and' rjTln the f-tlen . reneth by bulidlnc up the constitution and amlatiii : se ta, taS"r,P It. work. J wrU bare so murh faith In Its rurati. "' tn offer One Hundred Hollars for any f raae that It talis to cure. Send for list of tcatlmoalala Address F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O. Sold toy an Druitirlsts. T3c. , Zite Bail s raailr Puis for ftostipauos, "pTSh , CHAPTER XXVt, f Maks-Bellsve. . ur "fwarua i luree-quanera or u VUa I A as. A . ftour of that mornln. WDlch foi, I lowed the nlirht of his ratnrn In Now I York, Mr. Law was permitted to es- I twm n,n"e,f ln happiest of mortals And Inasmuch as this is not only longer uninterrupted term of happl ness than Is humanly common but is more of that emotion than ordinarily leavens the whole of a lifetime, Alan was perhaps to be envied, even though disillusionment wheu It came was sud den, sharp, and to him unspeakably shocking a swift, unpresaged plunge from sunlit peaks of supreme content to the black depths of a bleak Aver- nus of despair. The beginning of the period was synchronous with the slam of a taxi- cab door that shut away a superfluous world from the company of two who loved. The sound spelled safety as well success In Alan's understanding. The car slipped smoothly away from the curb, pursued only by a little gust of semi-ironic cheers from the little company of working men who had wit nessed as well as measurably partici pated in the putative elopement from the house of Trlna Vigilant for any Indication that their evasion had had a witness In that strange home of deathloss hatred. Alan watched it through the little window In the back of tho cab until a corner blotted out the vision of it; then with a sigh of relief sank down by the side of the woman to whom his every thought, impulse and emotion were dedicated. 'Rose!" ho whispered, and tenta tively touched one of tho handB that lay clenched In her lap. She responded with never a sign to Indicate consciousness either of his touch or his whisper, And reminding himself of the strain Imposed upon her by the experience through which they had Just passed. Alan excused her unresponsiveness on grounds of reaction, and for the time felt constrained to let his sweetheart rest and regain her normal poise: there was bliss enough for him In the consciousness that he had won her safely away, that nothing now more than a short hour's drive across town and by ferry across the Hudson stood between them and the marriage that should prove the consummation of all their trials . . . Barring accldont! Alan had too often suffered the pen alty of disappointment for over-indulgence In this falling of his for depreci ating the unforeseen, not to make the mental reservation, "Barring acci dents!" with a little 6hlver of dread. Had any of Trine's household been cognizant of his daughter's escape, Alan argued, Interference must have been instant . Despite the reassuring aspect, the preoccupation of his companion so wore upon him that he was presently no longer able to refrain from disturb ing her. "Hose!" he begged again, closing a hand tenderly over hers. "Dearest girl, don't worry another Instant! Do calm yourself: remember we are safe ?", , 1 She Appeared Anxious to Escapo Without Being Seen. now; we rooiea mem nanaiiy inanno to your faith and bravery, sweetnearti and everything Is going to be well with us from now on. Over In Jersey the minister Is waiting now to marry us; and down at the White Star dock the boat Is waiting that Is to carry us off to England the moment we're mar ried. Think of that and that I love you. Nothing can possibly break the strength of that combination!" For another minute ehe rested as she had ever since sinking into her corner of the taxicab moveless, taut, unresponsive. Then a long sigh shook her to her very heart, and of a sudden the small fist In Alan's grasp relaxed and her faee turned to his like a flower to the sun. a face transfigured, its lips now soft and yielding. Its eyes un closed and smiling Into his a smile all misty with unshed tears. "Alan." she breathed gently. "It can't be true! I'm trying ao hard to believe but all the while I know it cant be tme!M He converted a skeptic with the mute eloquence of his lips . . . v Bead upon tls. shoulder, the girl JIIIS INSTALLMENT 1 iijpni crang passionately to htm. Tell me again that you love me!" she prayed. "Promise me you'll never let anything come between us. Promise me, Alan promise me you'll be kind to me al ways, dear!" "Can you doubt I will be klndr b murmured reproachfully. "I am afraid . . ." she whispered, "How could I be anything else, toy log you as I doT" "I am afraid . . ." "Why should I be unkind to youT" "It isn't that ... I'm Just afraid." "Of whatr "Of losing you- ' ' "But that can never bet" "You can't be sure. What If you were to And you'd been mistaken T" She caught her breath and added hastily "That you didn't really love me, I mean," "Oh. that' ridiculous 1" "I cant be sure. Nothing in life Is permanent What Is love? Illusion of the senses! What Is happiness? A wlll-o'-the-wlsp! What Is life? A make-bollevel" Dearest!" He held her more close ly still. "You are nervous and over wrought You don't know what you're saying. You cant mean what you're saying. . . . But say that It's s that life Is all make-believe. Then meke-bolleve you love me" "Oh, but I do, I do!" "And make-believe for a little we've caught the wlll-o'-the-wlsp only for a little until you wake up and realise tbat it's all real and true." She closed her eyes again! "Yes,1 she breathed, "you axe right Let's make-believe It's all true for a little longer . . . and forget . . ." He could by no means account for this strange humor; but be did his best to comfort her, none the lees ten derly because of his mystification. And for a long time she let Illusion blind her, resting quietly In his arms, mak ing believe . . . Only on approaching the Twenty- third street ferry they must needs rouse and sit apart constrainedly for fear some one might glance through the window and surprise their secret As If one needed the evidence of a caress exchanged to know that they were lovers, who had eyes to see the flushed loveliness of the girl shrink lng back In her corner or wit to Inter pret the radiant happiness that shone In Alan's face as he bent forward and watched warily from the window. CHAPTER XXVI k The Ring. Theirs was the last vehicle to swing between the gates before these last were closed. And this was quite as well; for Alan, rising tor one last backward glance through the rear window, started in voluntarily and choked upon an ex clamation when he descried a power ful touring car tearing madly toward the ferry-house, lte one passenger half rising from the front seat, beside the driver, and exhibiting a countenance purple with congested chagrin as he saw his car barred out of the carriage entrance. Quickly sensitive to his emotion, the girl caught nervously at Alan's hand. "What Is It, dear?" "Marrophat," he snapped. She uttered a hushed cry of dismay. "Don't be alarmed, however," ho hastened to comfort her. "He's lost the race: the gates are shut even the passenger gates and there must bo a company spotter somewhere near by, for the gateman Is virtuously refusing to be bribed by a roll of money aa thick as my wrist!" At that Instant the taxicab rolled aboard the ferry-boat; the deck gates were closed; a hoarse whistle rent the roaring silence of the city; winches rattled and chains clanked; and the boat wore ponderously out of Its slip. So much for Mr. Marrophat!" Alan crowed, sitting down. "Foiled again! He cant stop us now!" "Perhaps . . "Why that perhaps? Why that tone?" he demanded sharply, struck by the foreboding her accents con fessed. "This Isn't the only ferry. There's the Pennsylvania and the Lackawanna and by hard driving he might even manage to catch the boat that con nects with this from the Christopher street ferry of the Erie!" Impossible! I don't believe ltt I wont!" Let's not," she agreed. "But, Alan "Yes?" "Promise me If he should manage to catch up with ns you wont let him talk to you. I mean, dont let him " "No fear of that!" be asservated hotly. "If he tries to exchange one word with me I only wish he would!" She seemed satisfied with that; but the Incident bad served appreciably to chill their spirits. They accomplished the remainder of that voyage In a silence that was no less depressed be cause they sat hand In hand through out. Nor was their taxicab three minutes out of the ferry house on the Jersey shore though the chauffeur, stlmu later by Alanjs extravagant promisee, was doing his beet to fracture the speed laws and escape arrest when the girl's fears were amply justified; a shout from behind drew Alan's head out of the window on one side and the girl's on the other and proved to both that Marrophat had Indeed found some way to make the crossing without great delay. . . , , . ,- His touring ear was .within fifty yards when they first were aware of It; and Marrophat sUndlng'oh the running-board, was shouting Inarticu lately and flourishing an Imperative hand; while the distance between ILL BE t ILLUSTRATED hem was momentarily growing less noticeable. As Marrophat's car drew abreast Alan nodded and said quietly: "Dont be alurnied; I can attend to this gen tleman single-handed." And this he proceeded to demon strate with admirable ease, even though called upon to do bo far soon er than he had thought to be thanks to Marrophut's halr-bralned preclpt tancy. For. falling to tufluence the taxi driver by shouted demands or threats, or to gain the least attention from Alan, Trine's flrst lieutenant ab ruptly and surprisingly took his life In his hands and In one wild bound bridged the distance between the two flying cars and lauded on the taxi's runnlag board. Btop!" he screamed madly. "Stop, I say! You dont know what you're doing! Let mo tell you " He got that far but no farther. In tho eame breath Alan had flung wide the door and was at the fellow's throat There was a struggle of negligible duration; Marrophat was In no way bis antagonist's match; within three seconds he threw out both hands, clutched hopelessly at the framework of the cab, and fell heavily to the street. The taxi sped on without pause, tts driver deaf to the halls of Innocent if Indignant bystanders. Alan pulled himself together and looked back Just In time to catch a glimpse of a num ber of loafers lifting Marrophat to his foet and helping him to the sidewalk That Woman Is Judith of an unsavory-looking tenement, be fore the cub took a corner on two wheels . . ." "Not seriously Injured, I fancy, he told the girl In response to her eager look. "Worse luck I" he added gloomily. But It seeemed that he was to have greater cause than this to complain of his luck, before that ride was ended. Three blocks further on a tire blew out with a report like a cannon-cracker, and the taxi lurched perilously, hesitated, slowed down, and limped dejectedly to the curb. Alan and the chauffeur plied out In the same instant, the one standing guard with an eye out as well for another cab while the other assessed damages. "Nothing for It but a new tire, sir." this last reported sympathetically. "It must have been a broken bottle or, something like that It sure did rip the usefulness clean out of that shoe." "Go to it," Alan advised him terse ly; "and If you make a quick Job of It I'll stand the cost of the new tire." "But if another cab comes along while you're at it you'll lose uo as quick aa a wink. Here's my card, In case we have to desert you In a hurry; you understand this is a matter of life and death, and I'll have no time to settle up with you. But you can call at Mr. Dlgby's office and he'll fix things up to your satisfaction." The man took the card and after a glance at the name touched his hat with more noticeable respect "AH right, Mr. Law," he agreed; "anything you say." And forthwith got to work. The rapidity with which he com pleted the change of tires proved him an excellent chauffeur, an adept at his craft; but the delay was one disas trous for all that. It worked together with what Alan pardonably described as tho devil's own luck to bring the touring car In sight at the precise mo ment when the chauffeur was cranking up and Alan on the point of re-entering the cab. And though they were off again before Alan could close the door, the attempt was hopeless from the start And yet whether or not because Alan's distaste for interference had been too convincingly demonstrated the touring car for the time being contented Itself with trailing about flftv feet In the rear, while the taxi fled the tenement purlieus of -the Hoij boken waterfront and found Its way Into the broader streets of an unpre tentious suburban quarter. Not until they were well into the suburbs, with few dwellings near and no pedestrians to interfere, did Marro phat's purpose become apparent Then, however and It happened while Alan was looking back the touring car drew tn swiftly and easily and Marro phat,' rising in his seat leveled a re volver over the windshield and fired. The crack of hie weapon was prac tically coincident with a metalllo thud beneath the rear seat of the taxicab. Not for some moments did Alan ap preciate the viclousness of the scheme. Surmising that the gasoline tank bad been punctured by the bullet, he was AT THE DIXIE NEXT V J 17 ft v m: I Inclined to belfev that Uarrophai hoped to stop the taxicab by depriv lng It, In course of time, o Its fuel And with this in mind be was present ly surprised, as the cab took m corner, to see Marrophat's car stop at that corner and Marrophat himself got down. The brow of m hill Intervened, shutting off sight of the blackguard sal he knelt and lit a match. It was the) girl who gave the alarm, suddenly withdrawing her head from the vbH dow to scream at Alan r .'-.. j "He's fired the gasoline! It's flam ing along the street, following the Eva of the leak and catching op with TAl" Without pausing to put his band t' the latch, Alan kicked the door open. ; "Jump!" he cried. "For your UfH jump! As soon as that flame Catchesi up with the tank" - ' a . j Simultaneously the cbauffeu oveiM hearing, ehut off the power. ,f I The three gained the sidewalk bare4 ly In time: the tiny trail of flames, at most Imperceptible in the sunlight was not a yard from the Jet that spurt- a . i w . v.i. I . . . . I m luruuKa luo puuoi uuio Ul un uuiaw In the flutter of an eyelash the explo sion followed. Had the cab been load- ed with nitroglycerin tts destruction could have been no mora absolute. There was a roar . . . and then heap of smoking ruins. Without waiting to admire the spec ' tacle, Alan caught the arm of the girl and hurried her up the street, at the same time calling to the chauffeur to follow. And chance brought them to the next corner aa another cab, fare Trine, You Idiot Not Roe! less, hove into view. ' Promising ltt driver anything he might ask. In or out of reason, Alan gave him the ad dress, and helped the girt In. . If Marrophat pursued. Alan could sea no sign of him. The second oar made ' better time than the first Unhindered,' and as far aa could be determined, without being followed,' It covered tha brief remaining dlstanoe In a grate fully short lapse of time. The suburb dropped behind a toase of streets where dwellings stood shoul .der to shoulder and dooryards were scant The car swept up to a corner house of modest and homely aspect Two minutes more, and Alan was ex changing salutations with and making his bride-to-be known to Dlgby's good friend, the Reverend Mr. Wright Embarrassment worked confusion with the young man's perceptive facul ties. As this moment approached when two should be made one who had gone through fire and flood, literally as well as figuratively, for each oth er's sake, incredulity drew a veil be fore his vision. He viewed the world as in a glass, darkly. He was aware of a decently fur nished minister's study; of two wit nesses In the guise of unassuming1 womenfolk of the minister's house hold; of the Rev. Mr. Wright himself as a benevolent voice rolling sono rously forth from a black-clad pres ence; of the woman of his heart stand lng opposite him; of questions asked and responses made; of a ring that was magically conjured from Some store apparently i maintained against precisely similar emergencies; of a band that took the hand that was to be his wife's and placed It in his; of bis clumsy and witless bungling with tha task of fitting that ring to the finger ' of his sweetheart's hand . . . And then he was aware of a door that banged violently in the hallway;, of the sound of a man's voice making some Indistinguishable demand; .that Rose's hand was suddenly . whipped away, before be could fit on the ring;' that the study door was flung open and that this animal of a Marrophat had precipitated himself Into the room. He opened his mouth to "protest- and Marrophat silenced him with cry. . -: "You fool! Drop that ring! Stop this farce I Don't you know whom you're marrying? That woman Is Ju dith Trine, you idiot not Rose f j j Blankly Alan turned to tha girl. ) : Her flaming face.' her sullen eyesj her very pose, from which tha man ner of Rose had dropped Tike a cast" garment confessed, the truth of Bar rophat's assertion. And as If this were. . not enough, Judith confessed It doubly with a sudden outbreak of such rage as never could have been brewed la Rose's gentle nature. ! "Yon devil!" she cried and threw' herself In front of Marrophat with a spring as tithe as that of a leopardess. "Take warning now from me: keep; out of my way forever after this or take the consequences! God knows," she panted, "why j don't kill, you, as ou stand!" -: 'A t v.-, - ,. , . (To be continued Monday.) FRIDAY EVENING, I A. : 1 14 ?l' I V'. N 1 it. i.l ! ft.: ;,;.. M -.- v f : lb:1' ' t' w 'ev? ;. a ... i I 1

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