TIIE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS mm On and after JANUARY 1st, 1915, wc will be lo cated next to Geo. E. Kornegay, on the Corn er, and are now offering all of our, Millinery, Rib bons and Feathers at COST. i : . Chamberlain & Braxton Cas Vill Building - I WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS PRWSOBBKHaSS; FOR SALE Old Papers, suitable for kindling fires these cool mornings, 6c a package. Free Press. . 9-14-tf WANTED Ten Experienced Sales ladies. Apply in person at J. M Stephenson's Store. 12-5-lt-dly SOCIAL And PERSONAL gone to FOR SALE or EXCHANGE Second Hand Ford Car. Apply to P. A Hooker. 12-7-2t-dly lt-SW LOST Sales Check No. 30116, pay able to W. & T., signed Knott Bros. Everyone requested not to honor. . 12-7-dly&SW-tf AM PREPARED 'TO Re-Cover Felt Mattresses andtowork over Hair ,nd Felt .Mattresses. -Satisfaction ruarantred and prices right. I want o buy wheat and oat straw in bales. 3all at 210 East North street. L. S Smith. , 12-7-lwk-dly&SW TOBACCO SALES CLOSE FOR CHRISTMAS ..This serves to advise that tobacco ales on the Kinston market will close i Friday, Dec. 18th, for Christmas. id will resume Monday, Jan. 4, 1915, E. Y. SPEED, Secretary, Kinston Tobacco Board of Trade. Dec. 7th, 1914. ly-12-7-10 SW-12-9-12-16-19 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Su ervising Architect's Office, Wash igton, D. C, November 30, 1914. ealed proposals will be opened in lis office, at 3 p. m., January 11, )15, for the construction complete ncluding mechanical equipment, jhting fixtures, and approaches) of e United States post office at Kin on, N. G. One story and basement lilding ground area, 4,660 square et; fireproof throughout; stone fac g; composition roof, Drawings and ecifications may be obtained from e custodian of the site at Kinston, C, or at this office, in the discre m of the Supervising Architect. 0. enderoth, Supervising Architect. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. Dr. B. W. Spilman has Goldsboro on business. a h a Miss Rosa Bland of Ayden arrived last night to visit In the city, a a a Mr. Sam Ha8kins spent Sunday in Greenville visiting his brother. a a a Mr. Cephus Stricklin returred Sun day night from a short trij t Greenville. a a a Misses Sallie Vinson anu Marie Jones spent the day in LaGrange visiting. a a a Rev. Floyd Harris of Ayden came in Sunday evening for a short visit in the city. a a a Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lynch returned Sunday afternoon from spending the day in Goldsboro. a a a Rev. Henry Cunningham of Deep Run is a welcome visitor in the city today on business. a a a The Round Table will meet Tues- afternoon at 3:15 o'clock, with C. Felix Harvey. a a a Messrs. Hubert Johnson and Jas- Harrington of Ayden passed through the city Sunday en route to Goldsboro. a a a Mrs. Fred. Hunter of Durham, who has been visiting Mrs. N. B. Moore on-North Mitchell street, returned to her home this morning. a a a Mr. E. B. Lewis spent Sunday in Pink Hill, where he presided at the ceremony of the unveiling of a mon ument at the grave of Sovereign Al bert Smith of the Pink Hill camp. a a a Miss Martha Allen arrived from Clayton Saturday afternoon for a short stay with her parents, Judge and Mrs. O. H. Allen. She was ac companied by Mrs. Charles Home of Clayton. YOU'LL FIND FEW FOOLISH QUESTIONS Asked By Those Who Use Good Ref erence Books Constantly Self Investigation More Prolific of of Lasting Impressions. day Mrs. per Far fewer "foolish questions" will be asked and answered in Kinston in the future since The Free Press' self- imposed task of distributing the New Modern English Dictionary will start soon. Stop asking and answering need' less questions and start clipping cer tificates. Then you can let the dic tionary do your work. Begin your clipping on another page of this is sue today in readiness to take them away as soon as six certificates have been published. Children's questions should never be ignored. Impatient parents con stantly bar the pathway of learning to little questioners anxious to learn. There is a way to save your patience and provide for the children's instruc tion as well. Let the dictionary tutor your tots. Cyclopedias for children are the latest fad among the wealthy classes, where the importance of letting the coming generation learn by looking up the answers to its own queries is recognized. Children's cyclopedias are expensive and cumbersome, and the New Modern English Dictionary suits the purpose well and requires less expenditure and far less space, xour sons ana aaugnters, nieces and nephews, in fact, every person in whose welfare you are interested, should have this beautifully bound and comprehensively illustrated mine of ready reference information al ways at hand. The colored plates are particularly well suited for the in struction of the children and the for mation of young ideas through the fund of information of which they form a part. Any book ordered by mail will be extra, as explained in the coupon printed on another page. NEGRO PAGEANT WILL BE SHOWN MEETING OF S. S. TEACHERS. The junior department teachers of Gordon Street Christian Sunday school will meet tonight in the home of Miss Meta Patrick, and the teach ers of the intermediate senior and adult departments at the parsonage, instead of at the church, as announc ed Sunday. St Louis, Dec. 7. The evolution of the negro from the savage to his present state is to be portrayed at the Colisseum beginning tonight, by 550 negro actors. The portrayal has for its title: "Pan-American Kirmess Pageant of the Negro Race," will run for eight nights, and is described, ac cording to advance notices, as a pag eant which will take the negro through savagery, plantation days, the civil war and the period of devel opment following the civil war. XmasJewGie r v 6 DediraMc&ff GOLD AND SILVER GIFT THINGS ARE ALWAYS APPROPRIATE. Nothing is more appreciated than a gift in Gold or Silver be the recipient wife, mother, father sister, brother or sweetheart. The dainty and lasting memento of your thought at the Christ mas Tide can always settle the "doubt" as to just what is best. J& , WE HAVE DIAMONDS IN GREAT VARIETY ALSO Our tock of Christmas goods includes gifts for everybody. There are JEWEL BOXES, SHAVING SETS, MANICURE OUTFITS. COMB AND BRUSH SETS. TRAVELING CASES. MIRRORS, NECK LACES, WATCHES and those things which make the leading jeweler's stock replete; There are too many" gift suggestions in our splendid selection to enumerate here. Come to our store and let us show you AND YOU WILL SAVE TIME BY COMING HERE FIRST. : : : : j IS SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS. Kleber Denmark-Jeweler 129 North Queen Street - - Kinston, N. C. OPEN EVEN-I IN6S UNTO P.!.!. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S O A 3 TO R I A BEST FOR KIDNEYS SAYS DOCTOR Dr. J. T. R. Neal, Greenville, S. C, says that in his 30 years of experience he has found no preparation for the kidneys equal to Foley Kidney Pills. In 50c and $1.00 sizes. Best you can buy for backache, rheumatism, kid ney and bladder ailments. For sale in you town by J. E. Hood & Company TO THE FARMERS: KEITH'S GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIME Composed of sea product, petrified fish, clams, oysters, shells, etc., has solver the high cost of fertilizers. One-fourth price of guano, good for all crops on any soil, can be used alone or mixed With compost cotton seed meal, or fertilizer material. Shipped loose or sacked. For prices, write B. F. Keith Company, R. F. D. No. 3, New Bern, N. C. MOVIE LAW OF OHIO TO BE TESTED BEFORE COURT Washington, Dec. 7. The Supreme Court today granted a hearing in the suit of the Mutual Film Company of Ohio against the Ohio State Indus. trial Commission today. The case was taken from its regular place on the calendar. The Mutual Film Com pany in this case is attacking tne moving picture law of Ohio, seeking to prevent its enforcement by the Ohio Industrial Commission. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA THE -NEW ENGLISH m DICTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED E3WTHE Kinston Free Press, Monday, Dec. 7 SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A SET JL L"" J?" dowenwnt of thU great xfutionkl opportunity by cattmi oat thoaboTo Certificate ot Appreciation with fir. other of eomecatrr. date,, and praaa.tiBClh.ia at l-affc. with the expene. bonus amount herein set oppo n tytoof Dytaoaarr aelactad (which cmn the Hera, of tha cart of pack faa. expreaa froa the factory, checkhi, clerk hira and other naceaaary EXPENSE tenia), and rem wd) be presented with rour choice of thae thre. book I i ... e 4eUW (Like illustration in nnnni-mitc from dav to dav.1 I Modern FnrrTrch Oft entirely new compilation by the world s ; nirAov? .. . luinunues ir0m leading universities; u ooonu m iMat - t"'1 p Lcather flexible, stamped in gold on back and I siues. pnmea on bidic paper, with red edges ana corner. rounded ; beautiful, strong, durable. Besides the general contents, there : are maps and over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by three- color plates, numerous subjects by monotone v 16 pasM of IbToJ t5.!5,on2-' wart and the latest United States Census. Present I no at thfc office SIX CocaectrtiTa Certificate at Amretiathia ud the JoC fTh $3.00 Modem Enn$!i h : MCTtnNanv h UWatV it ia exactly tha earne a the f f . book, ex. cent la tha atria of binding which la to I P'CTtOMaww H leather. whj,- - ree and luonaaei "Tiiarecort.T "ajjx An. foi Cclifkato. ax! t. OXU The $2.00 New la In plain cloth bind- , in, atamped in cold . ki..k. fcaa aama ' MODCrn tltpSD Pper. -me Uloatrm- uia.tr.te- Zwtom P- , and charts are omitted. SIX Ap- AQf ' prrciatxm Lrtrftcaraa and tna wwr , I wl m?! ?.K?1ER T book by parrel poat, tnrrade EXTRA T eente wlthle Wan, ,V ir,r." He; for greater diatanera aik your poetmaater , Mia.. . .-J " " J"na. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Notice to Shippers and Receivers of Freight in North Carolina: The new freight rates, both local and joint, made effective by the laws of North Carolina, October 13, 1914 are on file with all agents of this company. Agents will furnish, upon paplica tion. full information as to these rates. , E. D. KYLE, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. J. F. DALTON, Asst. Genl. Frt. Agt., Norfolk, Va. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the authority and pow er contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Jefferson Kilpatrick and wife, Nancy 8. Kilpatrick, to J. W. Grainger on the 20th day of No vember, 1907, the undersigned, the duly appointed administrators of J. W. Grainger, deceased, will, on Mon day, the 4th day of January, 1915, at 1 o'clock p. m., offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder a certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the city of Kinston, Lenoir county, North Car olina, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Capitola avenue and Independent street, and running with Capitola avenue in an eastern direction 70 feet to a stake; then in a southern direc tion 140 feet to a stake; then in a western direction 70 feet to Independ ent street, to a stake; then in a north ern direction, with Independent street 140 feet to the beginning. This 4th day of December, 1914. H. H. Grainger, : C. A. D. GRAINGER, D. T. EDWARDS, . W. A. PIERCE, Administrators of J. W. Grainger Deceased. By ROUSE AND LAND, . Attorneys for Administrators. ; v ,12-6,12, 19. 26-dly I We Lead - Others Follow At this great GOING OUT OF BUS INERS SALE you can find anything you wish that will be suitable for HIS or HER CHRISTMAS GIFT. Why pay more, when you can buy the same goods here for less money. We are positively going out of busi ness and everything must be sold by JANUARY 1st. M. Adler & Sons I DEATH OF INFANT BOY. The two-weeks'-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jobson died this morning at the home, on Independent street. Interment was made in Maplewood cemetery this afternoon. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of St N. J. Rouse, 'Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C. .Goldsboro, N.C, ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W Offices: Kinston, N. O, Goldsboro, N. C, Edgerton Building. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: grOUR WEEKLY LIMERICK I We know of a farmer, by the name of McWade, Who long, has found this, a good place to trade. ' HE HAS BEEN COMNG TO 5SB OUR STORE FOR -YEARS OR MORE, held up" or wijlald. And es yet, he has never been WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON An Established Reputation for Fair Dealing - We handle a good quality of Goods, marked with a fair margin of profit We Guarantee Everything Exactly as Represented Stand ready to make right that which is not right - AND SOLICIT YOUR (TRADE D. V. DIXON & SON 9 to 11 a. m 3 to 6 p. m. 8 to 8 p. m. Phones: Office, 478 Res. Phone 113 CHICHESTER S PILLS Olw fi a iici m i j . aUdlca! A ak lIIU In l.cd Ulimond rand nj Oold metal iic'V ItllV Of IADS V Take itu olbr, lklVMlF.lB (UlMlk Mat I a ' A- yei snunn as UC9C.DaiOt, A I way! Keliali SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE WANTED At once, solicitors for pleasant and profitable work in the city and nearby towns. Nice oppor tunity for either men or women. Must be well recommended. Address "Op portunity," care Free Press, Kinston, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON "If you need help to hold youf COTTON, call to see us. OFFICERS N. J. ROUSE. Pres. DR. H. TULL, Vice Predial D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier, J. J. BIZZELL, Ass't Cashier, T. W. HEATH. Teller. DIRECTORS. W. L Kennedy David Oettinger H. TuII . H. Canady L. C. Moseley F. Farrott C Felix Harvey H. E. Moseley J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy S. H. Isler N. J. Rouse Special Reduction SALE ON ALL MY STOCK OF Hats,FIowers,Feath- ers.Ribbons. Velvets, Neckwear, Gloves, Hose, Handkerchiefs Handbags, and Um brellas. From Dec. 3 to 25 FiIrs. Til. L. Braswell The National Bank of Kinston REAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE in business methods, and this bank has kept pace; with them. ' ' '7. While conservative in the interest of SAFETY, our equipment and b u s f n e s s methods are modern. Let us do business together to our mutual advanf jge.' . . Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $90,000.00 "TIIE OLDEST- AND STRONGEST . Ill TIIE COUilTY."

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