CF LOCAL INTEREST if,. K75 FOR MASONS' , HOME AT OXFORD Mr. Charles Bagby has juBt for warded to the Masonic orphanage at Oxford a neat collection of $275, con tributed by Masons and their friends. MEETING OF CHRISTIAN CHURCH OFFICIAL BOARD The official board of the Christian church will hold it regular monthly meeting tonight at 7:. ')0 o'clock, in the parsonage. dealers placing orders for Autos for spring COUNTY FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETS CORN CLUB ORGANIZED Farm Demonstrator Boone li an xious that all boys in Lenoir county, who are interested in Joining the State Corn Club, writ him at once. He will send in all names to Stat headquarters. Address W. C. Boone, Kington, N. C. The county finance committee was called to meet this afternoon, to go over the books of the administration about to retire. Dr. H. Tull, chair man of the commissioners, Mr. I). V. Dixon and Auditor Clarence Oettin- ger comprise the board. EASTERN CHAMPIONSHIP GAME THIS AFTERNOON MASONS' GRAND SECRETARY TO BE HERE THIS EVENING , Jtfr. John Griggs, secretary for the The interest of high school ath letes here this afternoon is centered in the game being played in Goldsbo ro to determine whether Raleigh or State, will inspect the local Royal I Washington shall be awarded the Arch Masons here this evening at 7t30 o'clock. Work in the mark mas ter's degree will be exemplified. Mr. Griggs is expected to arrive from Elizabeth City this afternoon. high school championship of the east. The latter team panned through Kin gton this morning on a private car SHOT ANOTHER MAN; GIVES HIMSELF UP PINK HILL F. M. C. TO PRESENT JEWELS Ed. West, a Contentnea Neck black, who shot another negro named King ,ln that township Wednesday, late Thursday gave himself up to the authorities here. West, claiming that King had been too familiar with his wife, shot King in the hand with a toad of bird shot, blowing the mem ber practically off. The Pink Hill ruling of the Frater nal Mystic Circle will meet this eve ning to present handsome jewels of the order to Hon. George Turner, the "father of Pink Hill," and Mrs. Ada Turner, two past worthy rulers who have been very active in the upbuild ing of the lodge. The Pink Hill rul ing has about sixty or seventy mem hern. SPECIAL SERMON TO THE JUNIOR ORDER VALUABLE HISTORICAL AND INDUSTRIAL MAP ; Rv. G. B. Hanrahan, pastor of At kinson Memorial Presbyterian church, will preach a special sermon to the local lodge of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics on Sun day morning, at 11 o'clock. All lo cal, and visiting members, who care to attend the service, are requested to meet In the lodge room at 10:15 or as soon afterward as possible. Rev. Mr; Hanrahan is a member of the or der, and is well qualified to speak on ita principles. : HAS WITNESS AGAINST HIM IN COURT ARRESTED Prof. Joseph Kinsey, superintend ent of the county schools, may have adopted for use in the Lenoir schools a unique historical and industrial map of North Carolina, a copy of which is being exhibited in his office. The map gives the history in brief of the formation of all counties, the origin of thoir names, the oldest towns, bat tlefields bf alf wars, the first settlers of all counties, which are shown to have been Scotch Irish, Highlanders, French, Hermans, Irish, Moravians, Swiss and English; the products of each, and the principal industries. Upon a warrant sworn out by Mor ris Jones, colored, against whom he had testified in City Court the night before when Jones was arraigned for assaulting Ills wife, George Battle, also colored, was arrested Thursday, charged with disorderly conduct, Bat tlt was .fined Thursday night, and Jones, who had failed to pay a fine previously assessed, was sent to jail at the same time. NEW BOOKS IN PUBLIC LIBRARY. INSTALLING SEATS AND DESKS IN NEW SCHOOL The desks and seats in the new East Lenoir street school building, which the builders and trustees hopo to see occupied on Monday, are be ing Installed. There will be about 280 desks in the high school depart ment, around 3Zo in the grammar grade rooms, and 700 seats in the spacious auditorium, which will be a feature of the building. The audito rium in this building is unrivalled in any schoolhouse in this part of the State, it is beloved. REV. VON MILLER LECTURES ON HIS WAR EXPERIENCES The following new hooks have re cently been put on the shelves in the Public Library: Twelve volumes of "The South in the Building of the Nation," "Hagar," by Mary Johnston; "A Fool and His Money," by McCut Cheon; "Tillie," by Ellen Martin; "Lewis Rand," by Mary Johnston; "Inaide of the Cup," by Winston Churchill; "The House of Happiness," by Kate Lungley Basher; "Desert Gold," by Zane Grey; "The Iron Nurse," by Abraham; "The Iron Trail," by Rex Beach; "The Golden Road," by Montgomery; "T. Temlta ron," by Burnette; "Sunshine Jane," by Warner; "Miss Billy," "Miss Bil ly's Decision" and Miss Hilly Mar ried," by Porter; "The Eyes of the World," by Wright; "The Twenty fourth of June," by Richmond; "Mar tha by the Day," by Lippman; "Per sonality Plus," by Edna Ferlur; "The Woman Worth While," by Cocroft; "Whoso Findcth a Wife," by Put nam. The Library Association so ciatiou solicits more interest by the people of tho city. New subscrip tions would be appreciated. Automobile manufacturers and dealers are preparing for a demand next spring that will fully sustain the pace set by the spring selling sea sons of recent years. Sales managers and distributors of the leading cars unanimously assert that this fall's business was not only satisfactory, but a distinct surprise to the pessimists. Requests of distributor and deal ers .for ample allotments wherewith to meet the rush of spring, l'Jlo, al ready coming in, reveal a confident' in the field that can only be based on definite prospects. Following the u.iual experience of the trade, the first fine days of next Spring will remind these prospects by the thousands that they want their cars and dealers will be expected to run the cars up to the front doors of purchasers the day they are asked for. Many will get their cars promptly, others will be disappointed. Few rea lize the enormous business involved in preparation to meet the spring de mand. The cars have to be ready at the dealers' points of delivery. Distributors and dealers all over the country are even now placing their orders for shipments from carloads to trainloads on a monthly schedule right through the winter. The distri butors and dealers have to pay for these cars at the time of delivery. Ex cept with factory branches practical ly no consignment business is done. The cars are stored at the points of delivery, awaiting the spring pur chasers. It is a "distinct mark of the sub stantial foundation and healthy tone of the automobile business that dis tributors and dealers so generally ob tain the financial support necessary to obtain curs months in advance of the demand. Commodore William Livinsrstone. president of the Dime Savings Bank of Detroit, said to the American Bankers' Association at Richmond, Va.: "The disposition in early years to look askance at the automobile man ufacturer and dealer has passed, and with further knowledge of the busi ness, credits commensurate with sound banking methods have been extended to the mutual benefit of all. No longer do we hear talk that the automobile business will go the same way as the bicycle business, it being generally agreed that the making and marketing of motor cars is among out greatest industries a situation to be credited to a large degree to the care and conservatism of bankers who have been active in caring for the au tomobile dealers among their pa trons." Goods Arriving Daily Shop Early Avoid the Rush Chas. A. Waters The Telephone Store Phone No. 89 Bank Your Money Do not hide it in the old blue chest, old stockings and jugs, where it is very liable to be stolen, burned or destroyed. Deposit your money with us, and use checks to pay bills. : : : Farmers & Merchants Kinston, -- N. C. NEW ARRIVAL OF XMAS HOSE, GLOVES and J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store I .1 r ' FAY STOfcfflGS The most popular stiddiig forchfloTren. Af Sizes. Col ors, Black, Tan arid White. 30c and 35c. 1 Barrett i Hartsfield r CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears trie Signature of Revi R. M. Von Miller, who recent ly returned to the pastorate of Bup tist church at Jacksonville, after hav ing; been detained througn a ar rests in Europe during August, Sep tember and October, is lecturing on his experiences now, and may be in duced to come here. He will appear on the platform in Wilmington Mon day night. Mr. Von Miller was im prisoned near Halle, Germany, and because of hist German origin and in ability to satinfy the authorities in Belgium and England as to his Am erican citizenship, was detained sev eral times in both of those countries. He was probably the most arrested man in Europe during the first three months of the war, the outbreak of which found him visiting in the Fatherland. NEGRO SOLD WILD TURKEYS; WAS FINED Pat Sanders of No. 7 township, Craven county, is the most recent of big number of violators of the game laws, rounded up by the warden in that wsunty recently. Sanders killed and offered for sale four wild turkeys, and was fined $25. The wild turkey under the existing laws, cannot be put on the market, this prohibition being one means adopted by the leg islators to save the bird from the to tal extinction that has been threat ened Banders readily pulled the fine none from his pockets, leaving the officers to believe that he had com mitted the offense often previous to ila amaae be Urea in section "bftJfeme ji abundant There has been very little violation of the game law in Renoir emmty this season, al though, one or two local men have been taught shooting out of season U Craves county, v "NORTH CAROLINA DAY" WAS OBSERVED IN LENOIR This is "North Carolina Day" in the public schools of the State. The day has about it n touch of patriot ism and State feeling, in addition to the material work thut hud been ar ranged. In Lenoir county the usual progrum of songs and historical readings, recitations, etc., is being carried out, and the occasion is being very generally observed. In some cases the schoolhouses are decorated with autumn leaves and flowers, and in a few instances little exhibits of farm products have been added. Today is also "school and neigh borhood improvement day" of "Com munity Service Week," and is being observed in some districts under di rections compiled by the office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. OFFICERS FOR HTHIANS ELECTED THURSDAY The Knights of rythias Thursday night elected new officers as follows: Rev. W. 0. Bodell, chancellor-commander; R. E. Newborn, vice-chancellor; W. E. Bailey, prelate; M. E. Dixon, master of workj.T. W, Heath, keeper of records and seal; J. C. Pail, master of finance; C. W. Sanders, master of exchequer; R. W. Leach, master-at-arms; P. A. Hodges, Inner guard; W. Snow Nunn, outer guard. - Children Cry FOR 'FLETCHER'S CAStORIA Special Reduction SALE ON ALL MY STOCK OF Hats,FIo wers, Feath ers, Ribbons, Velvets, Neckwear, G'l o v e s , Hose, Handkerchiefs Handbags, and Um brellas. From Dec. 3 to 25 Mrs. M. L Braswell Silk Crepe Waist and Over Blouse The Newest Just in--See them THE ONE PRICE GUSH STORE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 j& Proo. AT SKINNER'S FOR AMY WHO KEEPS HOUSE A Most Acceptable Gift is a TABLE SCARF In most every room there's a table that would welcome . a cover for the tap. Such is the purpose of these scarfs, which cost but $2.00, $2.75, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. Stop Bothering About "WHAT TO GIVE" And Select one of These We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : 4 Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 v - i J.T. Skinner & Son "We Strive to Please Oettinger's Furniture Store DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St. Near Residence. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 5 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 9 p. m. Res. Phone 113 at IRA M. HARDY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 9 to 11; 2:30 to 6 P. M.; 7 to 9 P. M. Phones: Residence 607; Office 47t. 102 West Caswell Street Fs. Ear.Noe and Throu Diwawi Treated, mailing oiiues or Quality is My Business i nc tnoitesi creations oi tne world's best shoe makers are here for you to inspect and buy. I am not tied to any one con cern but select my shoes from the best lines that offer me the greatest value for my money and in this way I am placed in position to offer, you the very newest styles that are to be had. It will be a nleasiiM to me to show you whether you intend buying or not, for seeing is believing. My shoes for men, women and children are the best-there is none bet ter. Come look and buy- - you won t regret Jt. FOR SALE OR RENT Farm about nine miles from Kinston, seventy acres, about one half cleared. FOR SALE Lot opposite new Graded School Building. . , , Two dwellings on Cheastnut Street. KINSTON INSURANCE & REALTY COMPANY 110 EAST CORDON ST. C. OETTINGER, Manager. Dr. O. L. WILSON Derrist Office over J. E. Hood & Co'i Store. N. J. Rouse, Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C... .Goldsboro, N.C. ROUSE & LAND ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Oflices : Kinston, N. C, Goldsboro, N. C, Edgerton Building. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. P All Coat Suits Reduced Will this kind ji of a Santa Claus a Visit, You ? D KINSTON AND CAROLINA AND LUMBER at. (Effective Sept 13. 19116:00 No. 1 , STATIONS 4:00 Lv...... Kinston , 4:10 Lv.. .... Jackson . 4:20 Lv..... Albritton's 4:50 Lv.. ... Sparrow's 6:20 Lv..,.. Lynchburg 5:30 Ar..... Pink Hill R. It V. M.) No. 2 Ar. 8:10 .Ar. 7:50 .Ar. 7:40 Ar. 7:20 Ar. 7:05 .Lv. 7:00 R, A. HONEYCUTT, Supt WM.-HAYES, Genl Sujt Mark Cumminprs The Home of Quality' DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins. & Realty Co. Office hours: 9-12, 2- Nights and Sundays by Appointment Residence Phone 129 iO you remember how burglars , got into your neighbor's house last vear and carried off the chest of silver and other things? And just to think, a few dollars spent for YALE LOCKS would have saved all that trouble and loss! Maybe you. will receive a call this year, Better get ready., S"A stitch in time," ypa know that stitch should be a YALE LOCK or PADLOCK or y!?? vou need tvvo or three or four. Anyhow we've got just the lock you need whether It is for front door, stable or bureau drawer. Asa m for our little book howlng fifty uses for a Padlock. Illustrate. ' ALL $25 AND $30 SUITS $22.50 ALL $20.00 SUITS 18.00 H. E. MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. ALL $17.50 SUITS $15.00 ALL $12.50 -SUITS 10.00 . I TERMS CASH Kornegay