i-7 r i 4 ' i i ..'VfJ - ii 5 0? JL' eigiit OF LOCAL INTEREST 1 REALTY TRANSFER. Clyde Tyndnll ha purchased from B, L, Curtis and wife a building lot w North East utrvel, the contsiUra- .tion being f!,050. MARRIAGE LICENSE Marriitire license was issued Fri day to one colored couple: Owen Hry- ant, 22. and Minnie Hardy, 21, both of Lenoir county. SALE OK PROPERTY IN LINCOLN CITY Twenty-one lots in Lincoln City, owned by E. J. Bccton, were sold on Friday afternoon at prices averag ing $70. The sale was made by I5ur- ton Bros, of Wilson. GRAND SECRETARY OF MASONS ON VISIT HERE John Griggs of Elizabeth City, sec retary of the Grand Chapter of Roy al Arch Masons of North Carolina, Inspected the lodge here Friday night. The mark master's degree was con ferred upon two candidates. THIS LITTLE PIG HAD NUMEROUS TOES Mr. J. B. Hill, a barbecue man of East North street, Friday evening displayed two feet of a pig which, be- i tween them had eleven perfectly formed toes, one hoof containing six and the other five. The animal was not put up for sale. NEGRO SERIOUSLY HURT WHEN LOG FELL ON HIM Starkcy Veal, a negro millhand em ployed In an Edgecombe county saw mill, is in Memorial Hospital here in a serious condition, as tho result of being caught under a log which top- nled over uoon him. Veal's lower m hodv was severely bruised and he sustained internal injuries. MORE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR BELGIAN RELIEF Donations since last reported to the Belgian Relief Fund made public by the committee of mercy today are: Queen Street Methodist church, 7.75; F. I. Sutton, ?lj Mrs. 8. II. Loftin, SI: Miss Delia llvatt. $1; Leslie Johnson, .25; Lloyd Wooten, $a.50. The total now is well in excess of $100. MEETING OF EQUAL SUFFRAGE LEAGUE " The Kinston Equal Suffrage League met in the Courthouse Friday after- noon at 4 o'clock. The principul busi ness was the discussion of further in creasing the membership, which has been materially added to recently. The meeting was the first of regular sessions of the lcasruc to be held every week. PASTOR HODELL'S WORK IN DUPLIN WAS SUCCESSFUL Rev. W. 0. Bodell, pastor of the Universal is t Church of the Eternal Hope here, has returned from Smith" chapel, in Duplin county, where he concluded a successful series of evangelistic services on Thursday night Six adult members were re ceived upon confession of faith, and on the closing night a church was or ganised with twelve charter members. COMMUNITY SERVICE DAY This is "county nroirress ny in the State, under the proifinm form ulated by the State Depnrtment of Kdueation for tho observuuee "f "Community Service Week." A I though in many counties the tliiy is being ohserveU, in I-enoir no neneral notice is beinir Uiken, principally bo csuse of the fact that local condi tions will not permit of the farm in k community tukin; its attention irmn other matters to d'' ote to the o.v.i- sion. IIEITASOPHS ELECT OFEICERS Goodwill Conclave No. 4!8, Improv- eU Order of Heptasnphs, Friday eve ning elected tlie following ofliccrs for the new fiscal term: Representative to Supreme Council, Dr. V. E. Wey her; Alternate, C. W. Pridjcen; Arch- on. W. T. Cox: Provost. J. T. Hill; Prelate, R. B. Dunn; Financier, II. E. Moseley; Treasurer, C. W. Prid jren; Secretary, Dr. V. E. Weyher; Inspector, Mike Lee; Warden, H. I. Sutton; Sentinel. J. It. Temple; Trus tees, L. Mines, R. H. Temple and Dr. 1L O. Hyatt WOODMEN OK THE WORLD TO UNVEIL MONUMENT. Sunday at noon. Rosewood Camp No. 640 of the Woodmen of the World, at Rkhlands. mill unveil with public ceremony a monument to the late Sovereign R. Manly Hatch, a member who was murdered last spring hj Alfred Lynch, a negro la- J borer in log woods where Hatch was j employed as a commissary overseer. I J-ynth U still at larg. The memo- rw n'HOHi rial has beefi erected in private graveyard where the remains of the kluin overseer were buried. Congreiis-man-elert (ieorjrc K. Hood of Golds bo ro will deliver an add res. K. OF II. MEETING. The Kniichts of Harmony will hold their regular mooting on Monday night for the election of officers. Af ter the mi'ding a ;jppur will In wrvtd to the members present. All aie requested to uttend. ALLEGED SLANDERER RELEASED ON II MI.. Guy WetheririKlon, a young white man of this city who wa.-t rcnnily tried lie fore a magistrate in New Hern and held for the alleged -land er of a stepsister In mat ciiy, nas been releasee) from jail on bond. NEW PASTOR LOSES HAHY AT IITTLEIM)RO Kev. E. N. Harrison, the newly-ap pointed pastor of Caswell Street MethmliHt church, will arrive here next t nday and take up resilience in the parsonage at the rear of thn church. Rev. Mr. Harrison was pre vented from coming to his charge sooner by the illness anil death of an infant son. He relinquished the sta tion at liattlebore to come to Kin- ston. LOCAL OPERATIVES TEACH KNITTING MILL HKGINNERS Four young women from the Orion Knitting Mills here are instructing untrained labor in (he use of the ma chines in the new plant ut Ueuufort, opened this week under the supervi sion of S. I). Ford of this city. Al)':u: twenty-five of the machines will be n operation by Christmas. The mill nt present has uboiit forty machines, but it is intended to nccoitiinodiite about 150 to L'OO ultimately. INTERIOR DECORATIONS OF THE NEW THEATER A decorator is putting the finishing touches on the interior walls and ceiling of Hines JSro.s.' new theuter on North Queen street. The predomin ating color of the interior decorations will be green, and the work on the side walls and ceiling alone will cost around 21,400. This sum does not in clude payment for the scenery and stage equipment, which will be the A nest in any playhouse in this sec tion. YOUR COLD IS DVNGKROUS BREAK IT UP NOW A Cold is readily catching. A run down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to fight the Germs it once. Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-IIoiiey is fine for Colds. It loosens the mu cous, stops the cough and soothes the lungs. It's guaranteed. Only 25c at your druggist. adv IT CeiOTea lures Powerful fast- isiiUuuy graceful and beautiful in its i.o.c rcmy, comfortable and conTpIetv'i ,' equipped with Top, Windsliic Ed, Speedometer, and anti-skid tires on rcrr, the 191S Maxwell at $695 lias more higr p-.-iccd car features than ever pui; in an auto mobile before for less than $2,000. Here is the easiest cr.r drive in the world -here is the grpate all around hill climbing car in the world. Here is cn auto mobile to be really proud of. Holds the road at 50 miles an hour With Electric Starter and Elettnc Light $55 extra. ga- - "''' N Kinston Garage. Inc. SUNDAY SERVICES IN , I KINSTON'S CHURCHES Programs for the Day's Worship, Where Members, Friends and Vis itors in the City are Welcome. BAPTIST. First Baptist Church Because of failure to get the new building in shaiie, the congregation will hold ai tlie services in tin? Primitive Kaptist Church, on Caswell streetfl Preach ing services ut 11 and 7:30. Sunday school at 0:30 a. m. CHRISTIAN Gordon Street Christian church From 10 to 1 unified program of IHble school and preaching seivires. All invited to Bible school, but those who can attend preaching only, come at 11 o'clock. Evening service at .METHODIST. Queen Street Methodic church. Sunday school at 0:45; prenchin service at 11. No evening -ervic( Caswell St. M. E. Church Sunda school at !:!. a. m.; no morning ser vice. Atkinson Mcmo.-m! Presbyteria church. S:uid.'iv school 0:4. i a. m Preaching at 11 a. m., with specia sermon for Jr. O. U. A. M.; Chris tiau Endeavor meeting at 11:15 p. m. preaching service at 7:.'i0 p. ni. EPISCOPAL St. Mary's Episcopal church Th morning piayer and sermon at 11 clock. Sunday school at 'J.'MI o'clock Evening prayer ut 4:!0 o'clock. Christ Episcopal church -E veiling service with sermon at i:lo. .Sunday school at 3:15. The offerings at both Episcopal Sunday schools will be devoted to th cause or the Belgians. ( hililren am adults are asked to be generous. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. First Church of Christ, Scientist. - Service ut 1 1 a. m. Sunday school a 10. Evening service at 7:.'!0. UNIVERSALIST Church of the Eternal Hope Sun day school at 10 n. m. Service of worship with sermon at 7:.'I0 p. m NOTICE. The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as execu trix of the estate of M. II. Carr, de ceased, all persons having claims claims against said estate are noti lied to exhibit the same before the undersigned on or before December 3rd, 1015, or this notice will be plead ed in lmr of their. recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will plea.se make immediate payment. This 2nd day of December, 1014. VIRGINIA CARR, Executrix of M. II. Carr, Deceased. I!y K. R. WOOTEN. Attorney. 12-3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Jan 7 Piles Cured in 6 14 Days Ymir trHnKi?.t will rrfuutl ill' ncy it PA filNTMKfST fails to cure nnv :asc nl ltvn Wind, HlctMinit r Ptntni'ltiu: I'im-i in 111.. 1 1 il , 'J hi: llfi.1 upi'lHaUnU ;'l " s l-.r.n at.. I Uvat. I TOE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS P1 LgrFAY; STfjjGi mmCM We Cater tol " - 1 1 mi Illl. '01 .. i 9 The New'Styles of John B. Stetson Hats Are Here, See South Window. Dail & Tavlor The Men's Store Holiday Goods Arriving Daily Shop Early Avoid tl:c Rush Chas. A. Waters 1 he Telephone Store Flume No. K9 Silk Crepe Waist and Over Blouse The Newest Just in--See them THE ONE PRICE CASH STGBE A. J. SUTTON Phone 34 j& ProD. Retailing Shoes of Quality is My Business I he choicest creations of the world's best shoemakers ate here for you to inspect and buy. I am not tied to any one con cern but select my shoes from the best lines that offer me the greatest value for my money and in this way 1 am placed in position to offer you the very newest styles that are to be had. It will be a pleasure to me to ow you whether you intend buying or not, for seeing is believing. My shoes for men, women and children arc the best-there is none bet ter. Come look and buy- - you won t regret it. Mark Cummings 'The Home of Quality' Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Phyairian and Surf ran Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hour: toll a.m. i rhones: 3 to 5 p. m. Office, 478 u y p. m. Res. Phone 113 The New;styies of ; Children. : : 1 .iici.cuiiwa.iu - mi , a Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Son "We Strive to Pleaie" Dr. 0. L. WJLSON Di" .ist Office over J. E. Hood & Co's Store. E PROGRAM rriflav pickfocpj MONDAY- THE HALF BREED Neslor Comedy Drama. THE DARK HORSE Western Drama, Featuring Mary Pickford I HE SHACK NEXT DOUR Drama. TUESDAY- " THE BOOB'S LEGACY -Rex Comedy. TILL THE SANDS OF THE DESERT GROW COLD-In 1 wo Reels. WEDNESDAY- " THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY 9th Install ment of the greatest series ever produced. THURSDAY- " THE PIPES OF PAN Rex Comedy in Two Reels. THE PROOF OF A MAN-Victor Drama. FRIDAY- TREY O" HEARTS -I Oth Installment. Follow the Crowds to see this Great LI FER I TI ES Crystal Comedy. SATURDAY- Tl IE BASEBALL FAN OF FANVILLE SI lADOWEP-Two Reel Imp Drama. EXTRA VAUDEVILLE PROGRAM DENNEY fi MOKRISEN -Violin and Harmony Singing. The Harmony Duo with the Violin. An Act that Appeals to most Everybody. Good Vaudeville Act for the Last Half. Follow the Crowds to the DIXIE THEATRE for the best in "Movies" and Up-to-Date Vaudeville. ADMISSION D and carried offthe chest of silver and other things ? And just to think, a few dollars spent for YALE LOCKS would have saved all that trouble and loss! Maybe you will receive a call this year. Better get ready. "A stitch in time," you knowthat stitch should be a YALE LOCK or PADLOCK or maybe you need two or three or four. Anyhow we've got just the lock you need whether it is for front door, stable or bureau drawer. AoforourUulttK)okholasfiftjruseiforaIadkick. lUastrat.1. II. L MOSEIfy HARDWARE CO. 1 9 larrett 1 Hartsfield SHOW OPENS AT 7 O'CLOCK PROMPTLY FIRST SHOW 7:00 SECOND " - 8:10 THIRD " 8:20 FOURTH " 10:30 FOB NEXT WEEK Picture. Everybody Likes it. -Joker Comedy. 10 AND 15 CENTS. Will this kind of a Santa Claus Visit You ? O vou remember how burglars got into your neighbor's house last year SATURDAY, DECEMBER S. j9u The most popular stocking for children. All Sizes. Col ors, Black, Tan and White. m Prices 30c and 35c. Tatronlze Home Industry" JOB PRINTING M r : j . ."un Orders for Higfc Grade Job.' Printing. QrjCTi Cwfully tai Promptly EiecittJ We Make the Best Grade LETTER HEADS. WEDDING INVITATIONS. CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES. CIRCULARS, LARGE AND SMALL. ENVELOPES. POSTERS. We have Connections with Engravers and Blank Book Makers which en able us to Promptly Handle Orders for Engraving and ' all kinds of Blank Book Making. Kinston Free Press Co. Incorporated Publisl er i and Job Printers Anything in - Printing DR. F. FITTS Osteopathic Physician Over Kinston Ins. & Realty Co. Office hours: 9-12, 2-6 Nights and Sundays by Appointment. Residence Phone 129 DR. T. II. FAULKNER DENTIST Office 130 S. McLewean St Near Residence. WISHING TO RETIRE FROM I OFFER MY ENTIRE STOCK OF AND STORE SALE BUSINESS MERCHANDISE BUILDING FOR " G lit Kornegay

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