C7 LOCAL INTEREST ' .. . . 1 1 MARRIAGE LICENSE License to wed was Issued Friday to ,John Thompson, 23, and Mary An ' deraoa, 19, colored, both of the coun 1IEETLNG OF TRUSTEES OF - FEEBLE-MINDED SCHOOL The Board of Trustees of the North '.Carolina School for the Feeble-Minded will hold their annual meeting next ' Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, in ' the Central building at the institu- j tion. , ENTERTAINMENT IN v COAHOMA SCHOOL The public ts invited to attend Christmas entertainment at Coahoma public school on Thursday evening, December 17, at 8 o'clock. One feat ure of the occasion will be a box pa ty, although there will be various other amusements suitable to every age. ;. REGULAR PRIMITIVE BAPTIST PASTOR. v Eider L. H. Hardy of Atlantic, N ' C it was announced today, will take active charge of the pastorate of the Primitive Baptist church here. Mr. Hardy will visit the local church on the third Sunday of each month for two services. He is a native of Greene county. WARRANT FOR LARCENY BY FRAUD WITHDRAWN Harrison Cannian, colored, arrested early in the week upon the complaint of Waddell Midyette, another negro for larceny of money, by fraud, hat been released from jail. Midyette el leged that Cannian, by misrepresen ' tation, drew wages due him at the School for the Feeble-Minded, whert both were employed, but later with drew the warrant KINSTON FOURTH IN NOVEMBER SALES; The local tobacco market, whicl led the State in the October sales dropped to fourth place in November, according to statistic! given out by the State Department of Agriculturt Friday. Wilson led, with 8.600.34S pounds, Winston-Salem was secont with 4,785,938 pounds, and Greenville third with 4,035,107 pounds. Kinston with its season nearer ended, sold 8752,808 pounds, ROYAL ARCANUM ELECTS OFFICERS New officer for the coming yeat were elected by the local lodge of thi Royal Arcanum Friday night, fol lows: Representative to the Grand Council, V. E. Weyher; Alternate, B. L. Taylor; Regent, L. O. Moseley; Vice-Regent, 3. E. Dupree; Orator, II. T. Pate; Secretary, V. E. Weyherj Collector, A. F. Hasklns; Treasurer, J. J. Blzsell; Guide, J. R. Croom; Chaplain, J. W. Shute; Warden, Claud Jarman; Sentinel, T. S. Grady. FIRST COTTON BOUGHT FOR GREENVILLE MILL. The first bale of cotton for Green ville's new cotton mill was sent to the plant late Friday. W. II. Norris, formerly of Kinston, is vice-president and manager of the company which will operate the mill. Practically all of the machinery is now in place, and the plant will be started up in a few days. The first bale of cotton pur chased was for the purpose of test ing the machinery. RED MEN SELECT OFFICERS Officers for the coming year were chosen by Karuke Tribe No. 25, I. O. R. Mn Friday evening as follows; R. G. Wooten, sachem; W. C. Marsh, se nior sagamore; Alex. Williams, jun ior sagamore; M. M. Happer, chief of records', John C. Hewitt, keeper of wampum; W. A. Jordan, prophet. More than thirty of the members par took of an oyster supper at Skinner' following the "nomination," which is equivalent to election, of the new of ficers. SYSTEMATIC PETTY FRAUD DISCOVERED. Harriet Mattocks, a Craven county negress, has been discovered in clever piece of larceny by fraud. For three months past the woman lias ap plied for provisions to the value of ilo a month, granted by the com missioners to Alice Green, an infirm old colored woman. Harriet Ma tocks represented herself as an agent of the i ensioner, and appropriated the allowance to her own use. A mag istrate ordered her to return the nro-! visions or their equivalent in money. i i , , i ; , . THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR . - , WAR SUFFERERS' FUND The business men of Greenville have started a fund, which H is in landed to raise to $1,000 by Christ ana Day, for the relief ef widows and orphans ef British tailor. The Tebacca Board of Trade started the fond off with a contribution of $100. The Imperial Tobacco Comoenv. eri- tfnating the movement, will eend the s m . . . v There will be a regular communi cation cf St. John's Lodge No. 4, A. SATISFACTORY REPORT O.N CITY WATER SUPPLY. A report from the State Laboratory of Hygiene on the condition of the Kinston water supply, received by the water and light department today, is even more satisfactory that one had several weeks ago, when the freeness from contamination of the water was remarked. The latest report Knows that there are no vestiges of sediment, color (platinum-cobalt standard), tur bidity (silica standard), cold odor, nitrogen as nitrites, acid-producing bacteria, nor colon bacilli. There is a slight trace of odor hot. Alkalin ity (interms of calcium carbonate) is rated at 112.5, chlorine at C, nitrogen as nitrates at 0.02. The total number of bacteria at 20c. is only 3, and the total number at 38 c. per c. c, 8. UNKNOWN BLACK ATTACKED OFFICER When Deputy Sheriff Hedla Allen went to a house on East Shine street late Friday night to break up a re ported affray, the door of the house, occupied by negroes, was slammed vi olently in his face. Allen broke the door open, and was assaulted by a black with a heavy piece of wood The blow intended for the officer was warded off by a projecting door fac ing. Before the assailant could re new the attack Allen had clubbed him into submission. The vicious at tacker's identity has not been learn ed, and he refuses to disclose it. MANY CHILDREN IN CITY SCHOOLS MAKE RECORDS (Continued from Page Five) Robert Earle Lee William Moore Thomas Hewitt Person Nicholson Edward Hill Grade 3A. Anne Jordan Parham Mary Vick Estelle Hood Anne Louise Gaynor Lela Clarke Carrie May Dunn Jennie Cheney Maud Bissette Picola Bland Clarence Clark Louis Farmer Morris Foxman Harry Long Clarence Parker T. J. Parker Richard Roberson Grade SB. Cynthia Bagby Miriam Brleta Claresa Britt Elisabeth Churchill Margaret Copeland Helen Faulkner Mary Langston Maud McLawhorn Mary Oettinger Josephine Shaw Edith Spencer Mary Taylor Lucy Tyndall Louise Tyndall Louise Stanford Lucy Freeman Chaa. Bland George Croom Errol Dixon Hilton Harrison Simon Hodges T. B. Jeffries John Kilpatrick Carl Pridgen Gerald Smith Luby Tyndall Grade 4 Reba Collins Anne Deaver Ellen Rouse Mary Sutton Venia Belle Sullivan Dolly Thompson Marguerite Waters Beulah Wetherington Loma May Wilson Alton Edwards Samuel Emanue, Linwood Harrell Henry Hill George Jones William Nash John Heter Taylor Grade 4 A. , 'f-flmRV , r. . ' MM, ieroy nomnson Ralph Tyndall Ethel Beamon Blanche Bryan Ruth Falkner Vivian Cam pen Sidney Hurt Thomas Martin Charlie Gaylor Julia Grady Helen Poplin James Butler Estelle Gray Ruth Palmer Mdrin Smith Clayroe Smith Lawrence Dixon WHY THEY RECOMMEND FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR P. A. Efird, Conejo. Calif. because 'it produces the best results, always cures severe colds, sore chest and lungs and does not contain opiate or harmful drugs." Dr. John W. Tay lor, Lu there villa, Ga because "I be lieve it to be an honest medic be and it satisfies my patrons." W. L. Cook. Ncihart, Mont becaeee "it fives the beak result for cough and Colds ef anything I aelL" Every user la a NEARLY TWO HUNDRED -DOLLARS FOR BELGIANS The complete list of contributors to the Committee of Mercy's Belgian J Relief Fund to date follows: Hines Bros $25.00 C. Felix Harvey 10.00 B. W. Canady & Son 10.00 J. F. Taylor , 10.00 G. E. Kornegay 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Rouse 10.00 Robert Rouse 1.00 Charles Rouse 1.00 Cash 25 William Hayes 5.00 L. K. Wooten 2.50 0. D. Jobson 1.00 E. V. Webb & Co. 10.00 J. B. Leonard 1.00 Vance Jackson 50 A. L. C. Hill .-. 1.00 J. L. Johnson 2 Dixie Theater benefit 15.65 Queen St. Methodist church ... 7.7 Homeworkers, Christian church 1.00 F. I. Sutton 1.00 Mrs. S. H. Loftin 1.00 Miss Delia Hyatt 1.00 Barrett and Hartsfield 5.00 St. Mary's Episcopal S. S 10.00 Christ Episcopal S. S 1.64 E. V. Ferrell 10.00 Woman's Club 5.00 Through A. L. C. Hill 15.04 From Mrs. Chapman's lecture. 18'9: The total is $194.10 NARROWLY ESCAPED BEING RUN DOWN BY TRAIN Mrs. Olivia Randolph, while driv ing on North Queen street on a re cent evening, narrowly missed being the victim of a serious accident. Mrs Randolph was in a phaeton, and did not see an approaching Norfolk Southern freight train which was backing almost noiselessly in the di rection of the street. A collision was narrowly averted. Gore, Ga., P. A. Morgan had oc casion recently to use a liver medi cine and says of Foley Cathartic Tab lets: "They thoroughly cleansed my system and I felt like a new man light and free. They are the best medicine I have ever taken for con itipation. They keep the stomach sweet, liver active, bowels regular." Sold in your town by J. E. Hood & Company. adv MaxvMl iRoadsterJ Price fully equipped $670 with 17 new features The biggest automo bile value ever offered for lest than $1,000. One of the sweetest running Roadsters in the world. Holds the road at 50 miles an hour. The easiest car to drive in the world. The greatest all around hill climbing car in the world. With Gray & Dark electric selftarter and electric lights $55 extra. KINSTON EJRAGE INC. DR. T. H. FAULKNER DENTIST Office ISO S HcLewean St Near Residence. dr. f. Frrrs Osteopathic Physician Over Kinstoa In. A Realty Co. Office hoar: t-12, 24 Night and Sunday by Appointment. Residence Phone 129 . Buy your Xmas iGoods From us and win the FREE SUIT or OVERCOAT or get $15.00 in GOLD. Dail & Taylor The lien's Store Ladies Neckwear The Newest Yet. 25 & 50c WE ARE SHOWING XMAS GOODS GALORE GOUT SUITS AT HALF PRICE Chas. A. Waters I he Telephone Store Phone No. 89 i ri w a i mill" si s a lilt NtWtSI IN.. Neckwear, Vestees, Collar and Cuff Sets Chinellelleck Cords. Fancy Elastic' and Ribbons. : v THE v ONE PRICE CASH STORE A. J. SUTTON i Phone 34 FOR SALE OR RENT Farm about nine miles from Kinston, seventy acres, about one half cleared. FOR SALE Lot opposite new Graded School Building. Two dwellings on Cheastnut Street. KINSTON INSURANCE & REALTY COMPANY 1 10 EAST GORDON ST. C OETTINGER, Manager. lO and carried off the chest of silver and other things ? And just to think, a few dollars spent for YALE LOCKS would have saved all that trouble and loss! Maybe will receive a call this year. Better get ready. A stitch in time" you know that stitch should be a YALE LOCK or PADLOCK or maybe you need two or three or four. Anyhow we've got just the lock you need whether it is for front door, stable or bureau drawer. : A s far our fit tit book shoeing fifty uses for a Padlock, inastntsd. Useful Christmas Presents at extremely low trices. Owing to a big stock and a backward season. I am going to sell my entire stock of Certs' Furnish lngs at greatly reduced prices. Such useful presents as a Ha , a Pair of Shoes, a Coat. In fact, anything that Man or Boy wears yon can get here, and is of good Quality snd Stylish. A look will convince yon that this la the place to do your Xmas Shopping. Mark Cummings 'The Home of Quality" iii urn To The Children. A Canary Bird Whistle will be given to every child call ing for one : : : Christmas Presents For Little Folk Chairs, Rocker, Wagons, Veldcipeds,Toy Trunks and Tables. : : : : Oettinger's Furniture Store Dr. O. L. WILSON Deriist Office over J. E. Hood & Co' Store. Will this kind of a Santa Claus Visit You ? you remember how burglars got into your neiffhbor's house last vear GREAT REDUCTION N MULOMEEiV All Stock In Millinery Depart; mcnt has been Greatly Reduced to Close. Trimmed Hats at Less than Half Price. - Velvet Shape, $1.00P $1.50 and $2.00. Were $3.00 to $6.00 Take Advantage Early Barrett I J Miss Sallie Kilpatrick Professional Nurse 308 E. Vernon Ave. Phone 183 Going Out Of Business Sale Silks Galore Dress Silks, Waist Silks ISC 5J1 Sale Now Going On TERMS G.E.KOKMSGAY Hartsfield .ilF . sl AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Son "We Strive to Please" Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co, Office hours: v 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 5 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 8 p. m. Res. Phone 113 DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hour 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. DR. DAN W.PARE0TT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. OfficeoverCot. Milloffice I CASH F. and A. M, Monday evening at T:"0 friend. For sale In your town by J. Hood Company. .. ' ,

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