SATURDAY fiiUUMNG, l)LC. 12 i) THE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS : , , . j THE DAILY FREE PRESS . 7 f t(PubUkd Ev7 Day Iwept Sunday) KNSTON fREE PRESS CO, INC, KINSTON, N. C. IL ALT BRAXTON. ....... EDITOR AND MANAGES - " " " (Uftlte Prtm RtporU) fXntirad at th poatoffic at XI niton. North Carolina, as Claaa inaiWT ar mm ui vvngrvM, inai 0. 10 w. '- TELEPHONE ALL DEPARTMENTS 75 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (PayabU In Advance) Om Waak 9 -10 On MonU 35 Thraa Montha 1-00 Six month 2.00 Twain' Months,.... 4.00 , Subscribers are requested to notify, ' by Telephone 75, The Free Press office . of any irregularity of delivery or inat K tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. J . SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 12, 1914 : ? Tha hum of machinery, when it ia working to help you meet tha pay roll ia "sweet music" a fha new teachers for the Kinston schools is but anoth er Indication of the city'a growth. The Trustees will soon have to begin planning for another new building if ' all tha indications of continued growth keep up. ' Specifications and plans for the new Federal building ' to adorn tha Corner of Queen and North Street are now at tha local postofllce and the "boys" who look after Unci Sam's business in that quarter, are busily engaged la finding out all aboai the new building and in picking oat their own particular "roosts." v The "Honor Roll" of the Kinston Schools is today pub "'. Ushed elsewhere in this paper, and it ia a lengthy one. Con- gratulations to the boys and girls, who are in the "honor able mention" columns, and success to those who were ' left this time but who have determined to be on hand when the next report gd out ' John Smith, a dasky citiien of Craven county, has been taken op for alleged stealing of cross ties. Some of John's color will steal anything that is movable. Just ems to be a "sorter" fascination about the "lifting" game that they can't resist. Some white folks suffe? from the same disease but It is called kleptomania for "abort" - v The cotton crop ia the largest hat has ever been pro. duced, according to Government statistics, but the money value is tha smallest In the last five years. "Big business" pens on a small margin, and has to depend upon great volume to produce tha dividends. Cotton producers will have to follow tha example of the high finance experts this year. a L , There are but nine full shopping days left before Santa Clans' certain arrival. All we have to say is to repeat tha aft Ignored advice and aay "shop early." Shop early In the week, beginning In tha forenoon Monday and ar range your plans so that there may be no after supper rashes. Let the shop girls have a chance to get their Santa Claua plans arranged. a . Today the force is giving the "old press," which served ao'long and faithfully a fond farewell. The old machine ia being aent to an Atlanta Supply house, by request of tha R. Hoe Printing Press Company, which furnished The Free Press with its Cox Duplex press. The "old fellow" will be overhauled and find a home somewhere among the fraternity. It haa Just come to light that there are no Red Cross Seals on sale in Kinston and interested purchasers are making inquiry about tha supply. The Free Press re grets that it is not in position to give Information off hand as to the nearest supply source but if anybody knows the address of the nearest committee this paper would be glad to have it and will undertake to see that the local : patrons are supplied at once. Today was the first distribution day for the splendid dictionary that The Freo Press has arranged to furnish, ; its patrons at a amaU'outlay, provided they clip six conse cutively dated coupons, appearing in the paper each day. The aupply is necessarily limited, but the management hopes to be able to secure a sufficient quantity to fur nish everybody in this district, who wanU a handy ref erence book. School children, stenographers and others requiring a convenient dictionary will do well to clip the coupons. It appears to ba moving tima for tha. German warships which ara"it large In the Atlantic, and which have been interrupting ocean commerce more or less. The announce ment is made that Admiral Sturdee of the British squad ron has inetructiona to remain in the water of the At lantic until all the enemies craft have been, either sunk or captured. ' Judging from the past record of the Kais er's fightera, the sinking of his ships will be the outcome If they are overtaken by superior British forces. Neither side teems to give any indication, of preferring surren der to a watery grave. t a The sudden death of Honorable Sereno E. Payne of New York in his Washington apartments Thursday night removes from public life one of its most prominent figures. In length of Bervice Mr. Payne was one of the ranking members of the Congress. More than thirty years had he represented his district. He was the House Leader under the last Republican rule, and was the joint Buthor with Senator Aldrich of the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill, which was in effect prior to the Underwood-Simmons bill. The death of Mr. Payne was amid pathetic circumstances. It is reported that he died alone in his apartments, where he had been living by himself since the death of his wife a few years ago. The suggestion of President Canady of the Chamber of Commerce for a Lenoir Fair, to be held annually in Kinston, is worthy the consideration of every citizen of Kinston and Lenoir county. The committee appointed to devise ways and means for the project is headed by ex President Taylor of the civic body, and he is assisted by some of the leading men of the city. There is no doubt that a fair properly arranged for and conducted here would be a great benefit to the district. First, it would servo to stimulate home production. The farmers of the county, or adjoining counties, would take pride in vieing with each other, and after a few years the "home raised" idea could be so instilled into the people as to make the importation of foodstuffs for Kinston practically an un known thing. Why not? The railroads would just as soon haul exports as imports, and the money from ex port would come to Kinston and be deposited in Kinston'; banks and put in circulation among Kinston's merchants instead of being sent away, as it is necessary to do now It is nothing unugual for those who travel about th country extensively to come here and tell us that we are just playing with our opportunities and sooner or later we will awaken to the situation. The Fair would not only stimulate "home grown" products, but it would advertise the district and bring people here to exhibit their wares, and to visit the displays of the home folks The Free Press hopes that Chairman Taylor and his com mittee will be able to find the way to make "Lenoir'i Fair" a certainty. WHAT OTHERS SAY PERHAPS JUDGE IS IN FAVOR OF EUGENICS Greensboro Ne-.vs: "In New York they have found another cause for divorce: "tuberculosis contracted be fore marriage and concealed from the other party." Justice Blancharri in annulling the marriage of Sara Sobel to Joseph Sobel holds that the complaint of Mrs, Sobel that her hu iband was afflicted with tuberculosis be fore she married him and that he concealed the fact from her was sufficient ground for divorce. We don't know how Joseph feels about it but it looks like Sara's bows "in sickness and health" has become a mociery." FRENCH SHIPS IN THE NORTH SEA Richmond News Leader: "Speaking of naval opera tions, did our readers note in yesterday's dispatches from West Flanders that British and French warships were covering the allies' extreme left on the Yser? This, the first mention of French ships outside the Mediterranean means that the tillies are so confident of their strength in that sea that they have brought a part of the French fleet to the North sea and thereby huve increased the odds againBt von Tirpitz. We wonder what M. Pecasse said when he observed the forces he hud sought to consolidate mustering so strongly against the Germans?" THE BISHOP WENT TOO FAR Raleigh Times: "The Statesville Landmark, in dis cussing the Trinity College flag incident, commends the officers of that college for their stand for discipline. That is ono thing the trustees and faculty of Trinity do insist on and they are to be commended, but would The Land mark have the rime respect for the sophomore class if they had submitted to what they considered an indignity and humilation without making a dignified protest? Their outspoken position will be worth more to the col lege than if they had tamely submitted to what they be lieved was an unpardonable affront. They did it in a manly way, and we have heard nothing but commenda tion for them on every side." HARKJTS ?V TODAY'S f; QUOTATIONS PRODUCE Wholesale Prices Reported by the ' Klaatoa Peanut Company Pork.....; 12 ' Bacon, aid lg Bacon, ham 25 Bacon, shoulder 18 Lard ...14 Corn, Bushel ...... i.oo ; Potatoea, tweet ............. 60 ' Xgg 30- Country hotter .............. 30 f Hens, pound io ? Broiler, pound .............. It4 . Turkey, pound 15 Rooster, ' apiece ... . . ... , ,'. . 25 Ceee, apiece 40 TODAY'S COTTON MARKET New York, Dec. 11. Opening quo tations on the cotton exchange today were: January 7.02 March 7.16 May 7.36 May 7.3G December .6.89 Cloning figures: January 6.86 March .... 7.10 May .. 7.27 December, ,.....,...6.67 New York, Dec 12. Today' cot ton future figure; January ...............6.88 6.75 March .. .7.10 7.20 May ..7.S0 December.., ...... ...,.6.70 7.37 6.78 BAPTISTS TO MEET NEXT IN CHARLOTTE. Raleigh, Dec. 10. Charlotte will be the meeting place of the next Baptist State convention and Rev. T. W. O' Kelly will be the preacher of the oc casion, with Rev. Clyde Turner of Greensboro for alternate. Little else of actual business was transacted by the body today. Prompt Action Will Stop Your Cough When you first eaten a Cold (often indicated by a sneeze or cough), break it up at once. The idea that "It does not matter" often leads to seri ous complications. The remedy which immedaitely and easily penetrate the lining of the throat is the kind de manded. Dr. King's New Discovery , soothe the irritation, loosens the ' phlegm. You feel better at once. "It seemed to reach the very spot of my Cough" 1 one of many honest testi monials. 50c at your Druggist, adv HUNDREDS OP CRAZY FOLKS- UNATTENDED IN ASYLUM (Continued from Page One) monly spoken in the Austrian empire together with a goodly number of di alect "cuss-word." Despite this eeming friendliness, there is never a relation for a mom ent either in the military precautions or in the consciousness on both sides that the instant the order comes to fight, it means fight to the last man. The Austrians change their men ir. the trenches every 24 hours. The Servians, being numerically inferior, are not able to do so, and the men now in the trenches have been there for a month without change. The odor ol decaying bodies, which lie between the two trenches, rises .also constantly t the nostrils of both armies, but de spite the menace of this, and despite the seeming friendliness between the two lines, there is not a man who doe: not know that to venture forth even to bury cr drag away the corpses, would mean instant death. YOUR COLD IS DANCEROUS BREAK IT UP NOW A Cold is readily catching. A run down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and to others of your household to fiht the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is fine for Colds. It loosens the mu cous, stops the cough and soothes the lungs. It's guaranteed. Only 25c at your druggist. adv NOTICE. The annual meeting of the share holders of the National Bank of Kin ston will be held at 2 o'clock p; m., Tuesday, January 12, 1915, at their banking house, for the election of offi cers and such other business as may properly come before them. J. J. STEVENSON, Cashier. 12-9-dly to i-12 Scientific Refief for all pain You suffer because your circula tion, in the affected part, is disturbed because of congestion and inflam mation, causing the pain. Ask your doctor he cannot deny this truth, be cause it's scientific. Nixon's Men thol Balm (which is a noted special ist's favorite prescription) recognizes this scientific cause of pain and gent ly stimulates, restoring the circula tion to its normal (and painless) con dition, and at the same time heals and soothes in a most comforting way because of its antiseptic, penetrative, and healing qualities. Used external ly only for coughs, colds, sore throat, earache, pleurisy, La Grippe, pneumonia, tonsilitis, hoarseness, ca tarrh, burns, soreness and stiffness of all kinds, including rheumatism. Easy and pleasant to apply. Not a "cure all," but a wonderful scientific reme dy for all sufferers. To be had in Kinston, N. C., only at the drug store of J. E. Hood & Co., for so little as 25 cents a bottle. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the share holders of the First National Bank of Kinston will be held at 3 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, January 12, 1915, at their banking house, for the election of offi cers and such other business as may properly come before them. D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier. 12-ll-ltawk-4wks-dly NOTICE. Notice to all who live or own real state in the Moseley Creek drainage listrict. Your assessment is now due ind unless same is paid on or before )ecember 31st, your property will be idvertised and sold. R. B. LANE. Sheriff Craven County. ll-12-30t-dly Member American Guild of Piano Tuners, Cincinnati, o. 250 Pounds of Piano Re pairing Material .Carried Correct Piano ' ' Tuning. PLAYER Plil-X and Pipe (Church ) Orgaa JSct Rcfelting, Voicing, Regulating and Reconstructing - U&e - Win. O. BARNWELL, Atlanta, Ga. FREE EXAMINATION (In Town 3rd WEEK : ' KINSTON, N. C. 109 North Mclewean St. Write Me Care General Delivery I The National B anfk of Msiou ml mm saREAT r; PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE. , LJ.tNi : 1 S! Ivx mmm M i mm mm ni'tk in business methods, and this bank has kept pace with them. Whi. conservative 'mr the interest ' of SAFETY, our equipment and b u s i n e s s methods are modern. Let us do business together to our mutual advanrjge. Capita!, $100000.00 Surplus, $90,000.00 "THE CLOfST m SIR01EST BANK IN THE COUNTY." ku m mm jMwMgMM! mmmmm IF BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9th, And Continuing to Thursday Might, December 24th, We offer our Entire Stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Cloth ing, Shoes, Hals and Caps at ACTUAL COST. Our reason for having this sale, is that on January 1 we take inventory and we would rather count the money than the goods. Our stock comprises the most complete line of dependable goods to be found in this section. Shoes from such well known makers as Dorothy Dodd Shoe Co., Sherwood Shoe Co., Smith-Briscoe Shoe Co., and others. Clothing from reputable manufacturers such as Schloss Bros., & Co , and others. This will be our sec ond Christmas sale and we hope it will meet with the same prompt response from our friends as our sale of a year ago. It is the greatest opportunity offered the people in thi; community to get seasonable goods of good quality at actual cost. The shoes that we offer, as well as some other goods, cannot be re-; placed by us with the money we get for them during this sale on account of recent advances m prices. We will not attempt to enumerate the bargains in this sale, for the facts are, the en tire stock is a bargain, as everything has been carefully selected and we have not been in this line of business long enough to ac cumulate any bad stock. In order to wait upon our customers promptly and in a manner, that will bo satisfactory to them as well as ourselves, the following rules will; pre-, vail No goods sent out on approval. .Nothing delivered except at our con ; venience. No alterations made in clothing or other goods, except at tho ex pense of tho buyer. Sale commences at 8 o'clock, Wednesday morning, Do-, comber Oth- Store will be open until 9 o'clock at night Terms, absolutely ' casb to everybody, Como to see us and you will come nearer getting the worth of your money than you ever did in your lite. - ' T. W. MEW ORN &. 1