TOE KINSTON DAILY FREE PRESS C7 LOCAL INTEREST i ' LENOIR'S CANDIDATE FOR SPEAKER STRONG SEllflCB 'IN WEBB'S CHAPEL. ;s V Eer, E. NBrrion will preach Sunday In Webb'l Chapel, Sandy Bot tom,' at 8:30 o'clock. The public ia lnvuea. FURTHER DETAILS OF FRAZIER'S CRIME MARRIAGE AT DEEP RUN. ' Mr.' Robert White of Woodingrton and MiM May Lewis of the same township were married Monday at the home of Elder II. Cunningham, near Deep Run. .1 CLIPPING PARTY ' AT PIN'EY GROVE ' A clipping-basket party will be held In Piney Grove schoolhouae, near Albritton'a, on Friday evening, the Wth. WTSE FORK FARM SOLD. Burton Broa., realty auctioneers, Monday sold the farm of T. C Wool en at Wyse Fork. There were 259 acres in the farm, which sold for around. $18,000 or $70 an acre. COLORED GIRL STEALS ! AND RUNS OFF WITH LOOT. "Sweety" Brown, a negro girl about five feet tall and wearing a man's coat and cap, was sought by oftcfra on the Norfolk Southern trains Monday. The girl is accuocd of the larceny of "valuables," their nature "unknown, from a Morehead City' home. I One conductor stated that be believed the girl escaped on his train before the search was insti tuted. THE WEALTH THAT STICKS ' TTHE WEALTH THAT COUNTS Greensboro News Raleigh Corres pondent Thinks Hon. Emmet Wooten's Chances For Land ing Honor Are Good. "Backers of E. R. Wooten of I-e- noir. for the speakership of the House of Representatives, declare today that he has between forty and fifty of the incoming General Assem bly pledged to him, and that there is little doubt about his election," said Tom Host of Raleigh in a special to the Greensboro News Monday night. "In length of service the young Le noir man ia the senior of any man in the House except R. A. Doughton of Alleghany, it is declared, and his ad vocates insist that the eastern coun ties ought to be represented again," Bost stated. "There have been but three speakers from the strictly east ern counties in forty-two years. These were Judges H. G. and George W. Connor and O. H. Guion. Mr. Woot en has served on the judiciary, the appropriation, the finance, the insur ance and the educational committees, and knows every department of the House thoroughly." Correspondent Bost mentioned A A. Seawell of Lee and T. O. Bowie of Ashe as Representative Wooten' probable opponents. Bowie, who will be strongly opposed by the progres sive wing of the Democracy, will nev ertheless have the unstinted backing of Collector Watts and his strong western following, it is believed. The presence of twenty-seven Republicans in the body will make the necessary majority smaller, but in whose favor this will work, the latter-day depon ents say not Matt II. Allen, representative from Wayne, and Senator R. D. Johnson of Warsaw, in Raleigh Monday, gave interviews in which they stated that Wooten's long service has admirably fitted him for the speakership. Both expect the Kinstonian's election. NVgro Ban Criminal NORFOLK ROUTE OF THE "NIGHT EXPRESS" Tfia University of North Carolina Newt Letter, published weekly by : the bureau of extension of the uni versity," In the current number pays considerable attention to Pitt coun ty, Lenoir's neighbor, whose big to bacco market, Greenville, sells 20, 000,000 pounds of tobacco per annum. "Pitt county raises 23,000 bales of cot ton; and some 12,000,000 pounds of tobacco worth around three million dollars a year. "Unfortunately, more - than two million dollars worth of cot- - tan .an A tnharm mnnev CO out of the county yearly for food and foodstuffs iieauw m yuu I; Ti . i 7 , nut I N. B. The following schedule flg- thal th county doee not raise." Pitt urM publi8nod a8 herniation only, ; is one vne iwenvy-inrw ctuhuw i una are not guaranteed the Btate having taxable wealth amounting to ten million dollars or monk' .If the county could only just hold down even one-half of the cot ton and tobacco wealth it produces very year, its taxable property would past the twenty million mark in less than seven years." The country pop ulation Is worth $341 per capita against $580 for Alleghany county, which raises no cotton and almost no tobacco, but foodstuffs. Moreover, SO pee cent of the Pitt county farms is mortgaged. The per cent is nearly twice the State average of mortgaged 1 1 0:28 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro, farmf. TfflPERANCE WORKERS ..GATHERING FOR FIGHT iff r . ' ; Hobsan Nation-Wide Dry Bill to ' Coaie pp Mrs. G. W. Green of .,' New Bern Represents Local .?. Temperance Union. Amuck and Attempted AsHault Upon Sister- in-Law Before Shooting Sam Mills Will out Cause. Further particulars of the brutal murder of Sam Mills, colored, in Jones county Sunday evening, reached the city Monday night It now appears that Milliard Fra zier, the negro who shot Mills, was possessed of a fit of malicious man ia that led him to attempt to assault his own sister-in-law before the slay ing of his innocent victim. Frazier was crazed with drink of his own making, and his attempt upon the wife of his brother, Banks Frazier, was of the most beastial character. Foiled in this, he went to the home of Fred. Bryant, about u mile dis tant, deliberately picked up a shot gun, loaded it, and fired it at Mills who waB sitting with his back to him the full load entering the buck of Mills' head. Dan. Frazier, the aged father of the murderer, was in the Bryant home and witnessed the hor rible sight. He grappled with and took the gun away from the slayer, Bryant ran from the house and in formed neighbors of the murder, and the authorities were notified. Dan Frazier and Hilliard Frazier affectionately took leave of one an other, after which the son left the house and headed for neighboring woods, leaving the old man in an asrony of erief over the slaying he had just seen executed by his own son's hand. There is a report that Hilliard Frazier was an enemy to his victim because of a woman but there is no verification, and it seems plausible that the only mo tive was a sheer desire to kill. Officers of Jones and Lenoir coun ties are making a determined search for Frazier. His victim left a wife and Beveral children. Frazier is un married. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: East Bound 11:21 p.m. "Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk, folk. 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Washington and Norfolk. Con nects for all points North and West Par lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p.m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound 5:40 a.m. Dally for Goldsboro. HE HAULED THE FIRE TO THE FIRE STATION Asheville, Dec. 13. "Why call out the fire department when you can take the blaze to the firemen?" is the line of argument adopted by Lawrence Cressman yesterday when he discov ered that a bale of cotton which he purchased sometime ago was in flames. Instead of asking the laddies to come to his warehouse he loaded the cotton oh a truck and hauled it to the central fire station where ho requested that the water be applied His request was complied with before a great deal of damage was done. j Mrk George Green of New Bern passed through the city today en route to Washington, D. C, to be present at the bearing of the Hobson bill for national prohibition. Mrs. Green was elected several months ago to represent the Kineton Woman's Christian Temperance Union at the hearing. The W. C. T. U. of the : United States were requested to have 6,000 representatives in Washington to make an impression upon the con gressional committee at the hearing. Mrs. Green is one of the leading temperance workers in the South, and Is probably the person most active in that line in eastern Carolina. I 18? LODGE OF 7 :35 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. For complete information or re servation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kinston, N. C. II. 8. LEAUD. General Passenger Agent i n ct A nv General Superintendent, Norfolk, Va. Ik ware of Ointments for Cata h that Contain Mercury, u timminr will mrfly Omtroy thf mii nf wiwt mS (uiupirteiy ritratitf. tlw whole lyotcra whtii Mitertnf II MtrotiKh the ituinma mirfft"a. mikOi afeMilU iirver t immI rxcrpt on pmx-rip Uon (rum mniliblo ptiytlriaii., m ihn (l.miuio tbi'j VIH no irn uiu w inc phki yon r&u piwwm'v at itvo from tloUH (Hinnh t'urv, mnmirx'tum, V f. J, CtiMMT A d, 1'il.Nto, t , mntnliui no mil ftar, 4 H taken Ititnnaily, illn 4inx.Hr Unm Ih blutxt anil tmtruua .urratv. of the ivntfni, In burl. Hulls r irrh (lire N Hum yuu set tl fwiuitte, It n taken ttittwrnllr ami mail? In Toleuu Uhio, by F. i Cheney o. t ent mum im tree. Sold br I'rurrxl.U. I'rle,. ;jtv ivr Ixntle. TM UaU'i t'wuilr I'lIU fr euuatir.'ka 22 FROM THIS STATE TO ATLANTA PRISON. Raleigh, Dec. 14. Deputy Marshal Gaaton Dortch haH returned from At lanta, where he recently took twenty-two prisoners for the federal pen itentiary service. Mr. Dortch had thirteen from the Raleigh court, and this number was augmented by convictions from Wil mington. A special car was provided for the trip, but after reaching Greensboro the young deputy insisted upon another and a vetter coach and received it. Very few of the men sent to Atlanta are to serve long terms. DUDLEY 2tf inches NORMAN 2i ioohee ARROW COLLARS ihtHrtt. r..My V, he. M.lien SEVEN DEAD FROM " EXPLOSION OF GAS. Cleveland, O, Dec 14. Three bod ies 'have been recovered, three other persons are seriously injured and a dosen are missing as the result of an explosion tonight in a West Side apartment house. ' Seven are dead and eight badly hurt according to the police. The explo sion was said to have been caused by natural gas In a photographic dark room. The apartment building was wrecked. v Children's Coagha Children'a Colda, ; Both j Are' Serious . When one of your little ones shows symptoms of an approaching Cold, give jt Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey at once. - It acts quickly, and prevent te Cold growing worse. Very bal- L soothes the Luogt, loosens tk e c us, strerjrvhens the system. It's r u. ' 'I. O-'y C'c at your i'njg- - ', ! 1 y. ' f.:r f-! KsanSl ;2 h i . i MODERN THENEW ENGLISH PJCTIONARY CERTIFICATE PRESENTED BWTHE Kinston Free Press.J Dec. 15 SIX APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES CONSTITUTE A 5ET s SImw four endoreement cf (Kb (real dueationa! op port a nil y br eattlac at M kbor Certif icle o4 Apprtciation with At othara of coiuecutiva ddtM, and riaatb than, at thia 4fka, with tha upaaai booua amount herain at oppo- . ait any atyla of Dlctioaanr aaletted (wiikfcj ranmra tha kaana of tna coat of pack, ina. aiprea from tha factory, chackiaa. clorlt hire aod other aaeaaaar EXPENSE Mint, ud van artU ba il I wtlh mht tk. iLm h.nki J' $400 (l.ikr illustrations in the announcements from day to day.) 2 ! sin flam rairtirh wnw rniireiy new compilation oy xne woria s MOOBrn tngllSU greatest authorities from leading universities; is bound in DlCTlOiMAKYiull Limp Leather, flexible, stamped in gold on back and Illaaral4 tidn. printed on Bible paper, with red edsres and corners 4 rounded ; beautiful, strong, durable. Besides the general contents, there ? are maps and over 600 subjects beautifully illustrated by three- i , cviir xiidirs. uuiuciuui sue nil iiy montifnnra. in yuiirrs (it . i -J t .1 - - , .u t..... it!..j tl lV llaaatti Y cuuiainiiiai vnaii ami n,c taicai vJiiucu oiaics v.cn5us x rrseni i i vac at tfiia nffim SIX v Caaaatmtrya Cartificates el Aaaraaiatiaa mi Ike t Thm i nn 'r ta u I aa ka Si kook. ax- t l!s'9TI Eltrlltk blndlaa-ahteh la la r'CTiniIT k" 'tkai a i -11" . " tkafaT Xlir aaS la a o a 1th aanaraearaiara $1 A a. I D1 aa CartMeaaaa aa4 Ua Ult Tha SS.flO ? '' blnd- w- - iaav atampae la cota ravv . . . w . . Ilnifsra rneftth a, uiun. t tva DICTIONAJtV aad eti art ara emitted. tioaa. bat ail at tha aol- 1 r.ip.aiea 3 flataa Btaauaaaf 3 - " s w p pevmia - - . - -rr -w w w..iSXA afKiSKAjaV A da. A. AAAAAAAAAAava. " your paKmmatmr Buy your ' . . ,. - a.-. fc'- a, ... t . Xmas Goods From us and win the FREE SUIT or OVERCOAT or get $15.00 in GOLD. Dail& Taylor The lien's Store Most Any Useful Xmas Gift May be Obtained at Our Store. PRICES, as You Know are RIGHT. Chas,A, Waters Hie Telephone Store Phone No. 89 0(J fSALE CONTIN UES WiTH A RUSH LOOK FOR THE BIO WED ES DAY'S PAPER. J. M. Stephenson The Ladies Store All Coat Suits, Coats and Dresses are Great ly Reduced. Select Early Prices Will Please. : : : Barrett & Hartsfield Handkerchiefs, In Neat Boxes and Folders, For the Xmas Trade Fla. Oranges, Fresh From the Grower. W INTER comfort at home lies in the method used in heating the house. Stove heat is conceded by authorities generally to be the most healthy- -but if you haven't a good stove, you'll be almost will ing to risk the health part of it, and adopt some other means of keeping warm. The Stoves We Sell are scientifically made to consume less fuel and throw out more heat, than any others on the markit. THE ONE PRICE CASH STOHE A. J. SUTTON A full nickel trimmed coal stove with two doors in front, dump grate, and all conven iences of the most expensive stoves is only $6.50. Larger size $9.50. Oettinger's Furniture Store AT SKINNER'S We Cater to The Ladies and Children. , : : Ice Cream, Soda and Fine Candy Phone 149 J.T. Skinner & Soa "We Strive to Please" Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office next to Lenoir Drug Co. Office hours: 9 to 11 a. m Phones: 3 to 6 p. m. Office, 478 8 to 3 p. m. Ees. Phone 113 Phone 34 Prop. Dr. 0. L. WILSON Delist Office orer J. . Hood & Co'a Store. Miss Sallie Kilpalrick Professional Nurse 308 E. Vernon Ave. Phone 183 DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY Specialist in Diseases of Wo men and Children. Office hours 10 to 12. Office 105 E. Caswell Street Phone 118. DR.DAN W.PARROTT DENTIST, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. OfficeoverCot. Milloffice INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS ' C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No. 182 (Next to Postoffice) Will this kind nn of a Santa Claus b Visit You ? iO you remember how burglars got into your neifhhnr's hrnsf1asr vmt and Carried off the chest of silver and nrher thino ? And just to think, a few dollars spent for VALE LOCKS would have saved all that trouble and loss! Maybe you will receive a call this year. Better get ready. "A stitch in time' you know that stitch should be a YALE LOCK or PADLOCK or maybe you need two or three or four.- Anyhow we've got just the lock you need whether it is for front door, stable or bureau drawer. t Ak fot our Ettlt book houig fifty Me for Padlock Illustrated. II. I. MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. Going Out Of Business Sale Silks Galore Dress Silks, Waist Silks 18c Up Sale Now On TERMS GASH GAY r IuevawBv v.T

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