TIIE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS NOTICE ! On and after JANUARY 1st, 1915, wc will be lo. cated next to Geo. E. Kornegay,.on the Corn er, and arc now offering all of our Millinery, Rib bons and Feathers at COST, Chamberlain & Braxton Cat ill Building WANT ADS 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN SERTION MINIMI TUT 15 rTCTVTTS gggMMWaWMPTJUT FOR SALE or EXCHANGE Second Hand Ford. Car. Apply to P. A. Hooker. , 12-7-2t-dly lt-SW LOST Sales Check No. 30116, pay able to W. & T., signed Knott Bros. Everyone requested not to honor. 12-7-dly&SW-tf Jt WANTED At - once, 301icitors for pleasant and profitable work in the city and nearby towns. Nice oppor tunity fo cither men or women. Must be well recommended. Address "Op portunity,1" care Free Press, Kinston, I AM PREPARED TO Re-Cover Felt Mattresses and to "work over Hair and Felt Mattresses. Satisfaction guaranteed and prices right. I want to buy wheat and oat straw in bales. Call at 210 East -North street. L. S. Smith. , , ' 12-7-lwk-dl.vASW TO THE FARMERS: KEITH'S ground Agricultural lime Composed of sea product, petified fish, clamsjoysters, shells, etc., has solver the high cost of fertilizers. One-fourth price of guano, good for all crops on any soil, can be used alone or mixed with compost, cotton seed meal, or fertilizer material. Shipped .loose or sacked. For price!) write Ii. F. Keith Company, R. F. D. No. 3, New Bern, N. C. NOTICE. Notice to all who live or own real estate in the Moseley Creek drainage district. Your assessment is now due and unless same is paid on or before December 31st, your property will be advertised and sold. x R. B. LANE, . , . , Sheriff Craven County. ll-12-30t-dly HMY Pitt SOCIAL And PERSONAL Mrs. Ann Jones Wooten of this city was the contributor of the poem below to Monday's Raleigh Times: litl? I ....ll A 1 . . -vYr m vuuure mat innves on men's corpses.") "Heart of a Beast and head of a Man; Wings as black as the dunnest night; A Vulture soars in the sun's clear light And evilly circles a continent's span. "A plot takes shape in his cruel brain, A purpose forms in his baleful eye, as, ioui wings polluting tne azure sky, He makes his passage from main to main. "And looks with hate on the scene be low Where men are at peace and their harvests, white, Beckon them into uocrs glad sun light To wholesome toil. and no man s a foe. "Then sudden he swoops, this' Bird of Hell, Inky wings blotting the golden sun And a chill, dread darkness descends upon The earth, and woe that no words can tell!. "Their sight is blinded, and man hates man; The rulers are curs'd with a lust for power; And the Vulture's talons, within the hour, Are rending the Nations that loos'd his ban! "Under his pinions, the cannon roar; Shrapnel screams, and the putrid air Breathes of the awful carnage where The sicken'd land drinks deep of gore. Hell Back to the pit from whence he came, And nevermore let this horror claim A shining world where Thy creatures dwell!" BBS Mr. R. E. Wilkins left today for Goldsboro on a business trip. h s a Mr. E. C Carraway, who lives near Hookerton is a visitor in town today. R K H Mr. and Mrs. George Grady of Tub- carora are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Hill in the city. a h h Mr. Sam Abbott of LaGrange re turned to his home this morning af ter a business trip in the city. a a a Mayor F. I. Sutton left this morn ing for Raleigh to attend a conven tion of the Shriners, now in session H W B Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Black have gone to Raleigh, where Mr. Black will at tend the Shriners' meeting. a a a Mrs. Julia McDaniel and Miss Mil dred McDaniel have returned home from visiting in Grifton. a a a Miss Nan Sutton of LaGrange has returned to her home after a visit in the city to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sutton. a a a Rev. L. E. Wells of Teachey. N. C. who has been the guest of Rev. G. B. Hanrahan, returned to his home this morning. Mrs. Chapman of ffnoxville. Tenn.. and Mrs. Sophia Duffy of New Bern will arrive in the city Wednesday morning to be the guests of Mrs. Fe lix Harvey. Mrs. Chapman has re cently returned from Europe, and in a lecture to be delivered by her in the Christian church Wednesday eve ning will give an interesting account of her impressions while AhrnnH There will be no admission fee, but a silver offering will be taken. a a a Bazaar to Be Held in the Grand Jury Room ' XmosJcweler s s - (jiftThinfc .aw GOLD AND SILVER GIFT THINGS ARE ALWAYS APPROPRIATE. Nothing is more appreciated than a gift in Gold or Silver be the recipient wife, mother, father .- sister, brother or sweetheart The dainty and lasting memento of your thought at &e Christ- e mas Tide can always settle the "doubt" as to just what is best. ' ..' WE HAVE DIAMONDS IN GREAT VARIETY ALSO 7 :V Our stock of Christmas goods Includes gifts for everybody. There are JEWEL BOXES. SHAVING SETS, MANICURE OUTFITS. COMB AND BRUSH SETS. TRAVEUNG CASES. MIRRORS, NECK-' LACES. WATCHES and those things which make the leading jeweler's stock replete; There are too" many gift suggestions in our splendid selection to enumerate here. Come to our store and let us show you AND', YOU WILL SAVE TIME BY COMING HERE FIRST. : : t : : 14 SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS. Kleber Denmark-Jeweler 129 North Queen Street - - Kinston, N. C OPEN EVEN INGS mum' I I I . '",1 ' ' NEAR DEATH BY SMOTHERING But Husband, With Aid of CarduL Effects Her Diliverance. Draper, N, C Mrs. Helen Dalton. ol this place, says: "1 suffered for years. with pains in my left side, and wou! 9tten almost smotner to aeatn. Medicines patched ne un for awhile out men 1 wouia eci worse again, rinai d ei . decided he wanted me to so he The Ladies Aid Snrfofv nf thn A, iv. my husband i Hr, m . i . try laraut. tne wemarrs ionic. Lranuuai rresoyienan cnurcn Kt, m a a i i,,-, it win Hold its Christmas Bazaar in the ltdicl me more good thao au the medi- urana jury room of the Courthouse, ICines I had taken. "Bewilder'd horses scream in death, Women weep aiKKwork alone, While far a-field lie men who moan Of home and beloved with dying breath. "Dead are the harvests, once so white Fair cities, whose glories of art and of spire Once lifted men's souls and ennobled desire, Are razed to the dust in a single night. "And the true heart's blood of a mil lion men Cries from the ground, there ruth lessly pour'd, "Our rulers were our keepers, Lord!" 0, Rulers, Where are thy brothers, then? "Ah, what a mockery, God of Love, That men should invoke Thy holy Name In a cause of Hate! Oh, biting shame This guilt to wed with Heaven, above. "When 'tis on men's passions the Vulture, War, Prpvs and fattens and thrives anace! Grant us, Lord, in Thy tender grace, Forever this curse from our earth to bar. "Oh, banish the loathsome Bird of Children Cry for Fletcher's Hi I Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been 1H UNA f V.F ??fk V7An-fl.fi! find V... n 1, ! Ji ,srtf ' and has been mado under his per- sonai supervision Bineo Its Infancy. CCCA4Z; Allow DO linn to HoivIva rnn In tliia. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are- but Experiments that triflo with and endanger the health of ""ants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castona.Is harmless snbstitnte for Castor Oil, Pare BOIic,Jrop8 ond Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio tance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms Hna allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it 1 Jl,ccn 111 costant use for the relief of Constipation. f, . k1"7' .Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and viarrboea. regulates the Stomach and Bowels. SI1, I'ood, giving healthy and natural Bleep, xne Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE - GASTO R I A ALWAYS r Bears' the Signature of -In; Use For Over 30 Years. , Tlte Kind You Have Always Bought MX CtU COM,ANV wm vorn c ty beginning Wednesday afternoon, De cember 9. h a a The Rock Hill, S. C., Herald last Thursday carried the following which will be read with interest here: A charming affair of last week was the afternoon party given on Thurs day by Miss Mary Marshall at her home on Pendleton street. It was in the nature of an announcement party and shower in honor of Miss Mabel Hart, who is to be married on the sixteenth to Mr. Horace DuDree of Kinston, N. C. The home of the hostess was most attractive in its simple yet beautiful decorations of ferns and potted plants. After the arrival of all the guests, the postman was announced, and the mail consist ed of postcards for each of the guests, the stamps being tiny red hearts pierced with arrows. After reading these by Mrs. Webb White, which furnished much merriment, they were presented to the guest of honor as souvenirs of this enjoyable occasion. The guests were presented with tiny cards bearing wedding bells in gold and written on these in gold were Hart-Uu free, December six teen. 1914." For making the most words out of these words, Mrs. M. F. Cobb won the prize a beautiful crochet centerpiece, which she pre sented to the guest of honor. At an opportune moment the door bell rang and a deliveryman hand ed in a suit box and hatbox, which were addressed to Miss Hart. Upon opening these they were found to con tain a beautiful assortment of dainty lingerie for the bride-to-be Following this a delicious salad course was served, the hostess being assisted by her little nieces, Julia Thompson Roddey and Frances Mar shall, Mrs. A. C. Izard, Misses Eu nice Moore and Julia Boyce. About twenty-five euests were present on this delightful occasion. Miss Hart wore a lovely gown of green silk poplin with lace trimmings. The many friends of Miss Hart will be interested to learn of this an nouncement, for since coming to the city several years ago she has made many friends who regret that her marriage will take her away. She graduated from the Fennell Infirmary about three years ago and since that time she has been doing private nurs ing. Sne is a young woman 01 many admirable traits of character and her many friends wish for her a long and happy life. Mr. Dupree is promi nent in business and social circles in Kinston. Mrs. Webb White will entertain Saturday morning in honor of Miss Hart, who will leave next week for Greensboro, N. C at which place she will be married on the sixteenth of this month. YOUR COLD IS DANGEROUS , BREAK IT UP NOW A Cold is readUy catching.) A run down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to fight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for Colds. It loosens the mu cous, stops the cough and soothes the iimr Tt' guaranteed. Only 25c 1 have induced many of my friends to try Cardui. and they all say" they have been benefited by its use. There never has been, and never will be, a medicine to compare with Cardui. I believe it is a good medicine for all womanly trou bles." i For over SO vears. Cardui has been re lieving woman's sufferings and building weak women up to health and strength. If vou are a woman, give it a fair trial. It should surely help you, as it has a million others. Get a bottle of Cardui to-day, Wrttt l: Chattanooro Madlelna Oa.. Lad! of Advisory Dept., Chattanooga, Tenn., tor Sfcial Intlruciimt on youreaaa and 64-paga book, "Homa Treatment tot woman," in plaia wrewar. tf.0. 1 M Special Reduction SALE ON ALL MY iSTOCK OF Hat8,FIowers,Feath- ers, Ribbons, Velvets. Neckwear, Gloves. Hose, Handkerchiefs Handbags, and Um brellas. From Dec. 3 to 25 Member American Guild of Piano Toners, Cincinnati, O. 250 Pounds of Piano Re palrlng Material- Carried Correct Piano Tuning luranuojsSats.' and Pipe (Church) Orysa Work . -,, ,,. .. -' Refelting, Voicing, Regaliting ' and Reconstrocting ; (D Wm. O. BARNWELL, Atlanta, Ga. FREE EXAMINATION (In Town) is 1LG NELL 3rd WEEK KINSTON, N. C. 109 North Mclewean St. . Write Me Care General Delivery III! Illl Our Doors W Open Mm and E MONDAY The Great Removal Sale will start Removal in two senses. One. we are preparing to move to large quarters; the other, the prices we have named will mean the quick removal of our great stock. During this Sale Everything is to be Sold for Cash. No Goods will be taken back or Exchanged. ',' We can't afford to because everything is marked down, AT OR DELOW COST. "" We List Here a Few of the Special Bargains that Await Your Inspection White Goods Yard wide Sea Island Homespun 10c quality.. 6c Androacoggin Bleaching -8 I -2c 10c Long Cloth sale price 8c 10c Lawnsdale Cambric 8c 15c Lawnsdale Cambric 12c 15c Kilarney Linen lie 25c White Linen - 1 9c 2Dc Flaxon now . 14c 42 inch wide Batistes 25c now. 19c 50 inch Batiste now 39c 40 inch White Lawn Kc new 8c 4U inch Whit. Lawn 25c now J 1 9c 5Dc Organdiea 48 inch now 39c $1.25 value now t5c Good quality white checked Dimity 9c 25c quality white checked - 17 I -2c Apron Ginghams: Best quality 27 inch wide sale price.. 6c 27 inch Amoakeag gingham 10c quality.. .7 I -2c 32 inch Zeplinga Gins Sub. and Tub proof standard the world over now 10 I -2c 32 inch 25c quality sale price . 18c Galatea All shades and Stripe. 17 1-2 quality now... 13c Percale High in quality, reasonable in price... . 7 I -2c 15c percales in all shades aale price . I lc Dress Goods 36 inch wide all 50c woolen good, during this aale at 1......... 39c 54 inch all $1.00 Serge, and plaid, during this aale at...... 74c 56 inch f 1.50 Serge to be aacrificed at $1.19 READY-TO-WEAR Big Bargains in Ladies' Coat Suits 1 2.50 Suits sale price g QQ 1 5.00 Suits sale price 1 0 00 1 8.50 Suits" sale price J 2 50 25.00 Suits sale price 18 50 32.50 Suits sale price 22 50 45.00 Suits sale price 5 gQ 50.00 Su"its sale price S CjQ 1 2 Coat Suits, Good Styles, cost price $ 1 2.00 to $22.50 $2.98 20 Coat Suits at $8.98 ClarkS O. N.T. Spool Cotton, 2 Spools for 5c Silks Yard wide Taffetas and Meslin. $1.00 qual- ity at - 84c 50c values in silk now 39c 25c Huzene Silk now ...... ...19c 50c Crepe De Chine now . .. 42c $1.00 Crepe de Chine now 79c 1,50 Crepe de Chine now... $1.29 75c Chiffon now . ...... ...62c 1.25 Chiffon now 96V Velvets 50c quality now . ...........42c f 1 .00 quality now... ........ -..84c 1.25 quality now ...... .-'98c All Corduroy Velvet, at and below coat ' Notions 25c Hoae now .. 22c 50c Hoae now .... ... ..i.. ..1.43c $1.00 Hose now 89c' 1.50 Hose now 1.29 ? 2.25 Hose now.. . 1.9ft. - Corsets . $l.00Coret. now --.V., 89c. 1.50 Corset, now . J-k-....-... J9 : 2.00 Coraots now . .69 3.50 Corsets now... 2.96V' Special lot of Corset, in value, up, . ' . 2.00 now.. 53a All who need Christmas Ribbons can tave betaking advantage of our reduced prices t " I lufiSTon, M mmmm north CAncLi::r.. at your druggist, " . ' ? dT

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