TOE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS . (Published Every Day Except Sunday) KINSTON FREE PRESS CO, INC, KINSTON, N. C. B. GALT BRAXTON EDITOR AND MANAGER (United Presa Reports) 1 (Entered at the postofnee at Kinston, North Carolina, a wond clasa matter under act or congress, March .t, 1H7.) TELEI'HONE ALL DEI' A KTM ENTS 75 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable In Advance) On Week $ .10 One Month 35 Three Month 1.00 Six month 2.00 Twelve Months 4.00 Subscrftwrs are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press office of any irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 2, 1914 The Wilson Times' "Greater Wilson Edition" Is a cred itable paper filled with the usual special edition exploita tion of the communty's resources and business enter prises. It it gratifying to know that Wilson in so prosperous. Twenty days left in which to purchase your Christmas presents. That includes Christmas Eve, when it is too late to mail and the stocks will be all picked over to sny nothing of the worn-out shop people. Buy now and avoid the rush. The Greensboro Record, edited by "Old Man" Joe Recce, has at last shunted the advertising from the two outside columns of the first page, and the effect is just what was to be expected the front page looks like the "real stuff now. Congratulations to the Record, for we know it wan like pulling eye teeth to get those "squatters" off the "preferred," next to reading matter on page one. Why cant Lenoir take step to erect a modern building which, in' its appointments and facilities, will lend to the dispatch of the county's business? The sanitation of the present obsolete htructure is nauseous to the peo ple, who have to use it The acoustics of the building are such that, it is said by those who have to speak and listen in the court-rooms, frequently witnesses have to repent, an dthen their testimony loses its force and points of evidence, no doubt, are overlooked by the juries because f their inability to catch them. Why . . . should Lenoir fall behind her water counties, anyway Wayne, Pitt. Wake, etc., have no better right to handsome well-appointed rourt-houses thnn has Lenoir. None of m:ikr nnv better financial showing than the one referred to above. Lenoir ought to fret in line and fn. the rireniiiiitionti for a new building. Can it be done ? POLITICIANS STILL PUZZLED OVED RETURNS The Wilson Times advertises Wilson as the "leading exclusive loose leaf bright tobacco market in the world." Just by way of warning our friends over in that neck of the woods, Wilson will have to greatly exceed all previ ous years' records this time in order to remain on the top perch, for Kinston is keeping up the marvelous pace that her sales have followed all the season, and there may lie some claims over in this section after the close of the present selling period. 1 Secretary of the Navy Daniels has issued orders that the singing of the "It's A Long Way to Tipperary," a military march song osed by the British, be barred from the repertoire of the Navy songsters. This appears to be doing the "neutrality stunt" to the limit, if indeed, it hasn't passed that point The singing or playing of the airs of the belligerents by neutral countries should not be construed as violating neutrality, and such a con struction would appear to be far fetched. As a matter of fact, it is a question if the airs of the warring nations are sufficiently identified aa such, in the minds of the soldiers and tailors and the general public of America us to even suggest the particular country to the singers or their audience. Let Americans remain neutral, but let them be just plain Americans and not be straining at gnats and playing to the gallariea. AMKRICAN PRESTIGE NOT A MILITARY ONE It is to be hoped that the attitude of Prcident Wilson toward the Gardner resolution for a congressional inves ligation of the miliary strength of this country is, reported, in opposition to such a course. It is said by those close to the President that should his opinion be sought on the matter that he would oppose it on the ground that nothing in the way of information, which was not already in hand, would be developed. There is certainly no time to be talking about big navies and great armaments. The United States enjoys a prestige among the powers of the world, which is enjoyed by no other nation beneath the stars. That prestige has been built un by other thnn military prowess. American insti tutions have always leen the antithesis of those of th militarism of foreign powers, and the forfeiting America's position for one of military power would retro u-rade this nation a centurv. if not more. The American government is of, by and for the people a free people x God-fearing and God-serving people. The "might make light" method has never prevailed, and never will unless the underlying principles of the structure of this govern ment :ire altered. In order for America to stand at the head of the "pence procession" and counsel the nations of the world to lay aside their arms and turn their atU-n tion to pursuits that are ennobling and upbuilding, it is necMiiary that her example be consistent with her teach ing. So long as this government is directed by level hcadel, trung-minded, God-guided men, whose motives are actuated by the right spirit, there will bo no neei for all this armament that some advocate. Let America keen on in the even tenor of her way, and continue to preaci "jwnce on earth, good-will toward all men," am show by her example that she is sincere. WHAT OTHERS SAY THE QUESTION OF GREATEST IMPORTANCE Wilmington Dispatch: "The question of 'Who started the European war?' has very properly been abandoned in favor of 'Who is going to stop it?'" The appeal of the United Charities should not go un heard. There are a great many apparent opportunities for almsgiving, and a great deal of money is given to in dividual beggars, some worthy and others unworthy. The machinery of an organised charity makes it possible for sufficient investigation to be made to avoid much of the giving of assistance, where it is not merited, and it is far better that the charity of the people he handled in a systematic way through one channel, which will not dupli cate the bestowals to the detriment of more worthy claimants. AH applicants for aid and the needy should be reported to the United Charities in order that due investigation may be made. The street-begging habit should be discouraged, and the best way to discourage it it to decline to "patroniice" it, and refer the beggars to the United Charities. It hat been found that the really needy and worthy will not object to investigation, while on the other hand, the impostors flee at the suggestion. A NEW COURT-HOUSE IN ORDER FOR LENOIR Wayne County opened, with elaborate ceremony Mon day, its magnificent new court-house. Pitt county has a splendid modern temple of justice, Wake is building a suitable cklifice, and other prosperous counties in the State are providing adequately for the business of the people. A few weeks ago when Judge George Rountrco of Wilmington adjourned Superior Court here, he took occasion to comment on the Lenoir county building, say ing that it was a disgrace to the county. The report of the auditor on the county finances shows that the county is entirely out of debt, and owns considerable property. SOME "KILLING" EH! Italciirh News & Observer: "Have five million been daved? asked the Montgomery Adviser, (ant say about the men, but there's something been done to the English language by our esteemed contemporary." SOME PROVOCATION, NO DOUBT Richmond New Leader: " 'The wife of a prominent California preacher answers his suit for divorce by say ing that while he was an ideal Christian in church he was so much the opposite at home that he actually scorned her poems." There are some poems not only calculated to evoke the scorn of a parson, but almost provoke him to swear." CAROLINA IS ALL RIGHT Rocky Mount Telegram: "The Dm ham Herald thinks "A Carolina football fan is a fair example of what an optimist should be.' In justice ,to the Carolina team this year, however, it should be said that the Sophomores that played against the well-seasoned, four-year trained Vir ginia club, made a showing that must be gratifying to those who have athletics in charge at the University. The Carolina team as it now stands, and aided by the present excellent system of gleaning the State for the best ath letic talent is going to be heard from in the not far dis tant future." PERSONALITY IS ALWAYS TO UK RECKONED WITH Winston-Salem Journal: "Of considerably more than passing interest was the dispatch carried by the Sunday papers, in which was related the story of the victory of William Elsa Williams, Democrat, over his Republican op ponent as Congressman-at-Large from the State of Illi nois, the victory of Mr. Williams, wno was voted upon by the people of the entire State, gives the Democrats as much right to claim Illinois as the Republicans hae. The Republicans elected the Senator, but we believe their victory was due largely to the personality of the candi date, and not to the unpopularity of the policies of the Wilson administration," MARKETS : TODAY'S V QUOTATIONS PRODUCE Wholesale Prkf Reported by the Khutoa Peaaat Compaay Pork ....... i2H Bacon, aide ........ 18 Bacon, ham .,; . . . , , . , , .... 25 Bacon, shoulder 18 Lard ............... ......... M Corn, Bushel .............. 1.00 Potatoes, aweet ............. 0 Eggt ................... 80 Country batter 80 Hens, pound 10 Broilers, pound V2i Guineas, apiece 20 Geese, apiece 40 Turkeys, pound 15 CASTORIA For Infants and CMMrea In Use For Over 30 Years Always baara the Signature of Piles Cared la u 14 Days - Ytr 4ml win Tfmd laoftry If TK7.0 I.NTUkN r tela M cur u, cm el ltckm Uliad, Htavdin. at INvtradrim rUraiatts U da Tfchm I'KiUaa lm U uui itast. Wv TODAY'S NOTICE TO TELEPHONE, USERS: Schedule A of an Act passed at the second session of the Sixty-third Con gress, entitled "An Act to Increase the internal revenue, and for other purposes, wnicn became eiiecuvo December 1, If II, calls for the col lection of un Emergency War Tax of One Cent on each Telephone Toll Message for which the charge amounts to Fifteen Cents or over; likewise on uny and all Telegrams, which Tax Must Be Collected from the Sender or Party Accepting the Reversed Call or Collect Telegram. To comply therewith, such Tax on any Telephone Toll Message or Tele gram coming under tins head will be added to and Collected with the Reg ular Toll Charge. CAROLINA TELEPHONIC AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY R. R. KINSTON AND CAROLINA AND Ll Miii:t CO. (Effective Sept. LI. 191-16:00 A. M.) No. 1 STATIONS No. 2 1:110 Lv Kinston A r. X:10 1:10 Lv Jackson r. 7: SO 1 :J0 Lv Albritton's Ar. V:40 4:.r0 Lv Sparrow's Ar. 7:20 5: JO Lv Lvnchbuig Ar. 7:05 5:30 Ar Pink Hill . ...Lv. 7:00 R. A. IIONKYCCTT, Supt. WM. HAYES. Gen'l Supt. 1 MrefifciL T.., - . arifid L . .vx. - of I- 1 Just Arrived A Fresh Line of Fine Chocolates And Bon 80213 At ! By Burton k. Standish TWritten for the I'.uted Press) Washington, Dec. J. -The amazing spectacle of a political party gaining strength in one llou- ( Congress, while losing hharply in the other, is titill causing tormn'-M here today among politicians. In the Inst elect ion, the Democrats made decided gums in the Senate, but their majority in the House was reduced n more than one hundred. In short, the Democrat lost more than 50 scats in the House, which was filled by Republicans, while in the Senate not a single Dem ocrat who was up for re-election was defeated, while several Republicans were replaced by, notab ly in California, wluie I'belan sur prised the country by winning, and in Wisconsin, where the old time group of the Republican party, after de feating La Follette's friends in a straightout primary f.ght, was unable to hold the Democrats. In Illinois, where the victory of Roger C. Sullivan had been looked for, the Democrats did not lose a seat, though they lost a splendid chance to gain one. The same circumstances prevailed in Ohio, v. here Burton. Re publican will be succeeded by Hard ing, Republican, in New York where Root, Republican, wilj be succeeded by Wadsworth, Republican, in Kans as, where Bristow, Rcpublicr.ii, will be succeeded by Curtis, Republican, and in Connecticut, where Brandc- gee was re-elected. All this brings up the question of whether the Republicans can gain control of the Senate in the presi dential election two years hence. Cautious prognosticates do not be lieve it possible, even in the event of a Kepuoliean lami-sime. .-miouio a Republican house president be swept into office, even on a perfect tidal wave of republicanism, it is believed, it would almost be out of the quest ion to hope for a Republican Senate until the incoming Republican admin istration was two year: old. A glance over the li. t of Sen.itor- whose terms cxpiie two years hence I will show the convincing reasons be-j hind this line of argument. The Dem ocrats, as a result of the election just - over, will have ;i senators, xne re publicans .'If. and the Progressives j one. 1 ne terms 01 inir.y :v these Senators will cxeiiv in 1 VI their successors being elected in the! Ion! "oMhese thirty 'two." eventi-e.. j COUfifi'S CSfifiY KilCflOO ! ire Democrats, fourteen Republican- , I and one Progressive. The Democrats are: Ashurst, of Arizona, Oryan, of Florida, Chilton, of West Virginia, Culberson, of Tca-. Hitchcock, of Nebraska, .Johnson, of Maine, Kern, of Indiana, Lea, of Ten nessee, liCe 01 Maryland, Marline, 01 New Jersey, Myers, of Montana, O'Gorman, of New York, Pittman, of Nevada, Komerene, of Ohio, Heed, of Missouri, Swunson,' of , Virginia, and Williams, of Mississiopi. The fourteen Republicans are: Catron, of New Mexico, Chirp, ot Minnesota, (lark, of Wyoming, Du Pont, of Delaware, La Follette, of Wisconsin, Lippitt, of Rhode Island, jodge, of Massachusetts. McCumbcr, of North Dakota, McLean, of Con necticut, Oliver, of Pennsylvania, 'age, of Vermont, Suthci land, of Utah, Townsend, of Michigan and Works, of California. I The Progressive is Poindexter, of Washington. j To get control of the Senate at the ection two years hence, it would be necessary tor the republicans to re- I elect all the republican Senators in I list just given, counting in I Oindexter, or to elect a republican in his place, and to elect republicans in the place of at least seven of the democrats. Disregarding the possi bility of the democrats winning in one of the republican states, the re publicans have an excellent chance of defeating the democrats in Maine, Ohio ami Nebiaska. but after that the hances become slim. This leaves them with four states to cany for senator now represented democrats and the following list loubtful. .-.fates; New York, West irgima, Indiana, New Jersey and Montana, this year, so it would not cm that the prospects were good here, while Montana elected a Dcmo- ratic Renrcst utative this year. b ' " 1 - I I , , -Titr 1 . -rm itttt--j; 1 '-;. AND SHOP SENSIBLY These are days that appeal to us-Savs of suggestion. In choosing your Christ mas gifts select useful articles-articles of Quality and Distinctiveness. This store abounds in opportunity to the shopper. But you must see it for yourself. initio Ml'. EOUR WEEKLY LIMERICK 4 Ifcfriwi"""""""1" We know of a farmer, by the name of McWade Who long, has found this, a good place to trade.' HE HAS BEEN COMING TO i 14 67j on ir t FOR - YEARS OR MORE, Ana es yet, he has never been "held up" or ' wavla Id.' WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON Afi Established Reputation for Fair Dealing We handle a good quality of Goods, marked with a fair margin of profit. We Guarantee Everything Exactly as Represented Stand ready to make right that which is not right AND SOLICIT YOUR .TRADE YON Rr SOW ''Patronize Home Industry' JOB PRINTING We .ire Lquipped ' Handle Yctir Orders for Hii;h -"Irade Jc.! Printi"g. Orders Carefully an'l Promptly Fxeruted We Make the Best Grade i.nnr.R heads. VU.DDING INVITATIONS, CARDS rGPv ALL PURPOSES, CIRCULARS, LARGE AND SMALL, ENVELOPES. POSTERS. We have Conn:vtioiis with Engravers and Hhnk Book Makers wuich en alda us In Promptly 1 landle Orders for Engraving and all kiiuis o( Blank Cook Making. Kinston Free Press Co. Incorporated Publishers and Job Printers Anything Printing i i u. ii ii 1 1 ii i mi' i in 'i H in iimn in 1 1 m i iisiiiimiiihii We Lead -- Others Follow At this great GOING OUT OF BUS INERS SALE you can find anything you wish that will be suitable for HIS or HER CHRISTMAS GIFT. Why pay more, when you can buy the same goods here for less money. We are positively going out of busi ness and everything must be sold by JANUARY 1st. M Adler Sc Sons COTTON MARKET .none New York, Pre. 2. Open in quo tations on the Cotton KM-hunge to day were: January March May .. December ' Closing figures were: January March May;... December Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA NOTICE. The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as execu trix of the estate of M. H. Cnrr, de ceased, all persons having claims . 7 .4S j claims against said estate are noti .7.5!) fied to exhibit the same before the .7.15 undersigned on or before December j 3rd, 1D15, or this notice will be plead ,7.30 d in bar of their recovery. All per .7.48 sons indebted to said estate will please .7.61 make immediate payment. 7.16 This 2nd day of December, 1914. VIRGINIA CARR, cm 17V. ki.mi?v nut.! ru :.ueceMea- IViiul AVJlSllLfl ITllflAJ D "WJiEtN, Attorney. tvoOH kAoo . 12-3, ID, 17, 24, 31 Jan 1 in - waaaaSSgMKBBg H"TrT" " " '"" imwMll The Mailmal Bzvk of ICisiston llSlilSSilillh SSREAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods, and this bank has kcptpace with them. m While conservative in the interest of SAFETY, our equipment and business methods are modern. Let us do business together to our mutual advant jgeJ . Capita!, $100,000.00, Surplus, $90,000.00 "TKE DLOtST AND SfRQNGEST BANK 01 THE COUNTY.'' B 1

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