THE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS ? PUREE "1 BISHTOBS OF LOW OWE IT TO OURSELF AND KMILY TO GET The best for the loney you spend. lost certainly you ver saw an op- tttunity like this to buy BRAND NEW FUL KRCHJLNDISE tin l ror tne wnuic Family At the Lowest Prices Ever Recorded WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN SERTION ; " MINIMUM 15 CENTS LDST Strayed or Stolen, My Dog David L. Dixon. n-25-dly&SW jpsocilL i 1 P V R Q A N A 1 I! I I CORNED HAMS For Sale at V. A. Hooker's Market. Phone 1 15. ll-24-2t-dly FOR RENT Furnished room. .Ap ply 100 S. McLewean. I). K. Smith. ll-23-2t-dly Mr. T. C. Etheridge of Snow Hill was a welcome visitor in the city. . V gh 1 Mr. "Buck" Taylor of Trenton was a Kinston visitor yesterday. Mr. Foy A. Vause returned to his home tflis morning after a short bus iness visit in the city. APPLES n ineKupH, 3,-)C peck; Flor ida and California Oranges at Low price. Courie's Candy Kitchen. ll-24-3t-dly m OONMlUt otLLINb 1 nilT CAIC UU I UnLL till be hailed with elight by students economy both IVR and NEAR lr the values are esistible. It's truly case of your dol rs doing double DUTY. FOR SALE A Gasoline Wood Saw, mounted on wheels, in good order. See or write W. F. Hill, Newborn, N. C ll-23-2wks-dly FOR RENT One furnished room, with lights, bath and use of phone. Apply 115 W. Caswell Street. ll-23-7t-d!y STATIONERY SALE 200 Boxes of Initial Stationery, standard quali ty, at 19c, a few days only. Book Department, J. E. Hood & Co., Drug gists. 11-24-lwk-dly NOTICE All persons are hereby for bidden to hire my boy, Lot-man Jones, colored, 17 years old, who left home about the first of September, and has since been working in Kin ston. Henry Jones, LaGrange, R. F. I). 2 11-25, 12-2-9 dly SPECIAL NOTICE Each lady that calls at our store will be presented with a needle case, filled with gold eyed needles as a souvenir, as long as they last. Pianos, Player Pianos and Music. No. 107 North Queen Street. Forrest Smith. 10-9-2Ct.dly Mrs. H. A. Humble is visiting her sister in Swan Quarter, on her way home from attending the conference at Washington. EASONS FOR Mending this Sale: b a different kind a sale-originat-to meet the -de- ands of the thous ds of HUGE EARNERS WHOSE CHIEF CONCERN to make their pay as far as'possible providing the neo sities and com- ts for HOME. 1 the newest and pst wanted wear- I apparel for the ,5re rami v nnw r w TO THE FARMERS: KEITH'S (WOUND AGRICULTURAL LIME Composed oE sea product, petrified fish, clams, oysters, shells, etc., has solver the high cost of fertilizers. One-fourth price of guano, good for all crops on any soil, can be used alone or mixed with compost, cotton seed meal, or fertilizer material. Shipped loose or sacked. For prices, write B. F. Keith Company, R. F. D. No, 3, New Bern, N. C. MI-O-NA QUICKLY ENDS INDIGESTION Eat ced Any Price Care to Pay tnowfomresent i future needs. MEN'S Queen St. OF LOW Bfl'niisioa. Your Favorite Food and Never Fear After-Distress. There is a way for you to eat what ever your stomach craves. Many will say "How I wish I could, but I have tried and every time it nearly kills me." The real trouble is that people who suffer the untold agony of indiges tion do not realize that the stom ach has a lot of work to perform in digesting the food and if crowded with extra labor it rebels and kicks up a fearful disturbance. Mi-o-na, a simple and inexpensive prescription, easily obtained from J. E. Hood & Co. or any drug store, will quickly and effectively stop this disturbance or money refunded. It not only increases the flow of diges tive juices, but surely and safely builds up and strengthens the stom ach Walls so that what you cat is cared for as nature intended. It's needless for you to suffer with indigestion, heartburn, biliousness, sour, gassy or upset stomach, for Mi-o-na tablets surely give prompt and lasting relief and are perfectly harmless. (adv.) CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE NO. 1. Effective October 4, 1914, 6:00 a. m. First class freight and passenger South Bound North Bound 332 Daily. A. M. 7:35 s 7:29 f 7:16 s 7:11 a 7:01 6:55 6:45 STATIONS 333 Daily. P. M. 5:00 s 5:07 f 5:21 s 5:32 s 5:43 f 5:50 6:00 At Kinston Lv. Hines Junction Pools Dawson Glenfield Suggs Siding Lv Snow Hill Ar All trains goverened by the Nor flok Southern rules while using the4 frack from- Kinston to Hines Junc tion, and subject to the orders of its superintendent -v The above schedule is given as in formation only, and is supposed to be the time that trains will arrive and depart, but it is not guaranteed. ' " : WM.HA YES, . .. General Superintendent. ' R. A. HONETUTT, .Superintendent Kinston, N. C. ''. ' G. A. JONES, F.iP.A. The Ladies' Aid Society of the At kinson Memorial Presbyterian church will serve an oyster supper Saturday evening from 6 until 8 o'clock, in the store on Queen street recently occu pied by S. H. Rountree. :: n Caldwell Haynes Wedding Solemnized. A wedding notable for its reserve and simplicity was that witnessed by friends and relatives Tuesday after noon, November 24th, at the resi dence of Mr. R. R. Haynes at Cliff side, N. C, when he gave in marriage his daughter, Virginia, to Mr. B. P. Caldwell, of Kinston, N. C. The ceremony was performed by Dr. W. R. Minter of Lincolnton, N. t'., at an improvised altar, appropriately decorated with ferns, palms and lighted tapers, while friends and rel atives stood in the connecting par lors. Immediately before the cere mony, Miss Mildred McLean of Gas tonia, N. C, dressed in yellow crepe-de-chine, carrying chrysanthemums, sang sweetly "A Perfect Day" am "Beloved, It Is Morn." Miss Eliza beth Huff of Bridgeport, Tenn., ac companied her on the piano. To the strains of Mendelssohn's "Wedding JWarcn.t tne nruiai party entered as follows: Mr. Charles H. Haynes and Dr. J. Rush Shull, brothers of the bride, drew the ribbons forming an aisle. First entered Miss Rosa Cald well, sister of the groom, as maid of honor, gowned in hand embroider ed crepe-de-chine, entraine. carrying yellow chrysanthemums. Next Mrs. J. Rush Shull, sister of the bride, as dame of honor, wearing white Duch ess satin and real laee, carrying yel low chrysanthemums. Next came the groom with his best man, Mr. James North of Laurinburg. Following was little Miss Mary Jenkins, niece of the bride, daintily dressed in white lace, and carrying a beautiful basket of flowers which she scattered along the aisle. Then came the dainty bride with her father, who gave her away. She was exquisitely gowned in white Duchess satin en traine and trimmed in real lace. Her veil was gracefully arranged with orange blossoms. .She carried a shower boquet of lilies of the valley and wore a brooch of dia monds and pearls, the gift of the groom. Dr. Minter ;-poke the words that made them one, using the ring ceremony. Miss Huff softly render ed selections of McDowell's. Imme diately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell left for points east. After an extended tour they will be at home in Kinston, N. C. A reception was given the bridal party on Monday evening by Dr. and Mrs. J. Rush Shull. Delicious re freshments were served and the wed ding cake was cut. Mrs. Caldwell is the charming daughter of Mr. R. R. Haynes. She was educated at Miss Kate Shipp's School, Queen's College and Mere dith, and is a gifted young woman, being especially talented in art. Mr. Caldwell, one of the prominent educators of the South, is at present superintendent of the Kinston city schools, and has many friends there to welcome his bride. Many handsome presents were re ceived. Among them being a chest of silver, given by the bride's broth ers and sisters. Their many friends wish them un bounded happiness. Mrs. Caldwell was hostess to quite a number of her friends several days prior to the wedding. Among them being Miss Essie Harrill, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Harrill of Charlotte; Mrs. J. T. McLean of Lincolnton; Miss Katherine Mason, Mary Hilderbrand, and Mildred McLean of Gastonia; Misses Elizabeth Huff and Hester Su- song of Bridgeport, Tenn.; Miss Rosa Caldwell of Laurinburg, and Miss Frances Suttle of Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell will be at home with Judge and Mrs. O. H. Al len, on King street, upon their return from their honeymoon. ELDERLY PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE VINOL Aged Te xas Woman Says: '"Old Peo ple Who Are Weak and Feeble Should Know the Merita of Vinol. Grand Saline, Texas. "I am an aged woman, and for a long time was weak and feeble, hut I have found Vinol to bo the best medicine to cre ate strength for old people and for chronic colds I have ever taken. It has restored my health and strength fo that I feel almost young again; in fuct, I am now doing all my own housework. "Old people who are weak and fee ble should try Vinol and know its merits as I do. I have proved Vinol a good reliable medicine and much cheaper than paying doctor's bills, and you may publish what I say about Vinol for the benefit of others." Mrs. Fannie E. Rodgers, Grand Sa line, Texas. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, sharpens the appetite, aids digestion, enriches the blood, build ing up natural strength and energy. We hove seen such splendid results from its use that we return the mon ey in every case wnere vinoi tans to build up and strengthen feeble oh people, delicate children and the weak, nervous, run-down and debili tated, or stop chronic colds, coughs or bronchitis. or bronchitis. J. E. Hood & Co. Druggists, Kinston, N. C. NOTE You can get Vinol at the leading drug store in every town where this paper circulates. adv NOTICE. . . notice to an wno live or own real estate in the Moseley Creek drainage district. Your assessment is now due and unless same is paid on or before December 31st, your property will be advertised and sold. R. B. LANE. Sheriff Craven County. ll-12-30t-dly CAROLINA PEOPLE TELL WONDERFUL : EFFECTS OF MAYR STOMACH REMEDY ft "j E. Erwin Says .Mayr's Stomach Remedy lirought Him Aston ishing Relief. Miss Sallie Kilpatrick Professional Nurse 308 E. Vernon Ave. Phonr 183 Dr.O. L. WILSON De'.ist Office over J. E. Hood & Co'a Store. J. E. Erwin of Winston-Salem, N. C, was for a long time the victim of serious disorders of the stomach. He tried all kinds of treatment and had many doctors. One day he took a trial dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy and was astonished at the results. The help he sought had come. He wrote: "I am satisfied through personal use of the life-saving powers of your Wonderful Stomach Remedy. You have saved my life. I could have liv ed but a few weeks more had it not lives. been for your remedy. I am inctoa ing a list of friend sufferers who , ought to have some of your remedy.' Mr. Ki win's experience is a, proqf of the merit of the remedy, j Just such enthusiastic letters come, ,romu thousands of others in all parts of the country who have found relief, in , the use of this remarkable' treat.' ment. The first dose proves no long treatment. Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy clears the digestive tract of mucoid accretions and removes poisonous matter. It brings swift relief to suf. ferers from stomach, liver and bow el troubles. Many say it has saved them from dangerous opera'tlftnrf, and, many are sure it has saved .'their EVERY STREET IN KINSTON Has Its Share of the Proof That Kid ney Sufferers Seek. Backache? Kidneys weak? Distressed wit!) urinary ills? Want a reliable kiduey remedy? Don't have to look far. Use what Kinston people recommend. hvery street in Kinston has its case:;. Here's one Kinston woman's expo rience. Let Mrs. Nannie Holland, 20( Pey ton street, tell it. She says: "I was greatly annoyed by kidney trouble and suffered constantly from back aches and pains across my loins. I also had severe headaches and spells of dizziness. I learned of the merit of Doan's Kidney Pills, and as they had been used in the family with such good results, I began taking shrdlu atatshrdlu atals hah rartfat them. They did me a world of good, strengthening my back, removing the trouble from the kidney secretions and giving me renewed strength and energy. I am glad to confirm my for mer statemen mer endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Holland had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Notice to Shippers and Receivers of Freight in North Carolina: The new freight rates, both local and joint, made effective by the laws of North Carolina, October 13, W14, ire on file with all agents of this company. Agents will furnish, upon naplica tion, full information as to those rates. , E. D. KYLE, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. J. F. DA ETON, Asst. Genl. Fi t. Agt., Norfolk, Va IRA M. HARDY, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 T. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 507; Office 479. 102 West Caswell Street F.yr,, Note nd Thro.t Di?aitr 1 rented. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS, REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD -LOANS NEGOTIATED Now Occupying New Office one Door East of The Post Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Phone 182 C. Oettinger, Mgr. DR. T. II. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St. Near Residence. OVED! A SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE on all of our HATS W e have them in all sizes, small, medium and large brims Wc nave mov(d into our new place of business opposite Free . Press Office and are better prepaired than ever to supply your wants in PLUMBING. We are also agenls for the best awning maee. Special attention given to repair work. E. O. MOORE & COMPANY Is. im. L B RASWELL THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON "If you need help to hold your COTTON, call to see us. 17 OFFICERS . t N. J. ROUSE. Pres. DR. H. TULL, Vice Present, , D. F. WOOTEN, Catbiar, J. J. BIZZELL Ami Cadiier. T. W. HEATH. Teller. DIRECTORS. W. L. Kennedy David Oettinger H. Tull j. H. Canady L. C. Moseley J. F. Parrott C. Felix Harvey H. E. Moseley J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy " S. H. Isler N. J. Rouse !' SAVES DAUGHTER Advice of Mother no Doubt Pre vents Daughter's Untimely End. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA NOTICE See L. O. Gross if your Fiano needs tuning. Satisfaction guaranteed. I also Sell Halley and Davis and Conway Fianos. Phone 480-L. 10-13-D4SW-tf FOR SALE Old Papers, suitable for . Vimllintr fii-ps these cool mominars. Snow IlilL. N. C..5,. , package. Free Press. 9-14-tf Ready, Kv. " I was not able to da anihing for nearly six montlis," writes Mrs. Laura Bratcher, of this place, "and was down in bed for three months. i cannot tell you how I suffered with my head, and with nervousness and womanly troubles. Our family doctor told my husband he could not do me any good, and he had to give jt up. We tried another doctor, dui ne aia not neip me. At last, my mother advised me to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. 1 thought it was no use for I was nearly dead and nothing seemed to do me any good. But I took eleven bottles, and now 1 am able to do all of my work and my own wasning. I think Cardui is the best medicine In the world. My weight has increased, and 1 look the picture of health. " If you suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to women, get a bottle of Cardui today. Delay is dangerous. We know d will help you, for it has helped so many thousands of other weak women in the past 30 years. At all druggists. Wiu tt: Chattanooga Mdie!n Co., Ladled Admorf Dept., Chattanooga. Tnn.. for Strtiul (mtnvtumt on yotu easa and 64 paca book. "Horn, traatmaoi tor Woqn," In piaia wrappar. N.S. l&f Foley's Honey and Tar Compound For Croup. Croup scares you. The loud hoarse croupy coughf choking and gasping for breath, labored breathing, call for immediate relief. The very first dos es of Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound will master the croup. It cuts the . thick .mucus, clears away the phlegm and opens up and eases the 'air passages. J, E. Hood & Co. adv. PERFECTION DRESS in COMFORT VOU need a good, A warm room to shave and dress in. A Perfec tion Smokeless Oil Heater will warm any ordinary room in a few minutes. The Perfection is easily portable; you can take it to sitting-room, cellar or attic any room where extra heat is need ed and it is specially convenient in very cold weather. ThePerfection is economical, too it burns only when you needit. No coal, no kindling; no dirt, no ashes. Good-looking; easy to clean and rewick; odorless and smokeless. For aale at hardware and general Etorea. Look for the Triangle trademark. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) BALTIMORE Washington, D. C Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Charlotte. N. C Charleston, W. Va. CharlaatOB, S. C llil EE i. . If' r' a.. to 1 -i'i tv. ' i 4 WI , tv e-