,1, .'f ri i I'' 1 ; ill' : .WI FOUXl THE DAILY FREE PRESS - v V '(Published Every Day Except Sunday) KINSTON FREE TRESS CO, INC, KINSTON, N. C. H. GALT BRAXTON.. EDITOR AND MANAGER ' ' (Uoitcd PreM Report) (Entered at the postoffice t Kinston, North Carolina a. jeeorTd daw matter under. act of Congress, March 3, 1879.) TELEPHONES-ALL DEPA RTM E NTS 75 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable In Advance) 35 1.00 2.00 4.00 One Week ,. One Moath ., Three Months . . ... . . Six months Twelve Months SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 28, 1914 Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press office of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. "Barbecue and Cornbread" are not bad at all for a Thanksgiving menu, and the county chain-gang no doubt felt that the repast was the "best ever." There will be, no doubt, almost as much rejoicing in Berlin at the loss of the BritUh battleship Bulwark, re ported to have been destroyed by an internal explosion as if a German torpedo had done the work. A case of reducing the "enemy" either way. 1 The Progressive Farmer suggests that "King Cotton be made Servant Cotton." That's all right, but the truth of the matter is the "King" has been foot bulled around this year by spectacular and hysterical politicians until It's question if it has not been put in service already. ' Sir Lloyd George says that Uncle Sam owes John Bull five billion dollars. Well, if that is the case it might be vise for the "old man" to get ready to pay up, for the heavy pay-roll that John is carrying now will no doubt make it necessary for him to cash in omall his outstand ing assets.' t "The Neuse-Atlantic Baptist" is the name of the new organ of the Neuse-Atlantic Association of the Baptists. Volume 1, Number 1 is just off the press. Rov. C. W. : Blanchard of Kington is the editor. The Free Press ex tends greetings to the new paper and wishes it a long record ofusefulness and prosperity in its field. a fair example of the shame and chagrin that comes dally into the lives of those who dare to fool with the cursed stuff. When liquor is banished from America, the "Land of the Free" will then be fittingly applied, and not until then can it be truly said that this is a free country. . - SUNDAY HEAVY SOIL EROSION MA ROTS TODAY'S -QUOTATIONS PRODUCE Wholesale Prices Reported by Kinston Peanut Company Pork the TUBERCULOSIS DAY Sunday is "Tuberculosis lay" in America and the No tional Society for the prevention of the great white Pork U'i plugue is earnestly desirous that it be observed through-1 Bucon, side IS out the nation. The educational campaign conducted Bacon, ham BcrninKt thin terrible menace to the heulth of the people B:con, shoulder of this country, hus done much to lessen its destructive! ird fw nnH to rlin its winirs. It has been shown that cli-l Corn' Busnel .. , . . I Potatoes, sweet matic conditions are not so essential as correct methods ' Il'.PTKS vi . , : " : . country butter a ted. Many sunerers iroin vne uiseuse nave uwu rurra jeng u j ana restored iu nuraiu noum y i"" uTmouuii i 3roijcro DOun(J rect diet, hnnitary, fresh air and common-sense methods, Roosters, apiece which have proven beyond any doubt their efficacy, bpit- Guineas, apiece ting on the sidewalks and in the public buildings, sleeping Geese, apiece in cloned rooms, eating unwholesome food and drinking I Turkeys, pound alcoholic beverages have all been tabooed by the authori ties on the prevention and cure of the awful malady. 18 11 1.00 r,o ::o 10 L'O 10 15 v Another encouraging bit of news is that which an nounces the resumption of the Frisco Railroad shops at Kansas City after an idleness of three months. One by one the machine shops, steel mills and other industrial units of the country are starting their fires and pretty soon .the hum of wheels will be so loud in this country that the cry of hard times will be entirely drowned out It is reported, that Carranza has already begun to vio late his "indemnity" guarantee to President Wilson, in which assurance was given that those Mexicans, who had been in the employ of the United States during its occu pation of Vera Cruz, would not be molested. The first ar rest has been announced. No doubt "some other reason" will be easily framed up for incarcerating all the "unde sirables." , It will be surprising if the guarantee is not evaded. WHAT OTHERS SAY TODAY'S COTTON MARKET NOT MUCH LEFT Wilmington Dispatch: "Report today says a mob in Mexico is looting. Perhaps, the people think they may as well get their share, instead of waiting for some provi sional president to come along, collect it and skiddoo with the bag over his shoulder." New York, Nov. 28. Future.' dined from three to seven poin today's selling. Quotations: January 7.50 March 7.'! May 7. 7 J December .7.. 'if. ilc-at .4'! .; .3:; A "FACTOR" FOR PEACE Wilmington Star: "Observes the New Orleans States 'The American Federation of Labor proposes the formation of a society to prevent war. Excellent idea, PEASANT EFFECTED DROWNING OF GEKMANS. Faria, Nov. 11. By Mail to New York). How an old peasant lirlroy- But to show I ed an Uhlan patrol, at the i i ;. of his its good faith in the movement, it miht stop chasing non union men with brickbats.' Non-union men with brickbats seem to invite a chase. Why don't they throw down the brickbats and be peaceable?' " BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE THE THOUSAND Raleigh News and Observer: "A New York banker, through whose bank fifteen thousand depositors lost over two million dollars, will pay a fine of a thousand dollars and spend ten months in jail. Many a negro has done more time than that for the theft of a pair of shoes or a chicken." own life, has just been told here. Tho French troops in retiring blew up a bridge over the Oise close to the old man's house, but there heiiiK many refugees who were unable to get across, the old man lerried a num ber of them to the other side. Then a patrol of Uhlans rode down to the bank and the officer shouted, "Here, you dirty old Frenchman, you can ferry us across; we are going to find out which way your runaway army has gone." The old man without saying a word pulled his flat boat into the bank, and allowed the Uhlans to board with their horses, then with the boat lad en down to the water's edge, he push ed off into the stream. Half way across the Oise there was a danger ous eddy, and he guided the boat straight into the current. As tho eddy swept the boat from side he gave a dexterous twist of one of the sweeps, and in a moment the whole party, horses and men, were struggling in the water. The Ger mans had little chance, for weighed down by their heavy boots and ac- "'North Carolina may bo a poor! eoutrements, and mixed up with the KINSTON FOLKS BACK OF IT, TOO Raleigh News and Observer: "The new knitting mill started at Beaufort recalls the statement made by Labor Commissioner M. L. Shipman that the knitting mill indus try in the State has prospered more in the last year than nny other. It is a line of manufacturing in which North Carolina seems to have all the facilities necessary to suc cess, and we look to see it more and more largely engaged in in the State. IN SOUTHERN STATES (By the United Press.) Washington, I). C, November.28. The following statement regarding: sci! erosion in the South is taken from the annual report of the Bureau of Sti!., U. S. Department of Agri culture. ' In a study of so l erosion in the South, it has Ik en found that large ar.-is M'c lo-t to agriculture annually !.h-ough rao- ion. In seme states vs-t an a.:, amounting to as much a" 50 ' per C'-i. ' of the arable lar.d of th:.-e, vciier..- h;ie been abandoned. '1 h:. eharaett r of the erosion varin w',i h the tjpe of stil. Usually, on h :r. y (l..y .oils, ".-hc-t" or surface t'-osit-'i b; fUiid. With increasing propor if.n of iic.nd in the soil the cro-ion chai.ges to the "shoestring" type. tlv. to i he gully type with rounded ci!g. and finally to the gullies with cavin--bits. The most rapid erosion seems, k occur in soils having u layer of : ilt or clay .'.urfr.ee and a substrain :n 1 i f :-and. This condition usually had to erosion of the deep gully ty;.--. v. hirh is defTicuit to check and u:i !"'.fUnble to m!uim. ! All method:! for prevention and con- ' tri-1 are based either on incrca. : ' the capacity for absorbing the vat. r ! a.: it falls or on decreasing the ve- ; Iocity of (he run-oif. A new rv tin-l in use in one locality i.s the const.'".-- I tion of what are known as "ihr. ; .hers," the distinct!' feature of :h, Ian lying in the manner of di . po. of st.irni waters-. Acn.as an i".'1 ,.-tvrt gully is built a (lam. thn- b- passed a s ewer pine . w '.h an upright bije in 1 :. Mile of the dam. Water ley until the it reaches the ; upright pine, and then . .. i'.-v."; tin : pine into the next field. " ' u.i!f r let'- MaHing below the r. ' .if tie epneht is gradually rem by a till diai'i. It is also demon" I"; cd in the South that other crops m; be gio'.vn than those requiring cb aii culture, as do cotton, corn and tuba. - Co. I "Patronize Home Industry JOB PRINTING We are Equipped ' Order, lor Hiyh J-b PriiJtirg. Ofim Cwfnlly nai FtiBfJy Ftocu'.cJ We Mvkfj the Best iXTTnR HEADS, WCDDi'NC INVITATIONS, ' CARDS FCr! ALL PUIPOSES. CIUCUURS. LAltGE AND SMALL. ENVLLOPES, FOSTERS. V i hrive Connections with Cngraveri und i'lank Book Mukera whii.h rn ubh; us t Pi irply Handle On'cm ft i Kn.;ri.vini; and nil kind of !ili'k Cook SATURDAY, 'NO VEMLTU 2S, i9U Miss SitUh Kilpalrkk Profcisbnd A'u.-se 308 E. Vernon Ave. Phon 33 P. Co. r umstcn rrec ness lc. otp v, tied PuWlshf rs nr,J J( h Printers DJ CLO. E. KOltNEGAY Spcciali.st in Diseases of Wo men and Children. ' Office hours 10 to f2. Office 103 E. Caswell StrceL 1'hune 113. ' J. Loitse, Edward M. Land KinKlon, N. C.,. .Cold-slwro, N.C- I?r.USK & LAND ATTOLNEYS-AT-LAW Oinces:' Kinnton. N. C, Goldt-'boro, N. C, Edffcitcn Iluilding. ; c.T.GOld I'iii-'ers. MtitaWc for ;,p;mr lli'LS tl't';,e r: e' r.ic nii'gs, fi 1 t- i NOTiCK. Notice to all who live or own real estate in the Mo.sUey Creek drainage district. Your asscrsmcr.t is row due and unless snme is paid on or befu-e December 31st, your property v.iil be advertised and soldr R. H. LANE. Sheriff Craven County. ll-12-20t-d!y .vlb'h :',-i'tu! I i c :!u va: I f l!'.' w ..i,. i.j.. j.mue , t'i i - . ' ' t , ' , , ; t '.',.:.V?!ut'.;:.-.v!... .-'.v .-.;'' . . i -4-.il- -.i',r il'HD loans mi There i rumor abroad that the American soldiers were fired upon as they embarked at Vera Crux to take their leave. This rumor can he safely put aside as false, for the report of the landing of the boys in this country hai been announced from Galveuton, and it is quite safe to assert that Genl Fred would have taken time to re turn the shots if any had leen directed at his forces. Some newspaper correspondent are a little too eager to play to the galleries and "create excitement" Real, lure enough, tangible results are in evidence in Sampson county, which employed a health officer last year. Clinton makes the phenomenal record of not having had a single case of typhoid fever in the past twelve months. The health officer led in tho work, hut he did not accomplish the perfect results without the backing of the people. There was co-operation, he says, and to that spirit he attributes the really wonderful record. Dis ease is on the run wherever the spirit of co-operation is backing intelligent preventive and remedial methods. The banishment of liquor from th State is cause for Virginia's greatest thanksgiving, thinks the Richmond Virginian. And no doubt it will prove to lie the case. Liquor has but one function in society that is to create trouble. The police courU are filled daily with its vic tims! Only yesterday three young men of the city called at The Free Press office and pleaded that their names In left out of the news columns. Upon inquiry it developed that they had gotten hold of some "blind tiger" or some ther variety of the illicit stuff, and were out "having a food time," as they expressed it Their idea of a good time did rot evidently coincide with what the police thought was good behavior, and they were accordingly taken tip. Their request was granted with the caution that it would not again be their good fortune to avoid publicity if they had business with the police court Just make great difference in their fighting value." A RICH STATE Charlotte Observer: State,' ventures The Raleigh Times. It is not a poor State, It has assets which reduce its per capita of indebtedness to a figure lower than that of any other 'State in the Union. It hus the eush and the equivalent of cash that make it the richest Commonwealth in the United States Perhaps it is because our own people are in the habit of talking about being poor that the outside world has gained the impression that North Carolina is a poor State. North Carolina is rich and is becoming richer every year." plunging horses, all were drowned. The old man, who had swum in the river from boyhood, worked his way out of the dangerous current and reached the bank in .safety. Do you want a truck: farm? attend the Dixon sale Friday. If so, A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR OTHER COUNTRIES Rnleigh Times: "Rising in superb magnificence, the Wake county court-house is going to be one of the hand aomest temples of justice in the south and probably the finest in the State. It is rapidly assuming definite shape Although it is hidden from view by the old structure, a close observance of it reveals the fact that it is to be n truly pretty piece of architecture and a substantial edifice of which the whole State as well as Wake county should be proud. It will be a fitting companion for the newly- remodeled postoffice and a monument to the efforts of those having its building in charge." Foley's Honey and Tar Compound For Croup. Croup scares you. The loud hoarse croupy cough, choking and gasping lor breath, labored breathing, call for immediate relief. '1 lie very first dos es of Foley's Honey and Tar Coin pound will master the croup. It cut: the thick mucus, clears away the phlegm and opens up and eases th; iiir passages. .1. K. Hood & Co. adv, FOREST FIUF.S I'.EIXG CHECKED BY RAINS. Little Rock. Ark., Nov. 2C Re ports f'otn (ires of Arkansas tonight imlictt' il that a slow rain which be-! gan .'-t noon is checking the for.st and tield fires which were threaten ing to a.-ume scmous proportions in many sections. 'Now O can V! New Oifice one ;rt insur&iico Door East of Thn Post On Reaity Pliorv C. O-iih J .v, ,' ti (j t& w DON' TDF.i'.A Y TKEATING Yorn cough. A slight cough often becomes seri. ens, Lrng.-. ;;et congested, Bronchi ii Tubei fill with, mucous. Y'our vi! -i 1 . ity is reduced. You need Dr. Be'!'.. Fine Tar-IIoney. It soothes your i:- ritated air passages, loosens mnc-iti.-: and makes your system resist Cob! . Give the liaby and Children Dr. Beii'.. Fine.Tar.H.'i.ey. It's guaranteed help them. Only !!5e t. your Dn';.-- You can buy a beautifal little farm just outside of Kinstoii on easy terms, j j Why not begin now to become iiub-- M pendent? litirton Bros. Realtv Co. e)V d into t our r-eiv nlace ct busirtc opposnc l. and ar F: ice r prepnircd than ever to tuiiy i Wo are also aers s (or ll-e your best z rectal aitcnur-n given ;c n n if-h rra of fS iT IT OUGHT TO HE DISCFSSED Winaton-Salem Journal: "Whenever talk of the re-es tablishment of peace ufter the present war comes up, dis armament or the reduction of armaments is sure to be an important issue. Just how the nations shall effect a pro gram of disarming is a vexed question. The Encyclo paedia Rritannica cites as 'the only existing case of con tractual reduction of armaments," the Disarmament Ajrroement of the 'JSth of May, W1, between the Chilian and Argentina Republics. Hy this agreement the two governments arranged to reduce their fleets "according i an arrangement establishing u reasonable proportion between the two fleets, and respectively promised not to increase their maritime armaments during five years, un less the one who shall wish to increase them shall give the other eighteen months' notice in advance." "The Britannica authority points out that an agreement of this ktnd is more feasible among States whose navies are small, because in the case of large navies it would be difficult to agree on a principle for assessment of the NOTICE OF FOKECLOSUKE SAI liy virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain Mortgage duly executed by R. T. Jones and wife Mary J. Jones, bearing date November 8th, 1!1.'S, the undersigned Mortgagee, named in said Mortgage, which is registered in the Office of the Registry of Deeds of Jones County in Book t2 page 212, default having been nnule in the payment of the notes sectK-ee y the said mortgage, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court-House Door in the Town of Trenton, Jones County, North Caro lina; Wednesday, the '-.'!rd day of November, 1914, at l- o'clock. M. the following described real estate: Lying in Tuckahoe Township, Jones County, N. C. and beginning at a stake near the run of Folly branch, R. T. Jonc's corner, and runs with the line of his other tract east allowing three degrees variation, which equals S 8? E t8 poles to a black gum in Thomas Branch, thence up with the run of Thomas branch to a gum on the run of said branch, thence N NT W (',() poles to a pine and gum, thence S " W 27 V4 roles to a stake, thence N 87 W 90 poles to a stake on the Fuhlic Road, thence with the said proportionate fighting value of the respective fleets. Even comparatively slight differences in the ages of ships may rublie Road N 4 Est 41 P0,es to a K.- 1 . i u , 1 ' Wee Suffer Terribly from Kidney . i Trouble. ; Around on her feet all day no 'wonder a woman has backache, head- ache, stiff swollen Joints, weariness, ;poor sleep and lidney trouble. Foley Kidney Pills five quick relief ; for these troubles.. They strengthen the ' kidneye take away the aches, pain . and wcaririfra.-Make Lf worth li- 'l.Z ags'tiu--.-Try Foley Kidney . Pills find ee bow much better you feel . Z. U J & Co. adT MICHIGAN, UNINJURED, FLOATED LATE FRIDAY Norfolk, Van Nov. 27 After spending thirty-seven hours on the bottom of Chesapeake Bay the bat tleship Michigan was floated at & o' clock thia afternoon, c The task was accomplished by four togs attached to the Atlantic fleet and two war thipSj AN ACTIVE LIVER MEANS HEALTH. If you want good health, a clear complexion and freedom froai Dizzi ness, Constipation, Biliousness, Head aches and Indigestion, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They drive out fer menting and undigested foods, clear the Blood and cure Constipation. Only 25c at your druggist. adv. stake on the run of the aforesaid Folly branch, thence down with the run of said Folly branch to the be ginning containing 60 acres. The above described land between the first and third lines is thirty-four poles wide. Reference is given to said Mortgage for description. This the 23rd day of November, 1914. ASA SUMNER- Mortgagee W. J. KENNEDY, Assignee. By J. K. WARREN, Atfy. v Day and Time of Sale, Wednesday, December 23, 1911, at 12 M. ' s :??fvr '5!ftfi m f5vV5? fV" fr.?- rm III I I j DIU)ANW.PARROTT M jfj SC6 US.? Jff I DENTIST, LXs Of:r US r Crown and Iiridge Work a -i V t N. J- R' ''..':' 7. '. Ill I Specialty. l-i VTj V 1 0' '-. ' I , Vice f 'rr.-v. I eI : V.i Wih'M 'J t. v. i j;:.atm, 'iVe.- til J jM ' - I. j IRA M. HARDY, M. I)., I P Hl!i7 ' S ' -y Davl.J a-iapci I'hyairian and Surgeon 1 V U. T,"l H. E. Moseley Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to C (ujljjf I'. Cv I F. Tav'or v. m.; 7 to i. p. m. iiki i, KJ L. r. M.r,u-v H. H. McCoy ;j , rhones: Residenec 507; OiKoe 47D. .M V P-..,v, 5 H rV-i Vi I 102 West Caswell Street it?! U..'j 1 ' V"". k A . 1 I Fx Fir ...-..m.n.i i'-'-k " I Illl.ll i, lnM,ia ll,,iMNWMWW-W.aMW.-.wlWWMMWiW.i. ... ... -ts. .vWfat.,.Vl" JMW-W , . i M . .......... . - fT'VrV "f ' ti in business .rcc'hrds. end this $ . , 2 fTjL - s ... rav r Mli!Vl v r-tvv 11 1 i JM'd tm. i ... V ssi i y, - V.hilc corservaHvs in the rf V' t ' 1 Vi 'h 1 interest of SAFETY,,.- our - ' il s iH r ?! i ; ; '?;! ' .equipment and business ' crUcjIvi l,-i-vt-,t rr,ihcds ere moto. .Let us -i'Trt-j do business toother to bur ; ': : - -r dSSr - r 'Capita!, $ibo,cco.pc I -A