THE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS HIE DAILY FREE PRESS '(Published Evary Day Except Sunday) tlTON rilM PRES3 00, INC KINSTON, N. C eL IILt Eairrpk. . . 1. . . .editor and manager t t (Vrit 1 lepotta) l-(htrJ at U poatbAc at Etnetxw, North Carolina, hi ttosd We matter nadee- act of Congress, If arch 3, 180.) i TSLXPRONE ALL DEPARTM ENTS 75 SUESCH1PTI0N BATE3-(Payabla In Advance) DnjWeek I .10 CWmt 3S Thrte Monti ... 1.00 ait months ....... 2.00 Tweira Most 4.00 4 Subscribers are requested to notify, b f Telephone 75, The Free Press office ht kny Irregularity of delivery or inat ientlon whatsoever on the part of the - carriers. ' 1 1Xi MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14, 1914 j.tba Dresden la a aprinter of no mean ability and with ut' irty desire to appear in violation of the neutrality f reclamation of the President, The Free Press hopes the fait cruiser will be able to aluda her superior antagonists. "Apoatie Smith of the Latter Day Saints, more com monly known as Mormons, designated his son as his sue eeseor to head the church, and his wishes are expected to be: ratified by the board of the church. Looks very much like 'an hereditary monarchy. "It II fraJ4j3JC to note that the Governor of Arisona 1 iM stepped In and put a atop to the plans for a wholesale hanging, scheduled for next Saturday, The State had recently .voted adversely on the proposition to abolish cap rUi.pOalahmenti and it appeared that they were trying to tlecute' alt the "prospects" before another election could ' Ubeld. ",''.'. . - Football critics will not have a hard time deciding bd'i wHo?" In State High School circles after the score of UT(to a greut big goose egg that the Raleigh Highs " delivered to the would be's from the mountains Saturday at Ctaper rfui. If the game la to be taken aa a criterion f the Itrengih of the West It will be in order for for the East to' ask the teams of the West next season to qualify ' bVo'M being given games. '. 'y. '; - The Raleigh' fireman, who rescued a big doll front burning room and then upon discovering that it was fabt a live infant returned and cast little Miss Dolly into the flames, spoiled an opportunity to prove himself i real hero, for certainly the little owner of her Doll's BlghnessV would have been everlastingly grateful, and the ' plaudits of the onlookers would have been second only to those accorded the rescue of a real baby. .'J.'- - VV- m-'-the suggestion of the Pope for a Christmas truoe has 4.T .... . . .1- - . j 'seen criucisea severely in some quarter on wb vrounu that there was no time, for any such Christian manifest tloK'. thai afach action would be out of accord with Chria- Jiafrity, '..Without wishing to appear aa disagreeing with th opinion that it would be hard to reconcile Christian 'Principle with any of the warring affairs, a truce could 'ipertalnly do no harm, and It might afford an opportunity tot the war gods to grant an audience to the forces for jaee, which would result In a cessation of hostilities alto gether. , Yes,' Indeed, let ua have a truce if possible, any thing for a "quiet" moment for meditation. article. The "critic" then proceeds to take the paper to task, and asserts that the proprietor of Coca Cola can celled his advertising contract because the first article had been printed, and for that reason his second article was refused. The "critic" will have to produce more evi dence to convince the newspaper fraternity that either the Coca Cola contract was cancelled, or if it was that the paper declined his second article on the strength of the , cancellation. While there is room for difference of opin-1 ion as to the merit or effect of the drink, there is none for the statement that Mr. Candler haa made his money by fraudulent or questionable methods. The enormous sales of his product, brought about largely by his far-seeing business sense in exploiting it, naturally has netted him large returns. That same business judgment would, we believe, make it out of the question for him to authorize the cancellation of his advertising contract because of any article appearing in the news or editorial columns of any medium, through which he was advertising . Mr. Candler knows that no self-respecting paper would be influenced by such action and that such a step on his part would only result to his detriment ultimately. If the contract has been cancelled the Charlotte Observer should make public the fact and apprise its readers and friends of the details sufficiently to acquaint them with the circumstances. Re gardless of the contract's cancellation, it is certainly within the paper's right to decline to become the medium of a religious controversy, which can have no possible benefit to anybody except to enable the participants "disgorge." We Lead - Others follow At this great GOING OUT OF BUS INESS SALE you can find anything you wish that will be suitable for HIS or HER CHRISTMAS GIFT. Why pay more, when you can buy the same goods here for less money. We are positively going out of busi ness and everything must be sold by JANUARY 1st. &m M. Adler 6c Sons f. t fi. V I'1. WITH GIfTS AS USEFUL, it-- i i " i as pretty as they art practical; r AS EXCLUSIVE AS THEY, ARE REALLY ' WORTH "WHILE. Tis s tore is setting the pace in Kfntfbrtfpr Christ. rmas.buym5. Something for every member of the family for grown-up and the children. Furniture for folks and furniture for dolls Quality Furniture. Selection superior to other jfears. Prices always right. '. t - NOTICE. The annual meeting of the share; holders of the National Bank of Kin Stem will be held at 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, January 12, 1915, at their banking house, for the election of offl- J. J. STEVENSON, Cashier. 12-9-dly to 1-12 VILLA, MEXICO'S LONE EXAMPLE OP CONSISTENCY The New York Herald prints an interesting story of Villa, telling; of his rise from a common illiterate outlaw of the mountains to the position of "strong man" of Mex ico. This evolution has come about in four years and Villa has not only acquired a commanding position in his country, but he has learned to read and write, which ac complishments he did not possess prior to his military I cers and such other business as may service. The one thing in the Herald's story more wor-1 properly come before them. thy of comment than any other, la the Net that Villa is the only Mexican leader who has remained true to his "original" colors. He enlisted In the Madero rebellion and has remained true to the Madero course since. Villa has been a friend of the peons, and during his outlawry never imposed upon the poor people, it' is asserted. He is re garded as their champion, and, in fact, has publicly stated that he had no personal political ambitions, but it was his desire to see that the down-trodden men and women of Mexico be given a chance. The American press has been Inclined to distrust Villa, and make fun of his promises. Despite that fact, Villa has yet to fail in giving evidence of good faith, and the press, which has scored him, has only based its opinion on his past record. In the light of the other wonderful transformations which have come to him, it is not at all out of reason to expect a radical change in his principles, and upon Villa's shoulders may yet rest the distinction of leading his country out of the wilderness of rebellion and turmoil. . . ; i NOTICE. Notice to all who live or own real estate in the Moseley Creek drainage district. Your assessment is now due and unless same is paid on or before December 31st, your property will be advertised and sold. R. B. LANE. Sheriff Craven County. H-12-30t-dly . r OVEO! We have moved into our new place of business opposite Free Press Office and are better prepaired than ever to supply your wants in PLUMBING. We are also agents ' for the best awning maee. Special attention given to repair work. E. O. MOORE & COMPANY OUR PRESENTATION OF A $4.00 ICTIONARY The Free Press 1300 Pages Full Limp Leather Bound WHAT OTHERS SAY i The tuberculin test for the cows, which supply the Kln ,'ston market, 'la the first important step taken by the new meat and milk Inspector in his plan to protect the health of Kinito'n's babies. Dr. Foley saya the varlou dbalera have accorded him every consideration and the spirit of co-operation, which has already been anticipated iii the columns of The Free Press, is indeed, a source of congratulation. The Inspector' work should bo mnde easy as possible by the cordial co-operation of all con earned, and the start forebodes well. It is to be hoped lhat few, if any, of the dairy herds in this community will be found to have any trace of the disease. In some localities dairymen have Buffered very considerable losses because of the necessity for killing their cows, which were found to be infected. NOT ALWAYS SAME IN PRINT New Bern Sun: "The Columbia State neatly makes the point in Irvin Cobb's favor that no newspaper of honor able standing would for an instant tolerate a reporter who faked an important interview. Politicians are con tinually declaring themselves misrepresented by the most respected papers of the country. Nevertheless, political reporters on these papers still retain the confidence of their employers and this fact, as the State declares, is a proof that repudiation of an interview is recognized as an old political trick. "TAINTED MONEY" bfSCUSSION , ; Soma, of tha papera of the central part ef thi State ham rotten into a "tainted money" discussion. It ap pear that one preacher criticised the action of a large and influential religious body, the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for having accepted Urge glfta from one of its prominent members because that gentleman had made a great part of hia fortune in the manufacture of Coca Cola. The article, which appeared in two of the State's lead ing papers, called forth a reply from some of the Meth odist ministers, and the "critic" then offered a rejoinder U on of the papers, which had printed his first article but It was refused as a contribution as well as a paid-for A SERVICE TO HUMANITY Raleigh Newa and Observer: "There has been no great er evidence of the concern of President Wilson in the wel fare of the people of this country than in his efforts in behalf of the settlement of the matters of the strike of I the coal miners in Colorado. That was a situation in which a large part of that State was concerned, a situation which more or lesss affected other parts of the country. "President Wilson did not become weary in his efforts to bring to a close a strike which has been held to be the greatest in this country. That with interests so conflict ing he has been able to present measures by which the strike has been ended is a tribute of the highest kind to his wisdom and his heart. His accomplishment is such as to make ths country feel an increased pride in that it has in the White House a man who can bring to pass such things as these. "The situation in Colorado was such as to require the most careful handling of all the interests affected. These interests clashed at such vital points that the fear was that there could be no measure proposed which would prove to be one upon which there could be an agreement reached. But President Wilson found the way out and out of what he has done there is the promise that a way has been found in his plan of mediation which will have the greatest of influence in the settlement of questions which arise between the employed and the employers. A great service has been rendered the entire country in the accomplishment of President Wilson in the agreement to his plan for the settlement of the strike in Colorado. He has done a service for humanity. is one of a syndicate of lead ing newspapers which has had the wonderful oppor tunity of securing for a lim ited time the entire advance edition of the most modern dictionary published, enabl ing them to inaugurate a great educational campaign of national scope dictionary has upon as the means Ing out these meets every requirement is NOT yet sold these newspapers have ar ranged to take the entire out put up to the time selected by Its publishers previous to its sales at stores at its list price. ' -nJaaasaWKavJa.M..4M - rtlmTJ' J been agreed mmmmwmWmmMWmm of carry- mmmzmmmmmmmwmMm To Every Reader 0 The Free Press You are only required to show your endorsement of this great educational oppor tunity by cutting out this Cer tificate of Appreciation print ed on another page with five other of consecutive dates, and presenting them at this office with the expense bon us amount herein set oppo site any style of Dictionary selected (which covers the items of the cost of packing, express from the factory checking, clerk hire and oth er necessary EXPENSE items.) REDUCED ILLUSTRATION OF THE $4.00 BOOK AND RECEIVE YOUR CHOICE OF THE THREE BOOHS MARKETS TODAY'S ; QUOTATIONS " PRODUCE Viottiil Price Reported fey Kmatw Ftanat Company the 13 Bacon, ham 25 Bacon, shoulder 18 Lard . .14 Corn, Bushel .............. 1.00 Potatoes, sweet ............. 60 Egga SO Country batter 30 Hens, pound ................ 10 BroUera, pound .............. 12H Turkeys, pound ............. IS Boosters, apieca ....... . . ... 25 Geese, apiece 40 Guineas, piece 20 TODAY'S COTTON MARKET January V, i V. . ....... .7.00 March ... ...7.21 May ... ...... 7.87 December ............ .C.85 7.05 7.81 i 7.49 j 6.89 . WANTED At ence, aolldtore foci ' pleasant and profitable work in the dty and nearby towns. Nice oppor tunity for either men or women. Must be well recommended. Address Op portunity," care Free rress, Kujston,j Description of the New Modern English Dictionary ILLUSTRATED With Latest United States Census Tftia mnat i.mvAn!anf unA l.t.ot t .11 T A ; : : i , "v w an uuuunes is cased on Noah Webster's dictionary, printed from new type and profusely illustrated in color, revised and brought right up to today by Ameri can and English authorities, designed to meet every demand of modern, reliable Dictionary. It includes all words in the English language that do not properly belong to a Dictionary of Technical Terms. In fact, its recent publica tion and careful revision by the greatest authorities in the world enable it to define and treat a large number of words of recent coin age that cannot be found in any other Dictionary, no matter how cum bersome and pretentious. Surprising results are obtained in looking up the spelling, pro nunciation and definition of a host of words which have been incor porated into our language only yesterday, aa it were. Take, for in stance. Volplane, Acrobat, Pylon, Cavitation, Biplane, etc, introduced as a result of recent aeronautical activities also such new words as Brainstorm, Billiken; Cordite, Denatured, Dunnite, Jfoy Ride, etc also Okapi, an animal allied to the Giraffe lso Hookworm, Letter gram, Nickelodeon, Stovaine, Hangar, Equilibrator, etc Thua the evidence of painstaking compilation ia found on every hand. .-' : .- ' f" : i ' . - SEE COUPON ON ANOTHER PAGE The $4.00 New Modern English Dictionary Illus trated. (Like illustrations in l!:e announcements from dajrtaday.) It is the ONLY entirely NEW compilation by the world' greatest authorities from leading universities; is bound in full" Limp 'Ceather, flexible, stamped in gold on back and sides, printed on Bible paper with red edges and corners rounded: beautiful, itronc durable. Be sides the general contents there are maps and over 6CUubiects beaub- J t..ii.. :n....j i .l . ' .1 i. v frwsjp"f.-: ..... uujr uiuaudicu uy mree coior piaies, numerous iuDjecis Dy monotone 1 6 pages of educational charts and the latest United States" Cetsus. Present at this office Six Consecutive Certificates of Apprecia tion and the Expense Bonus of 98c t- . ' The $3.00 New Modern English Dictionary Illus trated. It is exactly the same is the $4.00 book? except in the style of binding which is in half leather, with olive edges and with square corners. Six Appreciation Certif icatesand the Ex pense Bonus of : X J v : V I v ; For Mail Orders See Coupon f The $2.00 New Modern English Dictionary Illus trated Is in plain cloth binding, stamped in geld and black; has same paper, same illustrations but all of the colored plate and ; charts are omitted, aix Appreciative Certificates and the fcxpensc Bonus of; AKc Address all Mail Orders to this Office Only - Indianapolis, Sun., March 1 1. "An innovation in dictionary publishing; a combined product of recognized authoritiesrSTrn the great seats of learning; invaluable for modern research." T I i