TF1E KINSTON FREE PRESS OVT COTTON INVESTMENT SAFE v "' 'if?' New York, Dec. 10 Trading In cot ton this week has bcn very limited, and the resulting range of price ex tremely Harrow. The most Important development Was removal of all restrictions In the way of delivering cotton on December contract, which action was deenjed wise by the Board of Manager. It is felt ,that while a motion to discourage any effort on the part of those short of the mar ket to bring cotton to New York was perfectly understandable during the period when the exchange was closed, now that normal conditions had been restored, the situation was hardly the same. Uncertainty over the quantity of December contracts still uncover ed for foreign account led the Board to rescind its previous motion, in tho fear that some shorts might wait un til it was too late to get cotton here for delivery, and something in the nature of a squeeze might develop. This, of course, led many holders of December to liquidate, and prices have again been carried below the 7c level. This decline in the nearer po sitions carried distant months off, es tablishing new low, records all along the line. But, it ii evident that every decline meets general buying orders, and, at the moment, the South is not inclined to seTTendngh cotton to bring about weakness. From a basis of 8c for October, there seems to be many thousands of bales wanted on every five point decline, so that the market is in rather a deadlocked condition. Considerable selling has been done by the South, by houses that had been taking up near positions and putting out hedges in distant months. When it is recalled that March cot ton sold at about 8 l-2c during the last big crop season three years ago, with the world's economic structure intact, and general trade going on along normal fines, it is perfectly easy to understand why the investment de mand for say, October at 8c is not ex actly aggressive, with the crop the largest, probably, on record and the world's cotton industry demoralized. It is thought that forced selling from the South will bring about a some what lower level, which will probably attract more general business, as spe culators will buy contracts to carry them for one, two or three years, if necessary. We still believe in purchases for investment on any decline below the present level. R. H. ROUNTREE & CO. MAY BUltD BIG NITROGEN PLANT San Francisco, Dec. 10. If the search for. a suitable site for a hydro electric plant site now under way is successful, an entirely new industry that will call for the investment of $500,000 "will be established in Cali fornia. The industry is the manu facture of nitrogen compounds; such as ammonia and nitrates, by the electric process. This i3 something new in the United States, but is a dem onstrated success in Norway. The production of nitrogen com pounds, commercially, from the inert nitrogen of the air, is something of recent years. In Norway at the pres ent time apout 2,000,000 horsepower of energy is used for this purpose YOUR COLD IS DANGEROUS BREAK IT UP NOW A Cold is readily catching. A run down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to fight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for Colds. It loosens the mu cous, stops the cough and soothes the lungs. It's guaranteed. Only 25c t your druggist adv ""CAROLINA RAILROAD NORFOLI SOUTHERN RAILROAD TIME TABLE NO. 1. Effective October 4, 1914, 6:00 a. m. First class freight and passenger South Bound North Bound 332 Daily. A. M. 7:35 STATIONS I 7:29 t 7:16 7:11' 7:01 6:55 6:45 333 Daily. P. M. 6:00 s 5:07 f 5:21 8 5:32 s 5:43 f 6:50 6:00 Ar Kinston Lv. Hines Junction Pools Dawson -Glenfield Suggs Siding ' Lv Snow Hill Ar All trains goverened by the Nor- noic Southern rules while using the track from Kinston to Hints Junc tion, and subject to the orders of its 8Urxrinfen1i II'. The above schedule is given as in formation onlv. and ik niinnnited tn 'h the time that trains will arrive and aepart, but it is not guaranteed. ' WM. HAYES, General Superintendent R. A. HONEYUTT, . ' , Superintendent , ?- - - Kinston, N. C G. A, JONES, P. & P. A. Children Cry . ro f LETCHER'S PASXOJRI A ROUTE OP THE "NIGHT tEXPRESS" (Schedule n Effeet October 4, 1914.) N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information only, and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: East Bound 11:21 p. bu "Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk, folk. 7:50 ft. m. Daily, for Washington and Norfolk. ' Con nects for all points North and West Par lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p.m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound 5:40 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:28 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 7:35 p.m. Daily for Goldsboro. For complete information or re servation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kinston, N. C. H. S. LEARD. General Passenger Agent J. D. STACK, General Superintendent, Norfolk, Va. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Notice to Shippers and Receivers of Freight in North Carolina: The new freight rates, both local and joint, made effective by the laws of North Carolina, October 13, 1914, are on file with all agents of this company. Agents will furnish, upon paplica tion, full information as to these rates. , E. D. KYLE, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. J. F. DALTON, Asst Genl. Frt Agt, Norfolk, Va. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain Mortgage duly executed by R. T. Jones and wife Mary J. Jones, bearing date November 8th, 1913, the undersigned Mortgagee, named in said Mortgage, which is registered in the Office of the Registry of Deeds of Jones County in Book 62 page 212, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured by the said mortgage, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court-House Door in the Town of Trenton, Jones County, North Caro lina; Wednesday, the 23rd day of November, 1914, at 12 o'clock, M. the following described real estate: Lying in Tuckahoe Township, Jones County, N. C, and beginning at a stake near the run of Folly branch, R. T. Jone's corner, and runs with the line of his other tract east allowing three degrees variation, which equals S 87 E 98 poles to a black gum in Thomas Branch, thence up with the run of Thomas branch to a gum on the run of said branch, thence N 87 W 60 poles to a pine and gum, thence S 3 W 27 poles to a stake, thence N 87 W 96 poles to a stake on the Public Road, thence with the said Public Road N 4 East 41 poles to a stake on the run of the aforesaid Folly branch, thence down with the run of said Folly branch to the be ginning containing 50 acres. The above described land between the first and third lines is thirty-four poles wide. Reference is given to said Mortgage for description. This the 23rd day of November, 1914. ASA SUMNER Mortgagee. W. J. KENNEDY, Assignee. By J. K. WARREN, Att'y. Day and Time of Sale, Wednesday, December 23, 1914, at 12 M. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the authority and pow er contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Jefferson Kilpatrick and wife, Nancy S. Kilpatrick, to J. W. Grainger on the 20th day of No vember, 1907, the undersigned, the duly appointed administrators of J. W. Grainger, deceased, will, on Mon day, the 4th day of January, 1915, at 1 o'clock p. m., offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder a certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the city of Kinston, Lenoir county, North Car olina, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Capitola avenue and Independent street, and running with Capitola avenue in an eastern direction 70 feet to a stake; then in a southern direc tion 140 feet to a stake; then in a western direction 70 feet to Independ ent street, to a stake; then in a north ern direction, with Independent street 140 feet to the beginning. This 4th day of December, 1914. H. H. Grainger, C. A. D. GRAINGER, D. T. EDWARDS, W. A. PIERCE, Administrators of J. W. Grainger 1 Deceased. By ROUSE AND LAND, Attorneys for Administrators. , ,. 12-5, 12, 19, 26-dly , CHICHESTER SPILLS TllaJ BIAMOKD BKAXR. A-, 1111 la IU4 U4 M gxuUkYvV koto. Mated vitk tloa Rufco. Y A I I' !- " . TMI IAlMUN HUAK FILLA, (ar ron km m Bat. Saint. ntnn R emhh, rvrnf Trier, rvrowprw Stateof North Carolina, Lenoir County NOTICE The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as admini strator of the estate of James Gab riel Cox, late of Lenoir County, North Carolina, all persons having claims against said estate are requested and hereby notified to exhibit the same before him on or before the 27th day of November 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of November, 1914. J. W. COX, Administrator of James Gabriel Cox, deceased. Dec. 1-8-15-22-29-January 5. NOTICE. The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualified as execu trix of the estate of M. H. Carr, de ceased, all persons having claims claims against said estate are noti fied to exhibit the same before the undersigned on or before December 3rd, 1915, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of December, 1914. VIRGINIA CARR, Executrix of M. H. Carr, Deceased. By E. R. WOOTEN, Attorney. 12-3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Jan 7 NOTICE QF EXECUTRIX. Notice is hereby given that the last will and testament and the codicil thereto of John Fields, Jr., late of Lenoir county, North Carolina, have been duly admitted to probate before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Lenoir county, N. C, and now ap pear of record in his office, and that the undersigned, Bettie Z. Fields, was named as executrix in both the said will and the said codicil. Notice is hereby further given to all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned executrix on or before the first day of December, 1915, or this notice will bep leaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment This, November 20th, 1914. BETTIE Z. FIELDS, Executrix of the last will and tes tament and codicil thereto of John Fields, Jr., deceased. LOFTIN & DAWSON, Attorneys for Executrix. Nov. 23-30 Dec. 7, 14, 21, 27 FOLEY KIDNEY F1LU: rH EHHHMMHHj You Need a Tonic There are times In every woman's life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you know what tonic to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can't make a mistake in taking The Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I think Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before 1 began to take. Cardui, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat moyt anything." Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. Ch fi Tffi lii? Tif T'T T if Tl'T5 CiMfc tfiiift m m iV fi i I iTMMMMBI ristmas Presents ,. . . t,-; i ; It it now lime for you to think of wkaA inland Riving your Mother, Father, Wife' Child Sitter, Brother or Swethoit Hw you will nnd numeral thiikffe thkuje the yu can buy cnep, that will he ffior than apprcctatcd- A cood pair of 3ho, Hate . Overcoat. Shirt or Neckwear, any of "rbeae . any man or hoy will be (Ud to get'Cuid with laatinji rrmwaberance, , L For ladica a real uice pair of Shoe with-11 Hoae to match in anv color, would .aaake)j a real nice present to give, olao jroif can buy here at Reasonable Price. , . , ' Vitit our atore and took ihe many veeu . thing you will nnd here over, it till o a pleasure to show you whether yoq intend buying or aot. ,j, , S's . Mark Cunuiimgsr "The Home of QualltyV A $4.00 DICTIONARY :RYEODY EVE PRESENT ATI ON; THE FREE PRESS herewith presents an opportunity unequalled in history of publishing. It is one of a syndicate of newspapers which have inaugurated a great educational campaign of tiatjoatj scope. This NEW Dictionary has been agreed upon as the means of carrying out the plans, as it meets every requirement. It is the LATEST Dictionary of the English lan guage, it is of convenient size, it is the BEST Dictionary of the kind published, and it is Not sold at stores, as these newspapers have arranged to take the entire output. Thus we are enabled to give our readers the benefit, as is shown in this announce ment. Read every word of the following, and lose no time in taking advantage of this great opportunity. How FREE PRESS Readers Can Obtain Almost Free a Copy of This Wonderful NEW MODERN ENGLISH DICTIONARY ILLUSTRATED How to Get It For Everybody That Reads noo Page. The FREE PRESS Present 6 Coupons ..Printed on another page, clipped on conaecutw days and expense bonus amount herein set opposite the style selected (which covers the items of the cost of packing, express from the factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items,) AND RE CEIVE YOUR CHOICE OF THESE THREE BOOKS. THE $4.00 NEW MODERN ENGLISH DIC TIONARY, ILLUSTRATED (like illustration,) is bound in full Limp Leather .flexible, stamped in gold on back and sides, printed on Bible paper with red edges and corners rounded; beautiful, strong, durable. Besides the general contents as described elsewhere there are over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by 3-color plates, nearly 50 subjects by monotone and 16 pages of valuable charts in two colors and the latest U. S. Census. Six Consecutive Coupons and the Ex pense Bonos of 98c THE NEW $3.00 NEW MODERN ENGLISH DIC TIONARY, ILLUSTRATED is exactly the ame as the $4.00 book, except in the style of binding which is in half leather, with olive edges and squire corners. Six Consecutive Coupons and the Expense Bonus of v.;V.... i 81c THE NEW $2.00 MODERN ENGLISH DICTIONARY ILLUSTRATED is in plain cloth binding, stamps in gold and black; same paper, same illustrations, but has all color plates and charts omitted. Six Consecutive Dictionaries Coupons and the Expense Bonus of 48c FOR MAIL ORDERS SEE COUPON Genuine Limp Leather Money Rack If Not Satisfied General Discription This NEW MODERN ENGLISH DICTIONARY supplies the popular demand for a RELIABLE and CONVENIENT dictionary of the English language. The highest authorities have been consulted and eminent specialists have been brought' together to mnke this book AUTHENTIC and COMPLETE ft all respects. While based upon the ORIGINAL work of NOAH WEBSTER, it is brought up to the present in every particular. All pronunciations are MODERN and are plainly indicated by phonetic spelling; the defi nitions are comprehensive, though concise the type is large and clear; each page carries a running key-word which shows the first and last , word de fined on that particular page, thus avoiding the use of a cumbersome thumb-index; instead of meaningless pictures, the entire work is profusely illustrated with full-page color plates monotones and duogroph charts; following the dictionary proper is a Reference Library, which in itself is a complete treasury of facts for everyday use. The world's greatest authorities on English lan guages are to be found in American universities and colleges, and from these sources came the know ledge set forth in the NEW WEBSTERIAN.-. The editor-in-chief, Professor Harry Thurston Peck, Ph. I)., Litt. D., LL. D., has long been recognized as the foremost lexicographer and authority on languages and literature. Among the editorial contributors are Albeit Stanburrough Cdok, Phi B., LL. P., professor In Yale University; John C. Rolfe, Ph. D., professor in the University of Pennsylvania and President of the American Philqlogfcal Asso ciation; Prof. Theodore W. Koch, Ph. D., D. Sc., of the University of Michigan; Prof Charles F. Johnson, A. M., Ph, D., of Trinity College; Prof. Donald L. Clark, A. B., of De Pauw University; John S. P. Tatlock, Ph. D., professor in the Univer sity of Michigan, and J. A. Joffe, A. M., consulting expert to the Congressional Library at Washington, D. C. A collection of 12,000 Synonyms and An tonyms has been arranged by Lillian H. Du Bois, Instructor in the Wharton Combined School of Philadelphia. Other important sections are bly edited by Prof,1 Frederick Taber Cooper, LL. B., Ph. D.; Prof. Robert :Arrowsmith, Ph. D.,; Prof. C L. Meader, Ph. D.j.and Robert Gordon-Grant, A. Ph. O. Such an array of efficient authorities nver before came together, and tho grand result is. a PERFECT dictionary of the English language. - Glossaries of Aviation and Automobile Terms PREPARED BY ALFRED W. LAWSON, "EDITOR OF AIRCRAFT, AND JULIAN CHASE ,PH. B, EDITOR. OF MOTOR. FROM SUCH ABLE AUTHORITIES, ONE MAY BE ASSURED OF THE LATEST. PRONUN CIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS IN THESE DEPARTMENTS, AS WELL AS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE VOLUME. , " ILLUSTRATIONS! . Ms(!ucint full pc uul douMe ptf eolot pUte and monotone ensm iaft wen prepared at aimmne coat and an ct ckaractai aaaqnalnd ia any l ilarwock. . . Out of Town Readers MAIL ORDERS A3fY BOOK BY PARCEL POST INCLUDE EXTRA 7 CENTS WITHIN ISO MILES; 10 CENTS 150 TO 300 MILES; FOR GREATER DISTANCES ASK YOUR POSTMASTER AMOUNT, TO IN CLUDE FOR S POUNDS.1 . :'. ' ;:; ,V ' '

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