..1 I .l f ,"' ' JATKOSMXCpBEail- THE KINSTON DAILY: FREE PRESS me -- if. . - - - On and after JANUARY : 1915; "we. will be lo cated next to Ceo. E, Kornegay. on the Corn er, and are now offering all of our MiUincry, Rib-', bonsrr and 4 Feathers at COgJ, i i Chamberlain & Braxton Ca -Wl Building SEPARATE BLOUSE, CONDEMNED TO DIE, AGAIN REPRIEVED More Novelties Now In the Line Than for Many Seasons I And PERSONAL SOCIAL FANCY WAISTS OF SEASON HyANT ADS j 1 CENT A WORD EACH IN. ,' 8ERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS New Florida Tomatoes, select qual ' ityi v Spencer Co. Sweet Florida Orangea and Tanjrer ines, fancy juicy fruit Spencer Co. Phona SIS for Nice Nativa Beef, Pork lad Saasaga. 12-10-2t-dly POSITION WANTED Aa Aaatatant .Bookkeeper. Care thii office. . , 12-12-2WIy New arrltal Daiay Pound Cakea, - Spencer Co. , " A Very Special Candy Special of Fine J Assorted Chocolates in one-pound boxai, tonight at 89c. Spencer Co. Fmrttha Imperial Self-Heating Iron t or Repair, see W. C. Swindell, at Kinstoa Plumbing and Heating Co. ,i - 12-io-audiv LOST Salea Check No. 30116, pay. I able to W. A T, signed Knott Bros, Everyone requested not to honor. ' f t't 12-7-dlyASW-tf PRACTICAL HORSESHOEING, fall . and winter, by an experienced far rier. In rear of Mitchell Bros.' ata. blea. ' 1t . i 12-10-2wks-dly& ws 8uaahine Fruit Cakea in Fancy Llth. ograph tins, extra quality for holi day use and gifts. All sizes. Spen cer Cat -" STRAYED- From my stable at San ".. dy Bottom, blocky gray mare, 12 years ol J, shod front feet, weight about 950 pounds. Information will be appreciated. J. R. Croom, Route 4, KJnston, N. C. ,12-10-2t-dly , 2t-8W 1 TO THE FARMERS: I 4 V .f KEITH'S . GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIME pomposed of sea product, petrified fish, clams, oysters, shells, etc., has solver the ' high cost of fertilizers. One-fourth price of guano, good for all crops on any aoil. can be used Jon or mixed with compost, cotton ieed meal, or fertilizer material. Shipped loose or sacked. For prices, writa B. F, Keith Company, R. F. D. No. 8, New Bern, N. C ANNUAL TOUR University Glee Club . LOOTS OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 12. Admission 50 Cents. Tfclwtfia tale E. B. Marston's nrj J. EHood's Drug Stores. .j PROGRAM "Da Coppah Moon." H. R. Shelley " - c;i club BnMwickSiew- "Various" -' " Mandolin Club Optica Vennoia, F. Krie.ler , Mr.Wrigkt Monkey Quartette, O Hare f Quartette Hungarian Raapsodie No. 12. F. l imit Mr. Harris "rWe's Lo,,,- , E. R. Ball - CWdut Hanky Panky "Sextette from Lucia," i.-'-. fm: ' Berlin , Sextette ftlaaiay. Anonymous . jw MandoHa Club TUEri-lU F.Schubert I .... . Mr. Epps. UodS.bhf. CrWg Piano Selection, dement rr . .. M 'Mr.CUment MandoUnCkib HuktkeSoMid Tunw-AmkT Gloedut, The euLene will kindly rue during Velvet a New Material in at Thpir MalrinrS;ik Waist. e dty in Black and White Stripes Attractive End less Array of Styles Mrs. G. II. Bell is visiting relatives in LaGrange. h h ta Mr. C. F. Harvey, Jr., has gone to Salisbury on a visit K H B Miss Ethel Albritton of Snow Hill was in the city yesterday. HUM' Miss Nannie Moseley is vixiting relatives at Graingers for a few days. as a a Miss Helen Johnson of Ayden is visitinir Mrs. Georsre Sumrell in the By Margaret Mason (Written for the Jnited Press) Some people call a waist a waste And others who refuse To let a chance to air their French Go by, call it a "blooze." To others it's a simple blouse To rhyme with mouse and yet a "blouxe" Its dubbed by some and on the Strand A bodice, ao I understand, Is what the English choose. Yet waist, blouse, "blooze" or any name Its sure to cost you just the same. New York, Dec. 11. Condemned to death every season the separate blouse succeeds unfailingly to get a reprieve at the last minute and con tinue a perpetual fashionable exist ence. It is true that the death blow did fall upon one branch of the waist family this year for the lingerie waist had actuall wasted quite away. Perhaps more novelties in the blouse line have been introduced this winter than for many proceeding seasons. ,Tfhe surplice blouse, the basque blouse and both the jacket blouse and the vest Waist are all practically new. The surplice bodice is prettiest de veloped in soft crepe de chine pussy willow taffeta, satin or velvet The loose front pieces of the waist are cut long enough to . cross in front and pass around the waist like a girdle which? fasUMs behind. The sleeves of the aurplice waist are long, as are the sleeves of all the really smart blouses, and the collar, a high half collar effect. This means that it is high and tight in the back and ends ust behind the ears, leaving the front of the throat exposed in a long grace ful line that fits in admirably with the loose draping of the surplice. The jacket and vest waist are simply loose long sleeved blouses of trans parent lace, net chiffon with the jack et or vest in velvet or heavy satin in contrasting shade or black worn over them. The possibilities and varieties of these bodices are endless and they are the joy of the woman with a limited pocket book, for she can get the credit of a versatile ward robe by owning one prety lace waist and two or three little different toned and oddly cut jackets and vests. It certainly is a case where she slips one over. Many of the plain, tailored waists of pussy willow taffeta have high chokers and this is especially true of the semi? fitted basque waists that button severely from the top of the high collar to the normal waist line with out a frill or a fluff to break the monotony. Lovely tub waists in washable satin, crepe de chine and taffeta are charming in softext shades of pink, blue, maize and ivory. They are all self trimmed with tiny tucks and hemstitching as a feature of the seems and a finishing for the collar, cuffs and the outline of the yoke or satin of the raglan sleeves. Velvet as a separate waist moteri al is a new departure, this season that has been welcomed with open arms. It is especially attractive in combi nation with lace, net or chiffon and almost all of the velvet waists show transparent sleeves. The craze for metallic effects has resulted in a lav ish use of gold and silver lace as waist trimming and they are very smart indeed on the velvet bodices. A charm ing substitute for the gold metallic effect which alas tarnishes all to soon is an all over lace exactly the sahde of gold. Several artistic waists us ing this lace for deep, yoke and sleeves while the lower portion is of plain chiffon in the newest shades of Russian green, tete de nigre, or cor beau blue are indespensible additions to a wardrobe which relies upon a suit and separate blouse to furnish a i: s; Rev. J. O. Guthrie of Raleigh is a welcome business visitor in the city today. s; a a Mr. and M.rs. J. W. Black have re turned from Charlotte, where they have been visiting. -!i H H Mrs. W. M. Lang, who has been vis iting Mrs. J. H. Murphy in the city, returned to her home in Farmville yesterday. h ta b Mr. and Mrs. H. Gait Braxton and two little children, Carter and Carrie, left this morning for Richmond on a visit a a a Bridge and Rook Party For Charity. It is hoped by the promoters to realize a goodly sum for Belgiun re lief and the local United Charities through the medium of a bridge and rook party to be given in the rooms of the Commercial Club on Monday af ternoon at 3 o'clock. A charge of 25 cents will be made. SUNDAY SERVICES IN KINSTON'S CHURCHES church. preaching Programs for the Day's Worship, Where Members, Friends and Vis itors in the City are Welcome. BAPTIST. FirFt Hapti8t Church Preaching at 11 and 7:o0 by Rev. E. A. Paul, who will substitute for Pastor' Blanchard. Sunday school at 9:30. CHRISTIAN Gordon Street Christian church From 10 to 12, unified program of Bible school and pntaching services. All invited to Bible school, but those who can attend preaching only, come at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30. METHODIST. Queen Street Methodist Sunday school at 9:45; services at 11 and 7:30. Caswell St M. E. Church Sunday school at 9:30, W. B. Ward, super intendent Preaching at 11 by the pastor. Rev. E. N. Harrison, and at 7:30 by Presiding Elder J. E. Under wood. PRESBYTERIAN Atkinson Memorial Presbyterian church. Sunday school 9:45. Chris tian Endeavor service at 6:30. Wo man's Missionary Society meeting postponed. No preaching services be cause of pastor's absence. EPISCOPAL St Mary's Episcopal church No services. Sunday school at y.M. Christ Episcopal church No ser vices. Sunday school at j:io. CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Service at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10. Evening service at 7:30. UNIVERSALIST Church of the Eternal Hope Sun day school at 9:30 a. m . dressy afternoon toilette. Silk waists in black and white stripes, Roman stripes plaid or checks are very chic for traveling ar morn ing wear and more elaborate dress up ones are very striking in Dresden flowered taffetas. Indeed os endless and fetching are the many styles and materials this season that it would be hard not to find some one blouse to plaso even the most preverse. So artistic and well done is the workmanship and so real ly superior are the fabrice used for most of these confections also that it is really a thrifty person who spends most of her money waistfully this winter. I I I AM PREPARED TO Re-Cover Felt Mattresses and to work over Hair and Felt Mattresses. Satisfaction guaranteed and prices right I want to buy wheat and oat straw in bales. Call at 210 East North street L. S. Smith. I K-7-lwk-dly&SW BEST FOR KIDNEYS SAYS DOCTOR Dr. J. T. R, NeaL Greenville, S. C aays that in hia 30 years of experience he has found no preparation for tha kidneys equal to Foley Kidney Pills. In 50c and $1.00 sixes. Best you can buy for backache, rheumatism, kid ney and bladder ailments. For sale In you town by J. E. Hood A Company Kiuney tins, ana l oiey uuiaruc Tablets. For sal la your town by Native Beef Pork and Sausage! J. 1- Hood Co. adv. TM' Market Phnna S1!L THIS AND FIVE CENTS I DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this alip, enclose five cents to Foley A Co, Chicago, I1U writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a frea trial package contain ing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup. Foley MANY SECURE COPIES OF ' HANDSOME DICTIONARY Big Run on the Supply in Free Press Office TodayBegin Clipping Coupona for Next Seriis A Regular Library. Every day now is Dictionary Day at The Free Press office. Such a demand marked the open ing of the distribution of the New Modern English Illustrated Distion r.ry, that the success of the popular educational venture is assured, and more books are being ruhhed to us. Start? clipping the required six con secutive certificates today. Do not decept the1 inferior books which are being foisted on the public as a "jut t as good" brand. Get the New Modern edition with the com plete vocabulary and hie colored plates. There are no others like it. Many professional men tile alonp in line between stenographers and school girls. Doctors, lawyers and clergymen all seem anxious to possess the handsomely bound black leather volume which looks like a fine Bible arid which they describe as' "compre hensive" and above all else "handy." "I've got plenty of dictionaries," a prominent physician said, who came with two sets of certificates and car ried away two dictionaries, one for his homa and one for hia office, "but this is the handiest one that I've seen. Ill use it ten. timet as much as I use the others. I've read Tha Free Press for years, and I expect to keep on reading it" "Young man, dont bother showing me that bok," an old man said. I've read your paper for years and I have faith enough to take your word for it If you say the book is right, it is right, and I know it Give it to me." "I am surprised at the extensive vocabulary this bok contains," an edu cator said. "It even has the modern slang which has come to be everyday English with us." Mr. S. M. Jordan of Snow Hill was a business visitor in the city today. NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you suffer from bleeding, itch ing, blind or protrudinjr Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treat ment free for trial, with reference from your own locality if requested. Users report immediate relief and speedy cures. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today, to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, Notre Dame, Ind. (advt.) Special Reduction OH ALL MY :ST0CK OF Hats,FIowers,Feath- ers, Ribbons, Velvets. Neckwear, G loves, Hose, Handkerchiefs Handbags, and Um brellas. From Dec. 3 to 25 Mrs. lill. L. Braswell ST0.1ACH 'TROUBLES Utter o Tlu SoIJmL '"4 :t- Madison Heiehts. Va. Mr o.? Ragland. of this Dlace been taking Thedford's Black-Draught for Indigestion, and other stomach troub les, also colds, and find it to be the very best medicine I have ever used. ' ' After takincr Black-Draught W days, I always feel like a new man." Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, paia in pit of stomach, and a feetin? nf fi.n. ness after eating, are sure symptoms ol stomach trouble, and should be given the proper treatment as vour slrenrth snH health depend very largely upon your food and its digestion. ; . ; To get quick and permanent relief from these ailments, vou ahnulrf fair-. a medicine of known curative merit I' Its 75 years of solcndid success. In th treatment of just such trouble?, proves the real merit of ThedfordV BtarW. Draught Safe, pleasant, gentle in aciipn, and without bad after-effects, it s sure to benefit both younurand old. For sal everywhere. Price 25c , ... , k. jl : ffi ' , WW GOLD AND SILVER GIFT THINGS ARE ALWAYS APPROPRIATE. Nothing is more appreciated than a gift in Gold or Silver be the recipient wife, mother,, father sister, brother or sweelheart. The dainty and lasting memento of your thought at the Christ mas Tide can always settle the "doubt" as to just what is best. j& j& WE HAVE DIAMONDS IN GREAT VARIETY ALSO Our stock of Christmas Roods includes gifts for everybody. There are JEWEL BOXES, SHAVING SETS, MANICURE OUTFITS. COMB AND BRUSH SETS, TRAVELING CASES, MIRRORS, NECK LACES, WATCHES and those things which make the leading jeweler's stock replete; There are' too many i gift suggestions in our splendid selection to enumerate here. Come to our store and let us show you AND YOU WILL SAVE TIME BY COMING HERE FIRST. : : : : : 10 SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRISTMAS. Kleber Denmark-Jeweler 129 North Queen Street - - Kinston, N. C. OPEN EVEN II1 UNTO P.M. E EAT REMOVAL SAL Everything to be Sold at and Below Cost At a price to meet the purse of every buyer. After January 1st, 1915, we will move to the Abbott Building, formerly known as the N. L. Bruton Stand, now occupied by Mrs. M. L. Braswell. These goods must go at a sacrifice as we expect to repair building and fit it with new fixtures and new goods for spring opening. Millinery and ready to wear goods our fu ture line. White Goods Yard wide Sea Island Homespun 10c quality 6c Androscoggin Hlcar.hing 8 I -2c ll'c Lung Cloth sale price 8c 10c I.nwnsdnle Cambric .. .. 6c 15c Lawnsdale Cambric t2c- 25c White Linen 19c Laces Less than cost. Now is the time to buy. No more cheap laces until the war is over. Big lot of assorted Val and torchones, regular prices 5 to 12 I -2c, now 3 I -2c per yd. Also lol of embroideries and laces in assorted styles and widths; prices ranging from 1 0 to 50c, now 8c per yd. Have not space to quote the higher price laces, trimmings and embroideries. It will pay you to visit our store and make purchases of our bargains. Monarch Ribbons, the best at and below cost. Assorted colors and widths. No. 2 and 3 reg ular price 5c, now ... ... 3 I -2c Every width reduced in proportion. Apron Ginghams: Drst quality 27 inch wide sale price 6c 27 inch Amoakeag gingham 10c quality J -2c 32 inch Zeplings Gins Sub. and Tub proof standard the world over now 0 -2c 32 inch 25c quality sale price. .....18c Evening Dresses Prices $18 to $25, now $6.98 to $12 50 Galatea All shades and Stripes 17 1-2 quality now 13c Percales High in quality, reasonable in price 7 I -2c 15c percales in all shades sale price He Dress Goods 36 inch wide all 50c woolen goods during this sale at . 39c 54 inch all $1.00 Serges and plaids during this sale at 74c 56 inch $1.50 Serge to be sacrificed at JI.I9 READY-TO-WEAR 12.50 Suits sale price jj 300 1 5.00 Suits sale price J Q QQ 1 8.50 Suits sale price J 2 EjQ 25.00 Suits sale price 18 50 32.50 Suits sale price 22 50 45.00 Suits sale price " fJEj 50.00 Suiti sale price " Silks Yard wide Taffetas and Meslins $1.25 qual ity at 90c 50c values in silk now... ........ 39c 25c Suzene Silk now ,...;j.I9c 50c Crepe De Chine now ! '42c $1.00 Crepe de Chine now : .79c 1,50 Crepe de Chine now ........ $1.29 75c Chiffon now ...62c $1.25 Chiffon now 98c $ 1 .00 quality silks,' assorted colors and styles, for . 68c special Hats Regular prices 75c to $8.00, sale prices 19c, 38c, 98c. $1.98 special. Notions 25c Hose now.. .. .1 :22e 50c Hose now v .43c $1.00 Hos now t.,......,...;., -89 i 1.50 Hose now 1.29 2.25 Hose now...... ..., 1.98 , Buttons r Assorted styles and colors, also pearls, prices ranging horn 5 to 75 c per doz., now 4 and 8c per doz. - . The Royal Shirtwaist "Perfect in every detaJ." i $1.25 all linen waist, now. 98c $2.00, now.-... 2,.- $1.48 1 Habitise washable silk waist $3.00, now $2.50 $4.00 satin waist, now..... $2.48 i ror want of space we are unable to give prices on many of the articles to go dnrln'i! our Sale, but call your special attention to the greatly reduced prices on Ladles suits. Special Lot Staple Suits, Dresses in Silks, Crepe De Chine and Series. Silk Petticoats. l.nrHA. M ps onri rhiiN.. V.t. ah .int.. 5 VJ? - .rr " - ' ; , -vuuuivu a vuata, xvu iTUAUiiciy ituutCU ) UcT CCHU . QsU KINSTON M . " NORTH CAROLINA.

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