THE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS 11 WANT' ADS 1 1 CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION MINIMUM 13 CENTS CORNED HAMS For Sale at P. A. Hooker's Market. Phone 115.' ll-24-2t-dly Hi 1()R RENT Furnished room. .Ap ply 10t S. McLewean. D. R. Smith. ll-23-2t-dly APPLES Winesaps, 35c peck; Flor ida and California Oranges at Low pi ice. Courie's Candy Kitchen. ll-24-3t-dly lOU SALE A Gasoline Wood Saw, mounted on wheels, in good order ,,r write W. F. Hill, Newbern, N. (". SOCIAL And PERSONAL Mrs. jonn u. cox has returned from visiting in Wilson. Mrs. J. r. crouton has returned! from visiting in Raleigh. EVERYTHING Mr. J. F. Tuylor left for Petersburg yesieruay on a business trip. IS CROOKED IN THE LATE FASHIONS Skirts Aslant Now As Well As the Hats Scollops and Points i ! Originators of Low Prices in Kinston ll-23-2wks-d!y FOR RENT One furnished room, with li'lit"'. bath and use of phone. Apply 115 w- Caswell Street. ll-23-7t-dly jjTKAVKD Black Sow, weighing ahout 150 pounds, slight brown h.iir, swallow fork each ear. J. j. Spcnce, R. 4. ll-21-2t-dly&SW ST i'ION'ERY SALE 200 Boxes of Initial Stationery, standard quali ty, at l!c, a few days only. Book Department, J. E. Hood & Co., Drug gists. 11-24-lwk-dly NOTICE see L. O. Gross if your Piano needs tuning. Satisfaction guaranteed. I also Sell Halley and Davis and Conway Pianos. Phone 480-L. 10-13-D&SW-tf SPECIAL NOTICE Each lady that calls at our store will be presented with a needle case, filled with gold eyeil needles as a souvenir, as long as they last. Pianos, Player Pianos and Music. No. 107 North Queen Street. Forrest Smith. 10-9-2Gt.dly FOR SALE 34 1-2 acres fine land, located about one mile from the corporate limits of Kinston, on Tow er Hill road, 31 acres cleared and the rest is heavy timbered. Good build ing's. Yield this year 1 1-2 bales cotton per acre. Apply to Sam Tay lor at Iron Bridge, Kinston R. F. D. ;. ll-21-2wks dly&SW NOTICE. Notice to all who live or own real estate in the Moseley Creek drainage district. Your assessment is now due and unless same is paid on or before December 31st, your property will be advertised and sold. R. B. LANE, ' Sheriff Craven County. ll-12-30t-dly HACK! HACK! HACK! With raw tickling throat, tight chest, sore lungs, you need Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and quick ly. The first dose helps, it leaves a soothing, healing coating as it glides down your throat, you feel better at once. Every user is a friend. J. E. Hood & Co. adv. kidney fih Mr. and Mrs. Claud Chamberlain have gone to Richmond on a visit K !" kl Miss Maud Hurley has returned to her home in New Bern after a visit with friends here. t Mr. J. 1). McFadden, the well known printers' supply man, was in town to day. :: k a Mrs. Fred. Aberly, who has been the guest of friends here for a few days, has returned to New Bern, K S5 H Mrs. J. T. Smith left this morning for her home in Bishopsville, S. C, after a visit in the city to relatives. t I . i Miss Mamie Whaling of Winston Salem will arrive in Kinston this eve ning and will be the house guest of her cousin, Miss Georgie Herndon a is The superintendent of the Begin ners' Department of the Christian Sunday school wants all the little folks in that department to meet her in their room, Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Be sure to remember the fruit to be given some very old ladies. H H H ine Keviewers' Club announces that Mrs. Marietta Johnson, who was scheduled to address the woman's clubs of the city tonight, was com pelled to cancel the date because she could not make railway connection. Mrs. Johnson resides at Fairhope, Alabama, and is one of the most able lady speakers in the South. She Will address the Teachers' Assembly at Charlotte this week. mi yd Relief Committee Meets Tonight. The local committee of mercy, ap pointed by the Mayor for the princi pal work of collecting funds for the relief of Belgia nwar sufferers, will meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. N. J. Rouse, to organize and formulate plans for prosecuting the work. Tin: State Committee, with head quarters at Asheville, has written a letter to Mayor Sutton thanking him for hi.T co-operation in the relief work. h a h State Teachers' Meeting. Several teachers from the county and city schools will attend the State Teachers' Association meeting in Charlotte, beginning Wednesday and running through Friday. Miss Hat tie Parrott, assistant county superin tendent left this morning. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs Martha Parrott, who will stop at Greensboro for a visit. Misses Kath leen Wooten, Leone Outlaw, Eugenia Scarborough, Dwilla Heath, Mary Bellinger, Mary Gray and Messrs. J H. Rose and W. S. James will leave Wednesday. (MORE TALK ABOUT FURS New Shoe in White Grey Is "Exciting" Margaret Mason, In a General Dis cussion of Headgear, and Dresses and Boots. By Margaret Mason (Written for the United Press.) "Is my hat on straight, dear?" You never more hear For its proper angle Is now on one ear: 'Uoes my skirt hang .straight, love?" Is also old stuff. If chic now it can't be Quite crooked enough. EE Children Cry for Fletcher's WW, i Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of f and lias been made under his per- llz CjfFJ7 fJ- ' sonal supervision since its infancy. ufy -GLtcUlZ Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnst-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR. A Castoria is a harmless snbstitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. For more than thirty years it lias been In constant use for the reHef of Constipation, Fhtulency, Wind Colic, all Teething: Troubles and -Oarrhcea. It regulates the Stomach and- Bowels, atmilates the Food, giving1 healthy and natural sleep. Tie Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of New York, Nov. 21. You've sim ply got to lie a bit "crooked" if you are going to be fashionable. The very newest skirt models are either short to the shoe tops in front and back with a fall to the instep on eith er side or they are up to the calf on eacn side, and to the shoe tops at front and back. Some are cut in jag ged points around the bottom" and others are finished in scollops while one daring model advocates that erstwhile sloppy effect whereby the front barely touches the boot-tops and the back just grazes the heels. Along these lines is a skirt whose long tu nic edged with fur hangs to the heels in back and just below the knees in front. Under it, only visible in the front, is an underskirt to the shoe- tops. Another skirt shown at the re cent New York Fashion Fete was so hung that the length of the front was on a line with the tops of the band of fur edging in back. The effect of a front view then was that of two rows of fur with a pair of tootsies thrust between rows for the back band of fur was set on the whole width of the fur band longer behind. The ripple skirts are also very good and invariably fur finished. They are usually cut circular, but some are shown shirred on a hip yoke or even at the waist line. Never has fur been used so exten-H sively as a dress trimming and the lovely new shades of putty and sand are exquisite in combination with the rich brown of sable, skunk and the less expensive dyed squirrel. Sand and putty are the exact shades their names signify and the former shade especially should prove extremely popular aside from its beauty, for it certainly does take sand these days to wear some of the styles. Black tulle overskirts and sleeves in black velvet gowns continue to be a favorite combination for smart af ternoon costumes gleaming here and there with ropes or buttons of jet. Where a relief from such sombreness is desired the sand and putty shades are combined with the black With charming results. This color long and so dearly beloved. Black tulle over velvet or satin and heavily be decked effort to surplant the tulle, but as a smart . fashion authority boldly announced that the lace is not to be worn by any woman under twenty-eight its chances for favor The Most Popular Sale ! Event of the City HESE Are Days of Wonderful Bargains- Giving and Underselling at the Big Bargain Center. While it is true that you can come here any day of the week and buy the same goods from 35 to 50 per cent less than you can duplicate anywhere else, still, there is a deeper cut here on these goods to bring those who appreciate the advantage and op portunities that this great bargain centeroffers, and it is the thrifty shoppers, who are quick to realize, that pack this store daily. It matters not what you want. You will find it here at prices that will make it expensive for you to buy elsewhere. & & ED Cohen's 31 2 Queen "SELLING OUT ENTIRE STOCK t of the front. It is chastely plain and tight fitting, save for a saucy little pointed tip of black patent kid stuck on the toe with an effect of piquancy for all the world like that of a beauty spot against the damask of milady's cheek. A dashing little debutante wore a pair of those startling boots in white buckskin at the Ritz the other day and you brought up with a start from the tip of her pretty toes to the tip of her pretty nose, only to find that it was daintily dusted with rougeon its retroussee end in the very latest mode. Another pair of comic opera boots sported on the same occasion were of all over black patent kid. They laced up the front to a height half way of the calf where they ended in a swaying black tassel. Some of the quaintest little black patent kid dancing slippers have very bright red heels. With this hectic touch to her pedal extremities and her nasal appendage of milady is cer tainly going to extremes for her bit of color these days. Eh! What? CLEAR THE COMPLEXION. Discovery that Removes, Pimples, Eczema and All Skin Troubles If you are troubled with pimples, blackheads, acne, barber's itch, blotch es, freckles or other skin disease or blemi.,; es, now is the time to get rid of it with llokara. This pure and simple skin healer is being introduced in Kinston by J. E. Hood & Co.," at the low price of 25c for a liberal sized jar, and they have sold hundreds of treatments. It contains no grease or aqids, cleanly to use and is a true nourish ment for the skin, cleaning and clear ing it in every pore, making it soft, white and beautiful. If Hokara does not do even more than is claimed for it and give perfect satisfaction, return the empty jar to J. E. Hood & Co., and they will refund your money. If you have any skin, trouble, you cannot spend 25c to bet ter advantage than for a jar of this skin food. (advt.) SOCIETY WOMAN IS POLICE OFFICER (By the United Press.) Fargo, N. D., Nov. 24. Prevention of crime rather than punishment of crime is the code under which Mrs. Josiah A. Poppler, Fargo police wo man, wife of a prominent young busi ness man and leader of Fargo socie- can be seen with half an eye are very I ty, works during her "hours" as Far slight. I go "copper." She is a duly appointed As an inevitable outcome of the j and acting officer, reporting to the fiWvBlesa fashion for evenine has chief under tne same nours as oiner come the wristlets of fur with a fluff of tulle attached to fall over the hand. This dainty little conceit will undoubtedly play the good Samaritan to many an ungainly hand and ill turned wrist this winter. There is an exciting new shoe or boot rather which comes in white or grey or biege buckskin, and laces up the inner side of the shoe instead InUse For Over 30 Years' Theiind You Have Always Bought UK CINTAUH COMPANV, MfOT VOWK CITT, Mat. r-t Ohio. Cltr nf T.ilir.o. Lnm County. " Kr.nk 1. Chciwjr mak.-a th tluit l enl' I In buslmiw In tlw I'lty f T..l-d. Cwmtjr aii n-tat afornwirt. ih1 t!ict "ai'l nrm anil pa. i. .., ,., in. f f':itnrrh that ranoot D4 cured br the use tt Hall'a Cutarrb Cor. FRANK 1. CHESEX. ; Sworn in boforo nreid !n'Tlh,l In raj nrtwn., tUU 6th ilajr of Iwmher, A. D.. nalfa fatarrt Cera la taken htmallr f-l illntlly aim lb. htaoU and urnmu aur l,c 01 th ayatea. Baud tor teatlaxaUata, p. J. CDEKET CO, Teledo. O, 1 Bold bf all Dnutcbita. Tie. -TaU HallM FamHj PUW for MtIpatlo. officers at the city building. IT REALLY DOES RELIEVE RHEUMATISM. Everybody who is afflicted with Rheumatism in any form should by all means keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment on hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness in a joint ,or muscle, bathe it with Sloans Lini ment Do not rub it. Sloans' pene trates almost immediately right to the seat of pain, relieving the hot, tender, swollen feeing and making the part easy and comfortable. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neural gia, sciatica. and like ailments. Yoor money back'if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief, adv. Miss Sallie Kilpatrick Professional Nurse 308 E. Vernon Ave. Phone 183 COTTON SEED PRODUCTS The best known feed for all stock is cot ton seed meal and hulls. We offer special inducements to all those who will raise stock on an enlarged scale in this section. We are in the market for cotton seed at the highest cash prices, or liberal ex change of cotton seed meal for seed. When ready to dispose of cotton seed or when in the market for anything in our line, we sha!i be glad to quote prices upon application. - i . . We are now prepared to furnish best grade ', or both hard and sort coal. nston, A SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE on all of our HATS W e have them in all sizes, small, medium and ' large brims I L1rs.M.L Brasy.-ell Ice Company "" : dfln -C, tSaVS Going Out of Business Sale i ' i There has not been a dull moment in this great store since this WON-. DERFUL SALE has opened, and - if you have not attended this sale ' yet, DONT WAIT, but come at; , once and see what Wonderful Bargains we are offering in all Y Departments. Everything must be sol by Jan uary 1st, 1915. M. Adler & 'C a"" V .vl, , f : . ,1 f lis' V W II

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